2011.06.13 Sidebar (Trial Day Seventeen)

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Hit and runs are often not reported.

Unattended deaths are sometimes hidden.

So 100 percent of accidents are not reported.

Not all unreported deaths are murder.

But Dr. G. didn't say all accidents are reported. She said that 100% of accidental drownings where a child is involved are reported, and if not, for a good reason. She also said that accidental death doesn't involve covering up "the accident", using duct tape, or throwing a body into the woods to rot.
I've been sleuthing flights arriving on todays schedule @ the airport....any of the potential witnesses that have been mentioned coming from the cities I listed in my previous post #552?
I lost :( are they done for today? I had company :( miss everything :(
I haven't followed this thread, but I think the fight on Father's day is important and should have been addressed. It could have supplied a motive for the murder if Cindy had enraged ICA and told her she was going to take Caylee away from her.

If I recall, the neighbor was a witness to hearing the fight that night.

I thought the only evidence of that fight was LA's statement to JG? The neighbor testified to hearing fights between CA and ICA were prior to Caylee's disapearance. We do know that on the stand CA stated that she had gone to BofA and was looking for ICA to discuss this with her in person.........

I am not sure why the SA hasn't pursued this argument between CA and ICA, but I imagine they have their reasons.
I think it was her plan all along to say she was missing or kidnapped and she would have the attention and sympathy of all & maybe even lead to her own tv show like John Walsh or Beth Holloway. Not to mention the money. Remember there were searches on the pc for missing children long before poor little Caylee was gone. :(

I'm not so sure I believe that. If Caylee going missing was going to be her ticket to riches why wait so long reporting her missing?
I thought Dr. G. was specifically talking about drownings when she made the 100% statement. Now I'm confused. LOL

She was. She also qualified it by saying in HER jurisdiction, she can say that 100% of accidental drownings involving children are reported - 911 was called 100% of the time. Even if the body is stiff, she said that 911 was called.
I always wondered if a jury would be able to convict her and sentence her to death. After hearing that this beautiful child was put in a trunk with duct tape and then discarded in garbage bags and left to the elements, I have no doubt that they will be able to do it.

I hope you are right RR!!!!! trying to remain positive here.....:rocker:
Hit and runs are often not reported.

Unattended deaths are sometimes hidden.

So 100 percent of accidents are not reported.

Not all unreported deaths are murder.

I believe Dr. G was referring to accidental deaths of "children"...parent's always call 911 whether in an attempt to save their childs life or an attempt to cover up neglect or worse murder.
I lost :( are they done for today? I had company :( miss everything :(

Yes, waiting for one more witness whose flight comes in tomorrow and then the State says they're pretty much done and the defense can start their case.

wasn't there some sort of dead bug that was attracted by decomposition fluid found on paper towels in the trunk?

if true

I don't get that the banded hair matters much.

isn't the fluid traceable to Caylee? dna? No?
Hit and runs are often not reported.

Unattended deaths are sometimes hidden.

So 100 percent of accidents are not reported.

Not all unreported deaths are murder.

I believe Dr. G's testimony was that 100% of accidental drowning deaths she has come across in her 20+ years of work were reported. She did not say 100% of all accidents nor 100% of all accidental drownings...she specifically referenced it to her own body of knowledge.
I don't think they did. They said prior to decomposition iirc.

That is correct. Pre-mortem, which is not only before decomp but before death. Another poster was replying to someone who had suggested the tape was applied to appear as if it were a kidnapping, and I was responding to that. I know, it gets confusing when you reply and all someone sees is the response and not the original post!

Thread: Implications of Huck Case Ruling RE: duct tape on nose and mouth
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Old 05-18-2010, 10:19 PM
Bobbisangel Bobbisangel is offline
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Implications of Huck Case Ruling RE: duct tape on nose and mouth
I found this on another site...it is great!

Fl. appeals court shoots down most of defense arguments


We found a case that is on point in the Florida criminal cases, that involves a ME not being able to say for certain how the victim died, and also involves duct tape.

