2011.06.22 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-five)

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Women inject testosterone for weight loss. It burns fat and increases muscle. It also gives women a feeling of euphoria and power.. Can have side effects of rage.

Hormone treatment used to be approved in weight loss... however, due to abuse its hard to get now. Albeit not impossible. If you know anyone that knows someone that knows a pharmacist, you too can have your bottle of testosterone or HCG. I won't give any instructions on use... :fence:

Does it also make you grow a mustache and get a deep voice?
I'm going to ask this again. In ICA's defense claim, do they say that George found Caylee foating in the pool? It takes time for a body to float, due to gases in body, components in water, the temperature, open wounds in the body, etc. I hope that I did this post correctly, showing my source, etc.

I do not claim that this following information is the most factual, just bringing up the information for examination. Because, if it takes a while for the body to float, and they are claiming he found the body floating, there is a time element to explore there.

Here's some information gleaned from: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_long_before_a_body_floats_after_drowning

Base time period is body will rise off the bottom in 4 1/2 days.

Add 24 hours for every 2 deg F below 50-water temp.
Subtract 8 hours for every 5 deg over 55-deg water temp.
Add 2 days if he was thin build, under weight or under 7 years old
Subtract 12 hours for every 25 lbs overweight
Reduce this time by 15% if they ate within the last 3 hours and 20%
if there was beer involved.

90 deg F 24 hrs
80 deg F 48 hrs
70 deg F 72 hrs
60 deg F 4-7 days
50 deg F uncertain


I guess this is OT but for anyone suffrring hot flashes, very much OT and info I would have killed for (yes, *killed* for) back in the day (if youve ever had a hot flash, you understand). Relief in one hour, no side effects. I used a supplement containing mexican yam extract, black cohosh and soy. Came in capsule form. Look on ingred label for contents. Take 2 and your hot flashes and other miseries are gone in about an hour. It seems to work better than Rx meds that take weeks to even start working, and good for women who for various reasons cannot undergo HRT. Maintenance is 2 capsules q 6hrs. Avail at health stores and Walmarts very inexpensive and quite frankly, saved my mind. Also that of my fellow Little Old Ladies. I belive it kept DS from murdering her DH. Sorry for all this. Going Back on topic now.

Thank you!! I will try it...

I too didnt miss anything except the last to days. I plan to catch up sometime soon but I tried watching yesterday and could not sit and watch.I think the court thread helps being able to stomach watching.

that's what I do, JB puts me in a coma, I come to the forum...:maddening:
I tried to post the same pic :) I posted it as an attachment and it shows a thumbnail in the post. HTH.
Thanks, then it's hardly worth it. I've never posted pics directly to the board so I wouldn't know where to start. :)
You wouldn't think so but when Jose said to the judge that the State had just given him that disc - when in reality he had been given same two years prior - I have to wonder if no one on the defense team bothered to look at it. If Jose is the 'lead' attorney he should have been on top of all this. He himself did not have to do the investigating - that is what a team is for. Really makes me wonder why Jose has his own law firm. Most baby attorneys start as an associate at a larger firm to learn the ropes.

JB has a big EGO and a vast and wide area of expertise. Why just yesterday he tried to impress the world with how much he knew when he corrected his own expert witnesses. Only 1 office could hold that ego in check and it would be his....all his. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Remember when ICA was out on bail and would spend day after day doing research at JB's office. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Yep they were doing research!:floorlaugh:
Please dont let this affect this case.

But didnt Florida have a death penalty, then they didnt for a while, and yhrn it came back?

I heard a comedian say once that Texas doesnt believe in long DP appeals. That we were like 7-11 in that we had an express line for killers.

1. It doesn't.

2. DP's were halted for a time period because challenges that the electric chair was cruel. Then we went to the needle.

3. That would be Ron White.
Although I understand the worry that many of you have with juror #4 and for good reason, I do wonder if anyone considers that this lovely woman very well could have said those things, just to be saying them? For that matter, no one really truly knows any of these jurors just by the jury selection.

Juror #4 could have said these things just because she felt it would get her out of this case and knowing it was a death penalty case, it was the closest thing to the right thing to say to get her dismissed.

On Sunday, right here in my town, a 6 year old child was drowned by her Grandmother. The Grandmother drove to the pond owner's home and admitted to what she had done, then subsequently admitted the same to authorities. Between Monday and Today, Lord knows at the people who would normally say "I couldn't place judgement" have come out on facebook wishing they could get their hands on that woman and drown her themselves.

I truly believe that where children are concerned, many people can say one thing, truly believing it, then be placed in a situation that causes them to re evaluate what they have always believed in themselves.

