Anthony's admit to Conflicting Statements Seek Full Immunity

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Should George and Cindy be granted full immunity in exchange for truth?

  • Yes

    Votes: 200 26.9%
  • No

    Votes: 123 16.5%
  • No and go after them for obstruction of justice!

    Votes: 421 56.6%

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Also, will this 'fessing up cause a split between George and Cindy? Many predict it is Cindy who is the control freak/ringleader. Once he is free to tell the truth, will George feel free enough to leave? Or will this whole mess just bring them closer?

I hope that they are doing this for the right reason and not to save their own butts. Caylee is the right reason. They loved her dearly and I don't know how CA let KC take her in a fit of anger, if that was the case. Poor Caylee should not have been subjected to any of that. CA and GA should have gotten full custody of Caylee a long, long time ago. I know that they know that in their hearts. They had to see signs that KC wasn't stable. It is NOT CA and GA's fault that Caylee is gone because they could have never imagined that KC could be a murderer or at the very least, an accessory to murder. It is their fault for NOT putting Caylee's interests before KC's. They knew KC better than anyone - they raised her and they lived with her. Now they have to live with all of this. That is punishment enough although I think we would all like a public apology to Caylee.

my feelings exactly. Excellent post.
I'm sorry, but the A's forgot about three years with Caylee the moment they picked up the car from the towyard. Pictures tell nothing. If the love factor was based on video and pictures, Susan Smith's kids would not be dead.

I agree!
I agree. Anyone from Colorado who remembers the Michael Manning case back in the 80's? This poor baby was hidden in the heat ducts while they were searching the home. The mother was given immunity by Boulder Co DA Alex Hunter. She knew where her son was.
If the Anthony's have issues with the truth which we all know they do they need to be held accountable.

I haven't answered the poll yet, because I really couldn't make up my mind. But I will answer the poll now. Because your post helped me to make my mind up.

I do believe that the A's loved Casey and didn't know what to do with her or about her. I do believe the A's loved and worried about Caylee. And I believe that when they found Casey, they got hit with the knowlege that Caylee was gone. And after they realized that, they set about trying to save Casey. Knowing that it was too late to save Caylee.

But they have had months to come to the realization that what they were doing was not saving Casey. That what they were doing was only making things worse for Casey, and was not helping in finding Caylee. Yet they persisted. And seemed to be getting worse. Their attorney quitting didn't change them. And I don't think that getting immunity will change them.

I have decided to vote for no immunity. The time for immunity has passed. They have had months to decide that their actions were not helping and would not save Casey. They have had months to decide that they should turn their attention to finding Caylee's remains. They chose not to do so. They chose to perpetuate a fraud on the public, even after seeing that it made things worse. I now vote that the A's be charged.
Conflicting statements? Oh yeah, that's lawyer speak for "lies."
Charge 'em, convict 'em.
I'm not trying to be snarky, but does this mean you don't think they loved Caylee? Because I disagree. I think they loved her very much.

I don't have a problem with them seeking immunity, if it means the truth finally comes out. I really don't think either GA or CA had anything to do with Caylee's death at all, and I don't think they had anything to do with the disposal of the body, either. But, the way I see it, I think that this whole time, the Anthonys have been coddling up to Casey, because they felt that Casey held the key to getting their granddaughter back. They let her tell her lies, and they followed along. Sure, I don't think they wanted anything bad to happen to Casey, because she is their daughter. But, I think it was more about the remote chance that Casey was telling the truth and that this so-called nanny had taken Caylee and if they wanted to get Caylee back alive, they needed to protect Casey. The body farm evidence and hits by cadaver dogs weren't enough, but now that they have full-on proof that Caylee is gone, I think they are coming to realize that they've been duped. I'm sure hearing that Caylee's body had been found was probably the lowest moment of their lives, and now that they know they lost Caylee, reality will be sinking in, and with all hope, they will soon realize the great extent Casey is involved. I think they, especially CA, harbor alot of guilt, too. Not because they hurt Caylee, but because they didn't protect her from her mother.

Very well put and I agree 100%.
I have not liked everything the A's have done, BUT, I can understand it.
I voted for immunity. I just want the whole truth to come out and this mess to end, so this family can grieve and have closure for the granddaughter they loved so very much.
I think reality is hitting them hard right now and my heart is breaking for them. Once they let all they know and think "go", so to speak, the healing process can begin. I don't think they are ever going to understand why their daughter did this. Who in their right mind could?
I'm sorry, but the A's forgot about three years with Caylee the moment they picked up the car from the towyard. Pictures tell nothing. If the love factor was based on video and pictures, Susan Smith's kids would not be dead.

I'm sorry, I didn't follow that case. Was Susan's parents ever bashed because people didn't think they loved their grandkids?
My kids pictures tell alot about their lives..JMO

If the Anthony's gave up on Caylee the moment they picked up the car from the towyard, then why did Cindy waste her breath making the 911 calls, after they retrieved the car?
I'm not trying to be snarky, but does this mean you don't think they loved Caylee? Because I disagree. I think they loved her very much.

