Anthony Family Opposition to Tim Miller/TES

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I want to know what the whole email said.. not the edited pieces. The use of [...] appears to me that he email was edited.

Does anybody have it in its entirety?

I posted it in it's entirety, unedited here:

The beginning of the email really makes no sense, when he says "In regards to Caylee Anthony, don't let that influence your support....." However, that is the email in its entirety, from an email address that he has responded from before. I am on the list of recipients.
FYI, that 'bad' website where they talk '', claims they e-mailed Cindy about Lee's email and of course she wrote back that Lee did not send that e-mail.

deny, deny, deny, least they are consistent!

Another Blogger, Mizjay's take is, the e-mail is not from LA but allegedly maybe from CA using LA's e-mail account, hmmm?

"The vocabulary SCREAMS Cindy Anthony. In her interviews for the last few months she has rarely used Caleys name in the personal sense, she always says "this little girl" or something along that line . She also always has the persecution complex going on and in this mail it says "a system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones"
Finally, it's no secret that she despises Tim Miller, and the last smear is especially hateful.
I think that Lee has been laying low, why would he come out, guns blazing?? The whole thing reeks Cindy."
I knew there was a good reason why I did not like I know for certain what it is. How dare he send such a thing out to the very people who are risking their own lives and donating their own time to search for HIS niece? while he sits on his @55 and does nothing. Hearing this right out of the mouth of the recipient (one of) makes me almost boil over! He is so obnoxious and uncouth! WHO DOES THAT when their relative is missing and a HUGE VOLUNTEER GROUP is donating their time to search for said missing relative? These people take the cake, and now I am back to my former extremely low opinion of Lee...You try to give them a break and give them the benefit of the doubt and for what? For them to turn around and do something like this! Lee-UGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!#$#@%^&%&^%

You know, if this family was on the up and up, they would be out there with Tim and TES knee deep in mud, looking for Caylee and praying they did'nt find her..THEN, they could have the hope that she might still be alive. But, they know she's gone and they're hiding something and I think that's why theyre freaking out with the 8th and 9th coming up so quickly. (I wish it would be this weekend, the 31st, just so I could say BOO!)
Another Blogger, Mizjay's take is, the e-mail is not from LA but allegedly maybe from CA using LA's e-mail account, hmmm?

"The vocabulary SCREAMS Cindy Anthony. In her interviews for the last few months she has rarely used Caleys name in the personal sense, she always says "this little girl" or something along that line . She also always has the persecution complex going on and in this mail it says "a system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones"
Finally, it's no secret that she despises Tim Miller, and the last smear is especially hateful.
I think that Lee has been laying low, why would he come out, guns blazing?? The whole thing reeks Cindy."

I agree that I think it was someone other than Lee. You dont do your best to hide for weeks and then break out on email.. Odd.
FYI, that 'bad' website where they talk '', claims they e-mailed Cindy about Lee's email and of course she wrote back that Lee did not send that e-mail.

deny, deny, deny, least they are consistent!

Poor Cindy! It must be SO exhausting having to lie for two children let alone her and her husband! Sheeeesh!!
I posted it in it's entirety, unedited here:

The beginning of the email really makes no sense, when he says "In regards to Caylee Anthony, don't let that influence your support....." However, that is the email in its entirety, from an email address that he has responded from before. I am on the list of recipients.
I get the impression that meant (the beginning) that whoever he sent his email to should know not be influenced by yours.

Very interesting.

ETA: I think it means that we shouldn't let our feelings for Caylee be influenced by the group. You gotta be kidding me?!!
Yes, it is :) ! However, it has now been donated to Texas EquuSearch, along with the ability to keep it updated on a continuous basis. I have updated it for them now, and wil be "boots on the ground" with Tim in Orlando, updating it as we move through the search. As of today, Tim has decided to use it as the "official" website for the search !!

I guess now's the time to break the news, as I've been a bit reticent to do so previously. Several months ago, I got involved with TES because of all that they did for Riley Ann Sawyers. Riley's grandmother has become like a sister to me, and I will be eternally grateful to Tim and TES for everything they did to help bring Riley home. I am disabled, and can't work a regular job, but do have lots and lots of time on my hands to give. I offered to help Tim out, and lo and behold, I am now his "Executive Assistant" . LOL - not sure what that means, but when you see the e-mails that come from Barbie Tarr, Executive Assistant to Tim Miller, well, that's me.

