All Things LKL Interview **Merged**12/10/2008 Part # 2

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LK seemed to barely know where he was, probably forgot that they are both employed by the same network. I hope the NG commercial in the break refreshed his memory.

lol! you've got a point there.
For those who asked to read LE's statement on Larry King tonight, here you go:

The Orange County Sheriff's Department released this statement tonight for us:

From the beginning, our desire was always to find Caylee Marie Anthony alive and well. Evidence unfortunately revealed that we are looking for a deceased child. The sheriff's office got involved because Cindy Anthony called us about her missing granddaughter.

The resulting investigation led to a Grand Jury indictment of Casey Anthony for murder in the first degree.

Our hearts go out to the Anthonys for the extremely difficult time they are living through.

If the jury sees that they are lying, they will only realize (just as we have) that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. They just may be helping the prosecution in that regard. Let's face it, there aren't too many people even slightly familiar with this case who don't see through them. They don't exactly come across as victims, IMO. Despite however CA tries to spin it. Didn't she say on LKL (when asked why people don't like them and she blamed NG and LP) that there are just as many people who believe Caylee is alive? She is truly delusional.

hmmm... I'm not sure the jury will be allowed to factor that into their deliberations. If the A's told the truth, laid out the whole story from when KC left the house with Caylee then that would go to motive, but they won't, I think they'd be held in contempt before they'd do that. Well, thanks for your response but I think they're worthless to the prosecution at this point and probably too predjudicial and will have their testimony stricken ultimately -- because they're so (in my opinion) deliberately insane. I think they've gotten advice from somewhere. I think they know what they're doing.
For those who asked to read LE's statement on Larry King tonight, here you go:

The Orange County Sheriff's Department released this statement for us:

From the beginning, our desire was always to find Caylee Marie Anthony alive and well. Evidence unfortunately revealed that we are looking for a deceased child. The sheriff's office got involved because ca called us about her missing granddaughter.

The resulting investigation led to a Grand Jury indictment of Casey Anthony for murder in the first degree.

Our hearts go out to the Anthonys for the extremely difficult time they are living through.

They are sad at this outcome. Cindy and George should be ashamed.. I'll bet we will see more tears from that department during the trial than we have or will see in Casey, George, or Cindy~
Baez should have taken his cue from the much more experienced Nejame, and shut these 2 down, or distanced himself as much as possible. This team effort approach is really the opposite of what would benefit his client.

He cannot just have somebody's testimony thrown out because it is incredibly damaging to his client. It just doesn't work that way.:blowkiss:

ITA! While JB can choose to believe any press on Caylee being alive and KC is innocent is good -- I am not so sure in the CA/GA case.

Dangerous territory. Per your prior comment, MN was serving them well because by advising the A's to maintain a low profile and keep off TV, it protects the A's as well as helps KC.

This stuff is harming KC, increasing the stakes and, giving her a longer sentence -- together with ensuring the A's get obstruction of justice.

Sometime you just need to know when to speak and when to shut up and disappear. JB pay attention to MN!
To CA nothing Casey did or said is suspicious. CA is fixated on collecting sightings. George doesn't admit anything suspicious from Casey at the sametime he tells the FBI what he did!!!. This is more than denial and I can't find the word I want.

The only threat to any of the Anthony is giving up denial. Disowning their shadow.

Cindy is so full of rehearsed clichés.

What is this getting paid for photos. What??? The only picture of Casey, which she wasn't paid for,or was she, is the only one after Caylee went missing. Got money on the brain, slip, slip.

George is eating well. He is going to lose his soul and too bad cause he is one who does want the truth.

Is this real or are they helping Casey survive jail thinking she will be free soon.

What is it about people like them who just can not think. Is it that they have NO moral framwork to derive a semblance of civilized discourse. Polite don't cut it. Something is really violated when they pretend to this degree to Casey and the world.

They think we are stupid.

Ok, I found the word, malignant because they refuse to be wrong.

This isn't grief, it is the mother of all fraud.

This is going to do more harm to Casey.

Just another verbal crime spree.
bookworm, you have summed it up so perfectly! You're exactly right on!Thank you.
This is the most sickening mess I have ever witnessed. I am really at a loss for words tonight.(And rarely does that happen). Well, at least words that I can post here!
I can't believe what I witnessed! Are they for real?

