Anthony's Seek Full Immunity#2

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Conway says he won't "put them in a room" til he gets full immunity. I really don't like to hear that kind of threat from folks who have obviously done something very wrong in order to seek immunity. It is they who should be begging for whatever they can get, not dictating under what terms they'll tell the truth to LE and before a judge and jury.


I was rather shocked to hear this comment from the lawyer. It sounded so confrontational, a demand rather that a bargin or plea. Are the A's so confident that they should get a 'free pass'? If LE has enough to convict KC WITHOUT their testimony where does that leave the A"S? No safety net and no banked goodwill. Do the A's hold such a winning hand that they can dictate terms here? What do they know or what have they done?
I don't really think the Anthonys have a lot of bargaining power for immunity deals. What are they gonna do if they don't get immunity, get on the stand and either lie or claim the right not to incriminate themselves? Yeah, that'll look GREAT for Casey's defense and even BETTER for their own predicaments -- their own potential jury pools will hear all about their (non)testimony in Casey's trial and will think even more highly of them when their own turns come around.

I think LE has enough to nail Casey without the family's help. Calling them as witnesses only to have them lie and be impeached or refuse to answer would further the impression that Casey is guilty and would help the state. The only bone I can see them throwing the Anthonys is perhaps reduced charges for themselves in exchange for honest testimony (that the state would be aware of in advance, so that the deal would fall through if they didn't comply).

Conway says he won't "put them in a room" til he gets full immunity. I really don't like to hear that kind of threat from folks who have obviously done something very wrong in order to seek immunity. It is they who should be begging for whatever they can get, not dictating under what terms they'll tell the truth to LE and before a judge and jury.

Cindy may finally learn that, for once, she will NOT have the upper hand.

:clap: :clap: Well said!!! :clap: :clap:
I don't really think the Anthonys have a lot of bargaining power for immunity deals. What are they gonna do if they don't get immunity, get on the stand and either lie or claim the right not to incriminate themselves? Yeah, that'll look GREAT for Casey's defense and even BETTER for their own predicaments -- their own potential jury pools will hear all about their (non)testimony in Casey's trial and will think even more highly of them when their own turns come around.

I think LE has enough to nail Casey without the family's help. Calling them as witnesses only to have them lie and be impeached or refuse to answer would further the impression that Casey is guilty and would help the state. The only bone I can see them throwing the Anthonys is perhaps reduced charges for themselves in exchange for honest testimony (that the state would be aware of in advance, so that the deal would fall through if they didn't comply).

Conway says he won't "put them in a room" til he gets full immunity. I really don't like to hear that kind of threat from folks who have obviously done something very wrong in order to seek immunity. It is they who should be begging for whatever they can get, not dictating under what terms they'll tell the truth to LE and before a judge and jury.

Cindy may finally learn that, for once, she will NOT have the upper hand.

I don't think anyone in that family could spell honest if you spotted them the first 5 letters let alone tell you the definition.
I was rather shocked to hear this comment from the lawyer. It sounded so confrontational, a demand rather that a bargin or plea. Are the A's so confident that they should get a 'free pass'? If LE has enough to convict KC WITHOUT their testimony where does that leave the A"S? No safety net and no banked goodwill. Do the A's hold such a winning hand that they can dictate terms here? What do they know or what have they done?

Last time I checked, LE was the only ones holding the cuffs..they should consider thinking of that before demanding anything..
I can't believe this lawyer came out and said this about getting immunity for the A's. What a nightmare this case and the whole family is. I pray Caylee is in the Lord's arms recieving all the love she didn't get here on earth. How terrible this whole story is.

I am now wondering after reading this thread, if Cindy maybe kicked Casey out of the house after the fight, put Caylee to bed, and Casey herself kidnapped Caylee while they all were sleeping. Cindy and George realized after the car was towed, that something they had noticed about the room Caylee was in could implicate Casey, so they cleaned it out, etc. I do believe they were in denial that Casey could kill Caylee, even though the evidence was right in thier face. That cleaning up after her mistakes was so automatic, that they did it even though they really didn't believe she could possibly do such a thing, all the while in the back of thier mind they were afraid she did because they KNEW her. (if that makes sense).
Last time I checked, LE was the only ones holding the cuffs..they should consider thinking of that before demanding anything..

So far, from all I have read/seen the A's have been treated with nothing but respect and kindness by LE. (Wish I could say the A's have returned the favour) But,how long is it before 'grieving grandparents' stops being a 'get out of jail free' card? Surely there is a line somewhere where the laws of the land apply to everyone. Wish we knew how deep GA, CA, and LA are into this.

