2011.06.28 TRIAL Day Thirty (Afternoon Session)

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It's not like CM has much to work with. I think he's doing the best he can to try to raise doubt.
A HUGE hand for RK he is doing BEAUTIFULLY!!

CM is making a fool of himself. Is it worth it, CM?? Really??
CM should be careful that he doesn't alienate the jury. Mr Kronk is coming across as quite a sympathetic figure. He was ignored, chewed out and now the jury can see that the defense is viscously attacking his every move and motive. I think the defense is in dangerous territory. moo.

Too late.
There appears to be some real tension between them at this point. They gave conflicting testimony, and LA contradicted CA's statement that she didn't send DC to search Suburban Dr.

IMO LA should run.... not walk, away from them...
Kronk says he called son- told him he found something and to watch tv to see him. Says son hasn't seen him since he was 8.
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 1:22 PM

Kronk admits he did tell son he could see him (Kronk) on t.v. Kronk says it would be first time son saw him since he was 8
by amandaoberwesh via twitter at 1:21 PM
The upside is.......the DT has thrown everything including the kitchen sink at RK and he stood firm. By them dragging him through the mud....it destroyed their defense. It's a big win here.
Is it just me or is CM asking the same questions over and over? We could be here all week.
I hope he will be alright after this. I can see how having to go through this could effect a person for life. It makes me wonder how every innocent conversation I might have with another person could be dragged into a court of law to make me look like an awful person. I wonder if RK now wishes he had just looked the other way when he saw that precious little skull.

True, I'm sure a lot of people realize this now & will pay more attention to what they do say.
CM is trying to read Kronk's meter and it ain't working.
I think the jurors are fidgeting because this is extremely uncomfortable-- accusing an innocent man who did a good thing!

CM w/Kronk - after 8/13 did you go back with officers to that spot until Dec? no sir....did you go on Good morning America....$15K for picture of snake...received $5K....and Oc paid for my Atty and then i was terminated...mr evans sitting here (object- sustain) have you had contact w/Mr Dean and other officers -yes sir believe so....have son named Brandon Sparks...do you remember calling him around Thanksgiving...no that phone call never happend...did you call him anytime in Novmber 2008 and tell him you were going to be famous? No that never happened.
From Aug - Oct did you go back to Suburban drive-had that route but didn't go to the area....

after deputy kane met you and chewed you out...did any LE officer inspect your veh in any way...no cadavar dog inspect RK vehicle...never asked to submit samples dna....don't know if there was an investigation by LE of him....know if phone records subpoenaned? I remember him take picture of my phone but no knowledge of them subpoena my records...any knowledge of these people between Aug...what people? YM, Det Savage, ...LE people from 8/11 -
Dec 11th - read meters - read A meter on hopespring? didn't get that far...go into the woods by self...not searching again when went into woods...on 21/11/08 did you find what turned out to be remains of Caylee Marie Anthony - yes....I had never been to where that bag was - wouldnt know where that is sir...told us about see bag and skull and drew map....on Dec 11 were remains in same place or moved? It was flooded in Aug but much more grown up in Dec...didn't call to follow up w/LE - just let it go...Aug saw bag and skull...back in Dec saw same bag ? no same skull? ...I was standing behind looking @ gently put stick in right eye socket and gently pick up and gently put it down...and called LE...metal stick....put stick in eye socket of skull...yes sir I apologise ...gently pivoted it up - never took it off the ground...not stuck in mud - no ....after shock of what I found....very horrific thing...called area supervisor...didn't call 911 or crime lab..went back to veh...called Supervisor and said I needed him immediately i found human skull...Alex had been with me up til first section...it is divided into 3 sections....Alex don't remember last name - horrible with names...deputies showed up pretty quick...don't remember who talk to from SO...ask deputy for $225 or $255K reward? no sir...don't remember any discussion about the reward to be honest....remember deputy pamela Porter...don't remember any names except.....ask if you were entitled to reward if baby was dead....might have don't remember...want to keep quiet so ex wife didn't find out...may have said jokingly....
I was still upset in Dec from Aug i got chewed out for just trying to do the right thing...angry w/SO =- no not whole dept - just one person...angry were not believed apparently - no sir.....
talked to Alex Roberts Supervisor that day...discuss reward...think we were jokingly talking about it...having won the lotto? I don't remember if that was said or just play the lotto that day....Alex knew about problems having with my ex-wife....on that day had not read any meters in that neighborhood....went straight to site where remains were found...no i went into woods to relieve myself...remember talk to detectives about the reward looking for? we were discussing the crime line tip - we werent discussing the other one sir....joking with Alex Roberts about finding the body...no we were joking about the money...never joked bout finding the body...are we discussing Aug or December? have any I told you so conversations about who came up with idea of searching the area for Caylee....real clear with mr. dean you found a skull in there..told them I found something that appeared to be that...good place to dump body and nobody would smell it words t othat effect spoke w/Mr Dean...in August whole area dry enough to walk around ....I never discovered a body in August and it was in water in August....was it dry enough to walk around and not get wet in August? no i never walked into the area where found skull....it was too wet! tell me now you completely deny phone call to your son in November ...that phone call didn't happen....denying tell going to be on TV..... called him on 12/11/08 watch tv
and see him for first time since he was 8 years old..

remember ? Cutter...don't remember name...there was a woman with Deputy...yes I alluded to that earlier....talk to Ym whole history in August went to bathroom....I never found a skull in August, I did not know what it was made of...never stood over it never got that close in August....

#CaseyAnthony Cain says only call he made to his son was 12-11-08 not before. ***key point.
by bobkealing via twitter at 2:22 PM
Can RK sue someone for defamation of character or slander when this is over? If so, who would he sue?
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