AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - #12

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Now, does that face look worried, tear stained or sober to you guys? She sure "sounded" like she was crying (for 3 seconds but there were no tears).

She also didn't appear shaken up or even sorta distraught. Makes me a bit curious. I'd almost speculate that she is behaving that way because she knows they were looking in the wrong area and possibly knows they won't find her. She knows where Brittney is, that much is pretty certain. I urge everyone to watch the video and pay attention to her face .. not so much what she says.

Chessie says she was in a panic mode when she heard they were searching. Yeah, I bet she was. I thought she was having trouble, caught too unaware, to put on the full-blown dramatics she's known for.

Andrew's on vacation. Oh no! How I wish he was in her face pressing her to talk, pressing, pressing.

Could it be, Jenny finally laid a golden egg? Somebody did.

Darn, I was afraid of this replay. That replay interview in the doorway of the house was slightly different than the interview I had seen on the News Broadcast (like someone else mentioned too. There were 2 slightly different versions at 5 + 6). Unfortunately, this replay interview does NOT have the part where she stumbled on the words I had mentioned before, where she stumbled when she first said "in backyard", then quickly said "behind the backyard".

It could have just been an honest mistake when she stumbled on the words, but it sure made me think maybe the body is hidden right in the yard itself, and not behind in those woods. I hope the dogs search her property around the house.
“I am ready to find my daughter, but I think I would have known if she was this close,” said Chessie Wood."

Remember the big to-do when some bones were found and Chessie went on the news saying it wasn't Brittney. Then she had to back track to say she thought she heard it wasn't Brittney. I swear she knows exactly where Brittney is- or isn't.

Watching the news video, Chessie says she was in a "panic mode" when she first saw them searching today. Strangely, she wasn't crying tears of joy that LE is still actively pursuing leads nor was she hopeful that LE could finally find her daughter. She instead goes into panic mode and says she thinks she would have known if her daughter was out in the back yard.

I noticed her facebook page is active again after a few months lull.
Chessie says she was in a panic mode when she heard they were searching. Yeah, I bet she was. I thought she was having trouble, caught too unaware, to put on the full-blown dramatics she's known for.

Andrew's on vacation. Oh no! How I wish he was in her face pressing her to talk, pressing, pressing.

Could it be, Jenny finally laid a golden egg? Somebody did.


Agreed about the dramatics. I think what we are witnessing is her true emotions regarding the case.

Let's take the time to point out something no one has yet brought up:

A normal person whose child is missing .. would be OUT there helping search
A non guilty person would be front and center to the news
A non guilty person would be happy that FINALLY there is some movement in the case, even if it's not what you want.
A non guilty person would spend the time on the news pleading that people keep an eye out for certain items that their child was last known to have.
A non guilty person would say how sick they feel if she has been this close for this long and they didn't know it.
A non guilty person would say and do everything except remark with the things Chessie had said.

Think about what Chessie just said and did ... now think about it from the perspective that:

LE has leads for the first time in 2 years.
LE has enough promising leads that they are doing ground searches again.
LE has enough leads that they feel they are close to bringing her missing child home.

Chessie is not behaving like she's even RELATED to Brittney. Why doesn't anyone ever pick up on this?
It can't have been a random lead. This lead is attached to a plea deal, IMO. They're searching after all this time because whoever provided them with this lead is cutting a tentative deal. Do you all think so, too?

Heck, even Chessie said as much. Somebody told them something. I get the feeling she knows they got legit info and they're close to the right area, but JMO. I'm kind of shaken by this, not sure I'm ever going to be ready to hear of who was involved. The sadness of it.

This is about BRITTNEY maybe out there in the backyard right behind where her own mother Chessie lives!:mad:
After watching and listening carefully, here are a couple of things that struck me as concerning....

"im ready to find my daughter" --- Ummmmmm, Wouldn't people be wanting to find their daughter anytime? Why is she now ready?

