Anthony's expected to release statement UPDATE PRESSER CANCELLED

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DNA Solves
I don't agree that the resemblence to Caylee is striking, but I completely agree that common sense is absent from the process in which we all have come to view the picture of this unnamed little girl playing in a children's area of a populated mall.

Riddle me this, if one were so compelled to secretly take a picture of a child because you were concerned the happy playing girl is one you know to be kidnapped, then pray tell why you wouldn't be equally as interested in taking pictures of the adults monitoring/playing guardian to the child - i.e. the possible kidnappers??

It's an insulting story.

ITA. Florida Mall is the biggest and most crowdest mall in Central FL. It is so huge it takes you an hour or so to walk around the whole thing. On a Sat and Sun it is wall to wall people with thier kids. So how many of those little girls looked like Caylee that day I bet alot. Just that this little girl happen to be the winner.

This doesn't do any good. It is a pic of an innocent girl playing. If the tipster was so concerned they could have gotten security right away and voiced thier concern. Security is everywhere in that mall. IMHO I think someone is going around taking pics for the A's and they are making up these tips. :furious:
I wonder if LE has after asked for an FBI profiler to help figure out a way to get Casey to talk. Just to end this nightmare for everyone. I don't think the detectives can ask her any questions anymore, but perhaps a trained profiler could figure out what makes her tick. Even, perhaps, what makes the whole family dynamic tick.
I wonder if LE has after asked for an FBI profiler to help figure out a way to get Casey to talk. Just to end this nightmare for everyone. I don't think the detectives can ask her any questions anymore, but perhaps a trained profiler could figure out what makes her tick. Even, perhaps, what makes the whole family dynamic tick.

I think this has been discussed in the psychological profile of KC thread.
in the updates there is a comment--they now believe she is/was in orlando and GA will now start investigating --- (I looked at the pic --- don't think so--kinda looks like Caylee but NO...)

When I first clicked on the link, I thought, well, that's the closest resemblance yet. But, when I enlarged the photo, it was obvious to me that it wasn't Caylee. I do think they are holding on to the last little bit of hope that they have left that Caylee may be alive.

I get very angry with these tipsters. I keep saying it but I just can't get past it. Some half blind guy, who refuses to give any useful info.calls in a tip and has the A's all in a frenzy again!! These tipsters have got to be pretty sick themselves. Why would they put a family through this crap if they had no viable information? I would never want someone to hold back "usefull" information in an investigation but "useful" is the key word. If people are following this case enough to know what Caylee looks like, and that KC said she was with a nanny,, then they should know enough that the odds are not good she is alive and they need to be careful. I just have to say again, that these people are being cruel whether they realize it or not!

I feel the same way. Anonymous tipsters calling in frivilous tips to CA is uncalled for. IMO, it just adds to their pain. Each time one of these "tips" come in, it is giving this family false hope - which, IMO, is just wrong!

My friend 'disappeared' (or IMO was murdered) 17.5 years ago and nearly 7 months later, some idiot called his mom pretending to be him and told her that he was alive and would be home soon. Well, now 17.5 years later, he's still not home with his family, but I know in my heart he is Home with the Lord above.

RIP Sweet Caylee - you are singing with the angels now. :blowkiss:
If they plastered my grandchild or child's photo all over the media when it has been confirmed their own is dead and died at the hands of the perp they continue to can bet I would be filing one hellova lawsuit!!!! GRRRRR! How DARE they perpetrate this on an innocent child who has nothing to do with this case!!! What is WRONG with these people?! OMG!
When I first clicked on the link, I thought, well, that's the closest resemblance yet. But, when I enlarged the photo, it was obvious to me that it wasn't Caylee. I do think they are holding on to the last little bit of hope that they have left that Caylee may be alive.

I feel the same way. Anonymous tipsters calling in frivilous tips to CA is uncalled for. IMO, it just adds to their pain. Each time one of these "tips" come in, it is giving this family false hope - which, IMO, is just wrong!

