2011.07.15 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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JVM now discussing the alleged comment by GA that Casey isn't welcome to go home.......now retracted. Unconditional love for Casey?

Uuhhmm...more like a threat from Cindy who owns the house on Hopespring. If George doesn't want Casey back home, Cindy will tell George to take a hike. jmo
I didn't see the interview but did CM not mention dealing with and getting counseling for the sexual abuse?

Whether they believe the story or not, wouldn't that be a logical progression and from a DT POV, brings the focus back to Casey the victimized child? That's a really cold way to look at it but it seems to make sense. They don't want to draw attention to Caylee. It may not matter to them since the trial is over but there's 8 million lawsuits floating around.
This morning I took my dog Sadie in to get groomed, on the way home I stopped by Walmart to get some ice cream, while I was waiting in the check out line, I looked over to my right, and there was a small picture of FCA on STAR magizine, I flipped it over! YAY! It felt good. I'm going grocery shopping on Sunday at a different store, and I will do the same. You all should try it, it feels good LOL
Nancy Grace on now.......showing more jailhouse video......."the final chapter in our three part series: Tot Mom Uncensored".

Haven't we already seen all of these videos? Maybe she has something new? Don't know if I can stand an entire hour of listening to Miss Wheeny-Whiney.

I missed Issues, will this evening's show be on the internet? If so, could someone please give me a link? tia
I have a hard time believing that Casey Anthony doesn't want a fabulous fanfare for her departure from Orange County jail. Think of those "grand entrances" of Hollywood stars or on the Great White Way: Casey wants her time in the spotlight. I can see her stepping up to a bank of media mikes to say: "I am innocent. I loved that child and never would have done anything to hurt her."

Then, in the overly-dramatic style of Susan Hayward, Ms. Anthony will don oversized sunglasses, whip a long scarf over her face and head, and do the "princess" prance that she perfected during the trial as she exits to the awaiting procession of darkened vehicles that will whisk her out of harm's way. jmho

I agree with everything you have said.

If this helps anyone, now reality is going to set in. She hasn't had to do anything but eat, sleep, and read. No laundry, cleaning, any daily chores like most of us. She is in couch potato mode. The real world isn't going to be easy for her. All reality is going to set in and I don't see her as being a happy camper. She isn't going to be in the spotlight like in the last couple of years and she is going to realize how lonely she is. She may get a few interviews and a book deal, but that will fade soon. She is going to have to face the real world with the majority of people who think she is guilty.
FWIW.....Orange County inmate search no longer brings up CA
W - H - A - T??????

LG dialling Ottawa and the Dept of Immigration and the Border Guards - closed and after hours be damned!!!

Contacting the local spammer to hit the send button.....

Call the Mounties....they always get their man.
Snippet from CM on JVM...

"ICA is with no money, no home, no family and no place to go and the only family she has is the DT. Her family... how many times did they testify against her in a death penalty case? Forget about all the rest of it. They didn't have to do that..."

I guess he forgot it was the DT that called her family to the stand a gazillion times and that they are the ones that pitted them against her with all the sexual abuse crap.

Oh lordy! :loser:She's like the kid that killed her parents and then pleads for mercy because she's an orphan.

I'm looking forward to FCA turning on ole Cheney. I bet she accuses him of lewd conduct and being "just like her father".
Try putting just her last name in. I just brought her up on the Orange County site and Vinelink.

That's what I do, just the last name. She's still there.
They certainly wouldn't release her when they've chosen reporters to go in at 10pm tomorrow to wait for her release. I think there's 3reporters allowed to wait for her to pass by.
I'm having a difficult time believing that Casey is going to be hidden out of state. I think they may fly her to NY or some place. For an interview and to chill for a few days. Shopping trips etc.

But I think Baez is going to want her close to him so that he can control her. Let's face it Casey alone in the world is going to mean trouble.
Uuhhmm...more like a threat from Cindy who owns the house on Hopespring. If George doesn't want Casey back home, Cindy will tell George to take a hike. jmo

She can't make GA leave. It's still his home and my guess is he is on the mortgage. If CA divorces him he still gets half the house. She already tried that and GA is back in the house because her attorney said he's entitled to half the house plus allimony. At least this is what CA told SP. She's stuck with him.

I often wondered if the story about KC getting the house stemmed from GA leaving after Caylee was born and CA planning on moving out herself to a small apartment and letting KC and Caylee have the house. GA comes home and upsets the plans. Another reason to hate her father. jmo
That's what I do, just the last name. She's still there.
They certainly wouldn't release her when they've chosen reporters to go in at 10pm tomorrow to wait for her release. I think there's 3reporters allowed to wait for her to pass by.

Where did that come from? Do we know who the reporters are?
Watching the video on HLN:
Who is the guy GA is referring to that came over for dinner? Just wondering... Thanks! :)
I'm having a difficult time believing that Casey is going to be hidden out of state. I think they may fly her to NY or some place. For an interview and to chill for a few days. Shopping trips etc.

But I think Baez is going to want her close to him so that he can control her. Let's face it Casey alone in the world is going to mean trouble.

Oh yes, Casey on her own wouldn't be any good but I'm not sure Casey with Baez and Cheny is really that much better. I really expect this partnership to blow up and get nasty at some point.
Yep....just tried the inmate search again and it came up.....but before that I tried it at least five times just to make sure and nothing showed.....interesting
Where did that come from? Do we know who the reporters are?

Been on news channel 13 Orlando, maybe HLN too. I don't remember who the reporters are....anyone know?
Sorry, I'm on my IPad and it takes longer for me to look up info.
I don't know for sure whether GA really told anyone that he doesn't want Casey at home again but wow, can you imagine, knowing what THEY know, how they would feel having her around when there is the possibility that Lee and Malory could soon be starting a family of their own? OMG, I wouldn't want her anywhere in the same STATE as me!
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