AR AR - Cassie Compton, 15, Stuttgart, 14 Sept 2014 #5

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And remember...where did that text info source from?
Being that JC and BR are still considered suspects can mods create a thread for what we know about them? I'm thinking its time. Maybe an additional thread for all the things that point to it not being JC or BR?
There is a list here: I made this blog so I feel confident it's safe to link. It is all the information that has come from our discussions, and a few tidbits from beyond WS. I think it needs to be updated, and I would be thankful for any input.
Here's the BIGGEST problem for me. Cassie seems communicative with her mom. They care about each other, and are both seemingly responsive.

If mommy hollered out to Cassie, would Cassie not respond? To me, that lack of response or concern over mommy seems out of character for Cassie. She was a very loving girl. And this alone is why I think the noises JC heard and thought were Cassie were someone else dropping off the stuff.

JC "heard" Cassie leave, BR just said he wasn't in the room and never really specified if he also heard Cassie go out. If he did something to Cassie between 6:30 and 8:00, that's a pretty small window of time to do his deed and hide her. Still then, why did Cassie not respond through the door?

Between you and me, I don't think BR wanted JC to know where he was and left things hanging so she'd think he was home. Now though, it implicates him. Since they have broken up, JC needs to put on her big girl pants, go see him in the pokey, and find out what was up that night. He probably lied to her, which is why they broke up. Now though, he has nothing to lose except his lifelong freedom, so he might be willing to come clean about his whereabouts. I think that if he was on drugs or B&E, or cheating on JC, or any other naughty thing, the consequences will be much less than if he is framed for Cassie's disappearance. Conversely, if JC would agree to go speak to him, she would have to not attack him, not make him defensive, just go for information. And, she seems like a nice lady to me, she should be forgiving if his whereabouts were not related to Cassie's disappearance.

I wish I could go meet JC, or one of her allies/family would talk some sense into here about the power she has here. She holds the key to finding Cassie. And I know it's not popular, but I don't think she did anything to harm Cassie. Certainly not on purpose.
This video is especially bothersome to me, at the 5:00 remaining mark (counter goes backwards) When JC is asked about not being involved in the searches her response gives me chills
"It makes ME feel (pause) terrible like (pause) It makes ME feel like they're trying to take over MY daughter"

Maybe I'm reading her all wrong but I just can't get past the "ME" - this isn't about JC. There were people organizing searches and events for CC - who is missing, she should be eternally grateful. Of course she wasn't involved in the searches, she hadn't been cleared of involvement. Unless I missed it, she cried without tears for the first 10+ minutes of the video.
This video is especially bothersome to me, at the 5:00 remaining mark (counter goes backwards) When JC is asked about not being involved in the searches her response gives me chills
"It makes ME feel (pause) terrible like (pause) It makes ME feel like they're trying to take over MY daughter"

Maybe I'm reading her all wrong but I just can't get past the "ME" - this isn't about JC. There were people organizing searches and events for CC - who is missing, she should be eternally grateful. Of course she wasn't involved in the searches, she hadn't been cleared of involvement. Unless I missed it, she cried without tears for the first 10+ minutes of the video.

That bothers me a lot, too. But then there are a lot of people who make everything about them, sure it makes them look bad but they weren't necessarily involved. They just feel slighted that they aren't getting the attention they think they deserve. In a local missing persons case I have a personal friend who has made the case all about her, like over the top, if you didn't know any better you'd think she'd raised the missing child as her own based on her FB posts.
I think all posting and media appearances by JC have clearly indicated that she is the victim here. That is what has been so frustrating and puzzling for me. Someone needs to get her off of that hamster wheel, but I think we have ample proof that whoever is advising her is not giving her good advice.

The text exchange published in the Letter to the Editor is pure rumor to me, fwiw. I could have written in and claimed it had taken place between Cassie and I kwim? Show me the provider print outs. Show me the screen shots.

Then again, I would settle for the information on the actual phone she was carrying. :(
That bothers me a lot, too. But then there are a lot of people who make everything about them, sure it makes them look bad but they weren't necessarily involved. They just feel slighted that they aren't getting the attention they think they deserve. In a local missing persons case I have a personal friend who has made the case all about her, like over the top, if you didn't know any better you'd think she'd raised the missing child as her own based on her FB posts.

That's a really interesting point, iamnotagolem. I feel like there are literally dozens of people in Cassie's case making the case all about them.

