AB's involvement?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Where do you stand on AB's involvement?

  • AB was completely clueless until the afternoon Zhra was reported missing

    Votes: 9 2.4%
  • AB was oblivous until the morning of the fire

    Votes: 5 1.3%
  • Ab was not involved with Zahra's death but completely involved in disposal

    Votes: 19 5.1%
  • AB was soley responsible for what happened to Zahra and her disposal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AB killed Zahra

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • AB was involved in the death and cover up of Zahra.

    Votes: 71 18.9%
  • Adam and Elisa were both equally complicit

    Votes: 94 25.1%
  • AB contributed to death by negligence; Involved in cover-up *except* for disposal

    Votes: 14 3.7%
  • AB contributed to Zahra's death through negligence and was involved in the cover up and disposal

    Votes: 138 36.8%
  • Leaning towards AB was in denial- but all depends on what was found in the house.

    Votes: 15 4.0%
  • Other: Not sure how AB is involved. Can't condemn him for Zahra's demise, as yet...I need more infor

    Votes: 35 9.3%
  • I think AB was involved and so was EB...

    Votes: 12 3.2%

  • Total voters
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I get your point completely bellyup and you are right. You posted that you suspect. Clearly speculation, which is allowed.

You are also right that many times posters toss around sociopath and psycopath and all those unflattering diagnosis so I can see why you are feeling singled out for having suggested a social disorder is responsible for AB's er interesting affect.

The folks who prefer we not diagnose AB with mental health or social disorders tend to be the type of poster who disagree with ANY diagnosis (even the easy to reach for when angry with the topic of discussion diagnosis of psycho and socio, etc.)

hugs kids.

Soup anyone?

NOTE: soup today is ferre roche chocolates.


^^^^Raises hand!!!! That's meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! Over here lookk!!!!! Who needs teh soup when I haz teh brownies...........:dance:
so in the end .... were you right ? LOL :crazy::crazy:
Unfortunately it hasn't ended. But I did finally reach a point where all the circumstantial evidence overwhelmed my ability to give the person the benefit of the doubt any more. So I finally climbed down off that fence.

I pray someday there will be resolution and then I will finally know if I was right in doing so.
Dear Lord, I just wish something would break in this case and give us some answers. This is making me nuts!

^^^^Raises hand!!!! That's meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! Over here lookk!!!!! Who needs teh soup when I haz teh brownies...........:dance:

chocalates and brownies are not mutually exclusive but can be quite nice when paired together.
Sorry teh and darnudes. It's just I am pretty firmly in the "we can't convict AB camp in the court of WS opinion" with what little we already know. There is NO evidence at all right now that we know of that indicates he hurt Zahra aside from EB's accusations (which... yeah....I'm not going there).

I said much the same about Terri Horman way back when...glad I was wearing my flameproof knickers THAT day. :wink:

Just adding my 'don't take it personally' to everyone else's. FWIW.

Yay, past midday at last, pass the bourbon and the choccies!!
Unfortunately it hasn't ended. But I did finally reach a point where all the circumstantial evidence overwhelmed my ability to give the person the benefit of the doubt any more. So I finally climbed down off that fence.

I pray someday there will be resolution and then I will finally know if I was right in doing so.

I am still hanging on to the top on the fence, but only with my little pinky toe. There's just that nagging little niggling in the back of my head, lol.

^^^^Raises hand!!!! That's meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! Over here lookk!!!!! Who needs teh soup when I haz teh brownies...........:dance:

What exactly are in those brownies, Teh? And can I have some? LOL
chocalates and brownies are not mutually exclusive but can be quite nice when paired together.
Especially if you're talking about teh's brownies :wink:

Let's stop and take a breath for a moment and "turn the card over" so to speak

Ok - what if EB and AB had nothing to do with this? Then WHO did this? WHO had access to Zahra, the home, the cars, the backyard? WHO was/is so vindictive towards EB and AB that they would do this to a child?

IOW - If NOT EB and AB then WHO did this?
Especially if you're talking about teh's brownies :wink:

Let's stop and take a breath for a moment and "turn the card over" so to speak

Ok - what if EB and AB had nothing to do with this? Then WHO did this? WHO had access to Zahra, the home, the cars, the backyard? WHO was/is so vindictive towards EB and AB that they would do this to a child?

IOW - If NOT EB and AB then WHO did this?

