AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - #12

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Also food for thought....isn't everything they say on prison taped?
I remember Casey A and her visitors they were all taped and recorded.

Just something to think about.

But maybe TJ means before he went to jail!

No one is in prison yet, everyone is in jail. The easiest way to remember the difference between jail and prison is:
Jail: not found guilty, they are simply arrested for unlawful activity/behavior
Prison: Found guilty.

Everything is recorded or at least listened to via phone calls. Not all counties have the funds to record visits or keep recordings of phone activities. Operators listen in and determine if something needs to be recorded.

Mail is more monitored in prison than in jail as well.
Im confused a tad help me out!

How could her battery be in the car if her cell pinged and turned on and off after DH was found?

Wasn't it days later her phone was turned on again?

That's because it wasn't or isn't her battery. Again, they are sloppy and looking to cover their tracks, but they forget that there's pings and those things can't happen without a battery in the phone. This is what I mean by it being sloppy when it concerns Brittney.
Also food for thought....isn't everything they say on prison taped?
I remember Casey A and her visitors they were all taped and recorded.

Just something to think about.

But maybe TJ means before he went to jail!

TJ was still young enough to be in juvenile detention then but still not accessible or around the week everything was going on. So Brittney told no one about the rapes, the Facebook exchange, the detective supposedly at Wendy's house looking for her, etc. except Donald? I hope there was someone and we'll find out when the trials start for the sex crimes.
From now on I'll just say incarcerated.

Same thing to me. you just stay longer in one than you do in the other or you just move from one to the other.

In this case I hope they all move from Jail to Prison for a very long time.

I'm thinking Derek may be a witness for the prosecution. IIRC, the most recent article stated 5-6 victims. We found out Derek was a victim turned perp. I'm not sure about the statute of limitations in this case. Derek could be included in that number. I hope he has the strength and courage to do what is right. He has been incarcerated for awhile now. Probably the most sober and clear minded he has been since his early teens. In my opinion, Derek will be a key witness.

ETA - Correction, about 4 to 5 children, heroes.

That's right Lash! There's a split in that family since this all started rolling, I'm thinking Britt's brothers may start really thinking, what DID happen to Brittney. Then with JM making bail it's possible she may have some interesting testimony. JM's bail was reduced to a silly number.

When a person is testifying, and the defense is asking the questions there is more of an opportunity to bring up Brittney, once that is done, the prosecution can expand on the answers.
Respectfully snipped -

I tend to agree with your theory. It seems to me WWH desperately attempted to put Brittney in Donnie's vehicle with the ridiculous story of finding Brittney's cellphone battery. A battery merely identified by scratches. WWH's thought process behind the battery could benefit her in 2 ways. One, Brittney murdered DH. Two, Brittney removed her cellphone battery so she couldn't be tracked and ran. I think someone was watching too much CSI. Then WWH placed Brittney in Donnie's murder or suicide by Donnie allegedly using Britt's gun.

I also believe Dustin may be playing the wizard behind the curtains. One reason that I cannot shake, money. His accessibility to money and personal connections. Imo, his social standing was seen as a means and a level above anyone in the Wood/Holland families.

Does anyone remember if Mendy was living in the TC area at that time?
Im confused a tad help me out!

How could her battery be in the car if her cell pinged and turned on and off after DH was found?

Wasn't it days later her phone was turned on again?

Are you thinking of this?

""""BW's Cell Phone
It was initially reported by LE to the family that the phone last pinged at Styx River. However, after a week or so, LE corrected that information and advised the family that her phone pinged last at Grand Bay. That is the last time her phone pinged. The statements made about her phone being turned on six days later were erroneous. When the phone was called, it didn't go directly to voicemail, so the family thought it had been turned on. The phone carrier explained to them that it had to do with the phone service and confirmed it had not been turned on.""""""post by Zeaux

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - #3
My offer still stands. Brittney, if you are out there, and need some place to go, some place to start anew, I would welcome you. For all you've endured in your life, you deserve so much more. Everyone deserves to be loved unconditionally, and wanted unconditionally. Everyone deserves to have trust in our parents, unfortunately not all are given that.
From now on I'll just say incarcerated.

Same thing to me. you just stay longer in one than you do in the other or you just move from one to the other.

In this case I hope they all move from Jail to Prison for a very long time.


You asked a question about recording and how it operates so I clarified it for you. What are you exactly sorry for?
TJ was still young enough to be in juvenile detention then but still not accessible or around the week everything was going on. So Brittney told no one about the rapes, the Facebook exchange, the detective supposedly at Wendy's house looking for her, etc. except Donald? I hope there was someone and we'll find out when the trials start for the sex crimes.