My friend 'disappeared' (or IMO was murdered) 17.5 years ago and nearly 7 months later, some idiot called his mom pretending to be him and told her that he was alive and would be home soon. Well, now 17.5 years later, he's still not home with his family, but I know in my heart he is Home with the Lord above.

RIP Sweet Caylee - you are singing with the angels now. :blowkiss:

Just because the A's are saying the anonymous tipsters are calling in doesn't mean they are. For all we know the A's are taking the pics trying $pin things for reasonable doubt. Hopefully LE is tracking the A's only move and hopefully they followed them to the mall and saw this happening.

They are $pinning the wheels as fast as they can to save KC.
These are grandparents that are hoping for the best, knowing that the "dead Caylee" evidence is not 100%.

I wish others on this forum would also hope for the best and not think the worst (about everything and everyone related to this case!) as well.

I DO hope for the best--believe me I hope and pray every day that by some miracle the Anthony's will begin acting like parents or grandparents and stop sacrificing their innocent grandbaby for their culpable adult child. I hope and pray each morning that CA will find the courage to stop controlling other people so she can begin practicing a little self-control. For every night that Caylee's remains stay lost, I pray that they will finally stop the cycle of fear, the chain of madness, and try to salvage what remains at least of their daughter's life--by helping her to confront the truth. But this isn't the way to go about it. No the games these grandparents are playing w LE and the media are frankly no different than the game their daughter played w LE--Wild Goose Chase. And they have nothing but hype, innuendo, and the power of suggestion w which to mislead LE or sway public opinion or a possible jury pool. So they have mastered the fine art of dropping hints re "sightings," capitalizing on whatever instantaneous media coverage they can grasp to maximize the effect--prior to the invariable letdowns which, like KC's "leads," will never pan out. Harsh, but true. JMO
If they plastered my grandchild or child's photo all over the media when it has been confirmed their own is dead and died at the hands of the perp they continue to can bet I would be filing one hellova lawsuit!!!! GRRRRR! How DARE they perpetrate this on an innocent child who has nothing to do with this case!!! What is WRONG with these people?! OMG!

That makes me so mad too. I just told my dad about it and if someone took my sons picture and did this....OMG they would be dead. It's almost like being a pedophile.

If they plastered my grandchild or child's photo all over the media when it has been confirmed their own is dead and died at the hands of the perp they continue to can bet I would be filing one hellova lawsuit!!!! GRRRRR! How DARE they perpetrate this on an innocent child who has nothing to do with this case!!! What is WRONG with these people?! OMG!

AMEN! I completely agree with you. I think someone has to put a stop to this madness. They can not keep plastering the faces of innocent children on the media because they want to think that their "precious" KC wouldn't harm Caylee. GMAB! If she wanted to protect Caylee, then she would start talking and telling the dang truth this time. IMO, this speaks volumes when the own mother won't work with LE not to mention that the grandmother will accept KC's lies as "mis-truths" and say that there is some truth in her lies. Well, hell, we aren't talking about a runaway dog here, we are talking about an innocent child. This isn't the time for half-truths or mis-truths or whatever she wants to label KC's lies as.

Tonight when hubby and I went out to eat, there was an older couple that came in with a little girl. She was absolutely precious. I asked my hubby if he thought she looked like Caylee and of course he said yes (as do a lot of little girls her age). They sat behind us, so I had a chance to talk to her (knowing that it wasn't Caylee cause I believe in science). She said she was 2 years old and told me her name. She was there with her grandparents. It happens...there are 1000's of little girls that look like Caylee, but they're not her.
I DO hope for the best--believe me I hope and pray every day that by some miracle the Anthony's will begin acting like parents or grandparents and stop sacrificing their innocent granddaughter for their culpable child. I hope and pray each morning that CA will find the courage to stop controlling other people so she can begin practicing a little self-control. I pray every night that Caylee's remains stay lost that they will stop the cycle of fear, the chain of madness, and try to salvage what remains at least of their daughter's life by helping her to confront the truth. But this is not the way to go about it. No--the games these grandparents are playing w LE and the media are no different than the game their daughter played w LE--Wild Goose Chase. And they've nothing but hype, innuendo, and the power of suggestion w which to mislead LE or sway public opinion or a possible jury pool. So they've mastered the fine art of dropping hints about "sightings," capitalizing on whatever instantaneous media coverage they can get to maximize the effect--prior to the invariable letdowns which, like KC's "leads," will never pan out. JMO

