"Aha" Moment Predictions [MERGED]

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I really believe ICA will not make it through Opening Statements. She may very well decide this is the end of the line so to speak, like when she got to her "office" at Universal. Remember how she cried out when JA was describing what he thought happened to poor little Caylee, "Make them stop". She just may see that her life is truly on the line now and try to stop the trial before it starts. Does anyone know who is making the Opening Statement for the prosecution?

Well, a logical person would realize this...but KC?

Maybe that's the AHA? Casey still thinks people believe her? hahahaha (aha)

Yes, I'm still waiting to log into WS and see a thread started, title something like "Casey confesses!" Waiting...........
IMO, I think they are going to try and say ICA has Borderline Personality Disorder which was triggered by molestation. BPD has symptoms of Impulse control, anger, as well as ADHD symptoms (which is why I think she fidgets a lot and cannot sit still).

They will probably say this was triggered by molestation. I am by no means saying that she was molested; however, I still think there iS a possibility.

Another symptom of the disorder is you see everything as black & white - no shades of gray, which can involve jealousy issues and low self-esteem.

I have often thought that ICA killed Caylee right after ICA's fight with CA. I think Caylee may have been crying for CA and ICA was so jealous and angry that she killed Caylee out of spite for CA.

They are probably also going to try to claim she was suffering Postpartum depression and had hormonal issues or Bipolar disorder. There have been some studies that seizures are connected to Bipolar; hence the reason anti-convulsants are used for Bipolar treatment.

I am embarrased to say I have been diagnosed with Borderline PD possibly triggered by sexual abuse when I was a child. And it is hell to deal with, BUT, I COULD NEVER KILL ANYONE, ESPECIALLY A CHILD AND SHOULD NOT BE AN EXCUSE FOR KILLING LITTLE CAYLEE!

ICA had too many resources available for help.
Not sure if this was posted yet, I apoligize if it has.


Defense may blame George Anthony for Caylee's murder

Poor George.........

If the DT tries to allege this occurred, I would also like an explanation (by the DT) how so much evidence of Caylee being in Casey's car came about when Casey wasn't at home, or anywhere near her father (except for allegedly taking the gas cans) during the "31 days". However, most of all, if any of this had one shred of truth, she could have gone to LE, her father would've been arrested and jailed, and she wouldn't have to worry about any retribution from him. :waitasec:

IMO, I think they are going to try and say ICA has Borderline Personality Disorder which was triggered by molestation. BPD has symptoms of Impulse control, anger, as well as ADHD symptoms (which is why I think she fidgets a lot and cannot sit still).

They will probably say this was triggered by molestation. I am by no means saying that she was molested; however, I still think there iS a possibility.

Another symptom of the disorder is you see everything as black & white - no shades of gray, which can involve jealousy issues and low self-esteem.

I have often thought that ICA killed Caylee right after ICA's fight with CA. I think Caylee may have been crying for CA and ICA was so jealous and angry that she killed Caylee out of spite for CA.

They are probably also going to try to claim she was suffering Postpartum depression and had hormonal issues or Bipolar disorder. There have been some studies that seizures are connected to Bipolar; hence the reason anti-convulsants are used for Bipolar treatment.

I am embarrased to say I have been diagnosed with Borderline PD possibly triggered by sexual abuse when I was a child. And it is hell to deal with, BUT, I COULD NEVER KILL ANYONE, ESPECIALLY A CHILD AND SHOULD NOT BE AN EXCUSE FOR KILLING LITTLE CAYLEE!

ICA had too many resources available for help.

Wow, excellent post! I agree that the defense may try to use BPD. Great insight. I am sorry for what you've had to deal with. Absolutely no reason to be embarrassed!
God forgive me for saying this. After hearing the "Mitigation List" and that her family didn't protect her and sexual abuse, it got my mind thinking. What if she claims that it was her Grandfather that abused her when she was younger and her parents didn't protect her. The fight on Father's Day is because CA took Caylee to see him and something inappropriate happened, or KC got scared that CA would get custody of Caylee and she wouldn't be able to protect her. KC doesn't want her parents in court to hear all the details.

