"Aha" Moment Predictions [MERGED]

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
IMO, I think they are going to try and say ICA has Borderline Personality Disorder which was triggered by molestation. BPD has symptoms of Impulse control, anger, as well as ADHD symptoms (which is why I think she fidgets a lot and cannot sit still).

They will probably say this was triggered by molestation. I am by no means saying that she was molested; however, I still think there iS a possibility.

Another symptom of the disorder is you see everything as black & white - no shades of gray, which can involve jealousy issues and low self-esteem.

I have often thought that ICA killed Caylee right after ICA's fight with CA. I think Caylee may have been crying for CA and ICA was so jealous and angry that she killed Caylee out of spite for CA.

They are probably also going to try to claim she was suffering Postpartum depression and had hormonal issues or Bipolar disorder. There have been some studies that seizures are connected to Bipolar; hence the reason anti-convulsants are used for Bipolar treatment.

I am embarrased to say I have been diagnosed with Borderline PD possibly triggered by sexual abuse when I was a child. And it is hell to deal with, BUT, I COULD NEVER KILL ANYONE, ESPECIALLY A CHILD AND SHOULD NOT BE AN EXCUSE FOR KILLING LITTLE CAYLEE!
ICA had too many resources available for help.

Karen –

Thank you for being so open and honest about having Borderline PD. :rocker: I have it also (from sexual abuse as a child), I can understand the hell you go through dealing with it. And I too would never even think twice about harming a child or anyone else for that matter. Even if CA does have BPD, it is not an excuse for what she did. She knows right from wrong.
The Aha moment will be at the end of the trial when there has been no aha moment. It will come from JB and CM when they hear the guilty verdict.

48 Hrs replayed the Caylee case last night. I hadn't seen it until last night.

Re chloroform search...I forget how Baez responded specifically, but it was along the lines that they knew there was the computer search, but were not agreeing that is was KC that would have done the search. I found his vague non-answer as important.

I think the SA will have the goods/proof that GA and CA would have been at work at the time of the computer search, but I'm thinking the DT is going to claim the SA can't prove it was KC searching.

This may be true but, hopefully, they will have records of what was typed just before/just after that might help like her logging onto myspace or instant messages that she is going to have a hard time denying. Possible that the searches may have been made right in the middle of her normal computer activities.
I think the "ahh ha" moment could be that everyone is expecting George and Lee to be accused of sexual abuse, but I believe that it will be claimed that Casey was raped by a stranger and became pregnant. Possibly the pregnancy that she claims to have lost. There's hardly any proof that she was messed up before having Caylee, and they have to explain that somehow. I'll be shocked if any mental illness other that ptsd is brought up, because they definitely don't want Casey to be labeled by the prosecution and experts as a psychopath, plus they won't want her thefts being talked about too much. I sure hope they can get it all into the actual trial and not the penalty phase though, and hope they can prove premeditation, because Casey definitely planned, plotted, and carried things though. She had elaborate schemes and scams. Narcissist Psychopath is the only explanation.
Help me out here please... I thought there could be no "ah ha" moment as Jb has to disclose what evidence he has. I realize he can say what he likes in his opening statement to a degree but won't he then have to back it up with something substantial?

I just can't for the life of me figure out what this big secret bombshell could be. I certainly can't fathom anything that could possibly refute the case the state has against ICA.
This whole case drives me crazy for multiple reasons.. One being that I really don't recall having such strong opinions on a persons guilt before trial, IRL i have yet to find someone who feels she is innocent.. a first for me.. It is in this regard (and only this regard) i can agree with the DT "that this case is different".

Still having a hard time believing that JB's opening statements are only days away now...

Caylee justice is coming :great:
I'm anxious to hear Baez's claims of how Caylee died and came to be in the trunk of Casey's car encased in bags and laundry bag from the home. Duct tape from the home, too. Casey's MO was to plot and scheme, so the chloroform must have been an attempt to pull off a home invasion or car jacking, but messed up her own plan. The state feels this is premeditated, so they must think the chloroform was to quickly knock out before smothering with the tape or part of some plot to make Casey the victim, which is another of her MO's. Of course Baez will dispute the chloroform evidence.
This may be true but, hopefully, they will have records of what was typed just before/just after that might help like her logging onto myspace or instant messages that she is going to have a hard time denying. Possible that the searches may have been made right in the middle of her normal computer activities.

