AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - #12

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Now Drug situation I see in a very different light on this case.

IMO I do not think her relatives harmed her.

but buying and selling of drugs(If this is what was going on) is a very dangerous place to put your young life in. If she was Carrying a gun it was for this protection from these low lifes not fear from her low life family jmo

It very well could be a drug deal gone bad and Brittney is dead. and Donald too!

but I don't think this has anything to do with the family members in jail now!


As mentioned once before in a post, with all the arrests there are no drug charges. So, I'm not thinking any type of serious drug dealing, possibly pot and prescription meds. It also leads me to think any drug dealings were kept in the family or close friends. For a person/persons to be killed over a drug deal one would think it would be a higher level of drugs. And Brittney not being found doesn't sound like it would fit the situation.

If one believes Brittney was in Styx on the night of May 30th, as I do, then one may also believe Wendy WH knew Britt was there. Wendy knew Brittney wanted to go to the Styx house, Wendy was with DH the next night. (I believe this because Wendy's child's medication was in the vehicle and LE wouldn't allow Wendy to retrieve the medication from the vehicle DH was shot in) Wendy and DH had to have talked, I think it is a high possibility DH told her Brittney was there in the very least, if Wendy didn't she Brittney herself. End result is Wendy WH I don't believe is being truthful when she states Brittney was not at Styx. Why?
There are so many could haves and maybes in this that we could go back & forth for another 2 years. The truth is only known to the one/ones who were there and who they told. And until they talk or she if found all we will have are the what if's & might haves.


Very important: The truth is only known to the one/ones who were there and who they told
I am very grateful for the interest in the details and can appreciate the differing opinions, but there is a line that is being crossed in asking for such specifics. Please respect my answers and the integrity of the investigation. I will share only what I feel comfortable sharing in regards to phone records & time lines. I came here to try to brainstorm and find new ideas, but I will Not share info to jeopardize any case that might bring justice for Britt.

Thank you,

Steph, I'm really happy you stated this (which should be obvious but sadly isn't). I do hope people will continue to respect every aspect of this case and refrain from nitpicking to the point it's interrogating and off putting. You owe none of us an explanation nor specific answers, by answering / brainstorming - you are doing us a favor. That alone is rather unique in cases on so many levels.


Hope all is well and answers are coming soon.
If it was a drug deal gone wrong, how did DH end up with Brittney's alleged gun? Let's say DH dropped Brittney off with these low lifers, in your theory Brittney should have taken her gun with her for protection. But that can't be because DH used the gun to allegedly shoot himself. Imo, the only way DH could have ended up with the gun is if he was there and involved in this deal gone wrong. Which would mean Donnie knew what happened to BW. Whether he harmed Britt or was covering up for the low lifers from said drug deal. I don't see DH harming Britt over drugs and why would these low lifers not take care of Donnie at the same time? I don't believe DH was a large scale drug dealer. Imo, it doesn't equate.

And I feel we're getting closer to a workable theory. The questions as to how DH ended up with Britt's gun just stumped me. I think it could have been Britt's gun because it wasn't an expensive one, one that possibly could have been passed around. It wasn't an expensive item. Now DH was pinging in TC in the area of 3AM, just a guess at the time. However why did DH go across the bay? I believe Brittney went with him, and he could have wanted the gun on's the manly thing to do.

I'm now leaning toward that is when Brittney and DH separated. DH attempting to contact Brittney by cell phone later that morning so many times leaves me thinking DH was worried, concerned, and something made him come to a conclusion he took his own life. Not 100% sold on DH taking his own life.

As for others using Britt's cell phone, I don't buy it. I don't think any of them are that smart, seriously.
Brittney has some good people on her side. I believe she will be found.

I am afraid it will not be good news when she is, but at least little P will know what happened to her Mom. That is so, so important.
Just my opinion but the value of the gun doesn't matter. In the world of bartering and trading for drugs, you come across all sorts of stuff. I know of someone who just steals to steals and hands girls things - I guess to impress them - and rarely asks for drugs in trade, but sometimes he does. How Donald got the gun always felt like it was planted there. I still believe his wife and or her friend killed him, drove off ... went back because they are dumb criminals and called 911. I've read many cases of people thinking they can commit a crime, stumble upon the scene .. call the police and report it as a way to form an alibi. Early on I assumed that to be the case here.

As they say; don't complicate things just keep it simple stupid. Even other addicts can't determine what's a reality for another addict. When it comes to murder it's the same way, this is why Ted Bundy couldn't help catch the Green river killer. Ted knew what he would do and it explained things but each crime is unique to the perp and the circumstances that surround it.

