4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered, Bryan Kohberger Arrested, Moscow, Nov 2022 #87

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Is anyone else curious who was at the house that night? Are there students in the houses nearby who may have more info? How did he kill four people and the only DNA is on the knife sheath?

From what I understand over the months of reading this site and not quite fully comprehending this aspect, I believe there are other sources of DNA and forensic evidence such as the footprint that can probably lock down BK to being in the house. It would seem that the 'single source DNA' on the snap of the sheath is the one place that *only* BK's DNA was found and it was not mixed in with anyone else's. That could mean a lot of things and it doesn't mean that this is the only place his DNA was located, if I am to understand correctly (could be wrong but I've read up on this a few times to try and understand).

For some reason when LE first announced this 'single source DNA' news they released only that tiny bit of data and then rapidly went silent on the footprint and any other physical forensic evidence obtained from within the house. So then it made it appear that this is the only shred of evidence gleaned from the house, I assume that is not the case at all. I also suspect releasing that information was a strategic decision.

What I can't understand is how or why BK - or the perpetrator if he's innocent - would not have that sheath securely strapped or belted to themselves. I wonder if he had to pull that knife a whole lot quicker and more suddenly than planned or expected and this caused it to drop? Also the other idea that he was seeking to frame someone else, someone military, and there is the whole weird situation of a local ex military guy who took his own life or somesuch (unsure haven't researched).

Also if BK perpetrated this crime with a collaborator, unlikely IMO, maybe they deliberately set him up.

From what I understand over the months of reading this site and not quite fully comprehending this aspect, I believe there are other sources of DNA and forensic evidence such as the footprint that can probably lock down BK to being in the house. It would seem that the 'single source DNA' on the snap of the sheath is the one place that *only* BK's DNA was found and it was not mixed in with anyone else's. That could mean a lot of things and it doesn't mean that this is the only place his DNA was located, if I am to understand correctly (could be wrong but I've read up on this a few times to try and understand).

For some reason when LE first announced this 'single source DNA' news they released only that tiny bit of data and then rapidly went silent on the footprint and any other physical forensic evidence obtained from within the house. So then it made it appear that this is the only shred of evidence gleaned from the house, I assume that is not the case at all. I also suspect releasing that information was a strategic decision.

What I can't understand is how or why BK - or the perpetrator if he's innocent - would not have that sheath securely strapped or belted to themselves. I wonder if he had to pull that knife a whole lot quicker and more suddenly than planned or expected and this caused it to drop? Also the other idea that he was seeking to frame someone else, someone military, and there is the whole weird situation of a local ex military guy who took his own life or somesuch (unsure haven't researched).

Also if BK perpetrated this crime with a collaborator, unlikely IMO, maybe they deliberately set him up.

MOO he had the sheath in a deep pocket, it ejected when he exerted forces on his first victims.
Totally agree on all of your points. IMO prosecutors can prove that it's his car on the majority of the videos. The defense knows this. And each confirmed BK's white Elantra sighting is theoritiaclly evidene towards this "alibi" (so not an alibi).

I'm going to keep saying it. The supermarket visit cited in the PCA is the stamp on prosecutors' evidence that BK was in that car. It will show that his Elantra, and his cell phone, aligned like it did the night before....and there's crystal clear video of him getting out of it. And I think the kicker will be the identifying marker(s) from the car.

BK could have just as easily said he never left his house. The fact that he had 7 months....and could only come up with "I was driving around" tells you just how strong the evidence he's likely seen is.
Like x100.
The mountain of evidence all points toward BK. The only question remaining at the trial is will the jury do something "unconventional"?? JMO

Agree. You never know what a jury will do. Elsewhere on the internet some people have gone down some really deep rabbit holes and some of these outlandish theories have garnered widespread support presenting a possible problem of contaminating the jury pool (it only takes one). Imo this a product of the gag order. When you keep information under wraps to this overreaching extent, people feel a need to "fill in the blanks." The theories I've seen elsewhere seem to be driven partly to fill the "no information void" as a result of this gag order, and partly on some content creator's behalf, to monetize the sensationalism of their (completely counterintuitive and false, imo) theory. Not fact, jmo from what I have been seeing for nearly a year now. But, for the most part we know jurors take their jobs quite seriously and I would hope the state would be able to extract thru voir dire enough information to help them weed out any jurors who will resist listening to all of the evidence before passing on a verdict.