Bolded by me. Huh?????
I wonder if LE has after asked for an FBI profiler to help figure out a way to get Casey to talk. Just to end this nightmare for everyone. I don't think the detectives can ask her any questions anymore, but perhaps a trained profiler could figure out what makes her tick. Even, perhaps, what makes the whole family dynamic tick.

What makes the whole family tick?
I'll get back to you when I hear of the next worldwide psychiatrists convention and send them all right over to Hopespring Drive. :crazy:
Bolded by me. Huh?????

Please read it again. And if you still have problems, it was reworded before seeing your post (in anticipation of those who would not read carefully and misinterpret). There was no reason to take this phrase out of context by bolding. I believe it's quite clear from context of entire post what I meant. ETA: "For every night Caylee's remains stay lost..."
Please read it again. And if you still have problems, it was reworded before seeing your post (in anticipation of those who would not read carefully and misinterpret). There was no reason to take this phrase out of context by bolding. I believe it's quite clear from context of entire post what I meant. ETA: "For every night Caylee's remains stay lost..."

I understand what you are saying. Basically that you will be praying every night since she has not been found
I understand what you are saying. Basically that you will be praying every night since she has not been found

Tx Coley yes it would be nice if people slowed down enough to read carefully or at least weren't so quick to misconstrue that they jump on eachother or accuse other posters of the worst--when it is clear what their intent and context of entire message was... lol... :rolleyes:
Thanks for the clarification!:)
Daisy & KiKi:
No problem. Sometimes I have to re-read things about 100 times til I understand peoples wording. :cool2:
OMG....Give me a break. That in no way shape, form, or fashion looks like her. That little girls face is thinner than Caylee's and she looks smaller in height.


From the side the girl looks like my daughter and is wearing a shirt that looks like my daughter's.

(My daughter is asleep in bed though, so I know it is not her.)
I hope whomever's child this is sues them. It's so pathetic they have people driving around looking for Caylee look-a-likes and taking pictures of them.

Someone posted in another thread earlier today, that the A's need to be stopped before they become stalkers and kidnappers themselves. ITA!!!

What's more bizarre, the A's beleiving that little girl looks like Caylee. Or them thinking the public will think the little girl looks like Caylee? More bizarroooooo from Anthony land.
I DO hope for the best--believe me I hope and pray every day that by some miracle the Anthony's will begin acting like parents or grandparents and stop sacrificing their innocent grandbaby for their culpable adult child. I hope and pray each morning that CA will find the courage to stop controlling other people so she can begin practicing a little self-control. For every night that Caylee's remains stay lost, I pray that they will finally stop the cycle of fear, the chain of madness, and try to salvage what remains at least of their daughter's life--by helping her to confront the truth. But this isn't the way to go about it. No the games these grandparents are playing w LE and the media are frankly no different than the game their daughter played w LE--Wild Goose Chase. And they have nothing but hype, innuendo, and the power of suggestion w which to mislead LE or sway public opinion or a possible jury pool. So they have mastered the fine art of dropping hints re "sightings," capitalizing on whatever instantaneous media coverage they can grasp to maximize the effect--prior to the invariable letdowns which, like KC's "leads," will never pan out. Harsh, but true. JMO

Bolded by me.

These are grandparents that are hoping for the best, knowing that the "dead Caylee" evidence is not 100%.

I wish others on this forum would also hope for the best and not think the worst (about everything and everyone related to this case!) as well.

Gonna quote Suzi Orman here:


Hoping for the best is one thing, but denial and obstruction of justice is another. As a grandmom myself, I certainly would hold out in my heart that my granddaughter is alive somewhere, but I also would not be taking the position that CA has. I would kiss anyone's butt that I could who had the capacity to find her. I would be helping instead of hindering that process.

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