I sadly think Brittney was murdered by a female relative and not by Donald. My other theory is that Dustin had way more to do with any of this than anyone has said - because he's still alive. Something about Dustin really makes my damn skin crawl. That guy is scummy and I do not think we know the half of what he's done. Donald, while far from a nice person - just happens to be the fall guy here for the bigger picture. I really believe he was intended to be killed in order to keep everything going, and it's all sexually motivated - all of it. I often wonder if Brittney knew of this plan or was there on accident when it happened and so they killed her, and planted all the evidence on Donald after the fact. It feels sloppy when it comes to Brittney's disappearance but well organized when it comes to Donald's death and timing.

I really believe they assumed no one would look for Brittney and that they could pass her off as some murderess, child abandoning drug user. That's a harsh mouthful but look how they all behaved at first! Even as a small child she was treated subpar because her grandmother cared more about keeping a man.

Brittney may not be an angel but she was a kid that came from a very sad background and a bad hand was dealt to her. There is no telling how she could have turned out, but I really feel that with Chessie's ignorant behavior and Brittney never really having that nurturing/protection from a woman until Steph - she was struggling to keep her head above water and do the right thing when the wrong thing came easier.

For those that want to bash anyone born into a criminal lifestyle, understand one thing - a person knows right from wrong but when you don't have the means or the support to get ON the right track *it's not just as simple as waking up and doing it, you NEED A FOUNDATION*, doing the wrong thing for right reasons will happen often. That means peddling pills, stripping, sleeping with someone for extra cash to keep the lights on .. whatever it may be. It's called survival and Brittney was on her own at 9 emotionally, that's of course my opinion but seems to be the case.

I see a lot of Brittney's in my work, and I see a lot of Brittney in my 19 year old self. I get it and it hurts because she's a causality and didn't have to be. There is no greater pain than to be ruined by those that are meant to protect you unconditionally. You never fully regain yourself when that happens, but you can begin to heal - she was robbed of that. If by some chance Brittney is alive and well, I hope she does reach out one day because she is loved and has become everyone's daughter. She is SOMEONE that matters, no matter where she is right now I hope she's aware of that.
I hope prosecutors are going to keep Brittney in mind too, when the cases come to trial. There's an opportunity to get some vital information about her disappearance, I think, when those accused give their testimony.

I worry prosecutors might disregard that though, and just concentrate entirely on proving the sex abuse charges.

I have a feeling the twins and RSW won't speak, given a choice. I believe CW will though.
I hope prosecutors are going to keep Brittney in mind too, when the cases come to trial. There's an opportunity to get some vital information about her disappearance, I think, when those accused give their testimony.

I worry prosecutors might disregard that though, and just concentrate entirely on proving the sex abuse charges.

I have a feeling the twins and RSW won't speak, given a choice. I believe CW will though.

I worry about this. How much can be entered about Brittney, if the accused do not testify there may not be much of a door for information to enter. Any information is better than none though.
Sometimes I'd like to spew like the "thick-et bug" that exists deep, very deep, almost inaccessible,
almost non-exist [thank God!], within me and say what I'd like to say, but ...

Let me just say, I hope BW is found; peace is restored (to the extent possible)
to the better half of BW's family; and, the responsible are charged, convicted and
sentenced to a long, long, long stay in prison.

Good luck all! :wave:
Sometimes I'd like to spew like the "thick-et bug" that exists deep, very deep, almost inaccessible,
almost non-exist [thank God!], within me and say what I'd like to say, but ...

Let me just say, I hope BW is found; peace is restored (to the extent possible)
to the better half of BW's family; and, the responsible are charged, convicted and
sentenced to a long, long, long stay in prison.

Good luck all! :wave:

Quester your post reads as if you are leaving the thread...I hope you aren't. You obviously care about Brittney and I really appreciate that. The recent barrage of questions has been overwhelming and some were inappropriate for me to answer. I value your opinions and insights. And don't want to see you go.
Quester your post reads as if you are leaving the thread...I hope you aren't. You obviously care about Brittney and I really appreciate that. The recent barrage of questions has been overwhelming and some were inappropriate for me to answer. I value your opinions and insights. And don't want to see you go.

I agree....Sometimes Quester and I butt heads :slapfight:but I value the insight, ideas and opinions. I hope to see Quester back in here!
I hope prosecutors are going to keep Brittney in mind too, when the cases come to trial. There's an opportunity to get some vital information about her disappearance, I think, when those accused give their testimony.

I worry prosecutors might disregard that though, and just concentrate entirely on proving the sex abuse charges.

I have a feeling the twins and RSW won't speak, given a choice. I believe CW will though.

I think it will depend on relevancy.
I think it will depend on relevancy.

Me too. So all of us legal wizards need to brainstorm on how to keep Brittney in the courtroom. Brittney is in some evidence that will be presented.

