2011.06.10 Sidebar (Trial Day Fifteen)

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I don't understand why JB was making a big deal about the prosecution saying both chloroform AND duct tape were the cause of death. A 2 yr 10 mo old child would be able to remove duct tape if she weren't knocked out in some way, right? I'm guessing that is what the Prosecution is getting at or am I reading into the testimony?
If I were on a jury, there would have to be concrete proof before I'd vote for a DP verdict. I wouldn't go that route if I had any doubt at all.

Charles Manson is still alive.

BBM, not being snarky and I admit, I am not quite sure what the point is in bringing up the fact that Charles Manson is still alive, but I did want to say that the only reason that Charles Manson is still alive is because the California Supreme Court outlawed the death penalty the year after he was, in fact, sentenced to death. Had it not been for that, I believe that he would have been executed.

ETA: Anyone on death row at the time that a state Supreme Court (only those in that specific state) or the Supreme Court of the U.S. outlaws the death penalty has their sentence commuted to life under normal circumstances.
Yeah. How does that work? It is my understanding that the Whitney Laundry bag has a wire rim. Is that correct? These were the Whitney Laundry bags sold as pairs?

Some kind of rim to allow the bag to stand upright on it's own was my understanding. Could be plastic rim? I don't know but some kind of reinforcement around the opening.
It's been an amazing day hasn't it? I mean, I've believed for three years that the SA had a rock solid case to present, but their evidence just knocked me between the eyes today and wow! Amazing amazing day!!

I am almost overwhelmed with ...gratitude? Relief? Awe??? Can't describe it.

I was just going to post something like your post.Thank You.
Right now I think Caylee's death was intentional - does anybody remember one of the talking heads on HLN saying ICA wanted to give the baby to a friend or give the baby up for adoption but CA wouldn't let her? If that is the case it explains the lack of emotion from ICA in the courtroom - she never wanted the poor precious baby.

I believe it was an old friend of ICA's, Kio Marie Torres ,who told LE that ICA did not want to keep the baby. Kio Marie talked to ICA about adopting the baby herself,but CA "made" ICA keep her.
We all know that ICA tells her friends lies to get out of a jam. No one in the family has mentioned this ,as far as I know.
I totally agree. she only talked of being labeled as such when trying to garner sympathy. Twice from Brother Lee. Hinted at it with LE...
I'm guessing more along the lines of a cluster F disorder.

Ha!! That took me a second. Well-done Sir/Madam!
QUESTION??? What evidence do we have to look forward to next week? Everyone here keeps such GREAT records. Thank You for all your knowledge.
I have a question, not sure if this has been ask.

The piece of duct tape that was found 9 ft away, could it had been on her legs or hands and was moved away when the other parts of the body (what-ever it was attached to) were scattered by the animals?
Looks like JB took a play from the Werner Spitz playbook.

IMO...Spitz is a better artist.. :innocent:

tinfoil hst.jpg

werner spitz inspires cave drawings.jpg
I want a picture, too - just got home and missed everything after lunch. Did ICA have anymore meltdowns or hissy fits this afternoon?

Go to the afternoon trial a look at post 1815, Baez used his easel board to explain everything, that should get you up to speed.
BBM, not being snarky and I admit, I am not quite sure what the point is in bringing up the fact that Charles Manson is still alive, but I did want to say that the only reason that Charles Manson is still alive is because the California Supreme Court outlawed the death penalty the year after he was, in fact, sentenced to death. Had it not been for that, I believe that he would have been executed.

ETA: Anyone on death row at the time that a state Supreme Court or the Supreme Court of the U.S. outlaws the death penalty has their sentence commuted to life under normal circumstances.

Just my opinion. I think I make my point regardless of our state laws.
I was home sick today, but watched and listened to most of the testimony. My thoughts and observations:

1) Dr. G is amazing, and she made an excellent point about reporting drownings. What kind of parent (or grandparent, if you believe the DT) wouldn't call 911 after finding a lifeless little one in the pool? She brought knowledge, compassion, and a classy smack-down to the DT today. I need to watch her show.

2) I have Casey-cam on, and it is weirdly fascinating to watch her reactions to everything. During her break-downs, I was looking hard for wet face, wet eyes, anything... and saw none of that. Maybe I need new bifocals? I can't understand why she can make these faces after His Honor told everyone that facial reactions would not be tolerated. And don't get me started on the comforting, coddling... She is disruptive, IMO, and it shouldn't be tolerated.

3) The time-lapse video, honestly, I was surprised that it was ruled in. The reactions in the gallery let me know right away that I could never have served on this jury. No way, no how. I would have been a puddle on the floor.

4) If I comment on the HUGE pad of paper from JB, I may get my hand spanked. Y'all's posts were spot-on, though.

5) Big week for the prosecution, and for Caylee Marie. She let her presence be known, and that will stick with the jury, I hope.

6) My husband and son are both asking me for updates, after telling me that I was morbid for following it for three years. That says a lot to me. Little Caylee has touched so many people, and will continue to.

As always, this is my opinion only, and thank you so much for everyone's updates and posts! I don't know what I'm going to do when I leave for vacation next week. Is the I-phone app to watch the trial decent? If so, I'm all over it :) Have a good night, all, and try to find some rest and peace. It's been a rough couple of days <3
Anyone have confirmation on the type of handles on the laundry bag? Don't most laundry bags have drawstrings in which case duct tape wouldn't be necessary in the way JB is trying to portray it's location?
Just my opinion. I think I make my point regardless of our state laws.

Like I said, I was not being snarky and if you don't want to answer this question because you think I am, I understand. Things don't always come through plain text in the way they are intended. I am just genuinely curious when I ask what the point was, because I just don't understand what you were saying by mentioning him, especially since he was sentenced to death. I'm pretty open to anyone who has an opinion on this or any other case that I have worked/know the facts in and admire your stance, as a 12 year volunteer for the IP, that you could not vote for death unless absolutely sure. I'm just not seeing the connection and am trying to understand your side and way of thinking that would bring him up. Like I said, if you don't want to answer, I understand. Just curious because, once again, as a 12 year IP volunteer, things in these cases are not always as they seem, so I am open to seeing all sides.

ETA: Unless the point was, that you didn't realize, since he is still alive that he was sentenced to death until I posted that and you were pointing out that if he of all people didn't get death... That I understand, if that is what you meant, but I don't want to assume either.
Yes, old Charlie DID get the death penalty but it got changed and he survived it so to say.

Otherwise he would be out at the Barker Ranch too.
In watching my 3 yr old grand son today, and imagining his precious little face wrapped in duct tape is just so heart wrenching...I cannot tell you. Nobody but a monster could do this to any child!!!!

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