AB's involvement?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Where do you stand on AB's involvement?

  • AB was completely clueless until the afternoon Zhra was reported missing

    Votes: 9 2.4%
  • AB was oblivous until the morning of the fire

    Votes: 5 1.3%
  • Ab was not involved with Zahra's death but completely involved in disposal

    Votes: 19 5.1%
  • AB was soley responsible for what happened to Zahra and her disposal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AB killed Zahra

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • AB was involved in the death and cover up of Zahra.

    Votes: 71 18.9%
  • Adam and Elisa were both equally complicit

    Votes: 94 25.1%
  • AB contributed to death by negligence; Involved in cover-up *except* for disposal

    Votes: 14 3.7%
  • AB contributed to Zahra's death through negligence and was involved in the cover up and disposal

    Votes: 138 36.8%
  • Leaning towards AB was in denial- but all depends on what was found in the house.

    Votes: 15 4.0%
  • Other: Not sure how AB is involved. Can't condemn him for Zahra's demise, as yet...I need more infor

    Votes: 35 9.3%
  • I think AB was involved and so was EB...

    Votes: 12 3.2%

  • Total voters
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I wish we could get more background on AB from his life in Oz. I wonder if her was a hunter or a fisherman, and if he was - was he really into it - almost like a hobby?
Just a theory I'm throwing out there. I haven't seen it considered.
Is there a possibility that AB sexually molested Zahra,(he mentioned how she was in puberty and brooded - even chuckled about it during the 911 call) then during the night she bled to death? That could be a reason why EB stated they didn't murder her. It could also be a reason that they got rid of the mattress which could have contained blood and semen. I think AB wanted to hide HIS crime of incest by getting rid of the mattress. Then when Zahra died, he took off her leg and discarded it, and then placed Zahra's body in the wood chipper. (the prosthetic leg could have jammed the wood chipper). Just a horrible thought, but possible.
I wish we could get more background on AB from his life in Oz. I wonder if her was a hunter or a fisherman, and if he was - was he really into it - almost like a hobby?

His hobby was playing virtual world games on the computer.
So she was in school until june 2010 with all the alleged abuse where were the school officials to point out all the bruising we are claiming was apparent. I just dont understand that it being so obvious no one at the school reported anything. Surley if it was obvious to her father that ignored it it must have been obvious to the teachers. They are obligated legally correct?
So she was in school until june 2010 with all the alleged abuse where were the school officials to point out all the bruising we are claiming was apparent. I just dont understand that it being so obvious no one at the school reported anything. Surley if it was obvious to her father that ignored it it must have been obvious to the teachers. They are obligated legally correct?

Correct, teachers are mandated reporters
I'm curious if he is dogging LE with questions, offering to help, staying in contact at all with LE?

IMO An innocent person would.
So she was in school until june 2010 with all the alleged abuse where were the school officials to point out all the bruising we are claiming was apparent. I just dont understand that it being so obvious no one at the school reported anything. Surley if it was obvious to her father that ignored it it must have been obvious to the teachers. They are obligated legally correct?

The same school that contacted AB & EB when Zahra did not return to school and were told by AB & EB that Zahra was being home schooled also did NO follow up on the latter claim...they dropped a deadly ball...jmho.

My Poll vote is, AB contributed to Zahra's death through negligence and was involved in the cover up and disposal

From all accounts of the abuse that poor Zahra endured...occured on HIS watch. Whether a parent is at home or work, they're obligated to their childs safety & welfare and he failed his child miserably.

If tests confirm that Zahra's dna is found in the woodchipper and/or plumbing...I will have NO doubts who were the main players in this event...at all.
So just some more adults who let her down..ashame.

I am in no way attempting to give the teachers a pass here, but this just occurred to me...

We know anecdotally that EB hurt herself while beating Zahra, by hitting her hand on the prosthesis. This indicates to me that much of the bruising Zahra endured may not have been apparent to an observer when she was dressed.

