2011.06.13 Sidebar (Trial Day Seventeen)

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What about the pings (cell phone towers)....will they come in?
Again, I think the State is going to wait until the DT presents its case with either GA or RK moving or disposing - then on rebuttal the State brings in the cell pings and shows just where ICA was! There was no need to present it now - wait until the DT claims have been put out there and then "BAM" - ICA was there. IMHO I think its absolutely brilliant.
I am having a hard time understanding why everyone is upset or shocked that the prosecution's case is almost done. Aren't most posters already convinced that she is guilty? Don't you think the jurors have already heard enough evidence and testimony to believe that as well? I think most of them are reasonably intelligent enough to put two and two together and get twenty-two.
Of course, some might be worried that Baez still has a few cards up his sleeve and he will come up with something that will affect the jury, but... I'm not worried much about that. There is not much that could make her look innocent now.
Casey WILL be found guilty, make no mistake. I, for one, will be glad when it's over. I have not had the opportunity to watch every second of this trial, I've missed parts of it because I had other things to take care of, but I've seen and heard enough.
Fear not... Caylee will have justice.
I think the tattoo isn't being presented because of the new tact the defense has taken. It was much more damaging when Casey thought her child was missing and should be frantic. Instead the defense is now it was a tribute to Caylee because Casey knew she was dead. Tragic accident. KWIM?

Same with JG. He said he thought it would be an accident and Casey would go into an alternate reality, etc. if Caylee died by accident. He also said in depo Casey often didn't watch Caylee close enough, paraphased. With the new defense JG would make a better defense witness.

I think you are right on the money.
I stepped out to get some lunch and am lost. The State didn't rest did it? I thought Court ended early because a witness wasn't there. Please someone clear this up because I'm freaking out.
IMO the state has presented a very good case and if I were on the jury I would vote for DP but a lot of folks on here seem to think manslaughter..Dr Glass perhaps and some of our lawyers? What do the rest of you think?
Murder one, DP. To me it seems obvious she had been thinking about it for months. 84 visits to chloroform site. :mad:
Just wanted to bring this over from the trial thread. This makes me feel so much better. The SA's are brilliant and have a strategy. I trust they totally know what they are doing.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2011.06.13 TRIAL Day Seventeen (Morning Session)

Thanks for posting the link, this is going to be good, I really want ICA to take the stand since that will give the SA a chance to tear into her and I don't think the jury will believe a single word out of her mouth so it will definitely hurt the DT.
Did the exchange between ICA and CA come in yet? "Everyone lies, everyone dies" ? Or the creepy pics?
What I should have put that she didn't show any interest about the searches for Caylee from home she was busy making food and making beaded necklesses according to Tracy and Lenny.

I didn't think she was allowed to actually "search" while on bail? Wasn't she restricted to the family home as a condition of her bail....and that is why her attorney had to ask for special permission to visit his office????
IMO the state has presented a very good case and if I were on the jury I would vote for DP but a lot of folks on here seem to think manslaughter..Dr Glass perhaps and some of our lawyers? What do the rest of you think?

They have not placed the murder weapon in ICA's hands. The duct tape.

They have not shown any relationship to that duct tape to Casey Anthony.
Is everyone feeling as sick as I am right now? There are so many things that were not brought in IMHO! So many things! Like the MySpace interaction with Cindy and Casey... the photos... the tattoo... cell phone records... I just cannot even think right now but there are so many other things. Did they ever even show an outline of the stain? Ugh, I am just sick. And real sick, not Casey-sick. :(

I feel sick over this being the end of the state's case. Wow. There is so much more to discuss IMO. I guess since we websleuths scour the case and are aware of so much evidence as we do, it is unfathomable with what we know that the SA would be ready to rest.
I think they decided against calling those kinds of witnesses because of the Defense admission made in Opening Statements. The DT has an explanation for her not to search, she had 'drowned accidentally.'

Well, I sure hope they have more up their sleeves than the pool ladder. Because for me personally, that's not gonna cut it at this point.

A repairman was in my house last week. I mentioned the trial going on and he thought she was guilty. He followed the case a little, but not much.

The repairman told me he was on a jury for a rape case. The guy was guilty, no question about it. The poor rape victim had to get on the stand and re-live that nightmare. There was one hold out on the jury. He refused to deliberate. The hold out juror said the perp said he didn't do it so he believed him. The repairman said they asked the judge what could be done. The judge cursed (something about I'm sick of this ****, etc.) and called a mistrial. The repairman said NO, we don't want a mistrial we just don't know what to do with this juror. It reminded me of the juror who can't judge someone. It gets worse. The repairman ran into one of the cops after the trial and the cop told him there was so much evidence the state did not introduce, including the fact that he was a convicted rapist.

The repairman was livid that they didn't get to hear all the evidence. I asked him what happened to the rapist and he said he didn't know. The judge simply released him and the jury.

I hope the jury doesn't vote 'not guilty' then hold interview after interview and say 'if only we had known [fill in the blank]'.

I have to trust the prosecutors knows what they're doing but I think there is way too much evidence being left out.



I'm just now getting online for today as I got up about 45 minutes ago. Saw these beautiful pancakes and am very tempted to make pancakes for breakfast/brunch.

Who did I miss on the witness stand this morning and who is expected up after the lunch recess?
Perhaps we should all take this next 24 hours and use the time wisely to remind ourselves that the defense is beginning their case, and NOW is the time to grasp all the self-control we can muster in thinking before we type....cause I have a feeling Baez is going to put on quite the sideshow....and I don't want anyone to lose their front row seat with a TO!!

I understand that ICAs cellphone pings are important tto us, because we know so much. But how would they be introduced to the jury as to be relevant. Ok, so we know ICA was home on June 16th... and what? KWIM?
There has been many convictions without cellphone pings. We will only need it in case the D tries to say that ICA left the house on the 16th and never came back.
As far as the tattoo goes. Well, we all have been here for a long time. We know that its sickening that she got a tattoo that says :Beautiful life: but the DT can say it was in remembrance of Caylee... who they admitted themselves died on June 16th. Tattoos are open for interpretation. Some may think she got it as a tribute, some may think she got it for her own beautiful life now that Caylee was gone.

the pings were brought up in the SA's opening statement/where she was when she was on her phone
JP stated at the very end that he wanted the DT to start Thursday, but JB asked to start Wednesday afternoon.

Oh, I thought it was the opposite. I thought the judge said the DT could start Wed and Baez wanted to wait. I will go back and listen again.
ICA wouldn't survive cross by the State
LDB: Caylee died on June 16th
ICA: yes
LDB: Would you consider that a traumatic event?
HJBP: overruled
LDB: Would you consider that a traumatic event?
ICA: yes
LDB: and that any parent of a child that died would be traumatized and very upset
when their child died
ICA: yes
LDB: And would you expect a mother to be traumatized and very upset
HJBP: overruled
LDB: And would you expect a mother to be traumatized and very upset
ICA: yes
(showing BB video)
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