2011.07.09 - Per Mason, Casey is not going home

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Mental illness would not explain her behavior. There is no reason to jump to that conclusion.

Her behavior is one I have seen.
When you volunteer for this arena you see a lot.
She has no full range of emotions.
She can disconnect from emotions - such as dance and smile and look happy when Caylee was gone.
Chronic lies, chronic bed hopping, and more….
I am glad you dont know about Mental Illness - it is no fun.
I have always thought this is where the "abuse" allegations came from. Her revenge on him!

I absolutely agree. She is one vicious women when you make her mad. I have absolutely no trouble believing she chloroformed her baby and placed duck tape over her mouth. She was mad a Cindy.
This does not surprise me. Casey is finally free of Caylee, that family and their control w/a potential bucket of moola, to boot. IMO, she's just using the excuse of George testifying against her to further punish him/them, to make it HIS fault, scapegoat him, can't be hers, right? Nothing ever is. IMO, she couldn't care less about them. They've served their purpose. On to Hollywood and the fast life...or so she hopes. imo
But did the DT review the actual transcript of the Grand Jury testimony of George ?

I remember all the DT's "shenanigans" after George had testified early on in the case ... the DT was looking for something to desparatey try to impeach him.

Then Judge Perry reviewed GA's GJ testimony and told the DT in open court that he did not change his testimony.

But ... when the DT called George to the Stand for their case ... we saw a DIFFERENT GEORGE !

George was just NOT a believable witness ! The inconsistencies of his testimony ... the "affair" with KC/RC ? ...


Ironic, and I'm not saying GA was not lying because we have seen him do so, but the only one on the stand that admitted to giving a false statement was RC. She originally stated she never had an affair with GA. If we threw out all the testimonies in this trial of people we knew who were lying we only had the experts. lol
Lets see.. Casey getting treatment for ......what? Murder..There is a place for that..It's called prison. Epic,fail. :(
No I think Casey's days with her family are over. I thinks Cindy lives her daughter, but if she came home they know in their heart she is responsible for Caylee's death and they won't be able to get past that with Casey. There will always be questions and they will lead to fights and arguments. It will be a disaster. No, Casey is done with her family.

I actually think she will go home to Cindy. George will be the one to leave. Casey has no money (and she better not get any off her baby)
Many, many times I watched ICA's expressions during the trial. I honestly believe that she has convinced herself that "whatever" she did "it" was the fault of someone else. Narcissists are like that, IMO, even when they do bad things, or mess up in someway, it's because someone else caused them to react that way.

She has lived with the lies she told her DT regarding CA,LA&GA for so long she believes them. JMHO

She won't be going home anytime soon. I wonder though if she will start to miss them during the holidays? I believe she is going to have a very lonely life. Very few will be her friends unless it's about what they can get from her. I mean, who could trust her? I wouldn't want her, or anyone like her for a friend. Would you?

Remember the snake story ALWAYS when it come to ICA. JMHO

Imnot so sure, that alternate young guy juror on Dateline sure seemed to think she was OK :eek:
Her behavior is one I have seen.
When you volunteer for this arena you see a lot.
She has no full range of emotions.
She can disconnect from emotions - such as dance and smile and look happy when Caylee was gone.
Chronic lies, chronic bed hopping, and more….
I am glad you dont know about Mental Illness - it is no fun.

I know about Mental Illness. From what I have seen she has personality problems not mental illness.
I think she will go where they take her (for treatment) and it will be similar to One-Hour-Photo or One-Day-Paint, One-Day-Cure

Thats about all she will be able to tolerate. At some point even the DT will admit they have no control over her and they'll wash their hands (if they are not on some missing persons poster by then)
They will make money of her first and then wash thier hand.
It is sad because she need to be on meds.:twocents:
Anthony defense attorney Cheney Mason was definite about one aspect of Casey Anthony's future. "She won't be going home to her family, that is a guarantee," Mason told WOFL's Holly Bristow. Mason said Anthony hasn't wanted to talk to her family for a long time. "She hasn't wanted to talk to her father since he testified against her in the grand jury," Mason said. "Can't blame her. " <snipped>

The full story can be viewed at: http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/en...home-cheney-mason-says.html?track=osiphoneapp

Personally, I thought she would go home and the family just wouldn't talk about everything unless KC wanted to talk about it. That's what happened before, which is why I came to that theory.

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bumping up the opening post so we can keep on topic. thanks folks ;-)
Again - I volunteer for Mental Illness Association. So the fact that she was not diagnosed does not surprise me in the least.
MANY Bipolar people and other MI people go to trial. This does not mean they are well.
MANY are tested many times and NOT diagnosed until something horrific happens, commonly it may be self-endangerment
or endangerment to others.