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MOO he had the sheath in a deep pocket, it ejected when he exerted forces on his first victims.

That's my suspicion too, maybe even wearing one of those hunting jackets with many deep pockets.

In this regard, it strikes me that he must have had to act fast and was maybe going to 'hot prowl' a while but needed to react fast if / when someone awoke or was already awake, therefore being careless in hurry.

That's my suspicion too, maybe even wearing one of those hunting jackets with many deep pockets.

In this regard, it strikes me that he must have had to act fast and was maybe going to 'hot prowl' a while but needed to react fast if / when someone awoke or was already awake, therefore being careless in hurry.


I think the Dickies tag they found in his WA apt will turn out to belong to a coverall purchased from Walmart.

I'm an avid reader here, and in awe of the expertise of many of the posters. Personally, I can't get over how badly he underestimated law enforcement. Moscow, though a small town, is a college town. College towns generally have more money and a more educated population. If he had operated in the same era as say, the Golden State Killer, maybe crossing state lines would have been more of an advantage to him. WSU jumped into action to help which was key to IDing the right Elantra and leading right to Kohberger's door.
I agree. Instead of writing a book about a coward, someone should write one about the real heroes; the Moscow PD (who people early on referred to as the Keystone Cops), the police chief (who some criticized for being too emotional at the early press conferences), the lead investigator (who was denounced for not having the experience or training to handle such a brutal case), the prosecution team and the whole Moscow community who rallied around the families of the victims. A small community accomplished what metropolitan areas often fail at.
I agree. Instead of writing a book about a coward, someone should write one about the real heroes; the Moscow PD (who people early on referred to as the Keystone Cops), the police chief (who some criticized for being too emotional at the early press conferences), the lead investigator (who was denounced for not having the experience or training to handle such a brutal case), the prosecution team and the whole Moscow community who rallied around the families of the victims. A small community accomplished what metropolitan areas often fail at.

Overestimate self x underestimate others. Could leave quite the chasm between reality and perception.
I agree. Instead of writing a book about a coward, someone should write one about the real heroes; the Moscow PD (who people early on referred to as the Keystone Cops), the police chief (who some criticized for being too emotional at the early press conferences), the lead investigator (who was denounced for not having the experience or training to handle such a brutal case), the prosecution team and the whole Moscow community who rallied around the families of the victims. A small community accomplished what metropolitan areas often fail at.

People that are (quite frankly) ignorant about how police work goes ... 1) gather evidence and 2) let the evidence lead to suspects make my skin crawl. Why wasn't the killer caught in the first week or first month. Geez Mr. Clueless..

That's what happened 400 years ago in medieval times ... no evidence just guess who probably did it, interrogate them and use 100% shaky eye witness testimony to arrest and convict them.

Science is conclusive but takes time.
I agree. Instead of writing a book about a coward, someone should write one about the real heroes; the Moscow PD (who people early on referred to as the Keystone Cops), the police chief (who some criticized for being too emotional at the early press conferences), the lead investigator (who was denounced for not having the experience or training to handle such a brutal case), the prosecution team and the whole Moscow community who rallied around the families of the victims. A small community accomplished what metropolitan areas often fail at.
Overestimate self x underestimate others. Could leave quite the chasm between reality and perception.
I'd read the heck out of a book that bounced back and fourth between the perception of the public (through the eyes of a local reporter who was exposed to it all) and the reality of the investigation (through the eyes of a lead investigator).
People that are (quite frankly) ignorant about how police work goes ... 1) gather evidence and 2) let the evidence lead to suspects make my skin crawl. Why wasn't the killer caught in the first week or first month. Geez Mr. Clueless..