Remember KC saying "don't worry, I didn't say anything". Remember CA getting very upset with LE when they wanted to go talk with her father and said she would stop cooperating with them. Would she throw Grandpa under the bus? :truce:

I have for some time felt this is the direction the defense could very well take. Recall Casey makes the accusations of abuse against father & brother but the defense will spin it, "The trauma was so great she [insert psychological explanations here]." Assuming this is what they do, the only 'aha' moment for me would be if Cindy took the stand and testified that her father sexually molested her too. The shameful secret finally exposed, explaining the bizarre family dynamics and Casey's behavior. The defense will say that Cindy was more of afraid of the family shame coming out than getting help for her own daughter. SP said she thought "Casey hated her mother more than she loved Caylee." What would make a daughter hate her own mother more than she loves her own daughter?

Perhaps a mother who fails in her most fundamental responsibility; protecting the children. Cindy will be painted as a very broken mother. One who compensated -- for her own guilt -- by enabling Casey. Casey learns at a young age that she and her mother share a delusional system of beliefs. At the moment something happens to upset the equilibrium, the system no longer works and starts to fall apart.

Was this already happening with Cindy and Casey? Casey's dysfunctional behaviors were escalating; ie stealing and staying out more frequently, hanging with a new set of friends, hooking up with TL, neglecting Caylee. The perfect storm was brewing and Caylee was the most defenseless one of the bunch.

Potential AHA moment: They say KC was molested by someone and ended up molesting Caylee on the 15/16th in some way. She kills Caylee so she doesn't have to live the childhood KC lived/to keep her quiet (duct tape on mouth).

Yeah I really don't believe this but since molestation accusations are flying against everyone else, might as well throw her into the mix ;)

(Although this stuff does happen. I know someone who was molested by her father. As a teen, she herself molested her little brother. Sad situation.)
Poor George.........

If the DT tries to allege this occurred, I would also like an explanation (by the DT) how so much evidence of Caylee being in Casey's car came about when Casey wasn't at home, or anywhere near her father (except for allegedly taking the gas cans) during the "31 days". However, most of all, if any of this had one shred of truth, she could have gone to LE, her father would've been arrested and jailed, and she wouldn't have to worry about any retribution from him. :waitasec:MOO


I agree with you. However, I think Casey is going to implicate GA somehow, say that she felt she couldn't go to the police as GA was a former officer, and she sees LE as a fraternity that protects it's own, even if they commit a crime.

My current theory is that Casey will say that Caylee's death was an accident and implicate GA in some way (eg: 'My father was attacking me, I put Caylee in the backyard to protect her. When I returned as soon as I could extricate myself, I found Caylee had drowned in the pool...')

I think she'll say she put Caylee in the back of her car in a panic. At this point I think Baez will use diminished capacity/fear of her family to explain her actions during those 31 days.

She may say the duct tape was placed post-mortem in an attempt to make it look as though Caylee had been kidnapped. I think he might explain the partying with Anthony L. by saying that she had to act like a fun, care-free person in order to hold on to him as he was providing her with shelter.

The optimist in me is still hoping that she'll put an end to all of this soon and tell the truth.
I Don't think there is going to be a "AHA" moment..since they have thrown the kitchen sink out there with everything..just like Geragos an that flopped..Baez is hoping we all forgot he said that since there isn't any..We will see...

another thing I thought of, what if Casey was adopted an one her parents were a killer, I know it's crazy, but every other theory is just a crazy..LOL.
an the show go's on..Just a few more days to Opening statements I just want Justice for Caylee..RIP little one.
I Don't think there is going to be a "AHA" moment..since they have thrown the kitchen sink out there with everything..just like Geragos an that flopped..Baez is hoping we all forgot he said that since there isn't any..We will see...

another thing I thought of, what if Casey was adopted an one her parents were a killer, I know it's crazy, but every other theory is just a crazy..LOL.
an the show go's on..Just a few more days to Opening statements I just want Justice for Caylee..RIP little one.

