AR AR - Cassie Compton, 15, Stuttgart, 14 Sept 2014 #2

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I can't find where LE is doing much of anything at all. I have never followed a case that has been so, so, I can't even find the words. Just radio silence. As if the case does not even exist. Nothing really has come from LE. We have heard from TS (HS mom) and JC (Cassie's mom)

What, if ANYTHING, have we heard from LE? Sorry, not trying to sound snarky, just very frustrated with how little info we have on this girl, her disappearance, what is being done to investigate it, all of it. It's like one big black hole.

I think LE think they know what happened, who is responsible, and where that person currently is, and that's why there's no sense of urgency.
I think LE think they know what happened, who is responsible, and where that person currently is, and that's why there's no sense of urgency.

Entirely possible, but where is Cassie?

Not snarking at you, MzOpiinion8d, just frustrated over this case. We have a "Cassie" (though slightly different spelling) in our family, so I've been following this case.
I totally agree, Opie. We don't have a 'Cassie' in our personal family (I am so greatful for that, and so very sorry for your loss, Opie :( ) but we have acquired MANY in our 'professional' family of SAR.

This may very well be true, MizOpinion.
But personally, I find it absolutely appalling, and an affront to humanity to be quite honest, that local LE considers the assumed murder and disposal of a 15 year old child by someone(s) known to apparently half of the town to be not only commonplace and unremarkable, but not worth the effort investigating.

Is there something we should know about local LE, beyond what we've already gathered from MSM, that would make the local community 'ok' with this sort of response to a perceived violent and homegrown crime? Do we need to be trying to figure out (from MSM sources, of course) if the local community is perhaps fearful of LE, and if so- why?

Because folks, we've got a lot of small town experience with this sort of thing (lets look back at Hailey) and it's just not right.

Something is going on here beyond the disappearance of a child. And I don't know about ya'll....but I want to know what.
Locals, I want to clarify- this is NOT an attack on you, or your community in any way at all. It is genuine deep concern for you and your community.
This is not our first rodeo with this type of situation, unfortunately. And we have come to learn that sometimes outside help is not only wanted, but absolutely neccesary for the continued growth and safety of a community. HTHs explain.
I totally agree, Opie. We don't have a 'Cassie' in our personal family (I am so greatful for that, and so very sorry for your loss, Opie :( ) but we have acquired MANY in our 'professional' family of SAR.

This may very well be true, MizOpinion.
But personally, I find it absolutely appalling, and an affront to humanity to be quite honest, that local LE considers the assumed murder and disposal of a 15 year old child by someone(s) known to apparently half of the town to be not only commonplace and unremarkable, but not worth the effort investigating.

Is there something we should know about local LE, beyond what we've already gathered from MSM, that would make the local community 'ok' with this sort of response to a perceived violent and homegrown crime? Do we need to be trying to figure out (from MSM sources, of course) if the local community is perhaps fearful of LE, and if so- why?

Because folks, we've got a lot of small town experience with this sort of thing (lets look back at Hailey) and it's just not right.

Something is going on here beyond the disappearance of a child. And I don't know about ya'll....but I want to know what.

I do not believe the community is fearful of LE at all... quite the opposite really. Almost everyone I've conversed with over the past few years on any subject related to local LE have agreed that the whole department is a joke. There are a bunch of young LE that still participate in illegal activities with their buddies and then put their uniform on like nothing happened. We just had an officer terminated, facing charges related to controlled substances.
A lot of people around here know him as the cop that sells pills on the side. I completely understand that law enforcement, especially lower level, get crappy pay but still, this is not the side job for law enforcement. I and many others have heard around town that this terminated officer has audio evidence of a higher level LE accepting bribes. It's these kinds of things that have made our community lose faith in our LE. If anyone is fearful it is because they have been warned by a cop buddy that they are being watched because of their illegal dealings or they are afraid that that the next drug dealer that gets snatched up are going to snitch them out. It's a small town, there is always going to be a certain level of the 'good ole boy' system, but it is way out of control here. There are some LE at higher levels that are afraid for their jobs because we have a new mayor about to take office that has promised to clear everything out and start over. It's hard to get good LE here when patrol officers start out getting paid what a grocery bagger does in a larger city. So being fearful is not an issue, complete lack of confidence is the issue. This case should have been handled completely different from the beginning.
I understand, and appreciate the candor STM.