Tim Miller is and always will be my hero !!
Wow! What a heartwarming story. Thanks for sharing it with us.
CA to above Blog, "I want you to know Lee never wrote to Texas Equuasearch." - source http://the*******.com/news/?p=1620

E-Mail spoofing is rampant so that claim *could* be made BUT the claim would be more credible *if* it originally originated from Lee. Given that it was in response to an e-mail thread that was sent -- where LA was in the sender address book then that is harder to claim. - snip

CA is correct when she says "Lee never wrote to Texas EquuSearch". The email was not sent to TES, it was sent to a group of people who love TES and what TES did for the family of Riley Ann Sawyers. (Riley's grandmother was included in the recipients - talk about ticked off !!)

The email address that was used by "Lee" is an e-mail address that has been used in the past by Lee to correspond with the sender of the original e-mail asking people to donate to TES. So yes, it came from LA's e-mail. Whether it was written by him or someone else with access to his e-mail might be questionable, but it is his e-mail address.
Wow! What a heartwarming story. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Thanks !! What Tim and TES did for Riley (Baby Grace) was beyond the work of angels. I will be forever indebted to them for their graciousness and kindness, and forever honored to be so closely associated with such great people.
Yes, it is :) ! However, it has now been donated to Texas EquuSearch, along with the ability to keep it updated on a continuous basis. I have updated it for them now, and wil be "boots on the ground" with Tim in Orlando, updating it as we move through the search. As of today, Tim has decided to use it as the "official" website for the search !!

I guess now's the time to break the news, as I've been a bit reticent to do so previously. Several months ago, I got involved with TES because of all that they did for Riley Ann Sawyers. Riley's grandmother has become like a sister to me, and I will be eternally grateful to Tim and TES for everything they did to help bring Riley home. I am disabled, and can't work a regular job, but do have lots and lots of time on my hands to give. I offered to help Tim out, and lo and behold, I am now his "Executive Assistant" . LOL - not sure what that means, but when you see the e-mails that come from Barbie Tarr, Executive Assistant to Tim Miller, well, that's me.

Tim Miller is and always will be my hero !!
Thank you for the time you spent and are spending to help these families who have missing loved ones....:blowkiss:
Thank you for the time you spent and are spending to help these families who have missing loved ones....:blowkiss:

Awww, thanks :blowkiss: The blessing is truly mine. My life has been immeasurably changed for the better since joining Tim and TES.
IMO, every single member of the Anthony family is responsible for Caylee's death in some way. It may have been KC's hand that killed her, but George, Cindy and Lee turned their back on her and allowed it to happen.

Ever since mid-July when Cindy located KC and started putting 2 and 2 together, they have been throwing EVERYONE under the bus who could possibly help find this baby. But the attack on Tim and TES is the absolute worst.

Outside of the many criminals we blog about here at WS, the Anthony family is probably the lowest form of human I have ever come across. They didn't deserve the sweetness that was Caylee, and she certainly didn't deserve to be born into such a terrible family. Not only did she die because of her mother's sociopathic self-obsession, but she must be victimized again and again by her grandparents and uncle. Their shameful deceit and callous, money-grubbing behavior is tragedy on top of tragedy.

God bless Tim Miller and Equusearch, and may he and the rest of the searchers be successful next weekend when they look for Caylee's remains.
As per LA's email..................."they have done nothing to help find this little girl."

He NEVER seems to personally associate himself with Caylee is always the little girl, the child, etc.

He never seems to call her by name or even talk about her in any tense but past tense................Why is that?

I have found that strange since the beginning.

I first noticed GA doing this very early in August when he started his T shirt/donations campaign. He was interviewed for about 10 minutes near the tent he had set up. He never once called Caylee by name. It was always "the little girl", "the little child", etc. He referred to Caylee about 5 times using the above terms. I found this so odd at the time, but have since noticed that CA and LA are doing the same. In line with their other disgusting behaviors, they can't even give Caylee the dignity of calling her by name.
Maybe it is hard to say her name without crumbling into a heap.
So, this email was really from LA's email address.

This family is beyond comprehendable- for a lack of better appropriate words within TOS.

It is beyond understandable, frustrating, emotionally exhausting.......
On one hand it is so easy to think how this lack of cooperation, denial, is a horrific waste of resources..... It would be so da*ned easy to just say, screw you! and use these resources on the many thousands of families with missing children... and then you think of Caylee. Yes, she deserves a voice- and for that I can see the reasons for not leaving this family to their own resources and denial.