BBM. I happen to like crazy theorys. ;) I've also wondered about the adoption thing. KC doesn't look much like either parent. Then again, Caylee looked so much like Cindy. I dunno... maybe George isn't KC's real father?
You all have me very intrigued about the grandfather. I hope it is not true. I was thinking an uncle (Caylee looks so much like CA).

But even though there possibly was sexual abuse, it is still no reason to kill Caylee.

And why look up chloroform, etc. on the internet? That to me is premeditation, so why kill Caylee and not the person who abused her?

I hope it's not the grandfather. I do remember seeing pictures of ICA visiting with him at the nursing home. In my case, it was my uncles, and believe me, I stay far away from them and would NEVER let my child around them. Yet CA continuously took Caylee to visit him him and apprently without and protest from ICA.

I don't know, but being sexually abused would (does) make you more cautious who you let your children be around. I have experienced it and even though I don't have children, I know I have always looked out for my niece and nephew.

To sum it all up, it would just make you more protective and we all know by now, ICA apparently didn't try to protect Caylee because she didn't care about who/what/when/where she allowed Caylee to be exposed to.

Whether it was parties and allowing Caylee to sleep in the same bed with her and one of her boyfriends.

So sorry, I'm not saying ICA was molested, it is still no reason to kill Caylee. If anything, she would have been more protective.

Hope all this makes sense and JMO.
You all have me very intrigued about the grandfather. I hope it is not true. I was thinking an uncle (Caylee looks so much like CA).

But even though there possibly was sexual abuse, it is still no reason to kill Caylee.

respectfully snipped.

Oh, trust me, I totally agree. Even if KC WAS abused, to me, that is NO excuse. I personally think she might have suffered some abuse... perhaps from Lee. Still not an excuse to kill her daughter, though.
I Don't think there is going to be a "AHA" moment..since they have thrown the kitchen sink out there with everything..just like Geragos an that flopped..Baez is hoping we all forgot he said that since there isn't any..We will see...

another thing I thought of, what if Casey was adopted an one her parents were a killer, I know it's crazy, but every other theory is just a crazy..LOL.
an the show go's on..Just a few more days to Opening statements I just want Justice for Caylee..RIP little one.

I tend to agree with you here......as they (DT) have been floating all sorts of balloons since day 1....and I happen to think they know she will be found guilty of killing Caylee..however, are going for a lesser included charge in order to negate the DP and attempt to pull at "Sympathy"s" to try and excuse how she handled the killing of "OUR SWEET CAYLEE".....

for example~
1)Panic and inability to confess ( due to shame and inability to tell truth to bad mommy and daddy)

2) Unable to control her anger and frustrations with being a mother of a child and deal with Ca and GA's interferences ( Impulse Control issues)

3) Lying to escape due to inability to rationalize what happened..maybe due to some brain injuries (dropped on head as a baby) or dysfunctional parental relationships who never understood her??

4) Over-reacted due to her experiences (in her tender years) and unable to deal appropriately due to "Character/Personality disorder"..

5) Forced giving birth to a child conceived from rape by unknown???

Sorry folks, I had to hold my nose posting this...and no way ...no how are any of these things excuses for murdering your child..however, IF the DT can create a reasonable doubt regarding how it happened...then DT has done their job:crazy:

I agree with you. However, I think Casey is going to implicate GA somehow, say that she felt she couldn't go to the police as GA was a former officer, and she sees LE as a fraternity that protects it's own, even if they commit a crime.

