2011.06.30- HLN News Shows Discussion - Casey Anthony Trial

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There is ONE text. She said the others were in other phones that she did not have anymore. And that one text was NOT sexual. He said he needed her in his life. According to George her sister called and told George that River was going to kill herself. Apparently George called her and told her that because he was very close to her EMOTIONALLY.

And he never denied that he visited her. She told him she had a brain tumor. He was trying to help her and be a good friend. Who wouldn't after she had spent weeks sitting and volunteering in the kidfinders tent? She PRETENDED to care about the missing toddler. That doesn't bother you? She took flowers and cards to Cindy ! Isn't that a tad creepy?

If George was trying to hide that he visited would he go through a guard gate and SIGN HIMSELF IN? And it was daytime he visit. Does that seem like he was hiding anything? He thought he was visiting a close friend who was battling brain cancer.

Well. He said she told him she had a brain tumor. She said she never said that.

She also said that the police had ALL the texts. So, there was more than one. They just picked that one out for court. guess we will never see the rest of them

You say she PRETENDED to care about Caylee? How do you know that? I am not saying it isn't true but how can you be so sure?

The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. I am not saying she is 100% truthful. It appears you think GA is 100% truthful. Not much more to say about that. we differ. she did say GA lied to the police at first that he never went over there. wonder if there's a record of that?
Doesn't matter if George "was screwing the world". Exactly. Does not matter.

Is LP a paid talking head? He's been on Dr Drew every time I watched.

Who told him the theory involving Casey not having money for xanax for she went for chloroform. I've said it before when Dr Drew said it but that's ridiculous. Generic xanax is CHEAP as can be, don't get why they don't suggest she no longer had access to the rx? That makes actually sense.

Was George, River and LP a threesome? Thank you for putting that image in our heads!

if you watch it, LP was acting like a real atty, trying to get to the truth. He is an atty and his dad was a famous judge in NJ.
Would you believe, a Judge??

It's Judge Larry Seidlin, the one who presided over the Anna Nicole Smith baby daddy custody thing.

NO! Judge Larry is a talking head now? Does he cry like he did when he presided over the ANS case.
I have never read this question I am asking here. So, if Roy "hid" little Caylee, is the defense saying that he found it shortly after it was put in the wooded area, took it, and hid it until December when he "found" it again, or is the defense insinuating that Roy and George worked together since the defense also said that George put little Caylee in the wooded area? Which one is JB accusing? Roy or George or both. How can JB accused both in court in front of the jury?
Anybody know who Casey was flirting with at the DT table today?
Yes, JVM has not marketed herself well in this case.

She and Geraldo both showed their bias throughout the trial because of their friendship with Jose. She may have lost a lot of her viewers because of the obvious DT spin she put on almost every issue in this case.
OK Vinnie Politan's juror (from the UK) when comparing Baez to Ashton said something? I did not catch it! Was is an English saying?
He said it's like "chock to cheese"?
chocolate and cheese?
I guess everyone across the pond is sound asleep!
Anyone catch what he said?
Mark E. just went there. Awesomeness!!! That he has heard the same rumors about perhaps ICA offed her parent's dogs because she wanted the attention for herself.
There is just no telling what kind of mind games that chick has played on that family all these years!

If I HAD to guess I'd say she had a hand in it...
Nancy was yelling that Casey refused to take the stand and this was a "bombshell".

This is like when she said Casey demanded they stop court on Saturday by crying crazy. Once in the while the defense can actually do something on point.
OK Vinnie Politan's juror (from the UK) when comparing Baez to Ashton said something? I did not catch it! Was is an English saying?
He said it's like "chock to cheese"?
chocolate and cheese?
I guess everyone across the pond is sound asleep!
Anyone catch what he said?
Chalk to cheese
Two things that are might possibly be confused but which are in fact very different.
Well. He said she told him she had a brain tumor. She said she never said that.

She also said that the police had ALL the texts. So, there was more than one. They just picked that one out for court. guess we will never see the rest of them

You say she PRETENDED to care about Caylee? How do you know that? I am not saying it isn't true but how can you be so sure?

The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. I am not saying she is 100% truthful. It appears you think GA is 100% truthful. Not much more to say about that. we differ. she did say GA lied to the police at first that he never went over there. wonder if there's a record of that?

So because RC says there are more texts that means it's true? If that is so why didn't LE obtain them? If there was any evidence at all of other texts the prosecution and defense would have them and we would know about it. They're on some phantom "other phones that she doesn't have anymore"? That sounds like a page from ICA's book.


CNN will be showing a picture of Casey as a child on AC360. It is a new video that looks like Casey is at someones birthday party.
Did anyone catch how Eiglarsh said seeing how close the spot where Caylee's remains were found was to the Anthony home REALLY hit him today? That after 3 years of talking about it and hearing other people say it was 15 houses away, it hit him that George almost saw the body and she took off in a panic and stopped at the first place and disposed of the bag.

Not sure how they could do it now, but the Prosecution really needs to show this in their closing statement. Time how long it takes to 'take off in a panic' and get to the location, slam on the breaks and get rid of the bag quickly before someone drives by? Show a video clip of doing that and showing the houses flying by out the window?

I think they should have had a jury field trip in their cic. Don't know how they could do it in their rebuttal case. But apparently for Eiglarsh saying 15 houses away wasn't as powerful as physically seeing how close the two locations are.
Have you read her depo? I really think you should. She says she used the name River Cruz to hide her real identity because of the crime's she'd committed in the past, including burglary which is, wouldn't you agree, slightly worse than a traffic ticket? Using a false name is fraud.

Her depo is filled with inconsistencies. For instance, she says George attempted to commit suicide after SHE broke things off with him and then goes on to say how hurt she was when George stopped seeing her after the memorial.

You have mentioned these multiple texts a half dozen or so times. I ask for the third time, where can we find proof that there was ever more than one text?

according to her, there are multiple texts, and that the police have them all.
I'm so disgusted with HLN for obtaining and interview with Krystal Holloway and giving her even MORE attention. It is pathetic and the lowest thing I have seen them do. I turned it off. No class on either (HLN or KH) of their parts. I hope viewers boycotted the interview as well.

that's what I like about these shows - they show both sides, all sides of the witnesses and testimony. Instead of just the one, blinded side, that Casey is 100% guilty and any person or thing that sheds a shred of doubt on that belief is thoroughly and completely trashed automatically. Isn't that what a good sleuth does? Looks at people and events from all different angles?
CNN will be showing a picture of Casey as a child on AC360. It is a new video that looks like Casey is at someones birthday party.
ok so what? now CA is selling off the vids of ICA? will it ever stop???
I only saw like 10 sec. "my name's CASEY" and she said it like 3 times. odd...
NG keeps saying that guy flipped the bird in front of the jury. the jury WAS NOT present when he did that.
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