Anthony's admit to Conflicting Statements Seek Full Immunity

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Should George and Cindy be granted full immunity in exchange for truth?

  • Yes

    Votes: 200 26.9%
  • No

    Votes: 123 16.5%
  • No and go after them for obstruction of justice!

    Votes: 421 56.6%

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I wouldn't put it past CA & GA to have a private service for Klee when her bodies is released and let the highest bidder(s) go to the service to snap some shots! These people have no souls.
I wouldn't put it past CA & GA to have a private service for Klee when her bodies is released and let the highest bidder(s) go to the service to snap some shots! These people have no souls.

I can't spell!!! I'm too upset. I meant her body, not bodies. :blushing:
You're right on BeanE, they can always get a plea deal later, which would be fair, and serve justice.

Indeed. And that can prevent them from continuing to profit from their criminal acts.
I will definitely look, but, I am going out soon so it might not be until this evening until I can post it. It's very disturbing.

This picture is in the Red Rash around Caylee's mouth thread at the end of near the end and it IS very disturbing. It appears in that picture almost as if Caylee is INSIDE of a trunk bawling her eyes out and sweating and reaching up and out for the photographer to comfort her and instead she is being photographed. Had to be Casey on the other side of the camera. I will go and see if I can bump the thread and bring the picture into the last post to make it easier to see...
They have not demonstrated they are capable of telling the truth. I don't think they have the ability. Six months ago the truth would have been very helpful in bringing this to a close. It's too late for immunity now. Their lawyer probably told them they are in a heap of trouble and they are trying to save themselves.

too late. imo
would anybody else have been able to pull such nonesense and le turn a blind eye?
and yes, my family has gone through a kidnap/murder and everybody is sickened to see what this family has done. we'd like to see them go down for the bloodmoney they have solicted too. :mad:
poor little Caylee. :cry: :cry:
:cow: moo
I do not have the energy to read everyones statments sorry, but I would like to add one of my own, and hopefully this is not something someone else has allready stated.

I believe that the lawyer is telling us the truth and that they will indeed tell us something that will not conflict, but it will be a concocted story planned out in advance that is designed for them so they both tell the exact same thing to the end that nothing conflicts. Does not mean that it will be the truth!

Trust no one.
Excerpt from 1st 911 call made by Cindy A.


Operator: Hello

Cindy Anthony: Hi, I drove to the police department here on Pershing but you guys are closed. I need to bring someone into the police department. Can you tell me where I can? the closest one I can come too.

Operator: What are you trying to accomplish by bringing them to the station?

Cindy Anthony: I have a 22-year-old person that has um grand theft sitting in my auto with me.

Operator: So the 22-year-old person stole something?

Cindy Anthony: Yes

Operator: Is this a relative?

Cindy Anthony: Yes

Operator: Where did they steal it from?
Cindy Anthony: Um, my car and also money.

Operator: OK. Is this your son?

Cindy Anthony: Daughter

Operator: OK, so your daughter stole money from your car?

Cindy Anthony: No. My car was stolen. We've retrived it, today we found out where it was at. We've retrieved it, I've got that. And I've got affidavits from my banking account. I want to bring her in. I want to press charges.

Operator: Where, where did all of this happen?

Cindy Anthony: Oh, it's been happening.

Yes, I remember that. She was po'd at Casey,

I regard that as Cindy threatening Casey with police charges(finally) because Casey still wouldn't take her to Caylee.

But did Cindy go thru with her threat and file an official theft report with LE?
Possibly the A's could be offered limited immunity, similar to the deal KC was given early on. It is now blindingly obvious why KC turned down her offer.
I just asked my husband if he thinks the A's should be granted immunity. He made a face and said "are you kidding? No!" And he is one of the most tolerant people I know!
You have NO IDEA how many women I have talked to about this case that say they would have done the same things that the A's did!!!! They say they wouldn't want to lose a granddaughter AND a daughter and would do whatever necessary to cover up her crime - even spiriting her out of the country if necessary!!! I WAS FLOORED!

I believe a very large part of the problems in this country come from no consequences for actions. My children all know and expect no less than to be held accountable for their actions. I was amazed at the lack of parenting exhibited by those I spoke with (at least 30 people)!!

Cocoamom - I TOTALLY agree. In my opinion, this is what is wrong with society today and I see this more and more. I shouldn't be shocked anymore, but, like you, it totally floors me.
I know I will get slapped around here but here I go.
1 GA and CA are only doing what any parent would be. Standing up for their Daughter
2 I honestly feel neither of them had anything to do with Caylee's disappearnce and now looks like murder.Or anything to do with getting rid of any evidence.
3 CA and GA now have not only lost the daughter but also Caylee.
4 I firmly think if GA and Ca will tell the LE everything they should get ammunity.
It is so easy for all of us to pass judgement on them. Why because none of us have ever had to be in a situation like Casey stuck them in.

I beg to differ with you on this!

1- I can promise you if I suspected that my daughter was responsible of some type of harm to my grandchild I would not lie, and be decietful to protect her. KC is an adult and contrary to what she or her mother believes she is responsible for her own behavior. There are doing far more than standing up for their daughter. They knew from the moment that GA requested to get in the trunk of her car (or sooner) that something was up.

