A view from the inside: observations from our own court observers

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:tyou: out to Anita and Katiecoo; you both have done a Fantabulous job for us!!

Anita? you had the 'eyes' on the jury for sure, luv it! just have one question..
In your opinion, first day of cross, is there any (1) one Juror you would worry about that couldn't vote for DP?
This is prolly a dumb question...but ive only seen trials on TV...am I right in assuming that the feeling of "drama" is *less* when you are in the actual courtroom (then when you are seeing it on Tv with close-ups, dramatic music at commercial breaks, etc....)? Does that make sense? :what:

Although I would imagine when Juan was finally 'unleashed', the overall atmosphere change was palpable

One thing I'm sure is different is how lonnnnng the breaks for "Jodi Arias Reads" are because I'm sure on tv they go to commercial. Or the lonnnnng breaks her team takes to catch up on Jessica Simpsons pregnancy, Kate Middleton's morning sickness and the Oscar nominees while slowwwwly browsing page by page that Star magazine. I saw Nurmi literally running his finger over various photos and was like "really?".

It's semi maddening and hard to,sit there over and over in these long silences. I was totally frustrated like "come ON". I bet jurors were too.
Page 9

Tricolor looks tired. I'm tired, too. Let's name the jury!

(NOTE, these names are not meant to be offensive or hurt anyone's feelings. First thing that came to mind, usually.) I typed this list out once and when I hit post, the site kicked me off! I hope it doesn't happen again. I just take too dang long typing! lol These are numbered, 1 is the person in the front row, closest to Jodi. The second row again starts at the person (#10) closest to Jodi.


1.Church Lady- Mid 50's, short hair, no make-up, glasses.

2.Trump-Guy in 40's, lots of hair, car salesman look.

3.Housewife-She is a big lady (tall and heavy set, not obese) with a very sweet face, no make-up.

4.Grandpa-Bald, sweet faced older man that looks like my grandpa.

5.Tricolor-Early 30's, short, stylish haircut with three colors, reminds me of one of my hairstylists.

6.Nancy-Lady in her 50's, lovely face, reminds me of Nancy Reagan with glasses, short sassy haircut.

7.Paul Rudd-Younger guy, mid-late 20's with spiky hair, sweat jacket, looks like the actor Paul Rudd.

8.The CEO-Good looking man, mid 50's with goatee. Can see him being the jury foreman.

9.Willy-Old hippy with long white ponytail, thin, small build.

10.Barb-Female, 40's, has the "sexy librarian" look, wearing a form fitting sweater, slender build and voluptuous. If ANYONE on the jury is offended by disparaging comments regarding breast augmentation, my guess is it would be her. She is the only juror I couldn't see very clearly; just when she entered and exited the courtroom and when I stretched up out of my seat to gawk at her.

11.Poquito-Little Mexican guy (maybe 5'3) with long graduated pony tail, lots of facial hair and piercings.

12.Neil-Early 50's high forehead, glasses, looks very nervous and turns red easily. This is the guy that makes KCL nervous.

13.The Wrestler-Younger good looking guy, large build.

14.Old potsmoking CPA (I have no idea why I wrote this, i have ZERO recollection of this juror. He did not make any impression on me, other than when I was going down the rows naming them.)

15.Elderly Man-This man is definitely the oldest juror, he occasionally uses the headphones to listen to the proceedings that Jodie's Auntie uses.

16.Maureen-Red haired, glasses (the red might be too red to be a natural ginger) If I had to guess one Mormon on the jury, it would be her.

17.Pony Tail-Young girl, pony tail, plain, pony tail and sweats.

18.The Artist-Bald, attractive, glasses, 50's-60's, large build, holds his notebook on a binder as if he's going to sketch. He looks around the gallery a lot. I thought we met eyes a couple of times, but who knows, that room is so huge!

That's our jury,according to Anita, folks! :seeya:

NOTE TO ANITA, KATIECOOLADY & PASA (and any others who have seen the jurors):

Since I am also obsessed with this trial, and am a cartoonist by profession, I feel like depicting the jurors as a fun weekend project. Can you send me a PM with more details (hair color & styles/length, glasses, clothing) of each person and I will create simple caricatures of them all. I'll give you links to view proofs as I go along, and then I'll share with all when done. :)

I'll be making caricatures of the featured players as well.
:tyou: out to Anita and Katiecoo; you both have done a Fantabulous job for us!!

Anita? you had the 'eyes' on the jury for sure, luv it! just have one question..
In your opinion, first day of cross, is there any (1) one Juror you would worry about that couldn't vote for DP?

Reminder ALL jurors are "death qualified".
Gosh, it would be fun if the whole crowd waiting would just bust out "Good Morning, Mr. Martinez!" in a really friendly, perky fashion! :seeya:

It would prolly make his whole day!

