2011.06.22 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-five)

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If that's what this caller is waiting for, she will be disappointed. Seriously. Who will believe Casey? What will she say? I've lied all my life but I promise I'm telling the truth now.

I'm hoping this jury has common sense.

New to WS.....transplant from IS!! :seeya:

We may be starting out slow again in the morning......

Stephen Shaw, FBI hair and fiber examiner is in witness area. He could be called to testify tomorrow. #CaseyAnthony -jfell

This is about an hour old.
I think he flat out LIED about not knowing of any of ICA's computer/phone/textings on the 16th! He knows he's sunk if that comes in.


Oh it is coming in - no doubt about it. LDB said yesterday it is coming in during the SA's rebuttal.....
If this question has been asked previously, forgive me, but:

If the case winds up a mistrial and Casey gets a public defender for the next one, does that lawyer have to stick with the story laid out in Jose's OS?

No.... but if KC sticks to that story any diff attorney won't have much to work with.
the effect of affixing the tape leads to affixation, not being able to breath because something is affixed to the mouth and nose.

Which from the testimony is what the ME thought killed Caylee.

Or should have thought killed Caylee without considering the Chloroform since she based alot of her conclusion on data collected and experience. I just wondered what prevented her from concluding that was the cause of death because she did list homicide based on those same sorts of conclusions I am kinda questioning the stopping short on the cause of death.

I am sure the jury is ,but I have the ability to reflect on what exactly she said anytime I want to the jury cannot do that yet. I wonder if by the time they do they have thought about this at all and came to a conclusion about doubting the duct tape killed Caylee, with other defence testimony.

Sadly, because Caylee was so decomposed/skeletonized, Dr. G could not determine cause of death. She could form an opinion based on what was found with the remains such as the bags (so she could've suffocated), duct tape (it could've been affixation), etc.

She did the right thing. Homicide by undetermined cause. The pros will have it all tied up in a nice bow in closing. This jury will know how Caylee died and so will we.
If that's what this caller is waiting for, she will be disappointed. Seriously. Who will believe Casey? What will she say? I've lied all my life but I promise I'm telling the truth now.

I'm hoping this jury has common sense.

New to WS.....transplant from IS!! :seeya:

Hi n/t, tis witchy woman from is, glad to see you here
( I hope this is not in the wrong place) I have to say I admire your sand for sticking with this trial. I've not missed one minute of it up until about two sessions ago for the simple fact that I'm so emotionally involved that I don't want to get let down if/likely when this jury hangs. If it weren't for Juror four I'd bet my paycheck the jury would come back with a verdict of felony murder one - but frankly she scares me and from what I have heard I don't believe she's going to vote on anything but aquittal for the simple fact she stated that it is NOT her place to judge.

But here is my question: Assuming a mistrial or hung jury, can the state use any/all the defense statements/experts/defense against them or can the defense get all new experts, attorneys, a whole new defense, etc...? Anyone know?


I too didnt miss anything except the last to days. I plan to catch up sometime soon but I tried watching yesterday and could not sit and watch.I think the court thread helps being able to stomach watching.
You know what I've found in life...those that SAY they don't like to judge are usually the ones who JUDGE EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY! From my experience they have very strong opinions.
Just my 2 cents

Exactly RR0004 - I don't like to judge people and you've noticed I'm sure that LG never has an opinion about anything......:innocent:
I think he flat out LIED about not knowing of any of ICA's computer/phone/textings on the 16th! He knows he's sunk if that comes in.


Yeah, that's true. He was probably just whining to JP to see if it would work. We just got this evidence, see? they're not playin fair, Judge... no fair!
Maybe they suspect that GA takes testosterone. They did request his medical records at one time, didn't they?

They did.

However their story is that GA found Caylee in the pool, then put the body aside and RK is the one who snatched her and hid her in various places. So unless the new story has GA killing Caylee by injection, then staging a drowning and staging himself finding her while ICA is around the corner, then anger and yelling followed by turning backs on the small body while RK sneaks up and snatches her... and then somehow the chloroform makes it from GA's possession to the second place the remains were relocated....

Welp... I like it as a theory, personally.
Does it help? I'm post menopausal (sp) and it's miserable. I'll try anything!


I guess this is OT but for anyone suffrring hot flashes, very much OT and info I would have killed for (yes, *killed* for) back in the day (if youve ever had a hot flash, you understand). Relief in one hour, no side effects. I used a supplement containing mexican yam extract, black cohosh and soy. Came in capsule form. Look on ingred label for contents. Take 2 and your hot flashes and other miseries are gone in about an hour. It seems to work better than Rx meds that take weeks to even start working, and good for women who for various reasons cannot undergo HRT. Maintenance is 2 capsules q 6hrs. Avail at health stores and Walmarts very inexpensive and quite frankly, saved my mind. Also that of my fellow Little Old Ladies. I belive it kept DS from murdering her DH. Sorry for all this. Going Back on topic now.
Oh it is coming in - no doubt about it. LDB said yesterday it is coming in during the SA's rebuttal.....

Why would LKB say they cannot enter that into evidence.. I tend not to believe her but she said it was not admissible.

Someone else said it can be because they may bring in River Cruise (ha ha) to corroborate GA knowing it was an accident.. then it will open a can of worms and LB can bring it in.

Oh my god, I just made a mess of my thoughts, I must review my DVR :) AS I think I am talking about two totally different points made on TV last night.

Someone might be able to untangle me ...:eek:fftobed:
I think HLN has hired her to be a Consultant for the rest of the trial and present the Defence point of view. Apparently HLN does not notice or mind how abrasive she is and that listening to her is like chalk on a blackboard screeching....

I turn off HLN when she's on. I can't watch or listen to her.
Someone who knows how to post pictures directly to the board is welcome to expand this, but for now......


Was this from Today?

One of the talking heads said if she does walk she will always have to watch her back because there will be people out there that will want to cause her physical harm!! He said OJ was a huge guy so no one really wanted to mess with him, but petite ICA doesn't have that advantage.
I am STILL waiting to hear the FACTS and CONNECTIONS from Baez OS.
Clearly he placed ICA WITH Caylee at TOD which concludes that ICA was the last person to be with a live Caylee.
Then there is a huge gap and no real explanation from Baez as to the chain of events that leads us to finding Caylee bagged and thrown in the woods.
No real explanation WHY noone called 911 IF Caylee drowned.
No explanation for the 31 days partying, 84 searches of chloroform, the tattoo, the imaginary nanny and Mr Kronk hijacking remains of a toddler.
When is Baez going to explain and more importantly HOW will he pull it off??
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