2011.05.31 Sidebar Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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"A" Jeffrey Hopkins does exist, he did work at Universal but was fired in 2002, he was also a family friend of the Anthony's although not a close one I think. "The" Jeffery Hopkins ICA is talking about is Jeffery Michael Hopkins who she said was a different one. Get it??? :)

bold and big by me LOL.... no.. unfortunately I do not get it.. but I get it at the same time LOL...

((I just hope the jurors "get it!!!")

but... I get what you mean LOL (but I still don't get it)
How many people thought that JB was about to ask if GA was the Dad when he was questioning CA today.

I just was annoyed because the question was not allowed to be answered, like many questions. Why was that question forbidden?
How many people thought that JB was about to ask if GA was the Dad when he was questioning CA today.

I didn't think he was going to, as he had already stated earlier that paternity testing had been done on GA and LA regarding if there was the possibility that due to the alleged sexual abuse, one of them could have fathered CMA.

They are reliving the death of their beautiful Caylee. Most people have grieved & tried to move on at 3 years, but any moving on they have done, it's right back in their face now ( thanks to CASEY) like it just happened again for them. So horribly sad, like a nitemare that never ends!

I also understand their mixed emotions, they don't want to believe their own daughter is a murderer but they also will never forget the hurt of losing Caylee. Maybe this trial will let them see the truth.

Only then, will they be able to properly grieve Caylee & finally move on.

when does it ever become okay that your child died? After 3 years? Cuz I never got that memo .
If you (anyone) has one child,or many, just imagine when it would be okay with you that they are gone. Imagine your very own child dies and each day that passes takes you one day further away from the last time you were with them.
Three years is just three years without your baby,your everything.Three years is nothing to grief,but an eternity of missing them.

We learn to cope ,we learn to compartmentalize,but the grief comes in waves and you don't always know when.It happens after 2 hours and it happens after 20 years.

Avoid driving by the school,or going down the aisle at the grocery store with their favorite snack.
Love to hear about their friends lives,while dreading hearing how they have grown so ,without him.
A siren coming down the road, a kid in the same soccer uniform, a toy you didn't know was in the back of that drawer.
There is no moving on,friends.
Just gotta clear up that myth. Info like this hurts . No disrespect intended :seeya:
Eiglarsh on HLN just brought up Mama doll being in the car . . . said if Caylee drowned (and Mama doll was always with her), the doll would be in the house not the car. Very good point, right?

But then it got me thinking about CA saying the doll was in the seat where Caylee would be. Is this part of the defense? kc was so out of reality she thought Mama doll was Caylee???

Hmmmm . . . .

After my first born died at 21, I hung on to a little sweater she had made for home ec class in the 8th grade, and her hairbrush, because it still had her smell in it.

It happened in 1984, and I have saved them all these years, and still fall apart when I open the box.

I hope you never know this kind of grief, dear poster. I hope you are spared.
hello everyone. I've been using all your posts to fill in what I miss during the ridiculous amount of comercial breaks on the stations where I live.
You all seem very knowledgable and I've learned alot - thanks !
it is very interesting that you say this and I completely agree.

Back before this was a forum we tried to figure out the family behavior over and over using the grief scale. I am a nurse and very familiar with the stages. I completely agree that she was lodged in the early stages and something has shoved her into the the rest of the process. It is almost like she is experiencing all of the rest of the stages all at once like a landslide and it is horrifying to me as a nurse to watch.

I am very concerned for Cindy. I am so glad that she seems to have a lot of support to lean on.

I'm so glad you posted this. I felt like I was witnessing a person having a jolting, soul dystroying epiphany. I've had mixed emotions about this woman through the years & since Saturday I've been filled with shame for having ever judged her. This girl has dystroyed so many people. It's all so sad.
I just was annoyed because the question was not allowed to be answered, like many questions. Why was that question forbidden?

there is no foundation to ask this question...

((and once state introduces GA's (edit to add DNA) and does their magic like I know they will there will be no foundation to ask this question again/attempt to... moo))
Now if CA & GA want to really convince me they are changed then they will give the TRADEMARK money back to Fl taxpayers and TES to start.
ICA can certainly work up the tears when she is feeling sorry for herself. She sure couldn't work one up when here mother was absolutely breaking down today.
bold and big by me LOL.... no.. unfortunately I do not get it.. but I get it at the same time LOL...

((I just hope the jurors "get it!!!")

but... I get what you mean LOL (but I still don't get it)

Me either,but my brain cells have decided to quit today :maddening:
I just finished watching the portion of Cindy's testimony where she totally broke down. I put it on mute, and it still brought tears to my eyes. And saw the picture of GA crying outside the bathroom. The devastation KC brought to this family is heartbreaking.