That's what happened 400 years ago in medieval times ... no evidence just guess who probably did it, interrogate them and use 100% shaky eye witness testimony to arrest and convict them.

Science is conclusive but takes time.
What gets me is the "at first they thought it was a blue car so that's reasonable doubt" folks...

As if 'investigating' and ultimately dismissing or clearing a lead/suspect/scenario/theory is a sign of weakness leading to reasonable doubt. No, that's all part of building a case and what they do for a job...literally.

There's a reason that there are a lot of parallels between the 'scientific method' and law enforcement investigations. And it all ties directly to reasonable doubt and the jury considering other 'reasonable' alternative explanations that haven't been ruled out.
Overestimate self x underestimate others. Could leave quite the chasm between reality and perception.
That's an interesting idea. I'm probably an outlier, but I'm a firm believer that what appears as superiority complexes to others are self-defense to cover up an inferiority complex. In that context, I think that he both works very hard to show how smart he is, and is condescending to other people for the same reason: he doesn't really think he's all that. He comes from a working class family (as do I) and has a full set of struggles. Former heroin addict, VSS, struggles with personal relationships, etc. Then he apparently managed to do very well in school. Perhaps he continued on to the PhD level more because he felt school had allowed him to escape his cycle of failure than because he wanted to teach.

Only he wound up right back in that cycle of failure. The students didn't like him or his approach to TAing. He was fighting with his professor, still couldn't relate to women. It seems like the only "up side" to WA was that he was on his own at last and free to act on his obsessions. MOOooo
What gets me is the "at first they thought it was a blue car so that's reasonable doubt" folks...

As if 'investigating' and ultimately dismissing or clearing a lead/suspect/scenario/theory is a sign of weakness leading to reasonable doubt. No, that's all part of building a case and what they do for a job...literally.

There's a reason that there are a lot of parallels between the 'scientific method' and law enforcement investigations. And it all ties directly to reasonable doubt and the jury considering other 'reasonable' alternative explanations that haven't been ruled out.
MOO they dont "think" anything intil the case for arrest is being built.
They are looking at so much info all at once and following leads.
A lead can look promising and then be abandoned when proven tonbe impossible (ironclad alibi for example)
That there were many leads just means they were doing their job hypothesizing and considering different scenarios,
testing them out.
From what I understand over the months of reading this site and not quite fully comprehending this aspect, I believe there are other sources of DNA and forensic evidence such as the footprint that can probably lock down BK to being in the house. It would seem that the 'single source DNA' on the snap of the sheath is the one place that *only* BK's DNA was found and it was not mixed in with anyone else's. That could mean a lot of things and it doesn't mean that this is the only place his DNA was located, if I am to understand correctly (could be wrong but I've read up on this a few times to try and understand).

For some reason when LE first announced this 'single source DNA' news they released only that tiny bit of data and then rapidly went silent on the footprint and any other physical forensic evidence obtained from within the house. So then it made it appear that this is the only shred of evidence gleaned from the house, I assume that is not the case at all. I also suspect releasing that information was a strategic decision.

What I can't understand is how or why BK - or the perpetrator if he's innocent - would not have that sheath securely strapped or belted to themselves. I wonder if he had to pull that knife a whole lot quicker and more suddenly than planned or expected and this caused it to drop? Also the other idea that he was seeking to frame someone else, someone military, and there is the whole weird situation of a local ex military guy who took his own life or somesuch (unsure haven't researched).

Also if BK perpetrated this crime with a collaborator, unlikely IMO, maybe they deliberately set him up.

All reports point to no friend, criminal buddy or pals like that.
What gets me is the "at first they thought it was a blue car so that's reasonable doubt" folks...