My current theory is that Casey will say that Caylee's death was an accident and implicate GA in some way (eg: 'My father was attacking me, I put Caylee in the backyard to protect her. When I returned as soon as I could extricate myself, I found Caylee had drowned in the pool...')
I think she'll say she put Caylee in the back of her car in a panic. At this point I think Baez will use diminished capacity/fear of her family to explain her actions during those 31 days.
She may say the duct tape was placed post-mortem in an attempt to make it look as though Caylee had been kidnapped. I think he might explain the partying with Anthony L. by saying that she had to act like a fun, care-free person in order to hold on to him as he was providing her with shelter.

The optimist in me is still hoping that she'll put an end to all of this soon and tell the truth.

All of the above relies upon Casey taking the stand. There is no other way for her to get that 'story' out there. And she would have to provide SOLID details. When did George last abuse her. How and where. When did he take the baby? What did she do in response? I just do not believe she could pull it off. Especially since the the facts will not align with her story. George went off to work that day on the 16th. I am sure there are witnesses to that fact. And evidence will show there was no child with him at that time. We can look at his behavior and hers and compare them.
George and cindy told people they were missing Caylee and wanted to find her. They even called the cops in to help. Meanwhile Casey lied to the cops and made up a wild story, which she clung to. She even told her parents that story. If they were the ones who killed her baby, why would she lie to them and the cops after she was up on Capital murder charges herself? That makes no sense to me. If she was afraid of George then why did she keep going back to the house to steal gas cans and frozen pops? And why not have him arrested instead of yourself?
All of the above relies upon Casey taking the stand. There is no other way for her to get that 'story' out there. And she would have to provide SOLID details. When did George last abuse her. How and where. When did he take the baby? What did she do in response? I just do not believe she could pull it off. Especially since the the facts will not align with her story. George went off to work that day on the 16th. I am sure there are witnesses to that fact. And evidence will show there was no child with him at that time. We can look at his behavior and hers and compare them.
George and cindy told people they were missing Caylee and wanted to find her. They even called the cops in to help. Meanwhile Casey lied to the cops and made up a wild story, which she clung to. She even told her parents that story. If they were the ones who killed her baby, why would she lie to them and the cops after she was up on Capital murder charges herself? That makes no sense to me. If she was afraid of George then why did she keep going back to the house to steal gas cans and frozen pops? And why not have him arrested instead of yourself?


IMO, the defense doesn't need her to testify to float out the explanations for her actions - they already have and we're only in the midst of jury selection. They can lead the questioning to paint her defense: 'Mr. psychiatrist, is it possible for a person who was sexually abused to suffer from impulse control? Would the abused be more likely to use deceit as a coping mechanism? If her abuser had a past career in LE, is it possible she would see LE officers in general as not to be trusted when needed?...'
And why look up chloroform, etc. on the internet? That to me is premeditation, so why kill Caylee and not the person who abused her?

It is the chloroform evidence that led me to my hypothesis that I posted on page 9. While it could certainly be in indicator of premeditated murder, I was thinking that an alternative explanation is that Casey was trying to knock Caylee out so that she could go out and party. She used chloroform and then taped Caylee's mouth to prevent her from screaming if she woke up prematurely. But things went terribly wrong and Casey returned to a dead Caylee.

If Casey had been treated similarly as a child -- gagged or bound for punishment or to keep her in bed when mom didn't want to deal with her, the defense could argue that she didn't know better, that this was acceptable child care in her experience.
I think my new motto for ICA is:

"Abuse is no excuse. Adoption was always an option"

I just don't know about the duct tape, because Caylee was getting to be old enough to talk and would tell someone and there was so much wrapped around her poor little head. Plus I think it would leave some kind of skin burn marks because of her young skin.

And, IMO, ICA is too much of a spoiled brat to have been physically abused and still living at home. Trust me, I even went to the length of getting married just to get away from home as soon as I turned 18. So it looks like would have REALLY been working if she was victim of abuse because you would think she would want to get as far away from them as she could.

