Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Reported Missing from Norfolk, VA - 3 March 2015

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If it's a question of why I'm not constantly making posts, I have a child and a job that keep me pretty busy, so I'll pop in when I get the chance. And FTR, I am not being reamed by family. I actually have their support.

I'm glad to hear you have their support. I really hope you don't have a bad impression of us here at Websleuths. We may question and speculate and speak our mind but our hearts are in the right place.
How do we know he got them back?

That is currently one of the things that we hope Bear can answer when he gets a chance.

Wes could have bought a new key.

But I dont even know if he drove the truck prior to LE examining it.
Id like to know if AJ had her own key to the truck.
Because if she did there was no reason for Wesley to leave the key in the mail box.

Obviously him saying that To me says HE was NOT allowed in the home.
ThatGuyBear doesnt need to defend themselves or post for anyone's time frame-it has to be a tough balance between RL, being the family of a victim and posting on a message board. It isnt always common that we have a set of VI's who can present different perspectives from the inside.
ThatGuyBear doesnt need to defend themselves or post for anyone's time frame-it has to be a tough balance between RL, being the family of a victim and posting on a message board. It isnt always common that we have a set of VI's who can present different perspectives from the inside.

I wanted to just add to your post believe if that's ok. I don't think ThatGuyBear is here to answer our questions and though I'd like to ask one or two I'm going to hold back unless he invites us to. I'm not aiming to speak for him but I think maybe he'd just like to add his thoughts and clear up anything he feels needs cleared up.
Oh I'm sure more than a few of us have loads of questions to ask of anyone close to this family... that will actually be honest with the answers (as much as possible, considering the ongoing investigation of course). With the shifting timelines, last sightings, sketchy texts, and all the junk WH has shoveled to the media, I'm sure an honest answer here and there would be like a breath of fresh air.

Mods I'd like to know if we are able to ask about SMMPAS? I don't want anything in depth just some clarification on the aims of the petition. I'm not clear on what it is standing for is all I mean and that's probably because I'm not from the US of A so I'm a bit dim. I'm asking here only because AJ seems to have been an inspiration behind it.
Originally I thought it was to do with social media and getting the word out about the missing but I am unclear as to how this could be made law if indeed that's what it's aiming for. If it's allowed and someone could explain I'd be very grateful.
Regarding the house in Franklin. He was living in a temporary shelter, ie the hotel, and was most probably looking for more permanent housing. I'll bet he noticed that the house in Franklin was derelict and had been vacant for years, and he could get it for a song. Repairs would be no problem since he owns his own handyman business. And it would be the perfect place to hid Angelica since she had disappeared long before he would have moved in. No one would ever look for her there and he would be in control of the situation, watching over her remains. I wonder if any inquiries had been made to purchase the house recently. Moo and all that.
lol wrong thread. Sorry.
I just read your edit thingy, LMAO

I couldn't help it! curiosity was getting the best of me =(

I wanted to ask if AJ was released by the Coroner and if she was really cremated already as was announced ... but I chickened out because I am not sure if that would be too awful to ask of someone who has just lost a family member =( So I edited & removed that part.
Did Zach ever say why he didnt adopt AJ?

I am not sure I agree that AJ would never have disappeared if Zach and JH would have remained married, but that is only because for me this crime (if it is a crime which I believe it is) isnt clear cut in terms of what led to what.

We dont have a good idea of the dynamics that caused them to separate-both JH and Zach and AJ and Zach. At least I dont. I know alot of you feel that JH influenced AJ to separate herself from Zach. Zach's blog seemed to be more directed at the actions of AJ, but it is quite possible I misinterpreted it. I will need to re read it.

I couldn't agree with you more. Too many players with odd, unusual behaviors (at least IMO).
I have said this before and I'll say it again. If I ever happen to disappear I want DexterMorgan on my thread asking the hard questions no one else will ask.
Much much respect to you Dexter you care so much. Thank you for your dedication here :)
Fwitw I've seen the nonsense lilibet refers to and my comments are for use on websleuths only. I really shake my head at these people but given recent events on WS its only to be expected.
Some people have their own agenda kwiim.
I think it is not atypical in a high profile case for people to share if they offered or took polys etc. Again with Marc Klaas being an excellent example. Yes, LE has a ton of information of course-but we are here to try and tease out as clear a picture as possible correct? As outsiders?

I agree that LE is using every means at their disposal-I am pondering if everyone who was close to AJ is cooperating.
Agree. I know in following cases and in real life situations... sometimes people who haven't followed every single bit of the situation can see things different and possibly bring new thoughts from different perspective. I have seen (following cases and in real life) that because we are human, sometimes its hard to change feelings/thoughts or beliefs once we have them formed. Just because our belief system says so doesn't always make it a true fact in its entirety.