However, with all due respect, a community who believes their local LE is a joke is a community that should be very afraid indeed.

Whatever has happened to Cassie is not good. Cassie could be anyone's child. Anyone's. Missing, endangered, and murdered children come in every color, from every type of background, every type of family, every sex, and every age. It is an epidemic in our country, and if communities have no trust or faith in their own LE community to help prevent is only a matter of time before crime becomes not crime...but a way of life.

And that, imvho, is what has happened in Cassie's case. It's not ok- and it's something the community should be extremely concerned about- and afraid of.

I do certainly hope the new mayor 'cleans up shop.' But Cassie is missing now...and the spiral has well begun. It is only a matter of (very short) time, before violent crime comes knocking at Stuttgart's door again. If Stuttgart can't rely on LE to help their community...and the crime that's aknockin is from within the we say around here, that just ain't good.

ETA- I suppose the jist of this post should state more clearly, a question: what can we do to help not only FIND Cassie, but PREVENT the next Cassie? Because Cassie is everyones' child.
Thank you for that link! Really interesting to see what her area looks like, i cant get over how much space there is around the houses, not like here where everything is crammed together. There doesnt look to be much in the way of streetlights there, would it have been dark at the time she supposedly went missing?

Quite eerie by the way to see the guy on the photo at the bottom of her drive wearing a 'CSI' t-shirt.
What's even worse than the CSI shirt is the guy holding what looks like a scary knife.
Can anyone direct me to where this may have been discussed before? I still have an icky feeling about the older guy, DB, Cassie was posting about on her FB. Her post was Sept 7. His reply on her post was Sept 15, the day after she went missing, as if she was still around when he should have known she wasn't. And HE has not posted since then either.
Additionally another reply about being seen with her was not until Sept 25, 2 1/2 weeks after she disappeared. On Aug 5 he posted that he was talking to her and he "was hoping it went somewhere". Then he posted that he hoped she was ok and that he didn't upset her unintentionally.

It would have been very simple for her to meet up with him after HS dropped her off.

That would explain how a 15 y.o. girl could go buy cigarettes. He's 19.

Has he somehow been eliminated? I just don't remember a discussion about him.


unfortunately he has not been mentioned in MSM as a suspect or POI so that individual is difficult to discuss within TOS. But many of us have wondered the nature of their relationship and how they knew one another, if they travelled in the same circles, etc. It is just hard to go much further than that within the rules.
Yep, something's not right in that town when it comes to LE. But I do think if they were getting more pressure from her mom they might try a little harder. JS doesn't strike me as a very assertive person, so hopefully others can guide her in this aspect of the case.
unfortunately he has not been mentioned in MSM as a suspect or POI so that individual is difficult to discuss within TOS. But many of us have wondered the nature of their relationship and how they knew one another, if they travelled in the same circles, etc. It is just hard to go much further than that within the rules.

Earlier in the threads you'll find a post from a mod to myself stating that DB was in custody when Cassie went missing. I'll see if I can locate it.
unfortunately he has not been mentioned in MSM as a suspect or POI so that individual is difficult to discuss within TOS. But many of us have wondered the nature of their relationship and how they knew one another, if they travelled in the same circles, etc. It is just hard to go much further than that within the rules.

Yes, understood. Well I hope my post is not outside of TOS, I tried to keep it within. I was unsure if he had come up formally so I did not exactly name him.
Earlier in the threads you'll find a post from a mod to myself stating that DB was in custody when Cassie went missing. I'll see if I can locate it.

Do people in jail have access to Facebook? I never thought so.

yes, Admiral.Kolchak, it stinks to high heaven that business of BR calling the S household adking if Cassie was with them when reportedly he saw her arrive home.

I am still very concerned we have another Sydney Nicole Randall here. In that case there were lots of LE updates about eh searching etc. But that was because Sydney's stepfather was MIA and the main suspect. They were hoping to find he and Sydney alive.

In this case, BR is in jail on unrelated charges (trespassing in a vacant house) and it seems there is no urgency at all in the search for Cassie. A very stark contrast to the hundreds who searched daily for weeks in horrible conditions for Sydney.

Even while missing Cassie seems to be just as invisible as she was before she went missing. It hurts my heart for her.

