Found Deceased AL - Paighton Houston, 29, left bar with 2 men, Birmingham, 20 Dec 2019 #2

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JMO...I am so sorry for what you went through. I say that from my heart. It's hard to say how any family will survive any loss regardless of how strong they are. This is a part of life that no one knows how to survive because there is nothing to prepare us or tell us what we need to hear. The one area of life with no guidelines that we learn through life. My own family fell apart like yours. I was the strong mother that even my grown children look to and I let them down for years because I was lost myself. It's such a struggle to get through but whether now or later it can get better. This family has shown remarkable strength from the beginning and I hope it continues. I pray they get all the support they need. Not just now but for years. You touched my heart. TY

Wow, thank u so very much. Its something that took me a long time to talk about. But as I see more and more crimes committed such as with Ph, it strikes home because watching my mother and father bury a child was something I swore I could never live through. My daughters can sympathize now why I was the protective mother I was, and still am to this day. We buried him in 1998 but we still feel the pain today. You never recover, yiu just learn to live with it. And unfortunately I'm sure that will be the case with PH family. It's just so sad we live in the world we live in. Thank u again truly for your sentiment.
The problem with looking at jail bookings for homicide, is that Birmingham has a high number of murders (117 in 2017, 107 in 2018, and 113 in 2019).

So it probably wouldn’t be all that unusual to have a recent arrest.
Some are even saying they can't verify that she was even there. Is this true? They said her credit card was found on the floor of the bar.. speculating that itn was planted there by someone. Anyone else see this?

LE has only confirmed that no persons matching the description of 2 black males--as allegedly seen from across the room by co-worker, not depicted on surveillance video viewed by LE.

Does not mean that no such men exisit here, only that no such images captured on viewed surveillance video. (After K Berreth, we know that surveillance doesn't capture everything or everyone).

Also no declaration form LE that PH was positively identified inside the Tin Roof Bar on Dec 20, 2019 whether by surveillance video or witness accounts. I personally suspect that PH never made it to the bar.

Credit care allegation limited to social media reporting only -- never reported in MSM and therefore not discussed here on the open thread.

The medical examiner ( coroner in some states) officially classifies both the manner and cause of death. However the detectives certainly don’t wait for his ruling. Any patrol officer or detectives can tell from first glance what the manner of death is except in the most involved cases.

In some cases the police informs the medical examiner about what the manner of death is.

example; a man gets run over by a train. The cause of death is obviously blunt force trauma but is the manner of death could be accidental or suicide. The medical examiner has no way of knowing and has to depend on the police.

I've felt this way for a while but I think we need a plan to get @Falcon500 and @Angleterre to meet up. Seems like two folks with a lot in common.
RIP lovely Paighton. Does anyone think it is odd that LE are currently classifying it as a death investigation instead lf homicide? Is this making people more suspect that it could have been an OD where person(s) with her may have panicked and reacted to cover it up? MOO.

Very shortly after the local sheriff's office rep stated "death investigation" on a news feed this afternoon I recall a journalist on that feed (can't recall which of the local AL news stations I was watching, sorry) say that it was quite normal for them to use the wording "death investigation" at this point, versus homicide or homicide investigation.
I haven’t read every post but I think I have a pretty good handle on the case and it appears fairly simple.

Shes at the bar and gets intoxicated to the point where she leaves with two men who she knows (or doesn’t know) The men believe that this is an easy (fill in the blanks) and soon find out it’s not. They rape her and fearing identification they kill her and knowing that no ones home at the house they bury her in the backyard.

Likely the Occam's Razor explantation is what happened but it wouldn't surprise me if she was never at that club. JMHO, MOO, etc. from an admitted amateur. Thank you for your insight on all of the cases you chime in on, Falcon500. It is appreciated.
I’m not implying anything. I am stating a fact as I know it.
I would imagine it is different in every area. In my area if your a 1st time felony offender you are offered free treatment at a CBCF. Our CBCF was better than any private facility and had lower recidivism rates. It's frustrating when a parent calls begging to get their adult child in for help and you have to say no because they haven't committed a felony. MOO
Very shortly after the local sheriff's office rep stated "death investigation" on a news feed this afternoon I recall a journalist on that feed (can't recall which of the local AL news stations I was watching, sorry) say that it was quite normal for them to use the wording "death investigation" at this point, versus homicide or homicide investigation.
I see this as it went from a missing person investigation to a death investigation when PH was confirmed deceased. I believe we are still waiting on a statement from ME's office for the manner of death i.e., homicide. MOO
Oh man, I hadn't checked WS since yesterday morning and logged on about an hour ago to see if there were any updates....

So sad. I hate it for her family and I'm interested to see how this all unfolds from LE.
I think this is foul play.

If the original narrative is true (I don’t think it is), she left with two men. Her text message indicated that she felt in danger, and it would be too much of a coincidence for her to die of an overdose after that.

In the more likely scenario (as I see it), she was never at the bar in the first place. Whatever happened, happened before her friend even arrived. That text message is a game changer, as it would have been an effort to misdirect.

Had this not been nefarious, and she died from a drug overdose, then I don’t see the need for all the subterfuge. That sort of thing happens quite often, and standard procedure is typically to dump the body on the side of the road or out in the open.

These people just want the body away from them, so they don’t wind up with criminal charges.

The fake text message, and the two big black men story, doesn’t follow the typical pattern. I think it’s a sign of this being a homicide.

It could always be panic, but I’m not a fan.
The body being wrapped and buried also tends to veer away from a panic scenario and move it more into the realm of a cover-up.
I find it amazing that in MSM I , we, know the street but now, she's found its stripped. <modsnip>
This is an awesome sleuthing site. Sometimes we have to wait a bit longer before we can discuss certain information that we ‘know’ is true. That slight delay is the price we pay for not having to sort through pages and pages of unsubstantiated rumor and “I saw on Reddit...”posts. Sure a few of those sneak by, but it’s not the norm.

(Edited to add: I see admin responded that the address was removed from the post BEFORE MSM reported it.)

See, I’m old (903 years old). I remember the days when reporters fact checked items, personally interviewed sources. The emphasis was on publishing an accurate account of events. Today, the focus is on being first. Publish the article and fact check after. Or better yet, let the reader fact check for you. Being first with the information is only as useful as the accuracy of said information. Stepping off my soapbox now...
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True, true. But the ones listed on that page all have been arrested (or re-arrested) today, 1-3-2020.

At this point I would be most suspicious of the ones that seem to have been pulled in for things like probation violation. That's a common LE ploy for getting a suspect into custody while they build the case for the new offenses.
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