I would hate to be one of the Anthonys, 'cause when Karma finds them, it's going to be real ugly!
The only highlight of LK was when the guy was reading comments on the LK blog and he said, "most of them are critical of the A's". He really read some comments that are in par with what we (WSers) think. "The enabling of KC must end now", "The truth lies with KC no matter how painful". "Sadly Caylee is no longer with us in the flesh". Too bad the A's reaction wasn't shown. It also confirmed to them that the majority of the American public is not buying their story and these are the same people who will serve on the jury and find their monstrous creature (as Mark Klass referred to her) guilty!!!
I guess they'll be called as hostile witnesses and the prosecutors can really lay into them and maybe they'll crack. That's the best I can come up with. Oh well, we'll see how it plays out I guess.
Why on Earth would Larry King want to further the cause? It was definitely deliberately slanted.The only video of LE interviewing KC made it sound like she was sincere.They cut out LE confronting her with the lies.No talk of the forensic evidence in the trunk.He didn't just softball the questions,he slanted the entire show! Why?

In a word? RATINGS.
Good question, honestly I am hoping this was only because once the trial starts his ratings will go up when he throws back the BS the Anthony's gave him tonight!

I hope you are right. The way he was so sympathetic to the A's was disgusting.Like he believes them,LE let them down and Caylee will be found.Who ever has her travels to every state in the US ,eats out and shops with Caylee.OkieDokie then. No one that spots her calls 911,they take pictures and call the crimeline,sometimes waiting days to make a report.Makes sense to me....not:mad:
Although GA and CA will probably pass out or burst into tears from the grilling and then the Jury will feel sympathy for them. I think the prosecution is in a bind with them, frankly. Fortunately KC will convict herself so I'm definately not worried on that score.
They [LE] are sad at this outcome. Cindy and George should be ashamed.. I'll bet we will see more tears from that department during the trial than we have or will see in Casey, George, or Cindy~

Well said; I could not agree more.

Good question, honestly I am hoping this was only because once the trial starts his ratings will go up when he throws back the BS the Anthony's gave him tonight!
Maybe then he'd eat his words...miscarriage of *advertiser censored**.
This is a beautiful poem (I hope it is ok to post it) a poster made on LKL's blog:

*Caylee Marie Anthony*

I know your in heaven you beautiful angel.

I cant wait to see you there.

You know I have a daughter just like you.

with gorgeous long dark hair.

I wish I could have met you sweetie,
and kept you same in my arms.

Though we know it was your time to go
and your safe from any harm.

I hope you know your grandparents love you
and miss you more each day.

They think about you all day long maybe you
can hear them pray.

we all know that your happy now baby
and jesus is treating you well.

we know your in heaven you beautiful angel.

an angel we all could tell.

We love you Caylee Marie Hope you liked the poem

-Rachel C J
But he could get ratings by exposing them.Why go the other way? Even the bloggers discussed on the show were ticked.

He's horrible and that's why I didn't watch. But EVERYONE goes easy on the A's. Greta and even NG. Or the people from the Today Show. No one is doing any good tough questioning here. KB is about the closest to really speaking out but she's not doing in-depth type interviewing. Everyone is pussy footing around thinking the public wants them to go soft on the A's because they're uh grieving, but they're behind the curve. We just want the truth! And yeah, it would be electrifying television but it's all too pc.
For those who asked to read LE's statement on Larry King tonight, here you go:

The Orange County Sheriff's Department released this statement tonight for us:

From the beginning, our desire was always to find Caylee Marie Anthony alive and well. Evidence unfortunately revealed that we are looking for a deceased child. The sheriff's office got involved because Cindy Anthony called us about her missing granddaughter.

The resulting investigation led to a Grand Jury indictment of Casey Anthony for murder in the first degree.

Our hearts go out to the Anthonys for the extremely difficult time they are living through.

thank you for posting this for us! :)
hmmm... I'm not sure the jury will be allowed to factor that into their deliberations. If the A's told the truth, laid out the whole story from when KC left the house with Caylee then that would go to motive, but they won't, I think they'd be held in contempt before they'd do that. Well, thanks for your response but I think they're worthless to the prosecution at this point and probably too predjudicial and will have their testimony stricken ultimately -- because they're so (in my opinion) deliberately insane. I think they've gotten advice from somewhere. I think they know what they're doing.

Jennyb, you may be right. I am just thinking how I might approach this if I were on the jury. I don't know if they are being effective or not (and if it is deliberate or not.) I guess I am saying the same thing you are! CA seems so sure of herself. But then again that could all be bravado and grasping for something solid. Just like KC. I think I've reached my saturation point for pondering this today. Tomorrow is the pre-trial hearing and hopefully that will prove to be productive.
Please forgive me, I am not sure that can happen at all, sometimes being furious clouds my thinking..
A few posts ago, someone did say this couldn't happen.
My apologies!
No problem...thanks for responding...I understand the furious clouded thinking...I am still in the numbed shocked stage that GA said all this tonight...he was much more likeable and believable in the LE interviews. I have just never ever seen/heard anyone like CA...:furious:

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