Yes, if i didnt know better, i might suspect he was trying to give the impression cassie hadnt arrived and was pretending that he still thought she may still be at HS house. Kinda like when you lose something and when challenged you say 'i thought you had it last' even though you know damn well you were the one who lost it.

Another thing i just watched was the news report where it shows JC and BR on the porch, and br starts crying in the most forced, and unbelievable fashion. Not in a million years were those tears real, im sure of it. Given these two points, and other circumstances surrounding the role he may have played in that house, it points me to a certain awful conclusion. I just wonder how much her mum knows or suspects about what happened to her.

Its very sad, to see how little people seem to care, but theres nothing we can do to force them to change. Just have to be thankful there are people that DO care and are doing the best they can.
Hey everyone.. I'm doing a vendor show at Wings over Prairie fest today at Stuttgart. I was disappointed that this was the only sign I've seen up so far, but then someone just have me a flyer and told me that Cassie's mom has a booth up.

I'm going to check it out when I can.

TY so much for being eyes and ears on the ground there. :blowkiss: Can I just have a clarification-this is the only poster you have seen? :thud:
I tried a few different things to clean up the report and I don’t think it’s going to work. We either need a photo with better lighting or a copy of the scan. In the mean time I was able to strain my eyes long enough to translate the written portion at the bottom of the report. I hope this helps!

Report time: 9:52am
Report Date: 9/15/14

“On 9/15/14 I met with a Mrs. Judy Compton. She stated that her daughter left her house located at 211 E 1Xth st between 645 and 7XXPM on 9-14-14 and has not returned. Cassie Compton is 15 years old with blonde hair and blue eyes approx.. 10X pounds. Subject was last seen wearing a blue tank top, and teal plaid shorts. Ms. Compton states her daughter has been diagnosed with a mental disorder. Possibly bipolar. “

The X is in places where I can’t read that number for sure. I didn’t want to skew anything in any way. I am not sure that this really changes JCs time frames & gives us a TRUE idea of whether she really means AM or PM when she references and 8 time frame. I think we all realize that we have to look at this and consider both. It appears it could have been either and in order for us to know when she called Cassie we would have to have access to those phone records & we won’t be able to get those. This does however answer a few other questions for us, but creates others. We now know it was JC that filed the report not BR as originally thought. Question is- did he really call & because of who he was, he was ignored. Or was that a farce. We did have a VI say that BR made that report- was that what she was told by JC because she sent him there OR did she say that to cover for herself. .

Respectfully snipped...I have some lingering questions that have evolved into issues with the case for me here fwiw. On 9/15/14 it was Teal plaid shorts. The most recent posters indicate it may be blue jean shorts. Were the plaid shorts found? Why the change?

I think if we get the incident reports via FOIA many of our questions would be answered. If BR called or pedaled madly to SPD the evening of 9/14, there will be a log of it somewhere. The incident reports will also indicate if LE was dispatched to a house for any reason, like...say...a fire. I am still curious about the one STM posted about-it is hard to let that fire at the Compton residence go and I appreciate the information regarding it so much!! It certainly tics another box, even if it was actually a coincidence.

The possibly wider timeline, the evolving description of clothing and/or possessions...all of this makes it harder and harder to narrow down where she might be and what actually belongs to her. I remember early statements which indicated that Cassie's wardrobe was not extensive. This is why the lack of firm description is so puzzling to me, and ultimately heartbreaking.

The possible bi polar thing is just as troubling-she was, she wasnt, the onset was two years prior but she wouldnt take her meds...under any circumstances, that should make her endangered missing. :(
Not sure how it is in america but some prisoners over here (UK) can get access to the internet, satellite tv and a whole plethora of luxuries.

Prisoners over here aren't meant to be able to get the Internet. Those who do manage to get online aren't doing it through legal channels. Some prisoners get smuggled phones but even so prisons have blocking equipment to stop signals.
Prisoners over here aren't meant to be able to get the Internet. Those who do manage to get online aren't doing it through legal channels. Some prisoners get smuggled phones but even so prisons have blocking equipment to stop signals.

Ah, it appears i was wrong then. I was sure i had read an article before where certain categories of prisoners were allowed access. Anyway, in this case I dont think its too relevant, I think whatever happened to cassie came from someone much closer.
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