Angelina Jolie

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What I don't understand is why stars simply give no comment??
If they are not preg just say "NO I m NOT"
It doesnt matter what they say, the tabloids are going to write what sells. so they could actually say yes Im having a blue elephant, and the next days papers will say the baby is in grave danger of being deformed.
They could say no and then the papers would say stars heartache of not being able to carry a child etc....
And then there is the safety reasons, if some stalker knew that so and so's due date was November 2, then somehow they might manage to do harm to the star or the baby
Yep, no doubt in my mind anymore.
That being said, I just want to say that I think it is WONDERFUL that they adopt needy kids....
BUT, (yall knew there was a but, right) Angie has been called out on statements she made about the couple's bio daughter...And although Brad has made no much statements I believe he is just as much to blame...
What I really mean is you ALWAYS see the couple (most recently snow-tubing) with ALL their kids EXCEPT Shiloh. Brad is NO better, IMO. Rarely is he pictured with Shiloh (and lets admit the paps stalk them like mad!)
Maybe a baby shouldn't be snow-tubing? Yeah, BUT there have been MANY other sitings where it seems like Shiloh COULD have been involved and wasn't.
Anyway, no matter the fame, money, etc...there's only two of them...and how many kids CAN they possibly have before attention to each starts wearing thin?
Shoot, I was a single mom of only two and they both could NOT get enough of my attn....I could listen to one kid for 1 min and feel like I was betraying the other and etc....
Kids VIE for attention, and need it, imo. With 4 kids, yeah maybe between the two of them they can split attn. to where it seems like enough, but much more than that, and I just don't see it happening. Not with their lifestyle.
All of the above is MOO....I don't mean to disrespect or put down anyone with more than 4 kids!
And I certainly do not take offense.....but I am one of 8 :eek: Granted there are 8 years between me and my next oldest brother (can we say 'oops?!?!), but even so, we have a great time as money, but no worries :) And I REALLY mean no offense because there is no way on God's green earth could I do that!!

Anyhoo, I hope they adopt 20 kids, because those 20 kids would have a much better life than a lot of only child families. And I don't just mean financially, either, although, let's face it, you usually need money to educate your children....not to mention feed and clothe.
And I certainly do not take offense.....but I am one of 8 :eek: Granted there are 8 years between me and my next oldest brother (can we say 'oops?!?!), but even so, we have a great time as money, but no worries :) ......

Then I'd say you've been truly blessed.:)
Then I'd say you've been truly blessed.:)

Yeah I would say that too! Lucky you Brefie!
I guess I can only say what I said b/c, like I said, I had only two babies and there was and is (even now) never enough of me to give them both a fair amt of least they think so...
speak to this one a second to long and you get accused of playing faves, and vice versa.
I can't help but think of poor Shiloh when she sees all the papparrazi pics/vidieos from her babyhood, and she sees the other kids and wonders "well, where was I?"
Hee — and now there will be ongoing speculation as to whether she's carrying twins. :D
Based on the warp speed at which that tummy is growing I would say it's twins - same thing happened with JLo - at about 3 mos she went from no tummy to HUGE tummy in a couple of weeks.

I think the reason we don't see Shiloh much is because she IS their BIO child - and thus may be in more danger from wierdos, stalkers and the over-attention of paparazzi. She is still pretty small and it's gotta be tough to carry her and Zahara AND keep up with Pax and Maddox when they are being blinded by flash bulbs and surrounded by over-eager paps. Better to leave her at home for now in many public situations. And maybe she is a shy child who doesn't LIKE the attention of so many strangers and is upset for a long time after? I assume they are raising Shiloh just the same as the others and any differences we see are justified for some reason - including that the child herself may be very disturbed by crowds, strangers and flash bulbs.

I am not worried that Brangelina won't have "time" for more kids. They are not like us and their life is so different in every way from "regular folks" lives. Millions of people have grown up in "regular" families of 5 or 6 and not once felt left out or that they didn't get enough time or attention from their parents - well any more than ALL kids with siblings feel sometimes. And Brad/Angelina have HOURS and HOURS more every day than "we" do to devote to their kids...

- The Jolie-Pits have "staff" at home and on the road - live-in ASSISTANTS, DRIVERS, GUARDS, TUTORS, GARDENERS, NANNIES, MAIDS AND CHEFS - they don't spend any time cooking or cleaning or doing laundry or picking up after 4 kids. They don't spend time grocery shopping, running errands or mowing the lawn. They don't fix things around the house, carry out the trash or take the cars in for maintenance or to get gas. Day care and preschool is AT HOME. They don't drive their kids to school or activities, they ride with them while someone else drives - and they get special parking and treatment everywhere they go - just think how much time they have for their kids (that we don't) in a life a with NO LINES and NO WAITING ever. - all the duties do in living and dealing with LIFE, the Jolie-Pitts have staff to handle...right down to phone calls. Angelina doesn't run out to Walgreens or to the Drs office when her kid has a bad cold or the flu or an ear infection - a staff member goes to Walgreens at 2AM and Drs & Nurses come to see THEM at home - whenever they need them, day or night.

Maddox is in school all day now and Pax can't be far behind him. They don't have 4 small kids at home needing attention and care 24/7 now - just the two toddlers. And since they work for 2 months and then don't work for 2 or 3 months and never have to work again money-wise they don't have those 40 hour+ a week jobs 50 weeks out of the year like we do. And often, the youngest kids are ON SET with them when they are working - how many of US can swing THAT?

The Jolie-Pitt kids are likely getting far more individual attention and time from BOTH their parents than even a cherished only child in a "regular" family ever could. Not only that, but their kids get love and attention from their siblings AND a number of people on staff who are also with them hours each day. I bet eventually the kids will (like most kids in big families) want MORE TIME ALONE instead of the reverse.

The most well adjusted, smart and healthy kids the ages of Mad, Pax, Zahara and Shiloh (not infants) today get less than 2 hours a day of individual and focused attention from a parent. To do 2 hours a day for each of their 4 kids, Angelina and Brad only have to spend an hour each a day with each child - 8 hours a day combined out of a life where often all they HAVE to do is give their children attention. Other kids should BE so lucky to get so much time with Mom and Dad.

Even if they had EIGHT kids I think they can manage an overabundance of time with each one just fine, GREAT even.
My Opinion
And I certainly do not take offense.....but I am one of 8 :eek: Granted there are 8 years between me and my next oldest brother (can we say 'oops?!?!), but even so, we have a great time as money, but no worries :) And I REALLY mean no offense because there is no way on God's green earth could I do that!!

Anyhoo, I hope they adopt 20 kids, because those 20 kids would have a much better life than a lot of only child families. And I don't just mean financially, either, although, let's face it, you usually need money to educate your children....not to mention feed and clothe.
I am also one of 8. 4 girls and 4 boys. We were evenly matched and we had a ball.:)
My mom did have 6 kids under the age of 8 at one time though . wowowowie
My Aunt had 13 children, no twins. My neighbor had 17 children, no twins, tho she desperately wanted a daughter and that was #17. All are adults, well adjusted, and very close because they watched over each other to help the Moms. The older kids took on responsibility for the younger siblings, yet didn't miss out on their own childhood. It can be done.
They got married. so says Star Magazine:

Star can exclusively reveal that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, who are expecting twins this summer, tied the knot during an intimate wedding ceremony in the couple's adopted city of New Orleans, Louisiana on Saturday afternoon.

Or did they?

i also read somewhere she is suffering from gestational diabetes. :(

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