The milkman
"Especially if you're talking about eh's brownies"

Yes, my name's teh, but my friends call me eh........lmbo. Ok, I'll stop. It's just after the last couple of days, we needed to laugh. I'll behave now.
Especially if you're talking about teh's brownies :wink:

Let's stop and take a breath for a moment and "turn the card over" so to speak

Ok - what if EB and AB had nothing to do with this? Then WHO did this? WHO had access to Zahra, the home, the cars, the backyard? WHO was/is so vindictive towards EB and AB that they would do this to a child?

IOW - If NOT EB and AB then WHO did this?

I fold.

ETA: Have we moved into meatloaf time now?
"Especially if you're talking about eh's brownies"

Yes, my name's teh, but my friends call me eh........lmbo. Ok, I'll stop. It's just after the last couple of days, we needed to laugh. I'll behave now.
lol - I caught that and fixed it. You'll have to excuse me - I just washed my hands and I can't do a thing with them. teehee
did someone say milk? Man these brownies are good!
I said much the same about Terri Horman way back when...glad I was wearing my flameproof knickers THAT day. :wink:

Just adding my 'don't take it personally' to everyone else's. FWIW.

Yay, past midday at last, pass the bourbon and the choccies!!

I think it is great experience to be on the unpopular side of the argument/opinions around here.

It really hones your debate skills and if turns out the masses were right it has its own learning curve to it as well.

I hung in there way after the masses had turned on Cindy Anthony and maintained that she was grandmother in denial. Got my *advertiser censored* handed to me, and then got to say I had changed my mind she was manipulating the case.

But I believed it when I said it.
Sorry teh and darnudes. It's just I am pretty firmly in the "we can't convict AB camp in the court of WS opinion" with what little we already know. There is NO evidence at all right now that we know of that indicates he hurt Zahra aside from EB's accusations (which... yeah....I'm not going there).

Every time I (or anyone else) posts anything that shows slight support of him it seems as if we get jumped on (not just by you ... there are only a few of us who are still thinking he COULD be innocent). It gets frustrating that he's already been tried and convicted here ... and the only comments that seem acceptable are if they point to his guilt.

I also am not sure. There were times I thought he was, at least, partly involved, and then I go back to being unsure again. I just don't know enough to say yet. For me, he is guilty of not protecting his daughter from EB from the abuse. As far as the probable murder and body disposal, I just don't know what to think. I look forward to the police coming forward when they are ready to tell us what they have pieced together.

EB has shown herself to be quite a liar in her life so I feel I must doubt everything that comes out of her mouth. She is not living in the real world.
I voted that he was equally involved as EB. True, no physical evidence as of yet..however, if it werent for that 911 call.......I cant get past that. I cant get past the fact that if he really was dumb enough to believe the ransom note thing, that IF he loved his daughter he would have checked on her to be sure she was in her room, not just thinking he saw her or heard or, or whatever...he would have checked. What parent wouldnt...if he didnt and beleived the ransome note to be real at the time, then he definitely has mental issues, IMO. What else is there, if that doesnt apply? Points to guilt in MHO....I cant put the little giggle during the call down to anything but a nervous guilt laugh...AND...if he wasnt aware of what had happened and hadnt taken part, then he is definitely guilty of gross negligence...I mean his child didnt even go to school, home school or otherwise. He kept running from bio mom...my opinion is that he was abusive to Zahra long ago, and didnt want anyone finding out, as bio mom would have eventually, or at least he was afraid she would. Before EB entered the picture, grandma took care of Z for the most part, from what I understand....and grandma must have done a fair job at it for Z to have the disposition and outlook that she did. All MOO.
I'm almost close to the fence about EB having done the actual deed. Mainly because, there have been a few things that have made me wonder if this was a setup. But...haven't seen anything yet that is inching me any closer to the fence, so I'm just staying put for the moment.
Publicly, I try to remain on the fence until conviction, as I firmly believe in innocent until proven guilty. Privately... I'm human, so that's as much as I can say about that.

I welcome all sides (innocent, guilty, abstentions, etc) as long as they are done respectfully.
I have this little tid bit that floats around and leaves then comes back for me. AF stated her mother was having an online affair. I wondered if AB found out about this. Said I'll get a job, take care of you, and we can make this work. EB didn't want that. She wanted the new guy. I'm not saying I've accepted that speculation. I'm just saying it keeps floating around with me.
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