AR AR - Whitehall Motel in El Dorado, WhtFem, 81UFAR, 18-21, Jul'91 - #2 - Kelly from VA

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I just looked up that website we dont talk about *T----* and a lady that worked across the street from her at the video store said she had a bus ticket home and her belongings to be shipped were already paid for.......she said the BF stopped her at the station :( note this is to be considered rumor but how sad :( and I also saw someone say she had a non accent , which is correct.

If her belongs to be shipped were already paid for, wouldn't there have been a shipping address? Or does that mean shipped on the bus she would've been riding on?

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If her belongs to be shipped were already paid for, wouldn't there have been a shipping address? Or does that mean shipped on the bus she would've been riding on?

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Even if true, it might not have been much help if she used one of the aliases they already knew about.
True for the name but she wouldn't use an alias address. The address would have to be a place she knew of.
True for the name but she wouldn't use an alias address. The address would have to be a place she knew of.

Yeah, if she was going "home" that might be useful, but if it was just an apartment she was moving to under one of her known names, it wouldn't tell them anything new. That's all I meant.
Yeah, if she was going "home" that might be useful, but if it was just an apartment she was moving to under one of her known names, it wouldn't tell them anything new. That's all I meant.

I was trying to join that top** disscussion but it would not let me register I tried for hours I just wanted to ask that lady if she knew where home was ???? surely someone had asked, Murderers neice was also on there talking about what a liar he was , so that bit about her Mom and sister never needing to know , and he was keeping the secret because she would never want them to know, probably is BS although I was hoping there was some truth to it , thats why I always thought if she were listed as missing it would be AFTER her murder as he stated he had taken her to see them shortly before her death.
I also found it interesting that he never mentioned a Dad, that is kinda why I bought into the mom and sister, I am so obsessed with finding out who she was, she was so sweet and timid it kills me :banghead:
I was trying to join that top** disscussion but it would not let me register I tried for hours I just wanted to ask that lady if she knew where home was ???? surely someone had asked, Murderers neice was also on there talking about what a liar he was , so that bit about her Mom and sister never needing to know , and he was keeping the secret because she would never want them to know, probably is BS although I was hoping there was some truth to it , thats why I always thought if she were listed as missing it would be AFTER her murder as he stated he had taken her to see them shortly before her death.
I also found it interesting that he never mentioned a Dad, that is kinda why I bought into the mom and sister, I am so obsessed with finding out who she was, she was so sweet and timid it kills me :banghead:

I really wish we could find her, too. Poor girl.
I think it was about 6 years ago I called the detective on Kellys case and he pulled up the doe network file He was sure he had a suspect on kellys case but not enough evidence to charge anyone, he was positive it wasnt her, he seemed so informed on Kelly that I trusted his judgment, but I have not checked to see if she was on the ruleout list, but like I said he was really a sharp guy (unlike many who dont have a clue) but I thought the same Carbuff!!!!:seeya:
This is interesting. I too, several years back contacted the King County guy about this Jane Doe and Kelly Mcguiness. The first time I saw the Jane Doe, being familiar with the Green River case I immediately said, OMG that's Kelly. Others who had read up on Green River (we'd read some Ann Rule in a book club) agreed with me and said the same thing without prompting. He pulled up the doe network file and said he saw no resemblance and that Mcguiness was killed by Ridgeway (ridgeway confessed). I noticed in the interim the pictures of Kelly that used to be up have been cut down to the two that least resemble this Jane Doe, however the post mortem photos really still do show the resemblance.

Has anyone ever approached the Arkansas authorities on this one? I think the Seattle folks may be reluctant to pursue it for fear of it challenging Ridgeway's confessions in any way.
There are some problems with this scenario but I just want to put this out here.
NY - Kelly Eileen Morrissey, 15, Lynbrook, 12 June 1984 - She isn't on the rule out list for JD and does not have DNA listed in Namus (but does have dentals).

Our JD used an alias of:
Kelly Lee Carr

Check this out:
Kelly Eileen Morrissey There is a business that deals in aut0s with that name 7 minutes from where she went missing. I am purposely avoiding using their business name so their customers' web searches don't pop up with this link. They may not appreciate that. :)

I didn't see a good record of how long that business has been established. It was kind of a weird little thing though.

Theoretically it would be real easy for her to remember this alias name.
I think this Jane Doe had blue eyes and Kelly Morrisey ' s eye color is listed as brown.
Glad I noticed this because I was going to submit this to NamUs but I see you already have. Agree with you that this could be a possible match.
MadeaBecBec submitted Kimberly Ann Kahler for me in April 2009 and her DNA was being compared. Did we get the results back yet? Thanks.