"i was in a panic mode when i heard they were over HERE searching" ---- It appears to me that she was first in a panic mode because she thought they were searching her house and yard, and it was not until she showed up and found out that they were away from the house area that she was no longer panicked.

The whole tone of her interview was odd. Almost like she was disappointed the searchers were even there trying to help find her daughter. It had such a negative tone. Really bizarre.

IMO, I think the searchers need to hone in directly in the yard area, basement, attic, etc.
I think they are very close, but need to hone in on the house and yard areas.
what if the group only told lets say bff jenn that this is where Brottney is? it would scare cw into being quiet. and would let the group know it was jenn doing the talking? im just speculating. Thebcw did it theory is totally plausable. Im still spinning around w/ the whole group effort be cause of the sex ring theory.
imo if it was a real tip because of a plea they would have found something of value today. This was the biggest search effort to date though..
Steph, can't imagine the turmoil you all must be going through. Peace be w/ you and Wally tonight.
Maybe they're not only searching for a body, but something else. Something hid out in the woods behind the house.
what if the group only told lets say bff jenn that this is where Brottney is? it would scare cw into being quiet. and would let the group know it was jenn doing the talking? im just speculating. Thebcw did it theory is totally plausable. Im still spinning around w/ the whole group effort be cause of the sex ring theory.
imo if it was a real tip because of a plea they would have found something of value today. This was the biggest search effort to date though..
Steph, can't imagine the turmoil you all must be going through. Peace be w/ you and Wally tonight.

One thing to keep in mind: the person who gave the tip was most likely sitting in jail and not on site. If they had been on site they could have led them to where they were told she is. It sounds more like the person knows the general area and learned of the body being left there. If the person who gave the tip had disposed of her, the police would have that person leading them to the body.

This was not a dead-end or a hoax, Klaas kids does not search willy nilly. If you can think back to when she first went missing, Klaas was involved but pulled out of any further searches because (I'm paraphrasing but the exact quote exists in these threads): People weren't being "honest". They are a terrific group of searchers who do this non for profit. They cannot afford to spin their wheels over b.s. tips.

This was a tip that was substantial enough to merit both Klaas being involved as well as LE. This means there is weight to the search.

One could only hope that she, Chessie, could muster enough empathy and be a decent mother right now, the fact is - she's a pedophile and a child molester. She never protected any of her children and had her youngest two removed AT BIRTH because she and her husband tested positive for methampetamines. She was sodomizing and forcing a child to perform oral sex on her while she was either pregnant or right before she got pregnant with her youngest child. There is NOTHING good or gracious about Chessie Wood. Make no mistake about it.

I do not think they are smart enough to create a group effort in anything other than victimizing children. People that pick on kids do so because of the control aspect. A child is easy to take advantage of and are perceived as weak. These people aren't raping adults, they are raping kids. They are doing that because they aren't willful or cunning enough to trap an adult. Does that make sense? They are idiots, plain and simple.

They are criminals who collect welfare, pop pills - sell their prescriptions (which isn't that lucrative) or trade for sex and are incestuous. They aren't running a *advertiser censored* ring for profit or trade. They are not masterminds or drug dealers. They are deviants. Kind of people that see things on TV and take it as gospel. They only reason they never were caught before was because the children they victimized were controlled by money and drugs - whom turned 18 and victimized the next generation - and that solidified them into a "pact". No one is going to talk to cops if they feel they too will be arrested. Couple that with their mistrust of LE and you have a perfect storm for generational abuse. The reason we know what we know now is because one of the kids they victimized wasn't 18 and for one reason or another - knew it was wrong and wanted to save herself.

I really don't think the letter was a "be quiet" or blackmail. I also don't think there is any group effort to silence anyone. I feel that Chessie murdered her daughter and from there things toppled.
Maybe they're not only searching for a body, but something else. Something hid out in the woods behind the house.

