2011.06.09 TRIAL Day Fourteen (Morning Session)

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Witness: "I focused on the skull and ........."


So thankful for those here who post snippets (transcribe) of the testimony!
With WFTV interrupting with commercials at the most important times, I would miss a lot if
it wasn't for all of you!
Ugh disgusting. garbage bag next to the skull.

I really don't think I will be able to watch the cross on Kronk (if it's today). I think I might throw something if I heard JB berate Mr. Kronk.
:lol: Bill S was asked where he thinks JB is going with this. Bill says - "Hopefully back to his seat"

Again talking about how JB doesn't know when to hush!
BS on WFTV: "Hopefully he's going back to his seat!"


In response to the question, "Where does JB go from here?"

Talking about how lawyers don't always know when to sit down and shut up.
Ok JB should ask him why after he found the remains did he walk away before he secured the scene.

He went back to his car leaving the remains there and then called for assitance.

If he is trying to question every thing ,why let that slide?

Talking head just said LE followed protocal and I am pretty sure leaving evidence unsecure is not protocal.
This is sure putting the creases back in Casey's forehead.
I am remembering, not long before this:

"They haven't even found her clothes." - ICA
I am slathering...to see the Casey in jail sees the discovery on the news tape!!!

I could be wrong but I think I remember reading somewhere that were not going to see that. I want to see it too.
LOL - Commentary on wftv stream - Cross examination by Baez, where is he going? Hopefully he's going back to his seat.
Lee Anthony telling the court the new Kidnapping story from J.Blanshard Park.

Held down by her wrists - so the Zanny sisters could take Caylee.

Yeah right - two women trying to take my baby - NO WAY IN HE!! they are holding this momma down...
Casey is getting more and more evil looking as the days go by. She is darn right scary and demonic looking. This is not a put down. This is how I see her. It is very frightening. I don't think I have ever seen such evil.
As usual, JB asks without anticipating response. It's really quite difficult to believe.
conversation of 2 commentators on wftv: "Where is Mr. Baez going?" "Hopefully back to his seat!!" OMG!!
Fallen TREE??? really...did that have something to do with her death?

No. Poor Caylee was long gone, bagged and taped up by the time she was dumped there.
Shes trying to make herself cry!!!:innocent:

I have never seen her look this strange....all kinds of emotions there. Her jaw is tighter than usual, she looks scared and almost defeated.moo
LMAO. The guy with BS just asked him where JB is going and BS said "hopefully back to his seat". I'm still smiling!!
Witness: "I focused on the skull and ........."


So thankful for those here who post snippets (transcribe) the testimony!

I'm watching WFTV through Firefix with and I don't get any commercials.
If Casey is trying to look sad she is failing and instead just looks POd. Her expression "slips" at times too. It's very strange.

My face looks the same when I am thinking too much about something. People have asked me if I am angry. My forehead does the same thing. It is awful. Her lips though express a bit of a pout.
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