Anthony Family Opposition to Tim Miller/TES

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My understanding is TES is also coming to search for Jennifer Kesse, I have been following her case since she disappeared as well. I don't know if this e-mail is real or not, but we do know how the Anthony's feel about Tim Miller and we also know how the spokesman feels about TES. The comments being made about TES are hateful at best, and it makes me worried that some people might see these comments and believe them, and not donate. What a tragedy that would be for the Kesse family, Caylee, and other missing people. I have many words swirling around in my head that I would like to say about the Anthony family, but they aren't worth my bother. For Caylee and Jennifer I hope there is closure, and I will be thinking about all the wonderful people who will be searching.

I think their bad-mouthing will have the opposite effect.

Esp. since they keep talking about searching for a living Caylee, and nobody has seen THEM do it.

BTW-- Am hearing that most of their "leads" are coming from "psychics."

"I see a hot state, with many swamps and lakes...."

"I have visions of TX. No, I can't narrow it down. But I see a man in jeans and a white Stetson."
Look these people are digging their own graves, which is more than they did for Caylee.

I say fight negative with positive, don't let them get to you. Support TES, PRAY Caylee is found and see what comes out of the woodwork at the trial.

My guess is a lot of stuff will come out and the A's have to live with it. Where will they hid? No money and no support from friends. You can't keep attacking and expect people to support and care about you. They have to believe Caylee is alive, the alternative is unbearable.

I don't think they believe she is alive. I think they KNOW, but don't want KC to be jailed for decades.
What happened to make them like this? The parents are one thing(CA's crippling controlling and GA's a doormat.)
But those siblings, even if LA never says another word I believe his thinking is d@mn near in line with KCs. Which is a frightening thought.:eek:

IMHO, they put the DISS in dysfunctional.
Georges father's name is Lee. Could it be Caylee's great grandfather that sent the email and not LA the uncle?

Likely not. I think he has a dementia. He's in a facility.

I think someone just confused him with GA.
This is an out and out lie. The family has steered LE with lies about ficticious people and then claims that LE is not doing their jobs? If the family would be truthful, then maybe a live Caylee can be found. A credible story might help LE a lot.

I see Todd Black and Jose Baez and Cindy on the media FAR more than LE. Has LE gone on 20/20? Has LE gone on the Today Show? LE has released information available under the Sunshine Law and they have even held back on that. Has anyone seen the sheriff in a "little black dress" in a limousine in NY?

No, but I bet he'd b e CUTE!

Sorry, folks, I could not resist.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. :)

Whether or not this story is true there has been an un-intended consequence in the favor of Justice for Caylee -- that there is increased momentum and stimulus to support TES and the search for Caylee.

Justice works in mysterious ways. :clap:

Even though people may be found not guilty, may make millions, may *seem* to benefit from their crime -- it isn't always obvious the price they pay and the suffering.

What goes around comes around. :blowkiss: Give with a good heart and you shall receive.

And, there is something to be said for hubris. That family is p***ing off the karma gods, for sure!
Stupid question, but if GA and CA refuse Caylee's remains, what happens to them? I'm sure she would be given a proper burial, but it saddens me to even think about it.

My guess is that among LE and the public, she'd be given a very fine funeral. I wouldn't be at all surprised if a mortuary did not donate their services.

Nobody's gonna see this child thrown into Potter's field. She's ALREADY had enough of THAT.
I WANNA KNOW...what happened to the picture of the mysterious ZFG in the park with'm sure Baez will say it got lost in the mail...after all, nobody on THAT SIDE of this disaster can admit responsibility for anything...must be in the Kool Aid. :crazy:

The picture is with the phone records of her calls and emails. You'll find them on KC's desk at Universal, with the lost cell phone.
And, there is something to be said for hubris. That family is p***ing off the karma gods, for sure!

The Karma gods are angry, very angry, I am sure.:furious:
I wounder how you would contact a producer? I bet they decide who comes on the show.
Would Tim even want to do somethign like this ? He seems to shy away from alot of media.

