317 Pages Released, Where are the other 274???

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NM I figured it out! number ending in 9293 is JG.

Sure? I think AL.

Here is my logic:
1. it wouldn't then be inbound, i.e. JG to JG on his logs.
2. She knew JG - yet 9293 txts on pg 1165 - 1080 - they're happy they met out of this.

When I finish this set I'll scan back to see when this # first shows up.
AL. I think - pretty sure. Interestingly, 9293 is also the author of the late night text about LE and the Feds looking into the PR trip.

Exactly, I think this person is important.. AL? you may be right.
I started adding to the calendar, but I'm converting the pdf to searchable OCR right now, so I can't read. :(
I started adding to the calendar, but I'm converting the pdf to searchable OCR right now, so I can't read. :(

darn...ok. I am still reading but I need to catch some zzz's, I will finish up tomorrow. I know we will figure out who is who.. WS rocks. Night everyone.. interesting stuff for those who are still reading or haven't started!
Yup, pretty sure. first shows up on AH's on 7-20, sounds like the planning to get
together and work on the calendar.
To Amy from Annie

7/23/08 8:41:19am "Mrs. Anthony is requesting us all to meet at the house tonight at 8pm. Please arrage your schedules accordingly. This is VERY important!"

Hmm, very interesting... I wonder how many friends were there that night and what was they talked about?!? :waitasec:
Yeah I think you are right.. but now I am trying to figure out who is the # ending in 9293? They have a lot of interesting comments in Amy's texts part 3..

I concede. After reading the 3rd set, I think you're right.

Still don't know why it shows up on his logs, but it does seem to fit.
5/14/08 8:49am

Text from Casey to AH...

"Its official. As long as we take our trip within the first 2 weeks of july im set. I just got my vacation cleared :-D"

this sent chills down my spine.
I'm wondering what this text means...

"And your bruised rib? I didn't think those were contagious! Poor baby. Give her a hug for me"

Also interesting is that Amy relays a message to I believe it was William

"She told Tony that you were gay."
I'm wondering what this text means...

"And your bruised rib? I didn't think those were contagious! Poor baby. Give her a hug for me"

Also interesting is that Amy relays a message to I believe it was William

"She told Tony that you were gay."

Casey sends a message saying she's ill and is going to the doctor. She later mentions having a bruised rib also. At some point, she states that Caylee caught her cold, but, at least, her ribs are good...or something to that affect.

ETA: Regarding Caylee and cold, second set of Amy's text messages...see #564 & #566.
wow after reading Amy's text messages I just feel so bad for her,...all that time Casey leading her on about having a place for her to live...all while the clock was ticking on this girl practically being homeless..that's just rotten...not mention Casey telling her she would come over and help her look for the money SHE STOLE!
Thank you for the welcome, hopefully I will get over my nerves and be able to post with my ideas. :)

Welcome!! :) Don't be nervous....we would LOVE to hear your ideas and thoughts! It's always good to have another take on things, another set of eyes, however you wanna put it.
Well after reading through all those text messages, I want to first say THANK YOU to all those who made it possible for us to view these. :) I'm glad it was decided for it to go in the Jury room. I do see why the media wanted to kinda keep these out of the public for personal reasons. I mean just for example, if *I* was Amy or any of her friends, I would not want personal messages that I sent displayed for all to see (when they have nothing to do with Caylee or Casey). Putting something on myspace is one thing....its public and fair game for all to see. But sending a text, at the time you send it you expect there to be a level of privacy, for only the person you sent it to...to read it. So that being said, I'm just glad it's in the jury room so that people have to actually register if they want to view it.

I did find alot of the information interesting for sure. I did notice what Amy had mentioned about Casey seeming to drop off the face of the earth around mid June. I mean up until that, she was texting Amy almost daily, usually multiple times a day. Then suddenly it became very sporadic until around the end of June, then kinda faded away again. Apparently, from viewing the texts, Amy changed her address with the Postal Service to the Anthony's address - I wonder if her mail ever started going to the Anthony's? I'm assuming she was able to correct it.

In general, I feel really bad for Amy and all she has had to go through becuase of Casey's "mistruths". I also feel super bad for Will, who seemed to genuinely start to develop feelings for Casey and even after he finds out about Caylee being missing, he still seems very concerned. The poor guy seemed to be falling for her, but wow....guess he is thanking his lucky stars now, huh? He could have been her next victim (a victim of her lies I mean). I also found it sooooo completely BIZARRE how she constantly referred to work. She mentioned several times that she had to "work late" or "have a late work call". It was like in her conversation on a regular basis which just creeps me out because WHAT was she really doing?? WHERE was she? WHERE was Caylee? For that matter, WHERE IS Caylee??? It just really baffles me. WAS she working? Maybe doing some type of, um, "unconventional" job? I just don't get it.

In fact, one of her texts, on June 26th, she says "I need a freaking vacation." Okay......we have pretty much surmised that if something happened to Caylee, it would have happened sometime in the 10 days preceeding that text message (starting June 16th). So.......what exactly did she need a vacation FROM?? Not from work! Maybe she needed a vacation from all the lies. I better stop before I get myself banned. I am more infuriated with this case now than I have ever been. I'm just disgusted.
For those reading Amy's - Text from KC will have a phone number that ends in 9286

Can you explain why the dates are all out of order. Like they go from 4/30 to 5/17 back to 5/1, forward to 5/17?

I am so confused. How are any of you following these, and it's so one sided, i want to see the outgoing texts too to follow the convo, dang it.
Oh, I can't stand her even more. That condescending "love" thing she says to Amy drives me nuts.

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