Anthony's admit to Conflicting Statements Seek Full Immunity

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Should George and Cindy be granted full immunity in exchange for truth?

  • Yes

    Votes: 200 26.9%
  • No

    Votes: 123 16.5%
  • No and go after them for obstruction of justice!

    Votes: 421 56.6%

  • Total voters
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If the grandparents or the son are called to testify in court, then I think they should be granted immunity. BUT they shouldn't be called at all, if at all possible.
There is no protected privilege in regard to what a child tells a parent in confidence, but most LE officers and officers of the court (judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys) realize that a parent is inclined to lie to protect their child. In fact, they almost expect it. This is why they try to avoid calling them as witnesses unless it is absolutely necessary. Remember, it is NATURAL to defend your child. Parents who lie for their children are not seen as weird or evil to LE officers.
That being said, this case is unique. These people, GA and CA are faced with a dilemna where their instincts to protect their child are weighed against their desire for justice for their grand-daughter. I have compassion for these people (however unlikable they are) and I am sure that experienced LE officers do, too.
I didn't vote. GA, CA, did not do this crime. They may have made many mistakes in dealing with this tragedy, but they didn't kill Caylee and I don't think they ever thought KC would kill her. Their lives are changed forever. Can you ever imagine them having a happy family gathering ever again? No, they never will. They can't bring their grand-daughter back. I wonder how they get up and go on every morning. After this, I don't see either one of them living a long and healthy life. No "golden years" for them.
Once again, CA is out to protect herself...She has to get immunity from prosecution to tell the truth....gimme a break! CA has never taken responsibility for her actions either. I do not see her ever doing so either. Some people are just of that mindset. They refuse to take any responsibility. It is always another's fault. I am directing this at CA and LA....I think GA will speak the truth eventually.
I agree that George is maybe ready to tell the truth but they had their chance.What did they do instead?They lied and manipulated,they went on TV all day long trying to fool the entire world,I can't forget that and I won't.
Do they need privacy now?Oh I understand.What about everything they did so far?They are behaving only because there's no way out anymore.They're trapped.They are not doing the right thing because they are responsible or grieving but because they're scared.


I mostly lurk, but I have to just say I feel the exact same way ... I can't forget all their lies and manipulations and I won't, they will never be telling the truth because that's the right thing to do and what you should do, it will only be to save their own butts!
"But through it all, they have cooperated with law enforcement and have acted with dignity and composure.


Just read this on Jamie Floyd's blog at Is she talking about the same A's that we are? (shakes head in disbelief. Do we have a smilie for that?)
I think the immunity should be limited only to an obstruction charge, not evidence tampering. Spoken word, not actions only.

A polygraph required if requested.

And if anything they say in the new statement is proven to be a lie all immunity is waived.

I think they have things of value to say that will support the prosecution explaining to the jury the *why* of how this happened.

For those that think Cindy is incapable of giving a factual statement she would get her immunity revoked in this circumstance. I for one is willing to waive a *misdemeanor* charge to aid the prosecutions case. I am willing to let them prove that the real life facts of a dead body has shocked them into reality and hold Casey accountable. I think the deal should come with enough rope to hang themselves with if that is not their intention though.

I agree with you.

Just maybe with some of the leaks that are coming out now the Anthony's really are more willing to aid in holding Casey accountable. I also think the misdemeanor charges should be waived under the conditions you listed.
"But through it all, they have cooperated with law enforcement and have acted with dignity and composure.


Just read this on Jamie Floyd's blog at Is she talking about the same A's that we are? (shakes head in disbelief. Do we have a smilie for that?)

Those kind of opinions do get her a lot of interviews with top defense attorneys.
OK, I voted for immunity but here's what I really feel and sorry if it's been stated on the thread (long thread).

George should get his OWN attorney, split from Cindy and they should give George immunity but not Cindy and force her to explain her contradictions on the stand. I know she could plead the 5th but I think there is very good cause to charge her and I'd like to see George roll over on her.

Seems to me like George has been railroaded by two very sociopathic personalities and believe me - even the smartest of us have been subjected to that and sucked into their crazy making.

I'd like Cindy to pay and I'd like George to be free of the crazy woman he married and move on with his life.
I hope there is an uproar in Orlando to have these people tried and convicted. Grieving grandparents? My poor achin' a_s! They're cold, calculating felons who deserve to have the book thrown at them. If they're not brought up on charges I, for one, will never go to Orlando again. That would be a travesty of justice. But, I am quite certain they will have their day in court. All of them.
OK, I voted for immunity but here's what I really feel and sorry if it's been stated on the thread (long thread).