On the other hand, THOSE FAMILIES WILLING TO COOPERATE deserve a voice too! I'm glad it is not up to me to make that decision.... I'd leave the Anthony family in the dust.... see ya, wouldn't even bother looking in the rear view mirror and I would utilize these resources for those still waiting, without a voice.... and without media attention. But that's just me and my opinion...... At some point, a decision must be made to utilize resources where they are best.. and not where the media is on a hyped frenzy. For that I am somewhat disappointed so much has been spent on the Anthony's.... I hope when this case is solved, those with this energy will continue to utilize it for those still waiting for a voice. Caylee is not the only missing child.
So, this email was really from LA's email address.

This family is beyond comprehendable- for a lack of better appropriate words within TOS.

It is beyond understandable, frustrating, emotionally exhausting.......
On one hand it is so easy to think how this lack of cooperation, denial, is a horrific waste of resources..... It would be so da*ned easy to just say, screw you! and use these resources on the many thousands of families with missing children... and then you think of Caylee. Yes, she deserves a voice- and for that I can see the reasons for not leaving this family to their own resources and denial.

On the other hand, THOSE FAMILIES WILLING TO COOPERATE deserve a voice too! I'm glad it is not up to me to make that decision.... I'd leave the Anthony family in the dust.... see ya, wouldn't even bother looking in the rear view mirror and I would utilize these resources for those still waiting, without a voice.... and without media attention. But that's just me and my opinion...... At some point, a decision must be made to utilize resources where they are best.. and not where the media is on a hyped frenzy. For that I am somewhat disappointed so much has been spent on the Anthony's.... I hope when this case is solved, those with this energy will continue to utilize it for those still waiting for a voice. Caylee is not the only missing child.


Caylee is the "lost little lamb" of the bible scriptures. Yes, there are other lambs to be tended (and found) but I think some members of the public (us) feel that we can't move on until we find her.
For months, the Anthonys have shoved down our throats that they believe Caylee is alive. No, not that they merely believe Caylee is alive, but that it is an absolute, irrefutable fact that Caylee is alive.

Well, I'm a Cindy quote junky, and this morning I found this Cindy quote gem from the August 5th 'Larry King Live' show transcript:

ANTHONY: I'm absolutely 100 percent convinced she's alive or at least was alive when Casey gave her to the person she gave her to.

Oh! Okay... So, Cindy, for 3 months you've actually believed that Caylee could be dead.



So now why is it you're so against anyone searching for your grandbaby's little body so you can put her to rest with the love and respect she deserves? I seem to have missed that part...

Have a great day, everybody. I'm off to send another donation to TES :)
Well I just donated to TES for the first time. I've been meaning to for awhile now but just had never gotten it done. Lee's email got me there.

I love irony.

Caylee is the "lost little lamb" of the bible scriptures. Yes, there are other lambs to be tended (and found) but I think some members of the public (us) feel that we can't move on until we find her.

TO1- Don't get me wrong, it is not those who are searching I am frustrated with, I am frustrated with the Anthony's. They have no idea how blessed they are to HAVE the attention to finding Caylee. It's their infantile temper tantrums and attacks at the media, public, LE who care so deeply to find Caylee that frustrate me.

I pray Caylee is found, and found quickly. I do wonder how long and how many searches will happen. Sadly, my guess is until another case captures national media attention and so many will still be forgotten. My heart aches for them.

I can't help but feel for Mr. Miller, who shares the greif of losing a child himself, to have to be 'attacked' by the Anthony's when all he is trying to do is help.

The Anthony family is an embarrasment and a slap in the face to those families with missing children and loved ones who are willing to leave no stone unturned- as difficult as the truth may be.
CA is correct when she says "Lee never wrote to Texas EquuSearch". The email was not sent to TES, it was sent to a group of people who love TES and what TES did for the family of Riley Ann Sawyers. (Riley's grandmother was included in the recipients - talk about ticked off !!)

The email address that was used by "Lee" is an e-mail address that has been used in the past by Lee to correspond with the sender of the original e-mail asking people to donate to TES. So yes, it came from LA's e-mail. Whether it was written by him or someone else with access to his e-mail might be questionable, but it is his e-mail address.

So someone else that would have his email and password would have had to write it. I say it was him and he is a dirty lying dog! He should be ashamed of himself for saying those things about TES and Tim Miller. The apples don't fall far from the tree in this family! May they all pay in the end for the crimes they committed against Caylee! GO TES! I will be there with you on the 8th!

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