When the detective was @ WWH the night of May 30, 2012 he was Not there looking for Brittney he was there w/DHR questioning WWH of her knowledge of DH sex accusations. That's what the detective told me.
Does anyone remember if Mendy was living in the TC area at that time?

MWK & DAK have lived in TC at that same trailer the entire time I have know them, since 2007/2008. Which is a block or two at most from CW house.
Im confused a tad help me out!

How could her battery be in the car if her cell pinged and turned on and off after DH was found?

Wasn't it days later her phone was turned on again?

No, Brittney's last phone ping was in Grand Bay. Willow provided the details above, the ping after DH shot himself was found to be erroneous and explained by the cellphone provider.

I wanted to elaborate at little more on the battery. I asked Steph who found the cellphone battery when the info first came out. Below is Steph's answer and some additional details. If we are to believe Chessie (cough), WWH and JM found this alleged battery. A battery merely identified by a scratch and at one time the same type of battery used by all 3...WWH, DH and Britt. More importantly, LE would NOT accept the battery when CW tried to give it to them. This is what I mean by desperately attempting to attach Brittney to Donnie's alleged suicide. However, after further thought I think Chessie should be added to the desperate attempts. Chessie adds even more to the story because she continues to say she believes Brittney went to confront Donnie about the abuse. Brittney had months before she vanished to confront Donnie. The investigation began 3 months prior, but it did not keep Brittney from hanging around DH. P's gifts at DH's house, etc. Imo, Chessie is trying to sell a story that does not fit. The question is why does Chessie want people to think Brittney went to confront DH? In my opinion, this another example of desperately attempting to attach Brittney to DH's alleged suicide.

Steph's Posts-

This is what CW told me about the battery. WWH called her after she got the truck back from LE her and friend same friend that made the 911 call about suicide while WWH was texting on DH's phone and deleting things, helped her clean the truck.

WWH claims that she found the battery between the front seat and console and CW claimed she asked if it has scratches on it? CW claimed that she remembers her common law husband scratching it trying to get it out of the phone not long before BW vanished.

IMO WWH could've put those scratches on there if that story about them even happened. How can CW remember scratches on a battery when she don't even remember that she was mad at BW when she left that night? Not to mention that DH, BW & WWH all had the same kind of phone!

WWH gave the battery to CW and CW said she tried to give it to LE but they didn't want it cause there was No way to know who the battery belonged to. And LE removed a large number of phones complete and torn up ones from the Holland house and that truck I don't really see them missing a battery JMO
When the detective was @ WWH the night of May 30, 2012 he was Not there looking for Brittney he was there w/DHR questioning WWH of her knowledge of DH sex accusations. That's what the detective told me.

Thank you for clarifying. I had also misremembered thinking it was a couple-3 days before Brittney vanished instead of the same evening.

Refresh for others like me that need it again:
For the days of the week/dates that go haywire when reading/listening to posts & interviews from then. (Remember on HLN, Chessie states Brittney went to see Donald Thursday June 1st - both details screwy.)

Wed 5.30.12 LKA Brittney leaves Chessie's house. BCSO Detective is visiting with Wendy.
Thurs 5.31.12 1:47AM stray ping from GB. (The delayed text sent on power up makes more sense now that we know Brittney was texting with the same forgetful boy earlier that evening.)
Thurs 5.31.12 PM WWH supposedly stays the night at Styx with the boys and Donald.
Friday 6.1.12 Uncle Donald's alleged attempted suicide. He is 'discovered' minutes (I've read 1/2 hr, 1 hr, etc.) before an appointment he had with law enforcement.
Saturday 6.2.12 Brittney reported missing with a incorrect last seen date of Thursday 5.31.2012, when she left Chessies to go visit her uncle.
Steph, I have a couple of questions from the post below. I hope you can answer, but I understand if you cannot.

1. Do you know what Chessie and Brittney were arguing about this time?

2. Did it ever come up in conversation as to why WWH was using Donnie's phone to post on Facebook instead of her own? I'm thinking nothing was ever said. I just find it strange that WWH was using DH's phone. WWH just found her husband shot and during all the chaos, EMT's, getting DH to the hospital WWH got ahold of Donnie's phone. A phone would be the last thing I would be thinking about if I just found by husband shot. Of course, Facebook and a cute doctor wouldn't be on my mind either. It all seem so nonchalant.

• You are correct it was early morning 5/31. I forgot about that and this also answers an earlier question. WWH & DH DID have internet on their phones, she made that sick kid post via mobile phone and then that night 5/31 she & kids were w/DH and all the FB post made in hospital (hug from cute Dr) was made via DH's phone.