Curious about your local case/friend. Does that person have verifiable information that they would have, if they HAD raised the missing child as their own? Because that's what I'm seeing as lacking in Cassie's case, kwim?
I would never refer to my cars as vehicles. I don't know anyone that lives here that would either. Jmo, but I think the word vehicle is like using soda, pop or coke. Depending on where you live depends on what you use. At my house we have multiple SUVs. If I was referring to one of my cars, that's the word we use, we use the specific one. I would first say, the specific type. Then say car or SUV, but most likely car. Actually even truck. Many people here refer to their SUVs as trucks. Not sure my statements are much help, but my point is everyone everywhere selects different choices of words for different things.
That's a really interesting point, iamnotagolem. I feel like there are literally dozens of people in Cassie's case making the case all about them.

Curious about your local case/friend. Does that person have verifiable information that they would have, if they HAD raised the missing child as their own? Because that's what I'm seeing as lacking in Cassie's case, kwim?

In the case I'm referring to my friend had no inside info, I'm not sure she actually met the missing child.

I agree that anyone who had ACTUALLY had any sort of relationship with Cassie would help this case immensely.

Even her friends or someone who talked to her at the quickie mart on a regular basis could possibly provide insight into Cassie's life. It seems like JC, BR, TS & HS were the only people aware of Cassie's existence prior to her going missing.

It only takes one person to care. When I was in high school a friend of mine was crying at lunch and I asked her why, she said her boyfriend and 3-4 other students were running away and were planning on stopping by one of the kids' house to pick up guns before they left. She didn't want her boyfriend to get in trouble so she wasn't going to tell anyone. Clearly a bad idea, I immediately talked to the principal, who called the police and picked up the kids less than 2 blocks from the school, they weren't even late to class yet. Obviously at the time I had no idea how dangerous the situation could have become, but after following so many cases, I have to wonder how many times in these cases that outliers in the community heard something in passing that could be beneficial in a case but they simply don't want to get involved.

Kids talk, someone somewhere knows where Cassie is, someone knows why she was quiet on that ride, someone knows how she felt about HS, someone knows how she felt about BR, someone knows her home life wasn't ideal.
I would never refer to my cars as vehicles. I don't know anyone that lives here that would either. Jmo, but I think the word vehicle is like using soda, pop or coke. Depending on where you live depends on what you use. At my house we have multiple SUVs. If I was referring to one of my cars, that's the word we use, we use the specific one. I would first say, the specific type. Then say car or SUV, but most likely car. Actually even truck. Many people here refer to their SUVs as trucks. Not sure my statements are much help, but my point is everyone everywhere selects different choices of words for different things.

I agree- we all use different words for different references. Maybe I should have clarified more- it just strikes me as something to observe/make note of when someone changes terms for something very specific that is common usage in their language or dialect or whatever, mid-conversation.

"I drank a soda at about noon....I mean, a pop at about noon. A Coke."
Just an hypothetical. But do you see what I'm talking about?
I agree- we all use different words for different references. Maybe I should have clarified more- it just strikes me as something to observe/make note of when someone changes terms for something very specific that is common usage in their language or dialect or whatever, mid-conversation.

"I drank a soda at about noon....I mean, a pop at about noon. A Coke."
Just an hypothetical. But do you see what I'm talking about?

I absolutely agree with you. Either she was correcting herself b/c she was saying "truck" out of habit b/c that's what he drives, or she was having trouble remembering to keep it generic.
Iamnotagolem, ITA.

It only takes one person. In your high school experience, you were that person- and there is no telling how much of a difference that made, I suppose? but to my mind, probably huge. Intervention at ANY point is important.

What I don't get about Cassie's case is why there looks to be no intervention anywhere- minus a lot of people who have no firsthand knowledge of this child to begin with.

Where are the iamnotagolems here?? I wish one would show up and speak out. :(

Thank you for doing whatever you did, when you did it. It was the right thing to do, and might have saved someone's life.
I absolutely agree with you. Either she was correcting herself b/c she was saying "truck" out of habit b/c that's what he drives, or she was having trouble remembering to keep it generic.

Yes, that's exactly what I was trying to say.
Why the need to keep that specific term generic? It's not as if no one knew what HS drove that night- or even what vehicles are registered to that address.
I wonder if maybe TS was advised to make that sort of comment more speculative, because the vehicle in question might have insurance coverage under a different name, was purchased or leased under a different name, that sort of thing?

