2011.06.02 TRIAL Day Eight (Morning Session)

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Were psychiatric evaluations ever done on KC? If so, where is THAT evidence, JB?
Did Jose NOT just watch and hear the same tape we did? Unfreakingbelievable how's he questioning Yuri![/QUOTE]

worse that it's being allowed:banghead:
Did JB REALLY open the door up regarding a psychologist? WTF???
JB: "What if ICA had said, 'don't sit there, zanny the nanny is sitting there.' What would you have done?"

YM looks at JB like he is nuts.
Sustained, sustained, may we approach. Good grief, not again.

JB - What would you have done if when you walked in that conf room, Casey told you not to sit in that chair, because Zanny was sitting in it? :nuts: :nuts:

LDB- Objection

CJBP - Sustained! :gavel:
It was obvious from the recording that LE thought something had happened to Caylee. He should just admit that. It doesn't make KC under arrest to admit that. It does make her a person of interest. But, as they could not prove a crime at that point, there is no way that she was under arrest.
BUT, what difference does all of this make in JB's fanciful tale of GA finding the baby in the pool and KC covering it up?
They gave her a million chances to fess up. All of this is just so JB can put YM in the hot seat, just because he can. He definitely has a hatred of LE and he will not miss a chance to try to make them look bad.
Too bad for him that he just makes himself look like a fool.
All jmo of course.
i don't know if JB is foolish or not. Do sane people really behave like this?
I just got here a few minutes ago and JB wants a sidebar already!:banghead:
OMG sitting on Zanny. LMAO! :no: This is one very desperate man.
JB is losing his own mind and schaefer is saying same.... he needs to stop, it is going nowehre and in now way help ICA
To bolster their OS with a mental health defense their time would have best been spent looking for an expert that could testify ICA has some mental instability. Instead DT spent time doing TV interviews and accusing SA of leaks and unfair treatment.

I don't think the DT wanted to go the route of mentally ill because the state would then be able to have their Psychologist examine her as well as one the DT picked.


A few months ago there were hearings on Miranda issue. Police said she wasn't read her her rights till Oct 08. Wasn't suspect. #caseyanthony1 minute ago via Twitter for iPad


Baez is going through this areal photo of Universal with Melich:
http://tinyurl.com/6knfb4v It shows the path they took on the grounds.1 minute agovia web
JB trying to establish that LE should have been able to tell that ICA was a mentally ill person. So far two sustains and now sidebar.

End of tape interview @ Universal….kc gave YM desktop computer from home…..
Sgt Allen had laptop out in car @ Universal w/zip drive…..going through LE data base w/kc in car looking up ZFG’s attempting to find pics of ZTN ….OCSO receive tips re: ZFG or Caylee? Yes over 6,000 tips total…sightings of Caylee w/Hispanic female and info on ZFG….. never located the ZFG that kc described to him…..no evidence of Caylee being w/hispanic female based upon the tips received…..mentioned kc downloaded phone records and gave them to YM….he collected kc’s actual cellpohne….

LDB gets yellow envelope approaches DT….brings over to YM….
Unable to hear LDB….YM recognizes OCSO stickers, Nokia cell model 2610 owner kc Anthony date 7/16/08…..later got court order obtain all incoming and outgoing calls, texts, etc….downloaded her info re: friends and phones…..gave phone to people completing exam and downloading info from phone…..ATT aka Cingular……court order cell records from ATT….
LDB carry approx 3” thick of papers….hands HHBP top page….
HHBP reads ATT true and accurate stipulation

YM collected items from A home belonging to Caylee – got them from CA…LDB w/JB and 3 smaller yellow envelopes….to YM….items collected…4 toothbrushes belonging to Caylee, 1 brush, 1 comb, 1 thermometer….turn over to OCSO employee….Det. Allen looked @ drivers license photos w/kc in SUV Ford Explorer – unmarked…..kc in front passenger seat….went back with them to OCSO…..once she got there after period of time she was placed under arrest for obstructing, lying to LE, and child neglect….