They know that the searches were done while ICA was logged into her accounts as well as her facebook account, and chatting!
Throwing another theory out here. What if KC was pregnant by BS and as soon as CA found out she went livid. CA insisted if the daddy wasn't going to step up then KC could not bring another child in the house and said that KC should have an abortion.. KC confronted BS and BS said he wasn't ready to be a dad and that she should have the abortion. There went KC's chance at getting out of the house and having a family. She then had the abortion, which her mom pushed. Then she went over the edge. In the KC's mind if CA didn't want her to have another baby, then she didn't really want Caylee either.
JB If you are reading we are all waiting close to 3 years now we want our ahha moment!!
My 6 month old baby boy kindly reminds me of the DT AHA moment almost daily with one of his favorite video clips from The Muppet Show...it reminds me of what the opening statements will be (namely the first three minutes)...much like Mahna Mahna and the Snowths the lyrics, JB and Co. will be singing/explaining!!! Enjoy.

No ahh-ha IMO
MORE like ch-yea r i i i g h t!
Me thinks it will implicate George as the murderer and he threatened ICA's life in the bargain. MOO
ICA's own remarks "if they never find her Im going to spend my life behind bars" she WANTED the body found because she knew she had the duct tape on there, to look like a kidnapping.

If KC wanted it to look like a kidnapping, why wait to report it? Do you think that she killed Caylee in a sudden rage or even an accident and then had the after thought to make it look like a kidnapping? As in, "Oh what have I done and how can I get out of this? I'll say someone else did it!" The ME report says that the duct tape was applied before decomposition so either the duct tape was applied before she died or immediately after. (It makes me so sad to type that.)

If KC did stage a scene, why didn't she report the "crime" to someone? I would think that within a few days of "searching for her on my own", she would report that her daughter had been kidnapped. Instead, she partied and carried on as if nothing was wrong and it was CA who actually called the police. Maybe she staged the kidnapping and then decided that plan wouldn't work and just... "Oh well.. party at Fusion tonight so I'll worry about what to do tomorrow."

It's just all so strange to me. I do hope that it will all be explained and that the SA can make sense of it on Tuesday during their opening statement.
Maybe the timing of the gas cans plays into it all or she was going to try and burn the vehicle after claiming an abduction and car jacking. Maybe she simply decided she wasn't ready to give up the vehicle just yet. I can't wait to hear how the state explains premeditation, yet messing up and allowing the odor of decomposition to get into the vehicle.
Maybe the timing of the gas cans plays into it all or she was going to try and burn the vehicle after claiming an abduction and car jacking. Maybe she simply decided she wasn't ready to give up the vehicle just yet. I can't wait to hear how the state explains premeditation, yet messing up and allowing the odor of decomposition to get into the vehicle.

I don't get why she didn't! she could have driven it into a pond or lake.
IMO THIS COULD BE A SERIOUS PROBLEM for the state. ICA LEFT IT! to be towed. WITH all the evidence in tact. Maybe she did leave the home after CA kicked her out, and kept Caylee claiming she (ICA) was an unfit mother. I just don't get it!! Nothing adds up. Even ICA would know ya don't leave a dead child so close to home & you burn the car or drown it. I mean come on! Even to dump Caylee in haste! You come back! Move her away! Duuhhh!
I haven't read the whole thread, but could the 'ah-ha' moment be naming Caylee's father who is the "real killer?"
I haven't read the whole thread, but could the 'ah-ha' moment be naming Caylee's father who is the "real killer?"

Doubt it, he has said it will explain the 31 days ... knowing the father isn't going to be able to do that. Plus he supposedly died.
Could the "aha" moment be that Casey will say that she left the house at 9:00 that morning and she left Caylee with George and when she returned Caylee was gone and so was George?
I know this is not what happened but I think whatever the "Aha moment will be, will be a lie.
Could the "aha" moment be that Casey will say that she left the house at 9:00 that morning and she left Caylee with George and when she returned Caylee was gone and so was George?
I know this is not what happened but I think whatever the "Aha moment will be, will be a lie.
IMO,No,because she could have given that info at anytime in the last 3 years ,instead of staying in jail.It would also require ICA to take the stand.
Okay, the only way to explain away the 31 days and KC's jovial/partying pictures is that KC believed Caylee was safe with a trusted person. How does JB explain that Caylee was safe? Zanny's not gonna work, so it has to be someone.

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