aggravation phase #8 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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The aggravation phase determines if the crime meets the standard to be eligible for the death penalty.

If this is found to be true, then the penalty phase begins which will determine if she gets the DP, LWOP, or LWP.

Then we'll be done, and have to find something else to do with our days

In between agg and penalty is mitigation .. that says that she's real messed up and it's not her fault she was so barbaric etc .. think bad childhoods, drug addicted parent, super low IQ etc ..
No, she really wants to live and is crying for herself, she now realizes her goose is cooked.

Hi, Linask. So much of Jodi's adult behavior has been a twisted remake of the new age Law of Attraction. Even as just a pre-killer blogger, she seemed convinced that she could ensure beneficial results simply by intently actualizing her wishes. On some level, she really believed that her slaughter of Travis was a loving execution that would enable her to move on to the next stage of her life. (Having "farewell" sex with him was probably almost a ritual in the ceremony.) Then subsequently, her resolve shows in her stupid, lawyer-defying media interviews.

That sense of control has now crumbled. Even saying that she preferred the death penalty was a frantic, stupid last minute attempt at regaining "rational" control over the situation.
:seeya: Hey everyone, I'm also a little confused. :scared: (Can't find the 'confused' smiley ...)

1. Does a unanimous decision in favour of aggravating circumstances mean the DP is a sentencing option?

Yes, right?

2. Therefore 'Not guilty' of aggravating circumstances means the DP is not an option?

3. What happens if someone strictly opposed to the DP is called for jury duty or are all candidates screened? Or are all candidates just supposed to be pro-DP?

This last point only just occurred to me. For example, if someone is called to jury duty for a capital murder trial and opposed the DP, is there a danger they may find the defendant 'not guilty', because the sentencing could go against their personal moral beliefs.

TIA for any answers. I'm just not sure how it works. Was watching on FOX. Gosh!

PS : I'm sure you guys picked this up but in the interview that she gave after the verdict, she repeatedly referred to the DP as 'freedom' (at least 3 times). I guess this was a ploy to get the jury NOT to give her the DP, right, as she reckoned no-one wanted to see her 'free'. This is something else that's only just occurred to me. *slowly catches up*
As the jurors are eating lunch and deciding this phase of the trial ...

I happily visualize JA eating her 2ounce packet of peanut butter (compliments of Sheriff Joe) and having a HISSY fit back in her basement holding cell.

Aaaahhh .... That makes me smile. (am I a terrible person?)
The jury will make the right decision. Actually, they already have. (with the first verdict)

Common sense says if they found her guilty of premeditated M1, then they'll agree that the circumstances were obviously cruel.

How would any juror have doubts? JM has this amazing way of wrapping all the facts and evidence up nicely with a BIG BLUE RIBBON on top.

I was away for the last several days.. has the Judge shot down that ridiculous defense request asking for the Alexanders to tape their Impact statements?

Bringing over this post in order to reply.

I am for the death penalty in certain cases and this is one where the convicted murderer deserves no less than death.

If she goes into GP she will continue to manipulate her enablers who will coddle her. She should be locked down 23 hours out of 24.

I hope they give her what she deserves...death. This was an extremely cruel overkill murder and senseless. She murdered this poor soul just because he didn't want her in his life anymore.:( is a form of Justice...a deterrent to others...
....and a recognition of the evilness of the crime.. a retribution of sorts which might help TA's family/loved ones find some solace as they move onward in their journey of grief without their beloved older brother....
There will never be total closure for the victims of this horrendous crime....but there should be closure to the evil nature to the one who committed it.... So I hope sincerely that she goes to sit petulantly and miserable on death row...and then I hope she dies from a decision that she has no absolute choice over.....
Then...may she fade into obscurity and rot in#%}}
Replaying (in my head) those two minutes of silence in the courtroom. That silence spoke volumes. I'm still shaking a little thinking of the power of it.

Well done, Mr. Prosecutor. Well done!
I am so friggin confused? How many other verdict watched will there be? WTF is after aggravation phase? Does this mean people will be called up some more? The onyl good news is that JM still has time to tell the Jury about JA's proclamation about beggin for DP.

If the jury finds cruelty in this deliberation, we move to the mitigation phase. This is when the victims give their statements and the DT puts up people who know Jodi to talk about how awesome she is. The jury then goes back to deliberate for a third and final time whether or not Jodi should get the DP.

If the jury does not find cruelty it's over and in 30-60 days the judge will decide whether Jodi gets life with or without the possibility of parole.
The jury can agree the crime was especially cruel, but then not find for DP in the next phase, correct?
When will the victim's family get to finally make their impact statements to the court? :waiting:
IMHO they have endured so much pain because of this monster's actions.
They must have a voice in this process and really be heard.:please:

May Grace and Favor be with them through this agonizing experience.

one other point: Why isn't she wearing her black and white striped prison issue suit???
like I said...she coulda shoulda woulda left if she wanted to..she din not want to until she committed the murder then oh yeah she can find the door..and no doubt had the camera set to automatically take pics of him being killed..via timer while the camera hung on her neck.. rotten killer doing such an awful thing...
Anyone who would think what Jodi did to Travis is not extraordinarily cruel would have to be a moron.
I was thinking long and hard about that first break and do they go into the bathroom with her? I think if I couldn't react, I'd hit the walls in frustration.
I think the spitting blood into the sink while his murderer can be seen in the mirror stabbing him in the side, back and back of the head, coupled with the stalking him down the hall as he was trying feebly but desperately to get away should be enough for a cruelty finding by the jury. The foot pattern of JA's alone around the place where his throat was slit doesn't show anything other than a premeditated action to completely finish Travis off. :(

I don't want to second guess them. They found Murder in the 1st...I don't know where the jury members thoughts are beyond that finding.
When you make Satan your buddy and play games with God it's not going to be pretty. So Long Miss Arias. And that is coming from someone who is not all that religious.
Does anybody know which family member(s) and or friends will give a VIS?
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