(I know I know, the black eyes would have been a huge giveaway! As an ex-teacher I have been down that path of reporting and it is no fun, but remains among my proudest memories from that career. If she showed up at school with black eyes, DSS should have been INUNDATED with calls--from everybody from Zahra's classroom teacher to the school secretary.)

Just thinking out loud...
His hobby was playing virtual world games on the computer.

Im sure we have no concrete answer that was the only thing he enjoyed or if he was even heavly into it. I do not recall anyone finding his profiles into that world??

My husband is a huge roleplaying person who plays games online and off but that is not the only thing he enjoys and yes even like AB/EB i met my husband from the online gaming world and married him and went to his country to live ( Im a US Citizen and now a Canadian Citizen)

I would hate for anyone to look at the gaming world online and attribute anything from it with no grounds to do so. if someone asked about my hobbys and then people went and searched they would see Crime, murder, death, pogo, and barbie.com but that is not who i am its just one of the many things i enjoy and or my kids enjoy

( PS this is not directed at you just in general)
I voted that AB was involved in the death and cover up of Zahra. I think step-mom and dad have a steadfast plan - and that is to never admit to the whereabouts or to the death of Zahra. moo

As for Zahra's teachers, what if step-mom led those in the school to believe that Zahra suffered bruising due to being clumsy in her home, rushing around, and falling. What if they convinced DFS of that? just a thought! moo mho
I am in no way attempting to give the teachers a pass here, but this just occurred to me...

We know anecdotally that EB hurt herself while beating Zahra, by hitting her hand on the prosthesis. This indicates to me that much of the bruising Zahra endured may not have been apparent to an observer when she was dressed.

(I know I know, the black eyes would have been a huge giveaway! As an ex-teacher I have been down that path of reporting and it is no fun, but remains among my proudest memories from that career. If she showed up at school with black eyes, DSS should have been INUNDATED with calls--from everybody from Zahra's classroom teacher to the school secretary.)

Just thinking out loud...

I am grateful that you were that helpful to children in need. You are an important role model to those quiet observers.
I voted that AB was involved in the death and cover up of Zahra. I think step-mom and dad have a steadfast plan - and that is to never admit to the whereabouts or to the death of Zahra. moo

As for Zahra's teachers, what if step-mom led those in the school to believe that Zahra suffered bruising due to being clumsy in her home, rushing around, and falling. What if they convinced DFS of that? just a thought! moo mho

BBM Lets hope its not that easy...
I voted that AB was involved in the death and cover up of Zahra. I think step-mom and dad have a steadfast plan - and that is to never admit to the whereabouts or to the death of Zahra. moo

As for Zahra's teachers, what if step-mom led those in the school to believe that Zahra suffered bruising due to being clumsy in her home, rushing around, and falling. What if they convinced DFS of that? just a thought! moo mho

IF that is the case...that they REFUSE to give up Z's whereabouts, that is heinous.
Since EB seems to think that she will be getting out of prison eventually, I suggest LE tell her that unless she 'tells' she will be 'on the hook' for the cost to the state for this search!
She would find that so unfair I bet she would start squealing!
Go look at the pictures of that house. Then think about his guilt. Especially the paint rollers in the kitchen.......there was a huge clean up effort going on.
Go look at the pictures of that house. Then think about his guilt. Especially the paint rollers in the kitchen.......there was a huge clean up effort going on.

Exactly what I was thinking. Was he home that week or away working? I know he claims to have seen her Tuesday night.
No way AB is NOT GUILTY! No way, unless he was deaf, dumb and blind.
Arrest coming soon for him if they did find Zahra today. AND I"M SURE that LE will do a nice perp walk for us. LE I doubt will arrest him in the wee hours of the morning like before. They will arrest him at high Noon! MOO
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Carry on, dear sleuthers!
Exactly what I was thinking. Was he home that week or away working? I know he claims to have seen her Tuesday night.

He said he saw her Thursday night, in one interview he messed up and said Tuesday but the reporter corrected him and he said Thursday.......
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