Come to think of it, I'd prolly call out "Good Morning, Mr. Nurmi!" too! :fence:

Honestly I think that would embarrass Martinez. He's very professional and focused and once did the shhhhh to a friend of Travis in the hall for her just saying "we're waiting for you" during the 136729 days of direct.
Anita I heard most of this last night but totally enjoyed reading it again. Your juror list is invaluable! You crack me up. I'm still pinching myself about your question getting answered by Janine. Yesterday was like walking in some kind of altered charmed universe wasn't it? Xo
One thing I'm sure is different is how lonnnnng the breaks for "Jodi Arias Reads" are because I'm sure on tv they go to commercial. Or the lonnnnng breaks her team takes to catch up on Jessica Simpsons pregnancy, Kate Middleton's morning sickness and the Oscar nominees while slowwwwly browsing page by page that Star magazine. I saw Nurmi literally running his finger over various photos and was like "really?".

It's semi maddening and hard to,sit there over and over in these long silences. I was totally frustrated like "come ON". I bet jurors were too.

stoopid question, but wasn't the magazine from last year? Duchess wasn't pregnant then. :waitasec: At least we can get up and get a drink. Thanks for taking one for the team and for Travis and his family.
I noticed when the jury is out of the room she doesn't wear them. I think the glasses are a prop to make her look like an innocent school marm. MOO :)

That reminded me of a question I have had since the beginning of the trial:

Does Jodi take lunch breaks with Willmott and Nurmi? As in, is she with them during lunch to discuss strategy and upcoming buzzwords to incorporate into her testimony?
I like working on my car and I do not trust mechanics.
As a woman, I get a lot of weird stares and stuff when I work on my car.
Other people make me feel very self conscious about the grime on my hands that won't come off.

Artists also tend to have permanently dirty hands.

And gardeners & landscapers....
stoopid question, but wasn't the magazine from last year? Duchess wasn't pregnant then. :waitasec: At least we can get up and get a drink. Thanks for taking one for the team and for Travis and his family.

Star magazine was July 25, 2011, not last year:

Star Magazine.png
One thing I'm sure is different is how lonnnnng the breaks for "Jodi Arias Reads" are because I'm sure on tv they go to commercial. Or the lonnnnng breaks her team takes to catch up on Jessica Simpsons pregnancy, Kate Middleton's morning sickness and the Oscar nominees while slowwwwly browsing page by page that Star magazine. I saw Nurmi literally running his finger over various photos and was like "really?".

It's semi maddening and hard to,sit there over and over in these long silences. I was totally frustrated like "come ON". I bet jurors were too.

Many thanks! You are right too...during those looooong pauses we are refilling our drinks, getting snacks, peeing and posting on WS ( not necessarily in that order.....)

Thanks again!
stoopid question, but wasn't the magazine from last year? Duchess wasn't pregnant then. :waitasec: At least we can get up and get a drink. Thanks for taking one for the team and for Travis and his family.

Oh I was being facetious with my gossip selections ;)
NOTE TO ANITA, KATIECOOLADY & PASA (and any others who have seen the jurors):

Since I am also obsessed with this trial, and am a cartoonist by profession, I feel like depicting the jurors as a fun weekend project. Can you send me a PM with more details (hair color & styles/length, glasses, clothing) of each person and I will create simple caricatures of them all. I'll give you links to view proofs as I go along, and then I'll share with all when done. :)

I'll be making caricatures of the featured players as well.

Thats actually what they do in Canada, no camera's allowed in the courtroom so they draw caricatures of the people in court to show in the media. :great:
One last thought and I promise I'll leave this thread alone!

While watching The Bear (Nurmi) in court; it occurred to me that his style, sloooow, drawn out is because he is such a big, imposing guy. He could be very off-putting in a threatening way and as a defense attorney, I think this is way of being perceived as more "gentle" for lack of a better word. I shared my thought with Ben, the defense attorney who we met yesterday (he worked with Nurmi in the public defender's office) and he seemed to agree. Ben, by the way, if you were watching the gallery, was the handsome young black guy sitting in the row behind the defense table.

I love "the bear" as a nickname for Nurmi. But I tend to think of him more as "Sloth Man". But seriously. Just a silly little comment and and to thank you for providing a glimpse inside. I really enjoy all of you "inside-out-reporters". Keep up the awesome work. Hugs!
stoopid question, but wasn't the magazine from last year? Duchess wasn't pregnant then. :waitasec: At least we can get up and get a drink. Thanks for taking one for the team and for Travis and his family.

The article was about Kate Middleton being "95 pounds and pregnant!"--she wasn't pregnant then. I'm so glad she's really pregnant now so US mag can move on! :)
That reminded me of a question I have had since the beginning of the trial:

Does Jodi take lunch breaks with Willmott and Nurmi? As in, is she with them during lunch to discuss strategy and upcoming buzzwords to incorporate into her testimony?

I don't know but I doubt it. They pow wow in the courtroom then she's taken *somewhere* to eat her peanut butter sandwich and I suspect they take a break...from her. I'll ask around Monday though, just for kicks.
I like working on my car and I do not trust mechanics.
As a woman, I get a lot of weird stares and stuff when I work on my car.
Other people make me feel very self conscious about the grime on my hands that won't come off.

Artists also tend to have permanently dirty hands.

And those of us who work with/train animals for a living:seeya: plus as a single mom, I always have to tinker and do carp with my car :yuck:
The article was about Kate Middleton being "95 pounds and pregnant!"--she wasn't pregnant then. I'm so glad she's really pregnant now so US mag can move on! :)

I wish I'd said Kate Middleton's faux morning sickness. That would have been so much better. ;)
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