Google search?

I used to send letters to the CEO of the Network. His name was usually found in the Yahoo stocks section.

The higher you go, the more agreement you get.

The modus operandi is to engage in double-talk so that they say multiple conflicting things that logically don't add up and confuse most people. You cannot hold them to one statement because they just switch to another and then switch back, the original statement is still used later even though dis-proven.

I call it Cindy speak. They all do it. You cannot pin them down on one story.

Yeah! I've seen her switch between the subject and predicate of a single SENTENCE.

Or, she'll say, "I never said that." MOO That's called "gaslighting." When you switch statements around, and also deny saying them, at all. BPDs do it. MOO
You know, I don't even have much to donate right now, but I am going to.....every penny counts and the Anthony's have ticked me off.

Donating is the best revenge!

And, it's more productive than saying what you REALLY mean, and forcing JBean to do you a time-out!
:blowkiss:poor Cubs...

As for the rest of the posts, you and I share the same feeling-I keep a running estimation of the expense that has been laid out for Caylee-LE, Testing, family soap opera, hours here on is MIND BOGGLING. I mean it achieves OJ Simpson proportions...I do not raise this to start dissension because what is a life worth-this is a case that does not appear to be about to end in a life being recovered.

OMG if we had some of this energy on some of the other cases...well, I guess we will see how it all plays out.

Aww, thanks. :blowkiss: I have to find some avenue of humor to let my frustration out. OJ Simpson is an excellent analogy. Though at least in the OJ case, we KNEW of a history of DV. From all accounts, it appears to the outside world the Anthony's looked like your average middle class family.

My bold, me too! Me too!

On another note.... perhaps Caylee will perform some miracles on finding the missing/id'ing the UID's and the Catholic Church will have her declared a saint. ;) With this much energy something good needs to come out of this.

respectfully( no slamming, I am Catholic- though the comparison might po the A's sorry if it does, but at this point we care only about Caylee.)
What a GREAT idea. I have followed your lead and sent not only a donation but a quick thank you email to TM for the work TES does.
Monetary support is important, but when a person is faced with mean people tarnishing his name and his life's work then I think it's appropriate to send emotional support too. Right?

I think it's great, too! I'm gonna email ALL the shows and ask them to have TES on. AND, al the network heads. AND, the network heads boards.
I am in the same boat...and felt ashamed that I could only donate $20. But like you said, every penny counts and those pennies WILL add up LEE!

BTW...I just have to say this gigi....
:Banane01: GEAUX TIGERS! :Banane01:

No, no, no! No, "ashamd!"

LP said if everybody who is following the case donated just $5, TES would be over the top.
When all else fails, you always accuse the media of only reporting the story to sell newspapers or make ratings or sell ads.

Right. Newspapers and television stations are businesses just like PR firms and lawyers are businesses. The motives for what they do to make money - report the news - are certainly no more suspect or slanted than PR firms or lawyers and probably quite bit less.

And I have to add, even using the term PR firm in a sentence referring to this highly unprofessional person is painful and an insult to real PR professionals. Did you see that logo? Something else that looks like it was done by a child who was trying to be clever.

Well, I once knew a hooker who put "Public Relations" on her card.;-)
IF Mallory is pregnant she should run as far away from the Anthony's as possible. I would NOT put LA name on the birth certificate, sorry I would leave it "unkown." Better to think of me as a tramp cause I dont know than have HIS name on it. I would not give him any legal reason to visit the baby. I would not want any child support or anything else from any of them. I hope she is not pregnant so she can move on with her life & I hope it does not include any of them.

Rosemary's Baby?
I'm nowhere near an accountant or a tax expert by any means, but um, isn't there a limit to how much money any of us can receive as "a gift" before we have to own up to it on at least our tax returns as income though, correct? (?) Just thinking ahead here...

Pretty sure it's taxed as regular income.

I'd just HATE to see the IRS have to get all involved. (rolling eyes and whistling)

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