There's a lot of trash strewn about out there and it looks like through the trees there's water. Do you know if that's accurate (the water)?

You bring up a VERY good point. For all we know it could be her bag with her phone in it. I do not think Brittney would have parted with her phone very easily. It's highly likely that Chessie had her phone (remember it pinged again as though it was turned on) and when she realized people were talking about the ping - she buried it with the battery taken out.

I could totally see that actually. I don't think Brittney had a pink or teal bag. I feel that this was made up by Chessie. I don't think Brittney had a bag on her and that's why Chessie tends to stammer when giving that detail.
There's a lot of trash strewn about out there and it looks like through the trees there's water. Do you know if that's accurate (the water)?

You bring up a VERY good point. For all we know it could be her bag with her phone in it. I do not think Brittney would have parted with her phone very easily. It's highly likely that Chessie had her phone (remember it pinged again as though it was turned on) and when she realized people were talking about the ping - she buried it with the battery taken out.

I could totally see that actually. I don't think Brittney had a pink or teal bag. I feel that this was made up by Chessie. I don't think Brittney had a bag on her and that's why Chessie tends to stammer when giving that detail.

It looks more like blue tarp than water. Google maps shows a big square (5 acres) wooded area behind the house. Didn't Dustin live near there? Right around the corner? Derek would knows those woods.,+Mobile,+Alabama+36619&gl=us&t=h&z=17


  • aamap.JPG
    56.2 KB · Views: 83
Using your map link....I zoomed in a bit and marked Dustin's house (A) and Chessie's house (B). This shows the area between Travis Rd and Quimby, where they searched today.

Thanks ChattyWoman. Makes me wonder about Dustin's ankle bracelet malfunction.

OT Perhaps the Juvenile Unit was searching because of a juvenile's involvement. Don't know...
Using your map link....I zoomed in a bit and marked Dustin's house (A) and Chessie's house (B). This shows the area between Travis Rd and Quimby, where they searched today.

This really makes you think. I've always felt that Dustin had more of a role than LE has let on to the public. Something about him feels very VERY evil and smarmy. The man physically makes me ill. Don't get me wrong, what they all did is disgusting and makes me ill - but there's something about Dustin that feels different than the others. Something that Wendy tends to give off as well. I can't put my finger on it because all the details we know don't seem to fit with the feeling.

What is your opinion of Mendy? Or anyone out there reading this, what is YOUR opinion about Mendy?

She never piqued an interest in me and she seemed rather quiet etc. I've read others saying she was very evil, maybe more so than Wendy.

I swear this map just solidifies my theory, at least in my head. Mendy and Dustin were so close by that all Chessie had to do was place a call and they would be right over.

While I'm thinking of it: Where was Wendy located at on the night Brittney went missing? How far away was she?
Do we know if they plan to search tomorrow???
Brittney's phone's last odd ping in GB is minutes from Wendy's sick child post appearing to be an attempt to present an "at home with sleeping sick kid" impression. So if everything we know is a fib, we at least know where Wendy wasn't.

Mendy, I've never studied her social media enough to feel any personality at all. On re-reads, I realize she wassometimes the one posting on Wendy's FB when Donnie was still breathing in the hospital. And then I review the meetme profile with her beaty and love of sex, and realize I remember that profile incorrectly as Wendy's. So other than the clone of Wendy, I haven't felt any individualism from Mendy. MO.
LE said they planned to search at later date.

If they did perchance find some evidence, I doubt they'd say so. And it might not pertain to Brittney but to the court cases. Maybe Dustin/Mendy had a stash out there. MOO
LE said they planned to search at later date.

If they did perchance find some evidence, I doubt they'd say so. And it might not pertain to Brittney but to the court cases. Maybe Dustin/Mendy had a stash out there. MOO
Yeah, could be, I suppose. I have such high hopes for Britt in the new year, like all of you. Something just has to break soon. :crossfingers:
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