Because if a vehicle is possibly involved in the commission of a crime, the first thing LE usually does is check ownership and registration.

I wonder if it's something as simple as HS being pulled over for something, at some point?
Yes, that's exactly what I was trying to say.
Why the need to keep that specific term generic? It's not as if no one knew what HS drove that night- or even what vehicles are registered to that address.
I wonder if maybe TS was advised to make that sort of comment more speculative, because the vehicle in question might have insurance coverage under a different name, was purchased or leased under a different name, that sort of thing?

Because if a vehicle is possibly involved in the commission of a crime, the first thing LE usually does is check ownership and registration.

I wonder if it's something as simple as HS being pulled over for something, at some point?

My thought goes a little different.

Scenario: HS drives a truck, it's his truck, it's really all he every drives. Out of habit mom always says "my son's truck", but in fact he was driving a different vehicle, so she quickly corrects herself to vehicle.

JVM Transcript,

"SNYDER: Cassie`s mom boyfriend actually saw Cassie get out of his truck, walk up the driveway. She did not speak to the mom`s boyfriend at all when she was walking up the driveway and she went into the house. So I brought that up to him and told him that he seen him get out of my son`s -- seen Cassie get out of my son`s vehicle, so he knew she was no longer with him or with us. "
Trying to keep this w/in TOS....

Bleaching/cleaning DNA out of the back of a truck would seem easier than the back of an SUV.
I agree- we all use different words for different references. Maybe I should have clarified more- it just strikes me as something to observe/make note of when someone changes terms for something very specific that is common usage in their language or dialect or whatever, mid-conversation.

"I drank a soda at about noon....I mean, a pop at about noon. A Coke."
Just an hypothetical. But do you see what I'm talking about?

if she said that, it would be weird, but if it is the quote I read, that isn't how it was said. What I read, and I can't copy it, she said truck and then later on said vehicle. I am just not seeing anything wrong with this. Vehicle is description of what it is, just like using the word car..she already explained it is a truck. To me, it's the equivalent of saying, Susie and she. You don't need to keep repeating Susie.

It would be like me saying, the word truck or SUV and then later saying my car. I am not going to continue to repeat, my SUV because you already know what type of car I have, so the proper word choice is car for me or others would be my vehicle or Susie's vehicle. If it is the quote I saw.
Yeah. Except HS was a minor at the time.
Licenses, registrations- heck, even leasing/loaning/buying- are provisional at that age- iirc. I think we might have something way back on a thread about this?

So you might be able to get your license at 14 or 15, 16, 17 depending on usage of the vehicle- but the vehicle ownership itself?- well I guess I don't know.

Hmm. Back to record searching.
My thought goes a little different.

Scenario: HS drives a truck, it's his truck, it's really all he every drives. Out of habit mom always says "my son's truck", but in fact he was driving a different vehicle, so she quickly corrects herself to vehicle.

JVM Transcript,

"SNYDER: Cassie`s mom boyfriend actually saw Cassie get out of his truck, walk up the driveway. She did not speak to the mom`s boyfriend at all when she was walking up the driveway and she went into the house. So I brought that up to him and told him that he seen him get out of my son`s -- seen Cassie get out of my son`s vehicle, so he knew she was no longer with him or with us. "

BUIBBM, I know I'm quoting myself here but every time I read that last sentence I get a little sad b/c it seems Cassie is "no longer with us". :(
if she said that, it would be weird, but if it is the quote I read, that isn't how it was said. What I read, and I can't copy it, she said truck and then later on said vehicle. I am just not seeing anything wrong with this. Vehicle is description of what it is, just like using the word car..she already explained it is a truck. To me, it's the equivalent of saying, Susie and she. You don't need to keep repeating Susie.

Agree to disagree? ;)

Something else though- if we are talking about the media reports and all of that. Why the radio silence after that from TS? If you are ok going on record talking about...stuff...why then go entirely off record?

I am not blaming TS at all- I'm truly wondering who she was/is/has been advised by.
My guess would be TS has been advised by her friend in LE, maybe she was advised to fade from the spotlight.

It seems the easy suspects could still all be innocent.

I can't help but wonder if Cassie did make it home that night and went for cigarettes if someone did pick her up. Is there a serial killer in the area? Where is Bill Gibbs? Are the cases connected?
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