GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 1

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"Okland was found inside a model home in West Des Moines, Iowa, last week after being shot by an unknown assailant. The victim is one of more than a hundred in the real estate profession who have been killed on the job since the foreclosure mess began in 2008."

This is eye-opening and terrifying!! 100 real estate professionals have been KILLED on the job since 2008?? This article was written in April 2011, so 100 in less than 4 years!!! Can that be correct?? That is at least 25 a year have died on the job???? Horrifying!! Is anyone else as shocked as I am by this figure??
I don't believe the individual ever intended to buy the house; I believe he intended to abduct Beverly.
That is what I was saying about my experience. It very could be connected to Craigslist, I don't know at this point. Could she have got a response email from a market such as Zillow or Truila? Both locations were in the same vicinity about a foreclosure that didn't require a background check? Both sites indicate what realtor can be called for a showing.. It still could be personal or random at this point with no information other than the texts about drinking. There are two listings. One is going to attract a first time home buyer and the other would be retired, wanting an older home on the lake. The fact that she showed the first one would indicate a no cash deal. I am surprised she didn't get that. Also, as a broker.. she had many people to show these homes. Why her?
Not all of us are completely southern.. I have relatives in PA and in New York. I can tell you that this happening is way too fast for the area though.

Hi Makista!

could you explain what seems to be going so fast?

I like both of the properties and can see why someone would be interested in either one. The one bedroom log cabin is on one acre. You could easily live in the house while you build a bigger place, then sell the one bedroom or rent it out. The other house is older, and HUGE. I think I saw that it was built in 1975 so it probably needs some updates.

What is the listing price for both homes?
How far apart in mileage are they?
And last, can someone repost the hubby's interview link or tell me what post # it is please?

I don't think I could ever be a real estate agent! Too scary! A big kudos from me to all of you brave enough to do this type of work. On a realtor tip site this is one of the "bullet points":

"The criminal can identify ahead of time what house he will be looking at and case it. In at least one rape case, a rapist had an accomplice waiting near the house when he arrived with the agent."

Scary stuff. I hope no one else has already posted this, if so my apologies. (I try not to clutter the thread so mods please feel free to delete. TIA)
What is the listing price for both homes?
How far apart in mileage are they?
And last, can someone repost the hubby's interview link or tell me what post # it is please?


13407 is listed for 89K on half acre (sorry, above I said one acre).
14202, the foreclosure, 5 bed 4 1/2 baths, also half acre. Foreclosure estimate is 157K.
The properties are about 1/2 mile apart. Old River Drive is a long, winding road.
could you explain what seems to be going so fast?
My first thought when reading about this disappearance was that it was too convenient. There is absolutely nothing taken here. From the time she missing, to the pictures on TV, to the vigil to the search was within 48 hours.. Everything was left except for her. This house was a foreclosure or bank-owned for four years... so this wasn't "hot" property and neither was her listing of 89,000. There is a lot of drama for no money here. Her SUV and probably her wedding ring ( don't know) was probably more expensive than her own listing at 89,000.
Sorry if it has already been mentioned but with regards to the text messages, could it have been that it was the husbands phone that was out of range/without signal for a period of time so once it was back on, all three text messages came through at once?
This craigslist thing is interesting. I've wasted time noodling through their dating sites and am amazed at things men post that they think will attract a woman. No woman wants to meet some strange guy in a strange place, or worse yet host him in her house for a onetime stand, and give him free sex and then part ways. No woman wants that for free. That's why prostitution is such a common business. it's extremely likely the poster who wrote that only got whacko replies or no replies at all, and went looking to fulfill that fantasy by surprising someone. Looks like a very good catch to me. And we do hear about men who will drive across the country to have sex with a child he's met online.

Respectfully, this is fundamentally untrue. I have known women who desire the very thing you swear no woman would ever want. Each individual woman has entirely different needs, desires, fantasies, etc., and none of them surprise me set all anymore. And looks have nothing at all to do with it. Some women are simply too ashamed to share there fantasy life with their partner and seek to have said desires fulfilled elsewhere so as to keep their home lives seperate. Again, I say this respectfully - you can only speak for yourself.
I've been thinking about the man spotted at the house who drives a truck. Beverly's husband owns a construction business so I'm thinking that maybe a former disgruntled employee took Beverly as revenge.

I know a lot of people have commented on the lock box missing,and I will give my two cents on that. I listed my house for sale last week. I have never used a realtor so the lock box thing was new to me. My realtor showed me how it worked. It has bluetooth in it and anytime an agent shows the home, they connect their phone app to the box via blue tooth. When they do, it immediately notifies the listing agent who, and what time the box was accessed.

I also think that police have a suspect and thats why they haven't released any details or a "be on the lookout" for a suspect.
Any updates for today? I've searched and couldn't find any - were there searchers out today?
Odd to me that street view on my Google Earth app doesn't show a realtor for sale sign in front of either property. Not sure when the last time Google was through there, but the copyright showed 2014. Very odd, IMO.
I've been looking at someone's profile who seems hinky to me and ran across this truck in the background of one of their photos (people in pic cut out)slate gray extended cab.png....would you say this is a slate gray truck like the one described by a witness? I know it is hard to tell the color from a pic...just throwing this out there for opinions.
I'm sure LE will be thoroughly looking at the husband. It's standard practice in cases to check, double check and triple check the partner. But this feels like it's a stranger abduction to me. Just a gut feeling. Someone has seen this woman, been able to check out her online site, made what seems like a legitimate appointment for a viewing and struck.
Someone has to say it, but this whole thing sounds kind of "hinky". The only persons or person that would have been interested in that house was someone that was retired.

Why would only retired people be interested in the house?

I'm nowhere near retirement age and have looked at a number of very random foreclosures because they're often a great deal. And as a result, they are often a great investment (especially if you get one that needs a lot of work)
So has the realtor that supposedly referred this client to our missing realtor spoken out?

The hubby in the interview said this last known customer came as a "referral" so if so from whom & how much data did they collect before referring?

Usually there's a referral fee collected so often it's important to get a lot of info from a perspective customer before referring out. And why was this customer referred?
I'm a realtor and wouldn't ever get into a client's car unless I knew them well. As experienced as Beverly was, I can't imagine that she would either. I do frequently leave my purse (locked) in the car, but take in my keys, a clipboard with information, and always my cell phone. Also, if I'm not familiar enough with the client(s), I call my husband and describe the person/people and the vehicle when I arrive. After hearing of this tragic event, though, from now on I'll snap a picture of the car as well. I do carry a pistol in my car, but since this has happened with Beverly, we're purchasing a smaller handgun this week that will be with me at all times when showing a vacant home or working with an unfamiliar client. I'm a very trusting person, generally speaking, but it only takes one evil act, and it's just too great of a risk not to be safe rather than sorry.

Get yourself a locked Instagram account, let your husband and maybe a friend know the password to it and when you snap the tag number of the car send it to your locked Instagram account. That way the photo is not public but, God forbid, if anything did happen then they could access this account and find the tag number of the last person you met.
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