In future cases, does being related to the victim give you the right to ignore laws? How close a relation qualifies?
I was rather shocked to hear this comment from the lawyer. It sounded so confrontational, a demand rather that a bargin or plea. Are the A's so confident that they should get a 'free pass'? If LE has enough to convict KC WITHOUT their testimony where does that leave the A"S? No safety net and no banked goodwill. Do the A's hold such a winning hand that they can dictate terms here? What do they know or what have they done?

They might have a great hand if the information they haven't yet expressed to LE ties neatly with the prosecution's case. I've seen mention a few times the concept that the prosecution has enough to convict without the A's testimony - IMO if that were the case, George's specific testimony at the grand jury for Casey's indictment wouldn't have been necessary.

LE has, time and again, taken a very professional and ethical high road with this family, even referring to them as "victims" themselves and asking the public to see them that way. If in fact the family has information (certainly by all appearances they may) and that info contradicts some of what they were recorded and swore to the FBI and OCSO were true, then Brad Conway is looking out for them in their best interests. Immunity is used as a bargaining chip to the truth all the time, and frankly I think the family has enough to live with that Caylee is really dead. If immunity is what it takes to expose the truth and bring Caylee's murderer to justice, I think it's a small price to pay.
They might have a great hand if the information they haven't yet expressed to LE ties neatly with the prosecution's case. I've seen mention a few times the concept that the prosecution has enough to convict without the A's testimony - IMO if that were the case, George's specific testimony at the grand jury for Casey's indictment wouldn't have been necessary.

LE has, time and again, taken a very professional and ethical high road with this family, even referring to them as "victims" themselves and asking the public to see them that way. If in fact the family has information (certainly by all appearances they may) and that info contradicts some of what they were recorded and swore to the FBI and OCSO were true, then Brad Conway is looking out for them in their best interests. Immunity is used as a bargaining chip to the truth all the time, and frankly I think the family has enough to live with that Caylee is really dead. If immunity is what it takes to expose the truth and bring Caylee's murderer to justice, I think it's a small price to pay.

Guess I am still idealistic. I have a problem with putting a price tag on the truth. I find it goes against my grain to have someone admit to being untruthful and then demand that everyone just let that slide and believe me now. It's arrogant.

I agree the lawyer is looking out for their best interests and I do want to see the one who took Caylee's life brought to justice. I guess I am choking on the price. sigh

ETA I am not arguing with you, by any means, just expressing my dissapointment with the whole situation.
McSev, I have to agree with you there. If the state truly NEEDS the testimony in order to have a solid case, by all means, they should do whatever it takes to get it. Bringing justice to Caylee is without question the number one goal. Plea deals and offers of immunity are extremely commonplace, as you say, and Conway is looking out for his clients -- I agree.

What I take issue with is the gall of anyone to actually publicly announce that they will tell the truth *only* if they get a free pass (and, depending on what they've done, that could be a huge free pass) when they should have offered the entire truth all throughout for Caylee's sake, and should not have to be guaranteed a free pass in order to speak the truth for HER benefit now. Very unseemly to me the creeps that they have to get something in return for telling the truth when that truth brings justice to their grandbaby. It's overdue. They owe it to her, and they owe it to her unconditionally, IMO.

I do understand it from a legal standpoint and from Conway's perspective, but I think he chose a very poor way to express himself. I like him very much from what I've seen -- I think the Anthonys would have been so much better off if he'd been directing them from the beginning. Of course, they wouldn't heed NeJame, so they probably wouldn't have listened to Conway at that point, either. Seems only now that they're faced with being in trouble themselves are they willing to listen to counsel. (Actually, I think George was ready for that long ago, but his life would've been hell had he not done as Cindy wanted him to do...jmo.)
I'd love to see them arrested because one would probably turn on the other. Most likely CA against GA. That person could get a deal. If it's GA against CA I would have little problem with him getting a deal because I believe his only involvement was to keep his mouth closed. CA on the other hand I believe was involved in a hands on way.

I think the 911 call was genuine. I just think anything that came after that is suspect. I believe they didn't know anything about this and that KC finally came clean during one of her times out of jail.

It's hard to say how deep they're in. It could be very minor stuff or the whole story. Who knows.

I'm thinking that LA is already starting to turn. I believe that he will most likely confess to his part if he can get a deal to keep his parents out of it. But I am not sure that CA will allow him to do that. I wonder if she won't try to throw herself and GA under the bus if she thought she could protect LA.