And I also noticed Cindy was wearing a shamrock necklace today. (Sorry if someone else has mentioned it - I'm skimming the threads while at work.) When she was testifying about KC's lanyard in prior testimony she mentioned KC had a shamrock necklace. And we have heard that KC has a shamrock tattoo.

They are still sending KC messages that they love her. She just doesn't see it.
Just getting back in - after it is over (so hard to watch, go to work, home to watch, go pick up my child, watch, take him to a friend's house, watch, go pick him up)! I really appreciate those who post everything. I don't know if this has been posted, but I snipped:

During a recess, Cindy Anthony left the stand with help from an attorney and moved to her husband, George Anthony, who put his arm around her as they departed the courtroom.

WKMG’s Pipitone said that Cindy Anthony went into a bathroom. “You could hear Cindy Anthony wailing in the echo of that woman’s bathroom,” Pipitone said. “George just standing outside, helpless, not knowing what his wife was going through inside.” Pipitone said it “went on and on for minutes” and that prosecutor Linda Drane Burdick went into the bathroom. “She came out after about a minute [and] reassured George Anthony that Cindy was doing better,” Pipitone said.

I don't know why but hearing that the prosecutor was the one to check on CA brought a tear to my eyes. Poor CA.
hello everyone. I've been using all your posts to fill in what I miss during the ridiculous amount of comercial breaks on the stations where I live.
You all seem very knowledgable and I've learned alot - thanks !

I'm so glad you posted this. I felt like I was witnessing a person having a jolting, soul dystroying epiphany. I've had mixed emotions about this woman through the years & since Saturday I've been filled with shame for having ever judged her. This girl has dystroyed so many people. It's all so sad.

well hello downport and welcome to webslueths! we are so glad you are here!!!!!!
there is no foundation to ask this question...

((and once state introduces GA and does their magic like I know they will there will be no foundation to ask this question again/attempt to... moo))

Why? Because its an opinion? Opinions are not allowed? There's many opinion based questions
Are you saying CASEY is fragile? Oh I so disagree, respectfully. Casey is anything but fragile. She and her DT would have us believe that she is a 'victim' here but she is anything but a victim. JMO

Psst...that was sarcasm...:great:

When my oldest died, I remember the feeling of grief as it hit me in my midsection. I felt like someone had blown a cannonball through there, and it physically hurt. I would bend over to try to stop the pain. It was hard to breathe because of the pain.

When I saw Cindy bent over today, the pain came back. I instantly understood her physical pain, and how she was trying to get it under control.

Anything can trigger this pain. A song heard over the supermarket speakers you remember the loved one liking, a smell you associate with them, coming upon a faded photo in a drawer. For me, I couldn't look at the freeway sign that showed the direction to the town where she died. It took me 8 years to be able to drive by that sign.

Every time, it ripped open the wound all over again. I tried to put the pain away in a little box inside. I hated when something opened it up in an instant, catching me completely off guard, and making me weep uncontrollably.

To have to listen to this tape, unbearable. Cindy's gut was shot through all over again, and she physically suffered the pain even more because of all that has come out in this trial. The only way to relieve it is to wail it away until you are exhausted.

Please pray for Cindy and George. They have made so many mistakes in trying to deal with this horrible mess, and must have regrets so deep that recovery will be so much harder than those of us who lost a child from disease, real accident, or other sudden event.

Casey has put them through hell on earth.

And, pray that none of our children ever betray us in this way.

I so sorry for your loss. Thank you for telling your story. You said it much better than I could have. I know how you feel - I lost my son
5 years ago and still have the physical pain you describe. I avoid places where we lived, shopped - anywhere he was. I can start wailing at any moment out of the blue. I have flashbacks to the morning I found him.

I screamed out loud for CA this morning - I have no idea how she ever got thru' that. I hope she has a therapist to help her.

There is a term for what she's going thru'. It's not a recognized psych condition but it's called a Complicated Grief. I learned about it from my psychologist.

Here's a link in case anyone is interested.

Are you saying CASEY is fragile? Oh I so disagree, respectfully. Casey is anything but fragile. She and her DT would have us believe that she is a 'victim' here but she is anything but a victim. JMO

I thought that it was meant to be sarcasm... LOL :crazy:
After my first born died at 21, I hung on to a little sweater she had made for home ec class in the 8th grade, and her hairbrush, because it still had her smell in it.

It happened in 1984, and I have saved them all these years, and still fall apart when I open the box.

I hope you never know this kind of grief, dear poster. I hope you are spared.

I kept my son's dirty clothes cuz the shirts smell like him.
We got a hope chest and as I came across anything of his throughout the house I would put it in the trunk .It's hard to look at,now cuz I dread bringing that deep pain to the surface,but they are there.

Gosh,think today affected us much ? :eek:kay:
I honestly believe that Jose Baez has done just as much as ICA to destroy this family. I hope Cindy and George are one day able to forgive themselves for trusting this man.
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