Anthony Family Opposition to Tim Miller/TES

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The only reason they are attacking Tim and TES is that they are afraid that they will find Caylee...a dead Caylee. They have already written her off as far as justice and a decent burial so the motivation is obvious. Saying she isn't dead doesn't make it so. Caylee was a defenseless 3 year old against a monstrosity of peculiar family dynamics.

Caylee was a defenseless 2 year old. She didn't make it for her 3rd birthday.
I was probably one of the last hold outs as seeing the family as victims too. I was soo wrong. These people make me physically sick. Honestly, I was ready for a good nights sleep until I read Lee's email..What a hateful bunch of monsters! What about the Kesse family? Of course with the A's being the center of the universe and everything they have probably forgotten about them. Who am I kidding? They never once thought of them. The only thing they think about is how to keep the needle out of KC's arm.

Sadly Caylee has become a pawn in a high stakes game. The only team able to truly represent Caylee is TES and TM, since hopefully he can find her and bring her home.

Caylee is not an object to be used for propaganda to protect guilt or innocence.

She is/was a beautiful little girl with un-realized potential and she needs to be found whether she is alive or not. You cannot be selective, no search is a waste -- the only waste is when you don't search all options.

If Caylee comes home alive I will be truly thrilled but one path should not preclude all others.
I was probably one of the last hold outs as seeing the family as victims too. I was soo wrong. These people make me physically sick. Honestly, I was ready for a good nights sleep until I read Lee's email..What a hateful bunch of monsters! What about the Kesse family? Of course with the A's being the center of the universe and everything they have probably forgotten about them. Who am I kidding? They never once thought of them. The only thing they think about is how to keep the needle out of KC's arm.

What about little Trenton D case and the other 12 families of the missing that the A's met with just days ago in Tallahassee along with Governor Crist of Florida? What about them. Their loved ones are "missing". That's all they know. They don't know whether they are deceased or alive, yet the A's KNOW that Caylee is alive?! So, why were they there? Why did they bother? Talk about a bunch of walking contradictions that have done NOTHING to find her besides chase uncredible useless "tips" via psychics and people that have had a "dream" as their lifeline between them and a live Caylee?

For LA to claim this organization has done NOTHING to find this little girl is a blatent LIE. TES had spent 44K of the organizations' money in the 3 weeks they were here. OCSO donated 5K to help which backed up TES expenses to 39K and 3 weeks of the teams time and effort, not to mention LE, foot searchers, airboats, horses, ATV's, K-9 units, divers, search and rescue teams from all over, etc. He has a lot of nerve to say that they've done NOTHING to find Caylee. IMO, this family needs a good dose of reality to stop the venom from running and I hope that reality comes to fruition very shortly.
Part of Lee's email is:

"In regards to Caylee Anthony, do not let that influence your support of this group as they have done NOTHING to help find this little girl. She is alive and they are wasting time and money to support a system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones. Don't even get me started on Tim Miller personally."

Are You Kidding Me?????

And how does Lee explain his sister not reporting Caylee's disappearance for 31 days? What did she do to "help find this little girl." And, what is Lee personally doing to help find Caylee?
My hair is on fire as I write this. :furious:
If the A family truly believe Caylee i still alive then I think what Lee said is justified - because they believe that a live body should be searched for, not a dead one. On the other hand, if they recognize that in all probability Caylee is dead and are trying to sabotage searching; that's unforgivable.

My view is that they believe the former; that Caylee is alive. In the event that Casey confesses or Tim Miller finds Caylee's body, that is the only way they are going to believe Caylee is dead.
Well you're right! Why should we be surprised at all.
And I for one think it is an insult to the other families, that CA and GA were at the Missing Children's gathering. They went to garner media attention. Plain and simple. jmo.

You are right!!!!
Im from Canada so I don't mean snot to your Governors but I sure feel like writing some letters. I am having a tough time just letting this one be. Are there letters to the editors in papers there..something? I know I am reaching here but I am just choked!
Well you're right! Why should we be surprised at all.
And I for one think it is an insult to the other families, that CA and GA were at the Missing Children's gathering. They went to garner media attention. Plain and simple. jmo.

OMG I thought the same thing, what hard faces they had to even show up at one of those gatherings. All for show....
If the A family truly believe Caylee i still alive then I think what Lee said is justified - because they believe that a live body should be searched for, not a dead one. On the other hand, if they recognize that in all probability Caylee is dead and are trying to sabotage searching; that's unforgivable.

My view is that they believe the former; that Caylee is alive. In the event that Casey confesses or Tim Miller finds Caylee's body, that is the only way they are going to believe Caylee is dead.

But the latter is also a distinct possibility, that Caylee is not alive if you go along with the kidnapper theory and that the kidnapper may have since dumped her since she is so well known, not to be caught with her. Why close any door?

All other searches search on the basis that child is alive but they are searching areas and grounds that could only contain a body -- since they are realistic and open to all eventualities. The driver is to find the child alive but....
If the A family truly believe Caylee i still alive then I think what Lee said is justified - because they believe that a live body should be searched for, not a dead one. On the other hand, if they recognize that in all probability Caylee is dead and are trying to sabotage searching; that's unforgivable.

My view is that they believe the former; that Caylee is alive. In the event that Casey confesses or Tim Miller finds Caylee's body, that is the only way they are going to believe Caylee is dead.