George should get his OWN attorney, split from Cindy and they should give George immunity but not Cindy and force her to explain her contradictions on the stand. I know she could plead the 5th but I think there is very good cause to charge her and I'd like to see George roll over on her.

Seems to me like George has been railroaded by two very sociopathic personalities and believe me - even the smartest of us have been subjected to that and sucked into their crazy making.

I'd like Cindy to pay and I'd like George to be free of the crazy woman he married and move on with his life.

:waitasec: I so agree with that. :clap::clap:
Yes it was KC's friend that said that not CA. But what i found really tellings was KC's response to it.. she said.. ***OH WELL*** That right there showed me KC's true colors.

Casey's quote was "Oh. Wow. Calling you guys....a waste. A huge waste. Look honey, I love you......"
Wait, hold up, HOW do you ask for immunity when you haven't been charged with anything? Oh, now I get it - they (the A's) KNOW something and that something would certainly get them charged if they told. hhhhmmmmmm................

I am very curious about the items taken from the home and all the fingerprints LE is going to find in connection with this crime.

Do the A's know this "something" is eventually going to come up and consequently charges will follow?

I say NO - NO WAY, NO SHAPE, NO FORM - arrest them, charge them and take them to trial.

Can't wait to hear what's behind this new legal manuvering!
Grant them immunity IF they agree to take a plygraph!!! All questions will be answered!
CA called the car in stolen only to protect herself from being implicated in a crime. This was a self-serving act. She knew the car smelled of death and was protecting herself since it was registered in her name.

I have always said, if she wanted to go the stolen route, she should have called it stolen the first day that Caylee was missing....why didn't she? If she wanted to find them and was desperate, call your car in stolen.....LE would have picked them up.

She waited, and ONLY called AFTER the car smelled of death...CA did not want to blamed for a crime...that's all.

Excellent point!

Given that George A. talked to Amscot and learned the car had been there 3 days before being towed - I don't know why he or Cindy didn't call police right then and there at the tow yard when they smelled the human decomp instead of removing the car from the lot.

Now the has hit the fan and they are starting to realise the consequenses of all their lies, they ask us to respect their privacy as grieving grandparents at this difficult time.

I dont have any compassion for these people at all. They have told nothing but lies, appeared on every TV show available, which they were probably paid very well for which not one penny of this was spent on looking for Caylee.

Don't bother with the immunity. They would probably lie anyway. Don't think any of this family have actually heard of the word truth, never mind what it actually means.
Excellent point!

Given that George A. talked to Amscot and learned the car had been there 3 days before being towed - I don't know why he or Cindy didn't call police right then and there at the tow yard when they smelled the human decomp instead of removing the car from the lot.


Ya ever wonder if G&C read here and say to each other "Damn, why didn't we think of that?":waitasec:
depends on what they have to say
if their idea being truthful and not giving conficting info is

ZG took her
the smell was just due to garbage
LE is out to get KC
KC is an excellent mom and is innocent

then....well you know......

I didn't agree that giving evasive statements to LE or outright blaming LE for Casey's charges was a prudent tactic for the Anthonys, but I do agree with Jamie's 12-16-08 blog entry. So far there isn't one among us here that can truly put themselves in their position (and Lord willing there will never be). I am satisfied that the amount of deference that LE has afforded the Anthonys indicates true compassion in their quest to uncover the truth; effectively 'smarts with a heart'. I hope that we could also do no less as WS'ers.
I think they were met at the airport by LE. I think they were given their "come to Jesus" talk by LE. Something LE found at the scene implicated them in something. It may have been simply they were asked about something and said "we are sure" and then the evidence proved otherwise. You know one of those "conflicting" statements.

I think their new attorney was hired by them while they were in route to Orlando, or by someone from KidFinders, ect. Normally Cindy would have come off that plane with "I told you Zanny kidnapped her, killed her and dumped her there". Nothing shut up CA expect the fear of JAIL and obstruction charges.


I didn't agree that giving evasive statements to LE or outright blaming LE for Casey's charges was a prudent tactic for the Anthonys, but I do agree with Jamie's 12-16-08 blog entry. So far there isn't one among us here that can truly put themselves in their position (and Lord willing there will never be). I am satisfied that the amount of deference that LE has afforded the Anthonys indicates true compassion in their quest to uncover the truth; effectively 'smarts with a heart'. I hope that we could also do no less as WS'ers.
I am sure there are people on WS who have lost grandchildren and/or have had missing family members. We don't KNOW there isn't ONE AMONG US HERE. And there are many many examples of people out there who have gone through what the Anthonys are going through and they haven't acted like them. Bad behavior is bad behavior period.
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