Anthony Family Opposition to Tim Miller/TES

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So someone else that would have his email and password would have had to write it. I say it was him and he is a dirty lying dog! He should be ashamed of himself for saying those things about TES and Tim Miller. The apples don't fall far from the tree in this family! May they all pay in the end for the crimes they committed against Caylee! GO TES! I will be there with you on the 8th!

You wouldn't need a userid and password to send a letter "from" Lee.
So, this email was really from LA's email address.

This family is beyond comprehendable- for a lack of better appropriate words within TOS.

It is beyond understandable, frustrating, emotionally exhausting.......
On one hand it is so easy to think how this lack of cooperation, denial, is a horrific waste of resources..... It would be so da*ned easy to just say, screw you! and use these resources on the many thousands of families with missing children... and then you think of Caylee. Yes, she deserves a voice- and for that I can see the reasons for not leaving this family to their own resources and denial.

On the other hand, THOSE FAMILIES WILLING TO COOPERATE deserve a voice too! I'm glad it is not up to me to make that decision.... I'd leave the Anthony family in the dust.... see ya, wouldn't even bother looking in the rear view mirror and I would utilize these resources for those still waiting, without a voice.... and without media attention. But that's just me and my opinion...... At some point, a decision must be made to utilize resources where they are best.. and not where the media is on a hyped frenzy. For that I am somewhat disappointed so much has been spent on the Anthony's.... I hope when this case is solved, those with this energy will continue to utilize it for those still waiting for a voice. Caylee is not the only missing child.

I think that there is a lot of this post that resonates with me-I do not believe Tim would be returning if he were not in the area already searching for Jennifer Kesse. JMO.

Tim, dump the Anthonys and look for Steve Lankaster-Cox and Clyde...Come up north and look for Molly Bish, Sarah Ann Wood and Deb Quimby...(disclosure, Deb is a family member..) How about Stacy Peterson?? Because there are family members in these cases that are DESPERATELY competing for your time and attention...
I am not sure that LA wrote that email either only because it sounds like something Cindy would write...I find their resistance towards TES curiouser and curiouser...Why not let the best team out there try and find evidence that relates to Caylee? If they find nothing, it absolutely supports Casey's story to date and the Anthonys can breathe a sigh of relief. As can Baez.

Continued resistance makes absolutely NO SENSE.
I am not sure that LA wrote that email either only because it sounds like something Cindy would write...I find their resistance towards TES curiouser and curiouser...Why not let the best team out there try and find evidence that relates to Caylee? If they find nothing, it absolutely supports Casey's story to date and the Anthonys can breathe a sigh of relief. As can Baez.

Continued resistance makes absolutely NO SENSE.

Nothing this family has done or said has made sense. I believe LA did write it! This family will go to their graves defending KC. They would do worse than write an offensive e-mail. I put nothing past any of them!
I hope this is the right place to post this...couldn't find another thread about it.

I am flabbergasted. Certainly the Anthony family has every right to hold onto hope that Caylee is alive, but those of us who are accepting that she is gone should not be discouraged from searching or whatever else helps us feel like we are helping Caylee. :mad: Didn't Cindy state on her last Today show appearance that people should do whatever they feel like they need to do in terms of searching for Caylee? :furious:

In related news, Caylee Anthony's uncle, Lee Anthony, is allegedly opposed to EquuSearch's involvement in the case. Yesterday, Lee allegedly sent an email to a group of EquuSearch supporters

So, did LA and Todd mention where the FAMILY has been searching?

They DO NOT want Caylee found, MOO.
Question: is dear Tim and TES in Orlando right now physically searching? If so, does anyone know exactly where they are searching or is that something they tend to keep quiet about? Do they only search on specific days or is it a continous search? Thanks!!! I want this baby found so badly and it seems there has not been the kind of effort by LE that I have seen in other cases. I can understand why, given the lapse of time in reporting Caylee missing and the multitude of possibilities but I hate to think of her lying there not found. Thank God for Tim and TES. This family is beyond me. How they can criticize such a lovely man and such a wonderful organization is amazing to me. One other question. Have there been any searches of landfills? If this is where Caylee is, I doubt she'll ever be found. I hope that is not the case.

They start, again, in early November- the 5th or 8th, or something.

They have a particular area they want to check.Ping-wise.
Tim will arrive in Orlando next week. Searching resumes next Saturday, 8 Nov. Not sure where the command center will be or where exactly the searches will be. If ANYONE can find Caylee, TIM can find Caylee. TES website says to check for updates re: command post.

I"m beside myself at the A's. Tim has a heart of gold. I can't imagine what kind of delusional parallel universe these people are living in...