This is a real story: Hospitals are often in dilemma when it comes to MI.
Young man was doing bad things endangering himself and his MOM. His mom dialed 911 when the police and ambulance arrived he was able to convince them that it is his Mom who is crazy and he is fine, and she needs to go to the mental hospital. They can be very convincing.
YES THE MOM WAS TAKEN AWAY BY AMBULANCE. After many tests and her telling a number of stories, they finally got it right and released her.
THIS IS NOT UNCOMON – The diagnosis is tough – they are so deceiving they can pull it together if they feel a threat.

My bipolar daughter almost convinced a hospital that she is fine. I had to tell them to look up a record with her real name - she had been in the hospital before - but they almost bought her version.

IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT THOSE 3 court appointed psychologist SAID.
I can't believe a volunteer at NAMI would continue to spread stigma and misinformation about mental illness. Anecdotal evidence does not counteract professionals who have actually seen ICA. The fact that she is being accused of being mentally ill when she has been examined and re examined is wrong imo. Because a person has a severe mental illness does not make them more likely to do the horrible things ICA has done.
I know about Mental Illness. From what I have seen she has personality problems not mental illness.

EVEN with a bad personality - (but people say she is likable)
how do you dance and party? Shop and laugh? when your heart is broken?
MAYBE she has a personality disorder and that is also MI
Casey is not going home to her family because her lawyers invested so much on her so they will keep her and make money out of her. They need to know everything coming in so they can COLLECT!... Casey staying with her family only means family makes the money not the lawyer --- Guys this is a $$$ world they live in wherein the truth doesnt matter ...
I absolutley believe that the DT actively engaged in parental alienation with ICA and it was because this is the strategy they were going to use and needed her on board. If you read through the Cookie letters, when CA b-e-t-r-a-y-e-d her by being sick for a hearing then meeting with GMA that weekend, ICA writes that it is the third betrayal. She said GA testified against her, then LA acted according to a script for LE ("agent of the state") and now this. She describes JB telling her how CA laughed that she got caught going to lunch with GMA. JB fueled the fire on purpose. And remember how much they wanted the GJ transcripts? This is why! So they could say GA was framing ICA! I'm so glad they didn't get them.

I read those letters, and they are a real eye opener. I had to LOL at the one where she was peeved at CA for bringing her pants that were too small to wear to court. In her mind, it's not even her own fault that her a$$ got big in jail! :crazy:

I do believe that she thinks that it is GA's fault that she was even indicted because of the GJ testimony, which is why she sat in court with her pouty-snout face on during his testimony and mouthed the words, 'it is your fault'. She is completely incapable of any self-reflection, IMO. This is what makes her so very dangerous. We all wanted her to be in jail forever to 'teach her a lesson', but the reality is that she is incapable of learning from her mistakes. But at least LWOP would have insured the public safety...

I can't believe a volunteer at NAMI would continue to spread stigma and misinformation about mental illness. Anecdotal evidence does not counteract professionals who have actually seen ICA. The fact that she is being accused of being mentally ill when she has been examined and re examined is wrong imo. Because a person has a severe mental illness does not make them more likely to do the horrible things ICA has done.
Sorry but I do NOT agree.

Stigma and awareness are not the same.
It is very true that MI OFTEN goes misdiagnosed long before it is diagnosed.
But her getting treatment, for what, I wonder? Didn't 3 court appointed psychologist say she was okay to go on with the trial? CM is a liar.

I'd guess there's a difference between "competent to stand trial" and "mentally ill".

I think KC is mentally ill, and because of the way the family operated, they never sought help for her. Maybe they never saw it. Remember, CA never took her to a gynecologist until she was pregnant, and everyone knew she was pregnant before her parents did.
what, by stealing it? ITA and ask you this: who will put up with it like CA did/will? it just proves my point.

Exactly. She made her money by stealing it and now she doesn't have anyone to steal it from. Any network or personality or talk show host, etc. that hires her should be banned. You can bet I will not pay one red penny that has anything to doo with her. And I will be writing in firery emails telling them I will be banning them
I remember reading somewhere that a lipreader detected DCS was saying something to KC before sentencing about "a window or aisle seat". So, I assume they (the dt) have plans for KC to go get some "therapeutic" R&R and get a makeover and at some point come out and present her "victim" story of years of abuse after a "cooling off" period for the outraged public has gone by.:maddening:
The dt know now, even if they didn't know before, that the public is not ready to swallow KC's version of events (even if HLN is)! It's way to soon. However, they have a plan-I'm sure. Probably will say she needs time to grieve and get her head on straight and at the proper time (meaning the right $ amount) the newly restored, rehabbed, and emotionally recovered Casey Anthony will debut!:dramaqueen:
Will she ever get back with her folks? IMO Not unless or until she winds up back incarcerated and needs funds for her commissary account again!:fence:

Can you imagine being on the same flight as ICA?! I'm not even a fan of flying to begin with much less if she showed up on my flight! I think I would have to be heavily medicated for that to happen! lol :panic:
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