I truly am not worried about this juror. At this point, she has been witness to Caylee's skull, the trash bags she was thrown away in and Casey Anthony in the flesh sitting 20 feet away with no care or concern on her face for her child. One can only imagine how her beliefs could change with just these few things staring at her.

True! Do you know if there is a video of the jury selection where we could at least hear Juror 4's interview?
Please dont let this affect this case.

But didnt Florida have a death penalty, then they didnt for a while, and yhrn it came back?

I heard a comedian say once that Texas doesnt believe in long DP appeals. That we were like 7-11 in that we had an express line for killers.

Mollymil's post gives the good news and the details-- [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6734197&postcount=158"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2011.06.22 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-five)[/ame]
My point being is that the she could not confirm Homicide without using the same opinions that she would have to use to conclude a cause of death.

She may have made the right determination but it is all still in her method of operation so why did she decided to use the method for deciding homicide and then stop short on the COD?

She could NOT 100% say how Caylee was murdered. Homicide was determined based on many factors including the fact that Caylee was missing for 31 days, was not reported missing by the mom but was reported missing by her grandmother. She ruled out accident theory because she said 100% of the time, accidents are called into 911. She gave the example of drowning. Even when the parent or adult knows the child is probably dead, they still call 911 in hopes of reviving the child. They don't hide the body for 31 days.
True! Do you know if there is a video of the jury selection where we could at least hear Juror 4's interview?

Not sure of a video anywhere but you should be able to find it in the jurror thread here.
Your Honour is now a celebrity -- even the paps are taking piccies of him :)


View attachment 16887



It's photos like this that have had me re-evaluating my first impressions of strangers. Just like HHJP, they may look like nobody special, but they may actually be a quiet hero of Justice. Think about how many hours that man has put in over his long career...for Government wages.
Ashton is definitely one of those quiet heroes too.
Btw, I think the only reason JA will probably never be a judge is his (ahem) passion. That's okay, JA is right where he belongs anyway.

Sorry, rambling.
Do you really think this is his personal FB page? Cute picture.

No I don't think he would have his own page -- but it's just me. I thought it was a cute comment though:

I was caught out at Ross getting glasses for the Jury and I's "sleep over" the other night. (Thanks Greg / monsters.fm)

Do I see Your Honour setting up his own web site -- nahhhhh....


Why would LKB say they cannot enter that into evidence.. I tend not to believe her but she said it was not admissible.

Someone else said it can be because they may bring in River Cruise (ha ha) to corroborate GA knowing it was an accident.. then it will open a can of worms and LB can bring it in.

Oh my god, I just made a mess of my thoughts, I must review my DVR :) AS I think I am talking about two totally different points made on TV last night.

Someone might be able to untangle me ...:eek:fftobed:

LDB was talking about the witness whose child died the exact same way ICA is saying Caylee died.

But when she was talking about the computer disk - she said there is much material on it from the 16th that disproves the Defence theory. To me that was LDB's way of throwing down the gauntlet and putting Baez on "fair warning" that he was about to get gored for his accident theory.
I don't mean to butt in but I am so sick of the attitude of ppl today; on In sessions they are discussing whether or not Baez is being picked on by the Honorable Judge Belvin Perry, are you kidding me. iirc Baez is not even Death Penalty qualified and has tried every back door there is to get in what he thinks will help his client. What is wrong w/ppl today! If she's guilty, she's guilty! But to start making up shuff, and now the "talking Heads think he is being picked on. Really?
She could NOT 100% say how Caylee was murdered. Homicide was determined based on many factors including the fact that Caylee was missing for 31 days, was not reported missing by the mom but was reported missing by her grandmother. She ruled out accident theory because she said 100% of the time, accidents are called into 911. She gave the example of drowning. Even when the parent or adult knows the child is probably dead, they still call 911 in hopes of reviving the child. They don't hide the body for 31 days.

Thank you and the determination of 'homicide by undetermined means' is done all the time by ME's.
I don't mean to butt in but I am so sick of the attitude of ppl today; on In sessions they are discussing whether or not Baez is being picked on by the Honorable Judge Belvin Perry, are you kidding me. iirc Baez is not even Death Penalty qualified and has tried every back door there is to get in what he thinks will help his client. What is wrong w/ppl today! If she's guilty, she's guilty! But to start making up shuff, and now the "talking Heads think he is being picked on. Really?

Yes it is disgusting. I don't care if they believe ICA is guilty or not, how can they think he's being picked on? :waitasec:
Does it also make you grow a mustache and get a deep voice?

All women normally have some degree of testosterone in their bodies. During menopause women experience huge peaks and valleys in their estrogen, hence the hot flashes etc. Testosterone helps to balance out the symptoms. And no, sorry, not job as the circus bearded lady...
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