2- I don't know that I believe that they had anything to do with Caylees death although nothing would surprise me but, When the trunk of the car smelled of a "dead body" and they began cleaning it and washing clothing there they began their participation in a cover up and destroying evidence.

3- Lets remember first and foremost they lost Caylee more than likely at the hands of their own daughter. Yes they are grieving the loss of their grandaughter but, KC is alive and the entire family is reaping the consequences of her actions as well as the very publically visible actions of GA and CA.

4-Why in the world after 6 months would we expect GA or CA to tell the truth their stories have changed more than my 17 y.o. daughter changes clothing. The have lost ALL credibility!!!! I would not for one minute believe anything they said. If either one of them told me the sky was blue, I would go outside to check!!!

I realize none of us can imagine the stress they are under in this situation but, not only was this situation more than likely created by Casey, they helped to perpetuate it through their own wrong choices. A persons true character comes out when faced with difficult circumstances. The apple did not fall far from the tree in this family!!!!
I know I will get slapped around here but here I go.
1 GA and CA are only doing what any parent would be. Standing up for their Daughter
2 I honestly feel neither of them had anything to do with Caylee's disappearnce and now looks like murder.Or anything to do with getting rid of any evidence.
3 CA and GA now have not only lost the daughter but also Caylee.
4 I firmly think if GA and Ca will tell the LE everything they should get ammunity.
It is so easy for all of us to pass judgement on them. Why because none of us have ever had to be in a situation like Casey stuck them in.

No slapping here, I agree with everything you said. The A's don't need immunity. There is nothing anyone can do them that will come close to the real world they currently own. Except for the damage it would do to Lee, they would probably find it easier to live out their days in jail. In prison they wouldn't have to stare at two empty bedrooms everyday for the rest of their lives.
I know I will get slapped around here but here I go.
1 GA and CA are only doing what any parent would be. Standing up for their Daughter
2 I honestly feel neither of them had anything to do with Caylee's disappearnce and now looks like murder.Or anything to do with getting rid of any evidence.
3 CA and GA now have not only lost the daughter but also Caylee.
4 I firmly think if GA and Ca will tell the LE everything they should get ammunity.
It is so easy for all of us to pass judgement on them. Why because none of us have ever had to be in a situation like Casey stuck them in.

I think your statements say more about your faith in the goodness of other people, than it says about the Anthonys. It's admirable that you want to think the best that they'll tell the whole truth now, but it's realistic to know that they won't based on their past track record. These people did not start lying overnight, and they won't stop overnight.
Yes, I remember that. She was po'd at Casey,

I regard that as Cindy threatening Casey with police charges(finally) because Casey still wouldn't take her to Caylee.

But did Cindy go thru with her threat and file an official theft report with LE?

I think this became a moot point when KC was arrested. Even grandma Shirley said KC and CA have enough problems and didn't press charges when LE asked if she wanted to.

What can you add to LWOP/DP that will make any difference.
Remember that tape of CA saying something like "if anything happens to Caylee I will just die? Do you hear me? I'll die!" The genuine anguish in her voice and the panic in her voice during the first 911 call just don't square with her subsequent actions. I really felt for her originally as she was truly a grandparent suffering the loss of a beloved child. But what gives with the subterfuge with the hairbrush, the lack of actual looking for Caylee (did she ever go door-to-door, go to the park or Sawgrass and ask around, or, hey, provide something that belonged to Caylee to TES?) and the subsequent fame-whoring and finger-pointing make me think either she's one hell of an actress or something else is at play. From the "I'll just die" and "what did you do?" to "there was no odor" and "my daughter would never hurt Caylee" was quite a leap.

Yes it was KC's friend that said that not CA. But what i found really tellings was KC's response to it.. she said.. ***OH WELL*** That right there showed me KC's true colors.
I have never expected that the A's would stand before the world and denounce their daughter as a hideous murderer at every opportunity, nor does my opinion on possible criminal conduct by them have anything to do with hating them. But I find the idea appalling that all parents would help an adult child evade responsibility for killing an innocent 2 year-old who is also their own flesh and blood. Even if that's true, it seems the legislature of Florida has addressed the matter very recently and changed the law to make it clear that you do so at your own peril. I guess parents who choose to go beyond being loving and supportive, who engage in activities that make them accessories after the fact, can do as they choose but expect there might be consequences. Status as a parent does not excuse perjury, obstruction of justice or acting as an accessory after the fact to a serious felony involving harm to a child. I don't know all the facts, and I don't know what the A's might have done that rises to these levels. It does seem LE has so far been very lenient and compassionate with them. They ought to just tell the truth of their own volition now. I just don't conclude they deserve a pass, without knowing more.
No Imuity Period!!! Through The Book At Them All.

These people have made money from showing Little Caylee's picture's on prime time show's. Now they want to tell all. REALLY? While Caylee lies in a make shift grave. This makes me so ill, I want all of them to be held accountable for their action's. LA. CA. GA. GA. should be held accountable for lying about June 16th. I have never ever belived it from the first time he made that he made that statement.
So therefore they can sit in jail right with KC. Birds of a feather stick togeather.
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