aggravation phase #8 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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Now what on earth are they going to come up with for Mitigation? Can't use the "Travis abused me argument because the Jury rejected that BS with the verdict. Sooooooo, I guess they are going to use the Borderline Personality Disorder? The one she didn't have during the trial?

She can use she got her GED? oh whoppeee

She doesn't have prior convictions? well I think she went from 0 - 100 all at once in the Capitol Murder of Travis

uuuuuuummmmmmmmmm........ I don't know what else there is?

How about stories of her "professional photographer career," "modeling," and being a Morality Police/Religious Enforcer of Mormonism? Oh--and that she's so pretty! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

She actually will fit in quite well with other criminals--high school drop out and manual labor worker. And she was a terrible employee!
She needs to make sure that there is plenty of time for the VIS's. I'd give the Alexander family 18 days if they wanted it!!!!! Now JA is the captive audience, I hope the sheriff jolts her every time she starts drawing or hiding in her hair. MAKE HER LOOK AT TRAVIS' FAMILY!
CKJA has drug this on for almost 5 years......Let the family have as LONG as they WANT!:rockon:

IF I were JSS I would make JA sit in front of TA family in her chains with her hair behind her head and wearing an old fashioned cervical collar around her scrawny neck. With the trusty chicken dance button by my side. She gets zapped when she doesn't pay attention.
Something tells me that Jodi Ann is going to pay for what she did to Travis Alexander on June 4th and at trial, too. I don't like Jodi. But I like these jurors.
I agree that inmate Arias was stone faced when the verdict PROVEN was read...she is absolutely imo medicated to the legal limit allowed. Buy I pity the jailor who is the target of her rage laden, venomous tirade when her drugs wear off.
You know what? I don't even think she was with him when that happened. Chris Hughes had a story like that. I think CKJA just stole it from him and made it her own.:twocents:

Wouldn't surprise me at all.
JA was so confident she would trash TA and claim self defense and walk away from there. She knows now this is the new norm for her.
Before the final dismissal, Jodi seemed to make multiple statements or requests to her female lawyer. Her attorney averted her head from the camera, but shook her head repeatedly and seemed resistant to Jodi's suggestions.

Perhaps Jodi wants to testify in the next phase.

I'm not a lip reader but I swear I saw her mouth the word "Travis." I'm going to go watch again as soon as the youtube is up.
Number two due to BPD .. if they say number 2 because of Travis' abuse or anything like it the jury will vote against them .. can't they tell the jury is not buying the pedophile / DV BS? It's only worked against them during this trial, they should have gone with volatile relationship and heat of passion and not blamed Travis for that right from the start.

I don't understand how they can use BPD, something introduced by the state, or really any other excuse at this point. Like you said the jury rejected their lies and theories of self defense, snapping, DV, pedophelia. The jury has embraced premeditation, that much we know. I'm sure the defense will do whatever they're going to do, morals and ethics aside but it strikes me as bizarre at best that now at this point they would use the state's diagnosis as something in their favor. If that makes any sense.
the jury will vote for the DP, you can hear it in their voices.

I think this jury will go with the death penalty also, Suzanna. I want JA to sit on Death Row for at least 20 years before being executed. I'm mean, I know. I want JA to know that death will surely come but not know when. Travis did not know when until he was moments away from death. I want full justice for Travis just as his family does.

GB these jurors, JM, DF, and every member of Travis' family.

Get ready to :rockon: tomorrow JM!!!!
Number two due to BPD .. if they say number 2 because of Travis' abuse or anything like it the jury will vote against them .. can't they tell the jury is not buying the pedophile / DV BS? It's only worked against them during this trial, they should have gone with volatile relationship and heat of passion and not blamed Travis for that right from the start.
I agree. To represent her defense aggressively, they'll be forced to. Don't think it'll work but they'll try. I wonder if they can bring in a new expert in the Mitigation phase. Bringing back any of the defense experts the jury has already seen is going to be very problematic.
Which of the following would be the correct thought of Jodi as she was crying while Jaun was presenting his opening statement? .A. "I can't Believe I put Travis through all of that pain and hurt everybody. I wish this was all a bad dream. I feel terrible and I'll never forgive myself. I hate fhat I caused all of this death and pain." . ..B. "If only I would have not rushed and cleaned up better by wiping ths walls..if omly I didn't put the camera in the washing machine...I was wouldn't be here, Jodi, if you didn't get sloppy. Now everybody wants me to get the death penalty. Juan is making me look really bad in front of the jury and he's doing it on purpose. HE'S SO PHUQING EVIL! *SOBS* *SNIFF* He is lying to them! I didn't stab Travis in the back when he was standing at the sink. I was stabbing him as he was stunbling down the hall. Juan doesn't know what the heck he's talking about and they are going to believe him. He hates me and I never stabbed him. *Sniff*"

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial

#JodiArias actually looks pretty happy.

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial

#JodiArias is talking to her DP mitigation specialist and Nurmi and Willmott still. No tears are seen.
Everybody get ready to hear about how nice Jodi was to the boy who'd scraped his knee while she was in kindergarten and her perfect attendance award in high school (before dropping out, of course). :rolleyes:

I'm predicting a unanimous vote for death too.

Maybe Doggy-Boy can get up and say "She only kicked me once"
And then A fly can say "She saved my life once when she missed me with the swatter!"
No one has been sent to death row for 82 years from that jurisdiction. JA may very well be headed there. So far this jury seems to be sticking to the facts and not swayed by emotion. Tomorrow will probably be an emotional day for them when TA family speak.
Does anyone think that JA will take the stand during this phase? I think she knows they arent going to believe her or feel sorry for her now.

I wonder to what extent her lying to their faces, talking to them as though they are idiots for 18 days, has impacted this jury's decisions. Whether consciously or subconsciously, it must affect most of them, I would think.

But I don't think the DP is a sure thing. It will be interesting to see how long they take to deliberate.
ALV part Deux? Say it isn't so :banghead: Why are they going to bring her back? WTF is the point? :banghead:
IF I were JSS I would make JA sit in front of TA family in her chains with her hair behind her head and wearing an old fashioned cervical collar around her scrawny neck. With the trusty chicken dance button by my side. She gets zapped when she doesn't pay attention.

That's what I'm talking about!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
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