It's fear. Not denial-fear. MOO.
First, they will say it's not really Caylee.
THEN they will blame someone else.
THEN, when Casey is convicted, they will say it was wrongly so and they will support her appeals and stand by her until they are all dead and buried.

I think they'll blame LE and the media, if they find her remains. They'll say Caylee was safe, and they were about to get her back. But, LE and the media spooked Zanex the Nanex and the sippy cup gang.
It's fear. Not denial-fear. MOO.

ITA......and it's not fear of the unknown, but fear of the KNOWN. They know and they hate that TES and TM knows too. Our precious Caylee will be found.:blowkiss:

Prayers for TM ~ TES and all the searchers, once again I send love, faith and .....Godspeed.
Janis I fee exactly the same way. I need to step away from this case, and not even come here and read each day, but I can't! I have grown too emotionally involved in the whole mess! Like you, I have taken it personally.
It literally makes me sick the way all of this family has behaved from the start!
Poor little Caylee, she never at a snowball's chance in he!! of normalcy in any direction!
It breaks my heart. I would loved to have had that little girl and raised her with my others.

I've always said, if the A's asked who would be willing to give Caylee a loving home, there would be a line a mile long JUST from WS, let alone the whole rest of the country.

Pity she was not adopted out.
Oh, and I forgot something...Go back into hiding LEE! We liked it so much better when you weren't out in the public eye putting your foot in your mouth!

He and CA have tasted SO many feet, they must be centipeds!
I mentioned that to my DH a few weeks ago. CA will blame everybody for not looking for Caylee, she has already given us a glimpse on where she's going with this. She said you are all putting nails in Caylee's coffin awhile back.
I really wish NG would stop saying the A's are all victims. They are the most ungrateful bunch I have eve seen as another poster said.

I'll never forget the night NG had TM on and he said he was pulling out. CA had said some pretty awful things to him and he was still big enough not to diss her. But the sadness and defeated look on his face was sad and daunting.
I'm beginning to think all the A's are accompilices in some way at this point.
I also read Scott Peterson was writing to her in jail. Kind of wish they'd turn them both loose so they could marry and see which one comes out alive.
Another nght KC actually told LP after he spent all kinds of money and helped to give her some freedom, to get the hell out of her house !! :mad:

Turns out SP is NOT writing to KC. Though, they would make a nice couple! They could marry, and hire a food-taster.

BUT, TM should NOT let CA hurt him. Consider the source! I think I'd put an insult from CA on my resume, as a reference!
You can say that again!!

The rest of what I feel------------- I can't type here.:furious::mad::furious:

I know. The mods would have to time-out every poster on this thread, if we said it.:furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:
They can believe that Caylee's alive. I have no problem with that. They can continue their search and work their private investigations watching their "kidnappers" all damn day.

That doesn't give them the justification for bad mouthing TES . CA has on NG and in interviews, Lee through that letter and now their spokesperson with today's press release.
CA called them to begin with. TES just doesn't show up, they have to be invited by family or LE.

I have problems with them talking bad about Tim Miller and TES. It's disrespectful not only to them but also to any other family out there with a missing child. TES is a legitimate org consisting of volunteers...who have helped so many families find their loved ones. LIVE loved ones and DEAD loved ones. They look for missing people and Caylee is missing.

They are coming down to FL not only to look for Caylee but for Jennifer. How do you think Jennifer's family feels about what was said about TES?

It's awful and nasty and shame on them!!

The A's know she's not alive, IMHO. They don't want the remains found.

They want LE to trip off to TX, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and wherever for decades, so this can ALLLLLLL go away, over time.
Yep. I lost sympathy for them at lie #1.

I have no patience for liars, and especially when they blatantly try and sabotage Tim and TES with vindictive words and spiteful venom just because they're afraid of what it might mean for their daughter/sister... who will be proven a baby killer if Caylee's body is found and evidence shows Casey did it. That's what they're afraid of.

It's obvious to me that somewhere along the trail of life, there was no moral tree beating them across the head.

You know how a cornered rat will behave!
I believe in the end, they will all be arrested. I am convinced LA will be and I don't think anyone here will be surprised or sad in the least to see it happen.

CA could be.
That was my impression as well. LA and TB both draw their arguments around money issues:

LA: "She is alive and they are wasting time and money to support a system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones."

TB: "..and instead allow an 'out of state' group to collect tens-of-thousands of dollars in a nationwide fundraising campaign, without a single accounting on where that money is going."

Mine, "You mean like the A's money jars and Paypal accounts TB?? And tell me LA, how exactly is donating to TM 'failing' the 'loved ones' who couldn't even protect Caylee from one of their own? Loved ones who waited 31 days before calling the police..

And, where is he getting the idea that non-profits are not monitored, and asked to account?

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