I have been following this case far less than many, but have went back and read lots. Personally I do not have a formed opinion of whom I think is responsible. Open to all in my thinking. What may think is a slam dunk of suspect because of abc, to me- mno or xyz may be just as much as suspect because of other things. Just because someone (anyone) says something doesn't make it true or false. Having a criminal background, yes puts one on the radar first- that's a given. But depending on what happened, and we don't know yet..perp could be ANYONE. Could be a set up making someone with a certain personality or background, knowing they would seem most likely suspect. Could have been an accident of some kind and person knowing freaked out and didn't know what to do so hid the body...Could have happened where remains found. Could be a complete stranger. We don't know (as it should be) what LEO have as evidence or whom they suspect. Keeping that close to the vest actually helps them a lot, when they have an unnamed suspect in mind. I have some good friends in LE and they also look at people who insert themselves into a case a lot... especially once the LEO has started investigating and have info/evidence not shared. Once an arrest is made, then I will shift my energy and interest that way but until then... everyone is suspect.

And back to your orig comment (sorry) I too wonder about who all has been questioned and usually in past people have shared what they have done to clear themselves. But with SM as it is, anything said is dissected and sometimes taken out of context. I not surprised if some have went in and done dna or other investigative questioning yet not stated it. Could be twisted around. Damned if do, damned if don't speak out. We are seeing it more and more, that Media wanting to get something FIRST, more than not, the incorrect stuff is getting put out and "ITS OUT THERE FOREVER". Like the twitter comment about LEO will be using Forensic Anthropologist. Causing people to start wondering if the cremation did or could have taken place as prev reported. The reporter was asked and she made a correction that she said should have been "are using". That was not on the orig and makes you wonder if others saw her correction. The diff in the orig and correction are two diff scenario.

As far as I have read in this case, JMHO there is very little known FACTS. A whole lot of speculation and opinion all around. GOD Bless Law Enforcement!!

Just my opinion.
Heck there have been people who have shared with the public when they have failed a poly-in the Tara Grinstead case her BIL stated on Montel Williams that he had failed it.
I go back and forth on who I think did it or what I think could have happened. It will be a relief to a lot of people when we know that an arrest has been made. I personally would like to think that LE have the person they want. It's a lot easier then thinking that we have a killer walking around our neighborhood. On that note I hope justice comes quick for AJ and friends and family can hopefully have peace in knowing just what happened.
How about her shirt? WH said the neighbor saw her shirt iiirc

Sorry if this is a known by everyone but me. Was the window up or down when neighbor allegedly saw her? I know for example in the John Glasgow case, neighbor "saw JG leave at 515am... but then did correct himself that he saw the vehicle of JG, and just assumed it was JG, didn't actually see driver" Possible that neighbor assumed it was AJ?

And sometimes we remember another time but our mind tell us after being asked over and over if we are sure... that our mind burns it in that it was seeing what it saw when it saw it... << read that somewhere in an article once about Eyewitnesses not actually being the best witness. Especially after time has elapsed... as with the lady that lived near the home where AJ remains located.
Sorry if this is a known by everyone but me. Was the window up or down when neighbor allegedly saw her? I know for example in the John Glasgow case, neighbor "saw JG leave at 515am... but then did correct himself that he saw the vehicle of JG, and just assumed it was JG, didn't actually see driver" Possible that neighbor assumed it was AJ?

And sometimes we remember another time but our mind tell us after being asked over and over if we are sure... that our mind burns it in that it was seeing what it saw when it saw it... << read that somewhere in an article once about Eyewitnesses not actually being the best witness. Especially after time has elapsed... as with the lady that lived near the home where AJ remains located.

If there's one thing I've learned following cases like this, it's that eyewitness accounts are notoriously inconsistent and unreliable. It's usually not because someone was intentionally misleading, but more often that we tend to get days/times conflated. Quite often as the investigation continues the evidence tends to conflict with those early eyewitness accounts. For that reason, I usually don't place much importance on them unless LE confirm them to be true early on.
I'm sorry...what is the topic of this thread ? :waitasec:

Good question, let's go back there, shall we?

Sunday March 1st we know AJ was on twitter until around 10:30 at night, tweeting and retweeting whatever.

Monday March 2nd we're told she was last SEEN by her mom & sisters somewhere between 7am (both WH and Zach have said 7am) and 7:30am (the time on the actual missing person's report)

Several days AFTER she's reported missing and we're told the last actual sighting of her was Monday morning, WH comes out with the gas station story at noon-ish.

Monday March 2nd around 2:25pm sister comes home to an empty house. Texts AJ's phone and gets a reply "with friends".

Tuesday March 3rd around 5:30am JH gets "odd" texts from AJ's phone. She's not convinced it's her.

Sometime later WH chimes in he also got texts. Because, emoji.

Late afternoon/early evening March 3rd social media starts up mentioning AJ being missing with a $500 reward for info. Please call WH at his cell #

March 3rd 9:15pm missing person's report is filed.

Wednesday March 4th JH is interviewed in her home first saying it's a horrible nightmare she should be waking up from, then says "I do believe that she's safe".

3 days later a crowd funding page is created to help fund the search for AJ.

Somewhere in there we're told 2 different neighbors saw her leave and come back and leave again between 1pm and 2pm on Monday March 2nd.

That's where we started.
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