Heck, the A's could go to jail for what they have done for Casey. What have they ever done for Caylee? What are they doing for Caylee now? Using her to save their butts. They even went as far as to harrass and run people off searching for her.
In every murder case there are family and friends of both the victim and the guilty. These people all grieve but not all these people lie, cover, accuse, and grandstand to cover facts. One should not be able to consider themselves above the law and say ooops when the law is about to call them on it.

I do not hate the A's. They irritate me every time they open their mouthes but it is my choice to listen. I just do not feel they should be given a pass because they finally had the good sense to listen to a clever lawyer. I have no idea if what they have done has risen to the level needed to prosecute. I am not a lawyer. Someone will have to decide.

I will reserve my sympathy for Caylee and the LE officers, CSI, med examiners ect who are forced to deal with this mess.
I'm sorry, I didn't follow that case. Was Susan's parents ever bashed because people didn't think they loved their grandkids?
My kids pictures tell alot about their lives..JMO

The point was that pictures do not tell the true story of how much someone loves a child. The A's including Casey appeared in pictures to love Caylee, and yet one killed her and the others tried to protect her murderer.
No. No immunity. Little Caylee has been found. They didn't care about finding her. They persecuted and threw under the bus anyone who didn't believe or support their "princess gorgeous" daughter (to them). Book em Dan-o.

I disagree strongly with that statement. They wanted her "found". However, they wanted a LIVE Caylee found and that is what they held onto. They were in serious denial and had a bunch of yes men around them. Telling them everything they wanted to hear, feeding them the ridiculous tips of sightings all over the country. Now they appear to have an attorney that IS telling them the truth.
I agree that George is maybe ready to tell the truth but they had their chance.What did they do instead?They lied and manipulated,they went on TV all day long trying to fool the entire world,I can't forget that and I won't.
Do they need privacy now?Oh I understand.What about everything they did so far?They are behaving only because there's no way out anymore.They're trapped.They are not doing the right thing because they are responsible or grieving but because they're scared.

It is sort of like a burglar who sets off an alarm. And when the cops show up and tell him to put up his hands, replies "I want immunity, and in exchange I will tell you how I did it."
Somehow the Anthony's have found the money to pay all their bills these past 5 months, without working, as well as Cindy's rumored Botox injections and purchasing a new wardrobe.

I would think if they can find the money for those things, they can find the money to bury their own granddaughter without asking the rest of us to pay for it FOR them via donations people made to find a missing child.

Where is the proof of this?
I'm sorry, but the A's forgot about three years with Caylee the moment they picked up the car from the towyard. Pictures tell nothing. If the love factor was based on video and pictures, Susan Smith's kids would not be dead.

Excellent post SuziQ and my sentiments exactly. One other point that I would like to add is the fact that no one in that family seems capable of love. Casey is a product of what they made. It's obvious that she was taught no morals and certainly wasn't taught anything at all about responsibility and based on Lee's actions with removing the memorial, the same holds true for him too. We probably don't want to know the truth about what all took place in the days leading up to and after Caylee's death. As I have said many times over, Caylee is the only victim here and unfortunately, there wasn't anyone that could have saved her from this family that she was born in to. Maybe she's better off dead than living with this poor excuse of a family.
Very well put and I agree 100%.
I have not liked everything the A's have done, BUT, I can understand it.
I voted for immunity. I just want the whole truth to come out and this mess to end, so this family can grieve and have closure for the granddaughter they loved so very much.
I think reality is hitting them hard right now and my heart is breaking for them. Once they let all they know and think "go", so to speak, the healing process can begin. I don't think they are ever going to understand why their daughter did this. Who in their right mind could?

Before Caylee was found, their truth could have been invaluable. Not just in prosecuting Casey, but in finding Caylee. Now, now they found Caylee. And I don't think the A's will really contribute in the prosecution of Casey in a significant way. I think LE has that now. The truth? Will it really serve any purpose to know exactly what was said or done? The important things are over, Caylee has been found and the prosecution felt they had enough to charge and prosecute. What the A's may know, just isn't needed any longer.
Where is the proof of this?

There has been lots of talk about it, pictures posted showing before and after, and lots of opinions from people in the cosmetic surgery field that she indeed did have Botox injections. But no hard "proof", that is why I said "RUMORED" in my post.
MOO, a request for immunity means there is something they need immunity for. And not just 'conflicting statements' that may have been made to the public/media.
I say" NO IMMUNITY" they know they are caught. All the evidence in the carpet cleaner/shop vac is going to tell a lot about how clean the car was if nothing else.I see it as a thief is caught red handed. All the things taken from the house on the last search warrent has them worried and I think they should be.

Short version.... "they know their caught."
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