Since Chessie now has publically announced she believes her sister is responsible for Brittney's disappearance, I wonder how Britt's brothers feel about this. I am not aware if Chessie has or has not been in contact with her boys. This may be an opening, how the brother feel about their auntie at the point.
Me too. So all of us legal wizards need to brainstorm on how to keep Brittney in the courtroom. Brittney is in some evidence that will be presented.

Since Chessie now has publically announced she believes her sister is responsible for Brittney's disappearance, I wonder how Britt's brothers feel about this. I am not aware if Chessie has or has not been in contact with her boys. This may be an opening, how the brother feel about their auntie at the point.

I'm thinking Derek may be a witness for the prosecution. IIRC, the most recent article stated 5-6 victims. We found out Derek was a victim turned perp. I'm not sure about the statute of limitations in this case. Derek could be included in that number. I hope he has the strength and courage to do what is right. He has been incarcerated for awhile now. Probably the most sober and clear minded he has been since his early teens. In my opinion, Derek will be a key witness.

ETA - Correction, about 4 to 5 children, heroes.

She says the real heroes in this investigation are the children involved. About 4 to 5 children have come forward to help with put the suspects behind bars.
OK, afterthought.
Brittney couldn't share with her siblings anything that week easily. They were both incarcerated during May 2012.

So TJ's declaration on a MSM interview that Brittney told him EVERYTHING... has to be restricted by his availability. And Derek's ability to protect his sister, ditto. His availability was also severely restricted by authorities during May 2012.

The normal, everyday family...including this was normal. Only when it was revealed outside the family did it become a problem to Chessie.

Also food for thought....isn't everything they say on prison taped?
I remember Casey A and her visitors they were all taped and recorded.

Just something to think about.

But maybe TJ means before he went to jail!
I'm thinking Derek may be a witness for the prosecution. IIRC, the most recent article stated 5-6 victims. We found out Derek was a victim turned perp. I'm not sure about the statute of limitations in this case. Derek could be included in that number. I hope he has the strength and courage to do what is right. He has been incarcerated for awhile now. Probably the most sober and clear minded he has been since his early teens. In my opinion, Derek will be a key witness.

ETA - Correction, about 4 to 5 children, heroes.

Im not so sure about this!
And he is where he should be!
Respectfully snipped -

I sadly think Brittney was murdered by a female relative and not by Donald. My other theory is that Dustin had way more to do with any of this than anyone has said - because he's still alive. Something about Dustin really makes my damn skin crawl. That guy is scummy and I do not think we know the half of what he's done. Donald, while far from a nice person - just happens to be the fall guy here for the bigger picture. I really believe he was intended to be killed in order to keep everything going, and it's all sexually motivated - all of it. I often wonder if Brittney knew of this plan or was there on accident when it happened and so they killed her, and planted all the evidence on Donald after the fact. It feels sloppy when it comes to Brittney's disappearance but well organized when it comes to Donald's death and timing.

I really believe they assumed no one would look for Brittney and that they could pass her off as some murderess, child abandoning drug user. That's a harsh mouthful but look how they all behaved at first! Even as a small child she was treated subpar because her grandmother cared more about keeping a man.

I tend to agree with your theory. It seems to me WWH desperately attempted to put Brittney in Donnie's vehicle with the ridiculous story of finding Brittney's cellphone battery. A battery merely identified by scratches. WWH's thought process behind the battery could benefit her in 2 ways. One, Brittney murdered DH. Two, Brittney removed her cellphone battery so she couldn't be tracked and ran. I think someone was watching too much CSI. Then WWH placed Brittney in Donnie's murder or suicide by Donnie allegedly using Britt's gun.

I also believe Dustin may be playing the wizard behind the curtains. One reason that I cannot shake, money. His accessibility to money and personal connections. Imo, his social standing was seen as a means and a level above anyone in the Wood/Holland families.
Respectfully snipped -

I tend to agree with your theory. It seems to me WWH desperately attempted to put Brittney in Donnie's vehicle with the ridiculous story of finding Brittney's cellphone battery. A battery merely identified by scratches. WWH's thought process behind the battery could benefit her in 2 ways. One, Brittney murdered DH. Two, Brittney removed her cellphone battery so she couldn't be tracked and ran. I think someone was watching too much CSI. Then WWH placed Brittney in Donnie's murder or suicide by Donnie allegedly using Britt's gun.

I also believe Dustin may be playing the wizard behind the curtains. One reason that I cannot shake, money. His accessibility to money and personal connections. Imo, his social standing was seen as a means and a level above anyone in the Wood/Holland families.

Im confused a tad help me out!

How could her battery be in the car if her cell pinged and turned on and off after DH was found?

Wasn't it days later her phone was turned on again?
Im confused a tad help me out!

How could her battery be in the car if her cell pinged and turned on and off after DH was found?

Wasn't it days later her phone was turned on again?

I don't think it was ever proven to be Britt's battery but merely the say so of someone who would have trouble telling the truth if it hit her upside the head!

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