JB-w/YM – taught to look @ jurors when talking….persuade them……YM feel it appropriate to look @ jury …not during cross exam though? YM I am doing it now….. Zenida Fernandez-Gonzales was the suspect not kc, no ZFG ….child missing more 30 days, car smells ….odor in car….verify kc is lying to youabout working @ Universal…..JH hasn’t worked there since 2002, no Juliette Lewis, no ZFG work from Universal….kc not a suspect….JB you are not looking @ jury anymore …look @ them in eye and tell them in the (object- NO)…..kc not a suspect?....of anything?.....obviously she told us ZFG ……You didn’t suspect kc of foul play?......YM I didn’t know what to think of kc……..JB- KC Foul Play?.....YM I suspected her of lying….can’t tell you what I was thinking @ the time…..already determined she had lied on several accounts….showed her photos of ZFG – still looking for ZFG……

JB – isn’t it true a missing person akin to murder case without a body?
YM it could ultimately want to find the truth……we have had other cases with reputable people in the community and people leave their lives.
JB – you are doing murder investigation?
YM NO….in general sense missing person can be akin to murder case….

JB-at that point you had looked @ statement by kc, you didn’t like that statement from kc……that officer who took statement actually hand cuffed Caylee ….(object- sustained) you have a lot of info @ this point go on trip w/kc early on 16th – not getting any answers – old folks home where ZFG momma lived….a 24y/o girl (ZFG)….across street from RM….met up w/Sgt Allen Supervisor—brief him about all bizarre events we just covered…..
Coming to a home child missing 30 days not report, going to Apt complex abandoned several weeks/months all those facts….YM not correct I had not met w/Sawgrass @ that time…..JB you sent other officers there…. YM I don’t recall sending them there I know they did go……briefed sergeant had not been to Sawgrass/Universal/…….got info from Sawgrass - guest card w/Zenaida Gonzales (not Fernandez)….asked him to bring kc to Universal….all stories told by kc briefed to Supv….had no idea why hearing all these stories….go to Universal meet w/LT……don’t recall talking to Sgt. Allen by time I went to Universal…..w/LT and find out kc and all other people don’t work there….more stories…..nite before asked kc if she had tried suicide or been to Lakeside Psych Hospital….after knowing she doesn’t work there and meeting w.LT know she hasn’t work there several years….put her on speaker phone w/LT right there….extension for her office where her other phone is…..kc claim filled out report of loss prevention @ universal…..LT said not real phone extension…..come to Universal….talked to Sgt Allen asked him to pick up KC….JB he’s not your taxi – he knows what is going on….there is a rouse……Kc was very matter of fact of her office and her phone….I wanted to find out where she would take us….maybe computer was wrong….I don’t know where she was taking us….she directed Sgt. Allen to employee parking lot/entrance even attempt to get in ….she is coming to gate with 2 officers in tow….if she is at gate there must be a reason she led us there….we sat back and watched her @ security gate…..no one to call to come get her @ gate…YM doesn’t remember that……get to gate walk thru …she’s persuasive…..sounds she believes this very convincing ….knows what she is doing…..knows where going…walking with purpose…aerial shot of Universal back lot on screen w/marked path they walked……
JB as you walk in she walked with purpose…she led us to office….we didn’t know where it was….make a right inside the gate…..she is walking leading you small talk….to lead us to her office……don’t recall if computer/name plate/pic of family on her desk…..as you make left did she say gotta turn left….I don’t recall…..when in building she turns left….looked like knew where going….kept going….all sudden stop….that is when reality sets in ….told us she didn’t work the re….did you realize you were dealing with something ……earlier in morning was peculiar…..that moment even more so…..explain to us why we are here!.....as LEO deal w/people w/drug abuse probs/mental health issues sometimes you have to make call as to which category some of these people might be dealing with…….very general question….I didn’t lump kc into a category….go into small room….hypothetical….if kc told you don’t sit there ZTN sitting there (object- sustained)….are their psychologist or psychiatrists you have consulted in this case? Object- judge may we approach?

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