Perry v. State, 801 So. 2d 78, 84 (Fla.
2001); State v. Law, 559 So. 2d 187, 189 (Fla. 1989). "
CASE NO. 5D03-1906

Opinion filed July 16, 2004
Appeal from the Circuit Court
for Brevard County,
David Dugan, Judge.
Gregory W. Eisenmenger and Robert R. Berry of
Eisenmenger, Berry & Peters, Melbourne, for
Charles J. Crist, Jr., Attorney General, Tallahassee,
and Kellie A. Nielan, Assistant Attorney General,
Daytona Beach, for Appellee.
Brent Robert Huck appeals his convictions for the kidnapping and felony murder of his
former girlfriend, Misty Morse.


"At trial the medical examiner testified that because of the condition of the body, he was not "one hundred percent" certain of the cause of death. In his opinion, however, the victim
died "within a reasonable degree of probability" from asphyxia either by the tape on her nose and mouth or from drowning. " Interesting that they did not need to prove exactly, or be married to one particular cause of death.

. "The State is not required to rebut conclusively every possible variation of events that could be inferred from the
evidence. Rather, it is the State's obligation to introduce competent substantial evidence that is inconsistent with the defendant's theory of events". Perry v. State, 801 So. 2d 78, 84 (Fla.
2001); State v. Law, 559 So. 2d 187, 189 (Fla. 1989). "
Someone better send this to the defense.

Also, from Huck's attempt to appeal, and say the duct tape did not prove anything - the FL Supreme Court had this to say:
"More importantly, the assertion that Mr. Huck taped the victim's eyes and mouth shut after she died is not particularly reasonable. The only logical reason to tape her eyes and mouth shut would have been to prevent her from seeing, talking, screaming for help, or breathing while she was alive. There is no logical or reasonable purpose for taping a person's eyes and mouth shut after she is dead."
"The only logical reason to tape her eyes and mouth shut would have been to prevent her from seeing, talking, screaming for help, or breathing while she was alive." FL appeals court
Last edited by BondJamesBond; 05-18-2010 at 10:46 PM. Reason: Removed poster info & clarified thread title
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I so hope the SA is prepared in the event any of the Anthony's pull a fast one by aiding the DT in lying to get Casey off. I am fully expecting it, and would not be one bit shocked should it occur. JMO

BBM : I totally agree ! Especially after seeing the "signaling" gestures made by CA to what look like it was towards the DT ! :cow::cow::cow:

NOTHING -- "ABSOLUTELY" NOTHING would surprise me now from the A's ...

It is quite obvious that the A's are on BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE ... :cow:
I do believe that the duct tape was placed BEFORE death. I am just not sure that Casey didn't do it thinking that Caylee was already dead--mistakenly. I do agree, either way, that this is first degree murder. I am just trying to alleviate my naive mindset somehow, I guess --I still have trouble believing in was intentional...and this little theory could/would explain how it was an "accident" and then the duct tape was put there.
I think it was her plan all along to say she was missing or kidnapped and she would have the attention and sympathy of all & maybe even lead to her own tv show like John Walsh or Beth Holloway. Not to mention the money. Remember there were searches on the pc for missing children long before poor little Caylee was gone. :(

Yep - ITA. She was betting on it being just another unsolved missing child case. Eventually the searches would stop and the heat would go away. But in the meantime, she could make the talk show circuit as the grieving mother. She thought it would make her famous + she'd get paid for talk show appearances.
Cities departed from and arriving Orlando from 11:30 am – 12:05 pm on 6/13/11 include: Milwaukee, Baltimore, Atlanta, Nassau, Akron-Canton, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Kansas City, Nashville, Birmingham, Chicago-MDW, Panama City FL, Boston, Montreal, St. Louis, Cleveland, Hartford.....

there were pending flights that are not included in the above list....ones that were listed "on time"

I don't fly often, so would this info include where the flights originate?
Hit and runs are often not reported.

Unattended deaths are sometimes hidden.

So 100 percent of accidents are not reported.

Not all unreported deaths are murder.

Dr. G said 100% of accidental deaths are reported and only if there is a reason to hide something would someone not call 911. MANY hit and run accidents that go un-reported are because the driver may have had a few drinks, the driver was on drugs, the driver was driving on a suspended license and the list goes on. In other words if the hit and run was an accident and the driver HAD NOTHING TO HIDE the driver in fact calls 911.
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