I know that Baden has said LE knows who the father is and they have ruled out George & Lee; however, who else did they test and if it WAS Lee, could they withhold that information until trial to avoid any public reprecutions against Lee since he not incarcerated?

For ICA to be living at home, not working, partying, bumming/living off her parents, ICA has something to hold over the Ants in order to do as she pleased and not work nor go to school.

Again, JMO.
It is the chloroform evidence that led me to my hypothesis that I posted on page 9. While it could certainly be in indicator of premeditated murder, I was thinking that an alternative explanation is that Casey was trying to knock Caylee out so that she could go out and party. She used chloroform and then taped Caylee's mouth to prevent her from screaming if she woke up prematurely. But things went terribly wrong and Casey returned to a dead Caylee.

If Casey had been treated similarly as a child -- gagged or bound for punishment or to keep her in bed when mom didn't want to deal with her, the defense could argue that she didn't know better, that this was acceptable child care in her experience.

BBM. Oh, wow! Never thought about this... could Cindy have chloroformed and taped Casey when she was a child, too? Perhaps chloroform was easier to obtain when Casey was a child... with Cindy being a nurse and all. Still don't think this is an excuse for murder... but, fascinating theory, IMO!

I agree with you. However, I think Casey is going to implicate GA somehow, say that she felt she couldn't go to the police as GA was a former officer, and she sees LE as a fraternity that protects it's own, even if they commit a crime.

My current theory is that Casey will say that Caylee's death was an accident and implicate GA in some way (eg: 'My father was attacking me, I put Caylee in the backyard to protect her. When I returned as soon as I could extricate myself, I found Caylee had drowned in the pool...')

I think she'll say she put Caylee in the back of her car in a panic. At this point I think Baez will use diminished capacity/fear of her family to explain her actions during those 31 days.

She may say the duct tape was placed post-mortem in an attempt to make it look as though Caylee had been kidnapped. I think he might explain the partying with Anthony L. by saying that she had to act like a fun, care-free person in order to hold on to him as he was providing her with shelter.

The optimist in me is still hoping that she'll put an end to all of this soon and tell the truth.

But she dated police officers, numerous ones, including Jesse who she told. I don't think Jesse believed her or he would have reported it. Maybe KC figured if Jesse reported it she would have GA and Lee out of the way and she'd be left with her mother to dispose of. She's telling people she's getting the house. Somehow, someway she planned on getting rid of her parents.

If GA ever attacked KC do you think Caylee would have ever gone to him. I don't think so. GA has a temper, as do many men when they are upset, but he has never been arrested for assault, that we know of. I don't see KC staying in the house if she were assaulted.

When GA asked KC what happened to the $4,000 she had taken from her savings to pay her mother back, KC's reply she had been held up at gunpoint. No police report was ever made by GA or KC. They knew she was a liar. They knew but could not control her.

Sorry just KC saying she was molested means nothing. If she can't be truthful about what has happened to her daughter at this late date than it's just another KC lie on the dung pile. jmo
BBM. Oh, wow! Never thought about this... could Cindy have chloroformed and taped Casey when she was a child, too? Perhaps chloroform was easier to obtain when Casey was a child... with Cindy being a nurse and all. Still don't think this is an excuse for murder... but, fascinating theory, IMO!

Dear lord, CA's a nurse. I know she does some weird stuff but that is a little overboard. Good try though but I highly doubt it. Kids talk. Plus chloroform only puts you out for minutes.

KC did not need to experience it. She and TL rented a movie at Blockbuster's on June 16th about kidnapping and duct tape. Wouldn't it be interesting to find out who wanted to rent that particular movie? And when it was in the theater had KC already seen it on the large screen as she frequently went to the movies? Sometimes killers like to relive their crime. DT will never get past the Blockbuster movie, it being the last day Caylee was seen and duct taped face on the remains. Even the lady who can't judge will be gasping. jmo

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