2011.06.16 Vigil Info *bump*

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I can't believe it's been a year..!

Time is going by so quickly......Which makes every second Precious

Hopefully this next year will bring Justice for Caylee
Bumping this thread from last year as the 2nd anniversary approaches next week.

I thought some might want to read through and consider the many ways individuals chose to remember & celebrate Caylee on the 1st anniversary.
I think that would be a bumpdate or an upbump.
thanks BJB. :)
Isn't it unfortunate that Caylee can't be remembered with a memorial event (such as the motorcycle rides and blood drives that Sharon Rocha held in memory of Laci and Conner)? Even if the A's scheduled something, I'm sure not many would participate due to their past behavior and suspicion concerning the use of funds. Caylee certainly deserves so much better!

Curious Two that picture of sweet, precious Caylee just breaks my heart. Look at those eyes so full of wonder for the world, of her life yet to come but taken away so soon. :(:(:(
Isn't it unfortunate that Caylee can't be remembered with a memorial event (such as the motorcycle rides and blood drives that Sharon Rocha held in memory of Laci and Conner)? Even if the A's scheduled something, I'm sure not many would participate due to their past behavior and suspicion concerning the use of funds. Caylee certainly deserves so much better!

They may ask for donations in lieu of any organized activity.
After reading the thread started last year, I have a few notes to add. I love the pink and purple balloons. Each year on my departed son's birthday, as well as his heaven day, we release balloons and cards to fly to heaven for him. This year, we got a response back. It was the most touching unimaginable kindness, that a stranger took the time to read my childrens' letters and write them back to tell them the letters had reached their baby brother in heaven. I cannot express in words how this simple note has affected me. So, it is my plan to release balloons for Caylee on her heaven day as well. I can also add that I know March of Dimes is a reputable childrens charity, and they send a sweet note letting the family know that a donation had been recieved in honor of the child named. These would effectively flood the Anthony's mailbox, and not a dime of those contributions would be ill-used. Just something to consider for those who would like to donate to any children's charity in Caylee's name.
:( Personaly, I'm a little saddened to be the first post of the day on this thread considering we've gen'd 4 pages worth of posting/attention on the Anthony's GMA apprearance this morning.

I'd love top spend the evening reading how members are remembering Caylee today.
I think just being here on the Caylee forum kind of speaks for itself.
We are all here because of Caylee and waiting for the day she receives justice.
Maybe some members would like to rememeber her in a more private manner?
Thank you BJB.
I remember Caylee everyday.
I remember Caylee with great sadness.
I look at my 2 1/2 year old dear grandson and wonder how anyone much less a mother could harm a hair on the childs head. When I watch my DGS play I see what Caylee may have been like. So innocent, carefree of the troubles in this world, so happy to play outside in the water (he sits at his picnic table with a childs coffee pot a couple of cups a spoon and water pretending he's making soup. he will do this for hours. he is so happy) or marking on the pavers with chalk ( he drew a car yesterday) or we go exploring out of the yard. He is a wonder to me, such a blessing to me. This is how Caylee should have been able to play. What would she be doing today? Having a tea party with her momma doll? Learning to play hopscotch or jumping rope? Maybe playing dress up. We will never know. We will never know how great of a person she may have turned out to be.
Yes. So sad. So heartbreaking.
Caylee I hope you rest in peace dear child.
Even though I haven't posted much in Caylee's forum lately-this little angel has never left my mind or my heart and never will. Unfortunately, my heart has made room for many other little angels since Caylee went home. And in my mind I picture them together laughing and playing and their tears have become tears of joy-because there is no more pain or fear or even the memory of what they endured.
RIP CAYLEE-You'll never know Dear how much we love you!!

Caylee you have touched the lives of thousands. You have brought fourth an awareness to our society and perhaps that awareness will help save the lives of other innocent child.
Remembering Caylee today. Another year after the wheels of madness were set in motion. Peace be with you, Sweet One.
Caylee, I think of you so much. Every time I see someone about your age. I hope you know that even though it seems like everyone you love has abandoned you, there are so so so many who love you. My neighbor's daughter had her preschool graduation the other day. She has brown hair and brown eyes and is pretty just like you. She will be starting kindergarten just like you should have. She's only three months older than you and seeing her lets me see how big you would be. I want you to play with all the little boys and girls who are with you and remember that you are remembered.
I will come here to remember Caylee. This is the place where I can find cute pictures of her and where folks come by week after week to see how the case is progressing. I wish I had never learned her name or seen her picture. That would mean that she is just another little girl happily playing in the sunshine and learning to spell her name and getting ready to attend kindergarten in the fall. Sadly, we do know all about her short life and her sweet little smile and big eyes and we all easily recognize the little sing-song voice singing to her Great Grandpa only a day before she died. She brought all of us together here, so perhaps she accomplished what she came here to do. So we feel sad, we also smile and we cherish the little people in our lives even more - because of Caylee.
Rest in Peace sweet Caylee... we will always remember you and we are praying every day for justice for you~ Katrina

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