04-13-2009, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by molly
Hi - This is my first post so forgive me if I have posted incorrectly.
I've been very touched by this case. I found the following girl missing at age 15 since January 1, 1980 from Venice, Los Angeles, California. Her name is Kimberly Ann Kahler. She would have been 26 in 1991. I don't know how to post a link to side by side photos, but if you check JD morgue pictures and compare it to the center picture on the doenetwork, I think there is a remarkable likeness. Her DNA is in CODIS - does that mean it has already been checked against Jane Doe's DNA in CODIS?

Kimberly Ann Kahler

  • Date Of Birth: January 17, 1964
  • Age at Time of Disappearance: 15 years old
  • Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'8; 145 lbs.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Brown/auburn hair; blue eyes.
  • Marks, Scars: Kahler has a small-sized scar on the left side of one of her lips. She has facial freckles.
  • Dentals: Not available
  • DNA: in CODIS
  • AKA: Kim


Hey Everyone! I received an email today from LASD (Diane M. Harris)Missing Persons Unit, letting us know that DNA is being processed at this time between Jane and Ms. Kahler!!

Glad I noticed your post. Agree with you totally and was going to submit again until I saw this post.
Glad I noticed this because I was going to submit this to NamUs but I see you already have. Agree with you that this could be a possible match.

If your talking about mine (Kelly Morrissey) - I didn't submit that possible anywhere. I just put it out here for public opinion.

Go ahead and submit it if you like it. :)
This is interesting. I too, several years back contacted the King County guy about this Jane Doe and Kelly Mcguiness. The first time I saw the Jane Doe, being familiar with the Green River case I immediately said, OMG that's Kelly. Others who had read up on Green River (we'd read some Ann Rule in a book club) agreed with me and said the same thing without prompting. He pulled up the doe network file and said he saw no resemblance and that Mcguiness was killed by Ridgeway (ridgeway confessed). I noticed in the interim the pictures of Kelly that used to be up have been cut down to the two that least resemble this Jane Doe, however the post mortem photos really still do show the resemblance.

Has anyone ever approached the Arkansas authorities on this one? I think the Seattle folks may be reluctant to pursue it for fear of it challenging Ridgeway's confessions in any way.

I have to agree with the King County guy in that I don't see much resemblance between the morgue photo of the UID and Keli McGinniss. To me, the morgue photo shows a young woman that looks to be in her late teens or early twenties at the very most. Keli would have been 26 in 1991, and her facial features look significantly different to me (the nose, freckles, etc.). Keli seemed more heavy set, and I can't imagine why she would get more youthful looking after being on the run and living that lifestyle for eight years after her disappearance.
I agree about the morgue photos. I wish we had a composite based on those.
I agree about the morgue photos. I wish we had a composite based on those.
Kelly Carr looked just like her photos, you really didnt notice alot of freckles, so a composite is kinda a moot point ?
Her mom could have passed away not long after the visit in Louisiana maybe before she would have realized she hadn't heard from her in a while-never got the chance to report her missing.
Or if she traveled around a lot-which it seems she did in the last few years, maybe mom just figured her daughter didn't want to be contacted-we don't know if they had a rocky relationship or talked daily.
I agree with some earlier posts that she seemed to have grown up middle class and her pictures don't look like a run down addict or alcoholic prostitute stripper. She has sort of a "class" about her. Nice hair, kept it pretty and dyed. Pretty make up. Nicely dressed.
I don't think she was excited about going to Texas to start stripping/dancing or being a prostitute. It just doesn't make sense to me. And she was never arrested under any of her names in any of the other states (that we know of) for prostitution. And there were no drug charges that anyone has found under her aliases.
She seemed sort of "clean cut" (even her diary writings seem very young, sweet and niave.
And then some how i think she met (or hooked up with) James McAlphin (did he go there with Doe and Tyrone? or was McAlphin already in Texas and that is why her and Tyrone were going to Texas?) when she got to Texas under some unfortunate turn of life events and became an abused girlfriend and they needed money and he probably "encouraged" her to apply to be a stripper because it is easy and good $$$. Somehow that led to prostitution to support the two of them (and maybe helping McAlphin rob people- since the petty theft charges-or shoplifting things they needed when they were broke).

Sorry to ramble but thinking out loud and this case makes me crazy.

i think tyrone is probably mcalphin. and i dont think she was excited to go back to the 'ho stroll, i think they were just broke and she wanted some money. i think she was numb to her life at this point. going back out to trick wasnt as ghastly to her because she was used to it.
i think tyrone is probably mcalphin. and i dont think she was excited to go back to the 'ho stroll, i think they were just broke and she wanted some money. i think she was numb to her life at this point. going back out to trick wasnt as ghastly to her because she was used to it.

Im pretty sure Tyrone is McAlphin too
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