What Lee said is not justified. There is no excuse for what he said. None whatsoever. Whether he believes Caylee to be alive or dead, there is still no excuse for what he said about TM and Equusearch.
I agree 100%. And I think they will refuse the remains, saying they are not Caylee'!
And how sad will that be?

I mentioned that to my DH a few weeks ago. CA will blame everybody for not looking for Caylee, she has already given us a glimpse on where she's going with this. She said you are all putting nails in Caylee's coffin awhile back.
I really wish NG would stop saying the A's are all victims. They are the most ungrateful bunch I have eve seen as another poster said.

I'll never forget the night NG had TM on and he said he was pulling out. CA had said some pretty awful things to him and he was still big enough not to diss her. But the sadness and defeated look on his face was sad and daunting.
I'm beginning to think all the A's are accompilices in some way at this point.
I also read Scott Peterson was writing to her in jail. Kind of wish they'd turn them both loose so they could marry and see which one comes out alive.
Another nght KC actually told LP after he spent all kinds of money and helped to give her some freedom, to get the hell out of her house !! :mad:
What are you AFRAID of LA ?

Sounds like you are running scared for fear that you will end up
where your sister is ? Are you the Missing piece of the puzzle?

I hope that Tim M. and the searchers find Little Sweet Dear Caylee
and bring her home to rest.

If they do find her do you think you could have a proper burial, LA ?
Or would you like for Tim M to have to do this for you ??

Sorry but this just takes the cake .. The A's are so ungrateful for
all the work and money that has been used to find their Grandaughter
& Niece when it would save everyone alot of money if the so called Mother would just 'Tell the Truth ?"
:rose: Caylee - Rest in Peace :rose:
What Lee said is not justified. There is no excuse for what he said. None whatsoever. Whether he believes Caylee to be alive or dead, there is still no excuse for what he said about TM and Equusearch.

Needless un-founded accusation and aggression that does nothing to find Caylee.

It does not help. Waste . . . . A Huge Waste.
Quote from ToddBlack's Fax - bold mine:

"Casey Anthony and family members have maintained that Caylee is alive, which is why they have not participated in any search for remains. Authorities gave up on looking for Caylee, and have used the media to whip the public into a frenzy of hatred against Casey, making it all but impossible to get a fair trial. And insulting to any family who may suffer a missing child, the authorities refuse to mount an official search, and instead allow an out of state group to collect tens-of-thousands of dollars in a nationwide fundraising campaign, without a single accounting on where that money is going."

This makes me angry! It wasn't the authorities that "used the media to whip the public into a frenzy of hatred against Casey." It's the very obvious fact that Casey harmed her daughter and then lied about it. When she was caught lying, she refused and still refuses to tell the truth. It was the behavior of Casey and the entire Anthony family that's made people angry! It's Cindy demanding that it's rotten pizza that made the car stink, that DNA is "hocus pocus", and insisting that the authorities are framing Casey because it's an election year. :mad:
If they know she is alive what are they worried about? I wonder why they only publicly attack Tim when there are so many other organized searches that have gone on? Is it possible that they know Tim and his group bring in the big numbers of people to help and because of that, they are the most likely to find her? I bet they don't even thank the searchers when they find her remains and allow the family to give her a proper burial.

Would it be really tacky of me to say that when Caylee's remains are recovered the Anthony's will be asking for donations for a proper burial?
Okay, I won't say it....
Amen to that and I think LA's little stunt is going to seriously backfire on him. He just made a lot a people very angry.

You can say that again!!

The rest of what I feel------------- I can't type here.:furious::mad::furious:
If the A family truly believe Caylee i still alive then I think what Lee said is justified - because they believe that a live body should be searched for, not a dead one. On the other hand, if they recognize that in all probability Caylee is dead and are trying to sabotage searching; that's unforgivable.

My view is that they believe the former; that Caylee is alive. In the event that Casey confesses or Tim Miller finds Caylee's body, that is the only way they are going to believe Caylee is dead.

I don't believe that they think Caylee is alive, what is it that makes them believe that. Have the spoken to her? do they know who she is with? Do they believe she was kidnapped? Of so then what prove do they have that they have not killed her? Have they gone anywhere to look for her? If they really believe she is alive then it would only make sense that they would be going wherever to find her. Instead they have done nothing, not a thing to find Caylee (who LA refers to as that little girl, not "my beautifull niece Caylee" but that little girl) It is as if he were talking about a stranger, just that statements shows he has distanced himself from her, she is no longer important. The one and only thing important to the whole dysfuntional family is the precious Casey.
It does not surprise or shock me any more that Casey killed her child, the atmosphere she was raised in gave her the perfect training, Cindy should be proud of her she is the one who raised this monster, and the one coddling her now, and giving her a pass for killing her baby. They are very very sick people, each and everyone of them!
I suspect what this came from is Cindy's attempts to control TES didn't work and Tim probably refused to stand around and be the subject of a hissy fit.

Cindiview then translated that into who knows what that Tim did, didn't do. Sort of like what she's done with LE and anyone else who doesn't do as She Who Must Be Obeyed expects.
Didn't Lee claim a while back that he was going to become involved with helping find missing children?

Looks like business is bad for Lee now that TES is comin' to town.

I'd give more attention to a grasshopper than I would to Lee and his belligerent psychobabble.

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