I believe that any involvement that the A's had in it was after the fact. I do believe that when they first located KC that none of them knew what had happened. But I believe that KC may have told LA while they were waiting on LE and that he told GA and CA sometime after KC went to jail. There was a major shift in CA's attitude soon after KC went to jail.

I believe that after LA found out (before he went to Tony's) that he then took actions to cover up and that he may have continued to do so during his "investigation".

I believe that CA took some actions in the beginning, while she was in denial. But I also believe that she continued to try to cover up after she knew.

I believe that GA has tried to stay straight, but that he also took some actions or made some statements to try to cover.

One thing I am looking for that hasn't been mentioned. This is strictly a theory. Witness intimidation/interference. From what I read I believe that the A's were trying to talk to the people that KC ran with, and I believe that at some point one or all have tried to get the other people to not mention some things they knew. I think that CA and LA are probably the most likely canidates for that.
I'm thinking that LA is already starting to turn. I believe that he will most likely confess to his part if he can get a deal to keep his parents out of it.

I believe that any involvement that the A's had in it was after the fact. I do believe that when they first located KC that none of them knew what had happened. But I believe that KC may have told LA while they were waiting on LE and that he told GA and CA sometime after KC went to jail. There was a major shift in CA's attitude soon after KC went to jail.

I believe that after LA found out (before he went to Tony's) that he then took actions to cover up and that he may have continued to do so during his "investigation".

I believe that CA took some actions in the beginning, while she was in denial. But I also believe that she continued to try to cover up after she knew.

I believe that GA has tried to stay straight, but that he also took some actions or made some statements to try to cover.

One thing I am looking for that hasn't been mentioned. This is strictly a theory. Witness intimidation/interference. From what I read I believe that the A's were trying to talk to the people that KC ran with, and I believe that at some point one or all have tried to get the other people to not mention some things they knew. I think that CA and LA are probably the most likely canidates for that.

CA called a 'meeting of KC's friends' (aka witnesses) at their house right after it broke! I think it's in JG's interview...or one of the other friends. They all had a meeting at the A house with CA.
You know I don't get the idea that they cannot subpoena the A's unless they offer them immunity. It is my understanding (and yes I've been known to be wrong once or twice) but it is my understanding that they can subpoena them, they can question them on the stand, but they cannot force them to incriminate themselves. IOW's they can make them talk about KC's actions, but cannot force them to talk about any actions they themselves have taken that might have been against the law as long as they claim protection under the 5th amendment. Pros can ask the question, but if the A's claim the 5th they cannot continue to question on that particular issue. They can continue to question on other issues however. But as far as I am aware there is no implied immunity for testimony if the person receives a subpoena.

And as far as them being unable to subpoena the A's without offering immunity, they have already subpoenaed GA to testify at the Grand Jury hearing. And if he made any false statements at that time, they can charge him.

My guess is that this is related to the A's statements to police about when they last saw Caylee. If they lied to police about that, and if GA testified to that in the GJ- then the A's were put onto the stand and asked that question.... if the A's told the truth on the stand then they would incriminate themselves. So that would probably be a 5th amendment question. But any other question that they ask them on the stand the A's should be able to answer. Unless they lied about everything.
They might have a great hand if the information they haven't yet expressed to LE ties neatly with the prosecution's case. I've seen mention a few times the concept that the prosecution has enough to convict without the A's testimony - IMO if that were the case, George's specific testimony at the grand jury for Casey's indictment wouldn't have been necessary.

LE has, time and again, taken a very professional and ethical high road with this family, even referring to them as "victims" themselves and asking the public to see them that way. If in fact the family has information (certainly by all appearances they may) and that info contradicts some of what they were recorded and swore to the FBI and OCSO were true, then Brad Conway is looking out for them in their best interests. Immunity is used as a bargaining chip to the truth all the time, and frankly I think the family has enough to live with that Caylee is really dead. If immunity is what it takes to expose the truth and bring Caylee's murderer to justice, I think it's a small price to pay.

That was prior to the body being discovered. Once the prosecution had the body they didn't need GA or CA anymore.
Didn't they not tell us about the fight anyway?

I may not remember correctly but I thought they lied about that too?>

I'm just now getting around to reading all of this thread, and a questions keeps bothering me. How did we find out about the fight at all, if the A's didn't mention it? Is there a link? I've listened to all of the police interviews several times and read the statements, but can't find it.

Can someone help?

Curious Teacher
I'm just now getting around to reading all of this thread, and a questions keeps bothering me. How did we find out about the fight at all, if the A's didn't mention it? Is there a link? I've listened to all of the police interviews several times and read the statements, but can't find it.