As if 'investigating' and ultimately dismissing or clearing a lead/suspect/scenario/theory is a sign of weakness leading to reasonable doubt. No, that's all part of building a case and what they do for a job...literally.

I genuinely think this case, and BK in particular (for reasons that elude me) have pulled the attention of people who have never followed a high profile murder case before, and who just don’t have a grip on the fundamentals.
People that are (quite frankly) ignorant about how police work goes ... 1) gather evidence and 2) let the evidence lead to suspects make my skin crawl. Why wasn't the killer caught in the first week or first month. Geez Mr. Clueless..

That's what happened 400 years ago in medieval times ... no evidence just guess who probably did it, interrogate them and use 100% shaky eye witness testimony to arrest and convict them.

Science is conclusive but takes time.

Ah but if we'd used the old fashioned rules, I had an altogether different person between my crosshairs for a whole slew of reasons. So they'd have already been hung in the town square before anyone suspected BK :O
That's an interesting idea. I'm probably an outlier, but I'm a firm believer that what appears as superiority complexes to others are self-defense to cover up an inferiority complex. In that context, I think that he both works very hard to show how smart he is, and is condescending to other people for the same reason: he doesn't really think he's all that. He comes from a working class family (as do I) and has a full set of struggles. Former heroin addict, VSS, struggles with personal relationships, etc. Then he apparently managed to do very well in school. Perhaps he continued on to the PhD level more because he felt school had allowed him to escape his cycle of failure than because he wanted to teach.

Only he wound up right back in that cycle of failure. The students didn't like him or his approach to TAing. He was fighting with his professor, still couldn't relate to women. It seems like the only "up side" to WA was that he was on his own at last and free to act on his obsessions. MOOooo

I agree with you on this analysis and totally accept that concept. This is why I feel so sorry for people like him, if he did it, and only wish that such people could be honest and tell us their processing so that humanity can try to prevent needless victims of horror.
My curiosity is around how the Defense is going to establish his "driving around" as evidence.

Will they simply admit that his car is the one seen on some or all of the videos? I'm guessing that the FBI and other LE digital investigation units have found some distinctive features about the Elantra that is seen near 1122 King Road (tread on tires, perhaps; label on tires; type of rims; minor wear and tear to car, etc).

Seems to me that unless it's just going to be AT telling the jury in opening and closing (which the Judge will remind the jury: that's not evidence!)...they're kind of stuck in bringing it in. And if they admit that's his car on the videos, that seems counter-productive for the Defense.

He has to try to claim he is out driving around but NOT at 1122 King Road - except that they have both phone and car traveling there the next morning. And that same car seen on neighbor-video in the wee hours of Sunday morning. Some other Elantra Dude did it.

Makes no sense to me. SMH. JMO.

They shouldn't be including anything in opening that they don't intend to prove or at minimum offer evidence on. I doubt there will be an objection from the state if she does this because it's disruptive and it can make you look bad if you object and interrupt during the other side's opening, and I bet the judge will let go on. However, if she goes off on this path and then she doesn't prove it or even offer it? Well, then I think she has done even more damage to her case because the jury is going to be expecting that offer of evidence - and they will remember that she didn't deliver.

As always all jmo
I agree. Instead of writing a book about a coward, someone should write one about the real heroes; the Moscow PD (who people early on referred to as the Keystone Cops), the police chief (who some criticized for being too emotional at the early press conferences), the lead investigator (who was denounced for not having the experience or training to handle such a brutal case), the prosecution team and the whole Moscow community who rallied around the families of the victims. A small community accomplished what metropolitan areas often fail at.


I'm worried about that person. AT said her evidence will come via cross of state witnesses, some of which might involve protected material. The only protected material I am aware of are the officer training records that she fought so hard to obtain (and which like the prosecution, I don't think she should have been entitled to). I hope their strategy isn't "Let's try to destroy LE credibility on matters that have nothing to do with this investigation bc we have nothing else".

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