@ the Styx River house was clothing of Britt's and most of her Bday gifts. Chessie & Paul explained to LE that around the weekend before her and Britt argued and that she left to stay w/WWH and then had DH take the stuff to the Styx River house.
Just thinking...Why allegedly is Chessie the only person Brittney told she was going to visit a friend? It appears everyone else knew Brittney was going to Donnie's. Why would Chessie lie about knowing where Britt was going or why would Britt lie to Chessie about where she was going? I don't buy the story about Chessie not wanting Britt to hang around Donnie. I'm wondering if this part of the timeline has to do with drugs? The argument and going with Donnie. Maybe Chessie was hounding Brittney about finding her a fix and Brittney did not want mom to know Donnie was coming to town. Chessie may have wanted DH to 'hook her up' with something. People addicted to pills can be annoying when looking for their fix, especially if they have no money and are totally out of pills. If an addict is out of pills and has to take care of 2 toddlers, they would likely be desperate for a fix. JMO, why would Chessie need help taking care of her own children?
I haven't been keeping up very well on WS but wanted something clarified. Has anyone other than Chessie ever said that the gun belonged to Brittney?

I've never believed Donald committed suicide, mostly b/c of the caliber of the gun, not a good choice for a successful suicide.

My opinion is that Wendy shot Donald and had no intention of calling 911 but when he didn't die right away she couldn't just shoot him again since she was staging it as a suicide. She then called 911 thinking it would deflect suspicion off of her.

I don't think Donald killed Brittney, but perhaps knew who did and was silenced. Possibly he was going to use that info for a reduced sentence in the sex charges.
Wed 5.30.12 LKA Brittney leaves Chessie's house. BCSO Detective is visiting with Wendy.

[Ouch! ... OK ... I'll post your idea ...]



You mean to tell me while BW was at CW's home snapping at CW, WWH was being visited at HOME by a BSCO detective who was asking about the child abuse???

WOW - I'll bet phone calls were flying to all the W, K and complicit friends' homes warning them about BSCO making HOUSE-CALLS and warning family/friends to get out NOW if they're looking for you because they're going to visit you at your home!

So ... did BW immediately catch the first ride she could find with those going "out down to work" or "to out of town work"???

:scared: :hills:
Steph, I have a couple of questions from the post below. I hope you can answer, but I understand if you cannot.

1. Do you know what Chessie and Brittney were arguing about this time?

2. Did it ever come up in conversation as to why WWH was using Donnie's phone to post on Facebook instead of her own? I'm thinking nothing was ever said. I just find it strange that WWH was using DH's phone. WWH just found her husband shot and during all the chaos, EMT's, getting DH to the hospital WWH got ahold of Donnie's phone. A phone would be the last thing I would be thinking about if I just found by husband shot. Of course, Facebook and a cute doctor wouldn't be on my mind either. It all seem so nonchalant.

When she was asked what they were fighting about she gave the answer she gave most other times...Brittney didn't want to follow house rules..

We never knew until we got DH phone records that it was his phone she was using. And once I got the records WWH cussed me in a FB PM and threatened to have me arrested for harrassment. Anytime I or Wally would ask CW what did WWH have to say for herself about this or that CW always answered...I have nothing to say to her, not talking to her. Answers like that.
Just thinking...Why allegedly is Chessie the only person Brittney told she was going to visit a friend? It appears everyone else knew Brittney was going to Donnie's. Why would Chessie lie about knowing where Britt was going or why would Britt lie to Chessie about where she was going? I don't buy the story about Chessie not wanting Britt to hang around Donnie. I'm wondering if this part of the timeline has to do with drugs? The argument and going with Donnie. Maybe Chessie was hounding Brittney about finding her a fix and Brittney did not want mom to know Donnie was coming to town. Chessie may have wanted DH to 'hook her up' with something. People addicted to pills can be annoying when looking for their fix, especially if they have no money and are totally out of pills. If an addict is out of pills and has to take care of 2 toddlers, they would likely be desperate for a fix. JMO, why would Chessie need help taking care of her own children?

It was CW & KPH both that claimed she told them that she was going to a friend's house. She NEVER had a problem with Britt being with DH! After we found out he was shot and Britt was missing CW refused to say anything bad about DH. If anyone can find it the very first interview that was done by WKRG. Wally talks about DH killing himself and CW was livid!!! She praised DH to the camera and even threw some insults towards Wally about DH being a Dad when he wasn't. Now that part never aired but it happened. It was only after all signs pointed to the Wood/Holland clan that she threw mud @ DH ONLY. Mostly after Scott was charged. It was not till after her second arrest 10/22/13 that she said WWH knows what happened but she still says that she believes that DH killed Britt....on 10/29/13 in a press conference. If you watch the video (perp walk)of her 6/27 arrest she says I never said anything (something like that).
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