Can someone help?

Curious Teacher

I believe LA told LP about it.
I'm thinking that LA is already starting to turn. I believe that he will most likely confess to his part if he can get a deal to keep his parents out of it. But I am not sure that CA will allow him to do that. I wonder if she won't try to throw herself and GA under the bus if she thought she could protect LA.

I believe that any involvement that the A's had in it was after the fact. I do believe that when they first located KC that none of them knew what had happened. But I believe that KC may have told LA while they were waiting on LE and that he told GA and CA sometime after KC went to jail. There was a major shift in CA's attitude soon after KC went to jail.

I believe that after LA found out (before he went to Tony's) that he then took actions to cover up and that he may have continued to do so during his "investigation".

I believe that CA took some actions in the beginning, while she was in denial. But I also believe that she continued to try to cover up after she knew.

I believe that GA has tried to stay straight, but that he also took some actions or made some statements to try to cover.

One thing I am looking for that hasn't been mentioned. This is strictly a theory. Witness intimidation/interference. From what I read I believe that the A's were trying to talk to the people that KC ran with, and I believe that at some point one or all have tried to get the other people to not mention some things they knew. I think that CA and LA are probably the most likely canidates for that.

Mysteriew............your post jogged my memory! The very first week after Casey was arrested and in jail, Cindy's MySpace had a message up that no one was to speak with the media unless they talked to her first. That message was only up for a few days. At that point I felt strongly that Cindy was trying to micro-manage what was revealed publicly.

Later we learned that Cindy and George had some sort of meeting with Casey's friends at their home. Cindy has been very critical of JG and as I remember, he was the first one to speak publicly. There was a report of the car being processed by CSI and in that same report there was an interview with JG, so that had to be in the first week or so.

Amy tried to close her door when media showed up, and Ricardo hasn't said a word. TL has refused to be interviewed. Christina has disappeared. Annie is nowhere to be found. TL's roommate, Clint, was interviewed by Greta.

Either LE has advised all of them not to talk to the media, or Cindy has been effective in making sure none speak to the media. Cindy hasn't been able to control JG and his father, RG, and Cindy and George have made it clear how they feel about JG.
To this day the A's have never admitted to LE or in public that the fight on the 15th happened. All info on it comes from neighbors and CA's relatives.

I think you just answered the question I asked about the fight. Did we learn of it in the e-mails from CA's brother? Is there a link to that, or can it maybe be found on the wftv site? Where would I find the comments from the neighbors about the fight?

Thanks for helping,
Curious Teachers:)
Mysteriew............your post jogged my memory! The very first week after Casey was arrested and in jail, Cindy's MySpace had a message up that no one was to speak with the media unless they talked to her first. That message was only up for a few days. At that point I felt strongly that Cindy was trying to micro-manage what was revealed publicly.

Later we learned that Cindy and George had some sort of meeting with Casey's friends at their home. Cindy has been very critical of JG and as I remember, he was the first one to speak publicly. There was a report of the car being processed by CSI and in that same report there was an interview with JG, so that had to be in the first week or so.

Amy tried to close her door when media showed up, and Ricardo hasn't said a word. TL has refused to be interviewed. Christina has disappeared. Annie is nowhere to be found. TL's roommate, Clint, was interviewed by Greta.

Either LE has advised all of them not to talk to the media, or Cindy has been effective in making sure none speak to the media. Cindy hasn't been able to control JG and his father, RG, and Cindy and George have made it clear how they feel about JG.

That's part of what leads me to believe that witness tampering may have happened. But if it happened, then whoever did it would have had to specifically said not to talk to LE about some or all of it. It isn't illegal to refuse to talk to media or even to lie to the media. But it is very different to tell someone not to tell LE something or not to talk to them or to lie to them.

Also, besides the fact that some people don't want their names being publicly attached to a horrendous situation like this, LE will sometimes ask potential witnesses not to talk to media about things they will be testifying about. So the fact that they aren't talking doesn't mean as much as the alleged attempts to prevent them from talking to media. If they tried to prevent them from talking to media, did they also try to prevent them from talking to LE? I don't know, but I wonder.
I could be wrong but I thought as parents of the accused, they received conferred or implied immunity meaning they could not incriminate themselves but if they do not get the subpoena and testify they are subject to

Pleading the 5th does not prevent attorneys from questioning you, knowing you will not answer. It usually doesn't go well though, because they can question you continually, in such a way that you appear 100% guilty by not answering.
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