2011.07.16 - Lightning strikes in front of OC Jail

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And if this is from above and a mad and angry power, why did he allow her to be found innocent? Wouldnt he have known the outcome?

Being not guilty doesnt mean innocent. There is a reason he just hasn't let it be known yet.Whether its Caylee law or something else he let it happen for a purpose.She might not have to answer to the law for Caylee death but she will have to answer to him.
Hey you guys,

I know that many people here who are religious and believe in a conscious God.
I know that many others here are agnostic or atheist. There is no reason to mock each other or attack each other for their beliefs. Religious folks, I envy your faith, and I do not like to see your faith challenged, attacked or mocked.
Atheists, you want to be respected for your beliefs, yet you challenge the beliefs of the religious. That just isn't fair. Agnostics, I appreciate your middle ground.

You guys, I just think that we could all appreciate the wonder in these two separate (for me, still unconfirmed) incidences of lightning strikes without being entirely cold-hearted and critical of our fellows on this site.

Faith is a matter for the individual. Good people don't attack their neighbor's faith, I don't believe.

Now, for myself, and my personal comment. I am a pantheist and I believe that, as we all contribute towards, and are intertwined with, the functioning and science of our universe, that it is plausible that Miss Anthony has drawn some BS towards her. The ideas of "energies" has not been proven or disproven yet, and so I remain openminded.

You guys worked hard on this case, you may be dissapointed, but don't let TOLERANCE divide us.

bless you all :)


Good post, no offense, no squashed toes! :)
And if this is from above and a mad and angry power, why did he allow her to be found innocent? Wouldnt he have known the outcome?

That decision was in the hands of people.
Remember, this is what it looked like at the Anthony's house on July 7th when it struck near the remains site....

View attachment 17781
And that is what it looks like nearly every afternoon in the summer here and exactly what it looked like at my own house on the same day.

I know that the lightning strikes and ominous clouds look threatening to many of you who live outside our area but this is typical for us in Central Florida. Just as the midwest deals with tornadoes, the west coast with earthquakes, and the southern plain states with dust storms, we live with lightning and a lot of it. I doubt if Casey gives it a second thought. I know I don't as I'm used to it. The only people who seems to be reporting on the "unusual" weather are the news reporters who don't live here.

People are killed here every single summer from lightning---innocent people like young kids playing soccer. Every day the theme parks here have to shut down their outdoor coasters until lightning passes through. Florida is the Lightning Capital of the U.S. and Central Florida, from Tampa to Titusville (which includes Orlando) is "Lightning Alley" in the U.S. Lightning is the #1 weather killer in Florida - more than all other weather deaths combined. I doubt that any of these deaths occurred to murderers that God was striking down. It is what it is.

If God did work that way, my prayer would have been that Casey was hit by lightning before she had a chance to kill poor Caylee. I am comforted in the fact that Casey will pay for this horrible deed either on this earth or on the other side.
i really think its because of metal around the area mabey streetlights and such .

You never know. BUT if I were FCA I sure as ***** wouldn't stand on a golf course holding an umbrella under a tree anytime soon.
i saw the pic on the orlando sentinel...first the tree in front of memorial and now this...coincidence? maybe? i prefer to think of it, the big man upstairs is NOT happy....NOT AT ALL!
If it was karma, it would have waited until she walked out of the jail, and struck her... doncha think? She wasn't hit, so I wouldn't call it karma.
I will call it the warning before Karma .... Like the warning before the storm..
Karma is watching.
Since time began man would look at the skies for signs and omens.

This is why we still feel the thunder and lightning is a powerful message.

I'm not religious but it sure as heck gives me shivers down to the spine and I hope that it does to Casey too.
Oh I think he has plans for Casey Anthony!

He has plans for all of us. Actually if her child really drowned in the pool, I would be more worried about him if I was one of the one saying Kill her and hoping for something bad to happen to her.
He has plans for all of us. Actually if her child really drowned in the pool, I would be more worried about him if I was one of the one saying Kill her and hoping for something bad to happen to her.

And if she did, in fact, murder her child in cold blood, I'd be more worried about those that defend her at every turn. :innocent:
And if she did, in fact, murder her child in cold blood, I'd be more worried about those that defend her at every turn. :innocent:

We can go tit for tat all day, but for the most part God is not some mean jerk who goes around using lighting to kill people out of spite. I mean did her plane get shot down by lightening last night? Right after the verdict was read, did she get struck down, I mean stuff like that would make me say, jeez, okie dokie then! But acting like lightening striking in Florida is a rare occurrence is really reaching to prove God is mad. If he was so mad she would be on death row.
And if she did, in fact, murder her child in cold blood, I'd be more worried about those that defend her at every turn. :innocent:

i have to agree w/ "crucibelle" on this one...imo, she DID murder her child, no sense for that tape to be on the face, unless it was used to suffocate her/keep the chloroform where it needed to be to work. //
id be worried about her defense team, the jurors,and her mom, who LIED on stand to save her worthless daughters hide. anyone who helped her walk..look @ oj's lawyers. kardashian died of stomach cancer? another had brain cancer or tumor...another ones son OD'd.
any one hear of the fate of the oj jurors?
I don't know if the lightning strikes mean anything, but I did read that Casey Anthony voodoo dolls are in high demand!:crazy:
And if this is from above and a mad and angry power, why did he allow her to be found innocent? Wouldnt he have known the outcome?

She wasn't found innocent. She was found not guilty. Big difference.

The jury foreman has said it made him physically sick to sign his juror form because he knows she played a part in what happened to Caylee.

She was NOT found innocent.
He has plans for all of us. Actually if her child really drowned in the pool, I would be more worried about him if I was one of the one saying Kill her and hoping for something bad to happen to her.

Yeah cause dumping your child in a swamp in garbage bags shows how great a person FCA is.
We can go tit for tat all day, but for the most part God is not some mean jerk who goes around using lighting to kill people out of spite. I mean did her plane get shot down by lightening last night? Right after the verdict was read, did she get struck down, I mean stuff like that would make me say, jeez, okie dokie then! But acting like lightening striking in Florida is a rare occurrence is really reaching to prove God is mad. If he was so mad she would be on death row.

Why does the fact that people take comfort in this bother you so bad???

If you don't believe, so be it.
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