2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

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JB's wife is very attractive. Now doesn't everyone feel badly for suggesting that JB has messed around with KC? I highly doubt he has.

Sorry but I'm not one of everyone. I never went there. Wasn't my place to.

ETA. Maybe you should replace that "everyone" with some? :)
HLN showing montage of Caylee videos.

In the one taken at the nursing home, she is singing, and just chattering ulma storm. Very verbal. Guess she was just getting too chatty for ICA.

Wouldn't have been too long before Grandpa or Grandma would have asked, "So, Caylee, did you have fun playing at Zanny's today?"

And little Caylee would have responded with a confused, "Who?"

Worst of all is to watch the nursing home video and know that within 24 hours, that sweet child would be murdered.
Just my :twocents:..I see a Jeff Ashton so exhausted he can barely stand up. Then I see ICA come in animated like she has been back in her holding cell planning her Welcome Home party!! She has physically and emotionally drained every single person in her life, ended that of her daughter's and yet she seems oblivious to the gravity of the situation. Unbelievable!
Perhaps she is an emotional vampire?

What's the most common type of emotional vampire out there?
Of the five types -- Narcissistic, Victim, Controller, Constant talker, and Drama Queen -- I would say that the victim is the most common.
WFTV commentator reported that GA and CA's attorney said that if there is a 1st Degree Murder verdict, they will not have a statement for the press. If the jury comes back with a lesser verdict, ONE of them will speak briefly with the media downstairs in front of the courthouse, but they will not take any questions.

Sorry can't provide a link, it was said on live commentary.

Are you kidding me? She interviewed her own husband? :crazy:

LOLOL! Well, who else could he get to ask all the right questions?

"Just the facts, ma'am."
LE will be closing off Anthony's neighborhood as soon as a verdict has been announced...per JVM...

I only caught part of that. She said they are expecting something "ugly" might happen there? I can't imagine anything ugly happening unless Casey were to be released & go home.
Thank you. She is very attractive. And CM's wife is also. She also looks to be younger than he is. I loved the red suit she had on.

Mason and his wife on InSession interview May 3rd
married 38 years in August 2011
hired her as legal secretary - been with him his entire legal career

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/user/WSANEWSJUNKIE#p/u/8/abSs7ST_qK0"]YouTube - ‪WSANEWSJUNKIE's Channel‬‏[/ame]
cheney mason on InSession Part 6
From: WSANEWSJUNKIE | May 3, 2011

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/user/WSANEWSJUNKIE#p/u/7/KKyB3Z1JiGo"]YouTube - ‪WSANEWSJUNKIE's Channel‬‏[/ame]
cheney mason on InSession part 7
From: WSANEWSJUNKIE | May 3, 2011
They didnt cut it off?

oh she would "pay it" (sometimes) but the credits would be reversed because ICA was bouncing it electronically out of mom's account - so it would continue in service, then mom would get the money back from att and then it would be in arrears again. Then Cindy fixed her wagon in mid March by closing that particular checking account and getting another one - which prompted ICA to steal the routing and tran code off of Shirely's check (I'm still confused about that Shirley wrote her a birthday check - but in her interview she says the charges appeared against a special escrow account for her husbands nursing home account - so I don't think it was the same account) Funny - that's when the chloroform neck breaking searches started and when a lot the shenanigans began escalating.

She does it June 25th too - that's around the time of the great gas can caper (and lots of talking back and forth between ICA and Cindy)
Well, I'll be damned.

LP said something I agree with.

He said, "...today Caylee is America's daughter."
Thank you so very much!!

This woman on HLN just said that it appears to her that Juror #4 appears to agree with the drowning theory. She said that when they showed the video of Caylee going up the steps (up the pool ladder) she was nodding her head yes like she agreed with it. I think right now if there is going to be an issue will be with Juror 4. JMO

Meh. I can't take any of the talking head's seriously when they talk about the jurors. They have no idea what the jurors are thinking. They all see different things. Some say the jurors never take notes while others say there are tons of notes being taken. I mean seriously? How hard is it to tell if they're taking notes or not? Whatever happens will happen but none of these reporters or random observers have a clue how the jurors are thinking.
Did you guys hear the demeanor of the jury acccording to Beth K? Heads high, confident, NEVER looked at DT!! She said that's not good for the defense (in her experience).

I take it from all the posts that a verdict has not been reached as yet....dang...was hoping for tonight....Maybe tomorrow...they have all day during business hours.
JB's wife is very attractive. Now doesn't everyone feel badly for suggesting that JB has messed around with KC? I highly doubt he has.

:floorlaugh: Sorry this gave me a giggle. A man's wife's attractiveness has not stopped thousands of other men from being unfaithful. Have you heard of Arnold Schwarzenegger or Tiger Woods? :floorlaugh:
By the way, did we discuss Baez attempt to stall re the 84 times? I thought he had some nerve because I believe HHJP plans on discussing with him at some point why he put a witness on the stand (CA) that he knew was going to lie.....

I was wondering about that. I thought after the jury got the case HHJP would deal w? JB, but I'm guessing its after its all over?
:floorlaugh: Sorry this gave me a giggle. A man's wife's attractiveness has not stopped thousands of other men from being unfaithful. Have you heard of Arnold Swarzenegger or Tiger Woods? :floorlaugh:

Prince Charles?
Not that it truly matters but I would like to make a comment regarding the post that suggests because Jose's wife is beautiful that he most likely did not "cheat" on her with Casey. I don't believe that the opinion of the looks of the wife would make a difference on rather or not he cheated. May I use an example. Scott Peterson's wife Lacy was a beautiful woman on the inside and out...that never stopped him from "cheating" on her. I think its offensive to think that all cheated on wives are "ugly" and all beautiful woman are safe from infidelity. IMOO.
My son had a 2,000.00 bill for one month he is lucky hes alive today.

Eileen730 - don't know why but that just had me rolling on the floor!:floorlaugh:

ay yi yi - I know a lot of parents who got big surprises before all the data packages were rolled into the plans....
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