Armchair Psych discussion of Jodi Arias

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Am I the only one that sees the little brother as troubled and dark in that picture? Troublesome? jmoo

It's difficult to know. Young men/boys like to look tough or serious in photos. Coaxing a teenager to smile is sometimes difficult when taking family pictures. With their friends, they can look happy and smiley.

Is that boy of age now though? Otherwise the pic should be removed due to his privacy. It was taken four/five years ago. JA has two younger siblings, ten to twelve years younger than herself. One other brother around her same age. I heard that today during the trial. AL said that once the two younger ones came along, JA and her brother were basically left to their own devices.
Jodi's family interaction is curious to me. She has two siblings I think? Neither have been in court although I have read her art is sold through brother's site. Her father has limited attendance and believe I heard he is very sick. She has used them for her domestic violence angle. Do the parents of these women (CA) forgive their children for using them to avoid conviction?

AL testified today that she spoke to various family members and that the father was a controlling type and often derogatory towards his wife. They are still together. If it's true and the father is honest with himself, what's there to forgive? A grown child telling the truth? Anyway, AL interviewed grandparents, aunts and JA's oldest brother to gather context about the family.

JA has three siblings; two much younger and one brother close to her own age according to AL.
Why can't the emails be read word for word then so jurors can judge for themselves? They should be self-explanatory if honest. It's the hidden stuff, on either side, that bothers me in trials. The whole truth and nothing but the truth is a crock as far as evidence goes.
This is the first I'm hearing about pedophile letters - yikes! Did JA supposedly write the letters? If so, wow.

I wish I hadn't missed the first couple weeks of testimony. I came on board when JA was already on the stand. This trial is long with big time lapses. Just when new info is coming out, that I'd like to hear both sides regarding asap, we have to wait four days to get back to testimony.

IDK, they were ruled inadmissable for some reason.

Hopefully Juan will clear it up.

Out of curiosity, have you seen the autopsy pictures?
IDK, they were ruled inadmissable for some reason.

Hopefully Juan will clear it up.

Out of curiosity, have you seen the autopsy pictures?

Sort of. I looked closely at the hand drawn diagram and have seen the real pics on the TV screen but don't have high def TV yet. I haven't seen the naked sex pictures either.

Still, I realize overkill is involved in his murder. JA killed him but why did it come to that? I know nothing excuses her actions but what happened?

It's not like she plucked someone off the street with the intent to harm the person. He actually plucked her out of a conference. There was a dance between the two of them that led to her actions. Overkill is usually indicative of a deep personal rage directed at the victim.
I think AL is a wonderful advocate for domestic abuse. She is knowledgable and likable but hitting for the wrong side of court. Jmo
Sort of. I looked closely at the hand drawn diagram and have seen the real pics on the TV screen but don't have high def TV yet. I haven't seen the naked sex pictures either.

Still, I realize overkill is involved in his murder. JA killed him but why did it come to that? I know nothing excuses her actions but what happened?

It's not like she plucked someone off the street with the intent to harm the person. He actually plucked her out of a conference. There was a dance between the two of them that led to her actions. Overkill is usually indicative of a deep personal rage directed at the victim.

I think looking at the actual autopsy photos is something everyone should do to really understand what she did to him. It's one thing hearing how bad it was. It's another actually seeing it. I became so passionate about this when I actually saw them. His back is all gashed up and the throat wound is the worst I have ever seen. I can't see how anyone can look at them and not want anything but justice for Travis afterwards.

The rage was due to the fact he rejected her. Same reason OJ rage killed Nicole.
I have seen the photos. Only recently did I see the neck injury from overhead angle. They are absolutely horrible and speak to the immensity Of the attack. This women was strong and angry. There are no hesitation cuts they are deep, severe and plenty.
I am very interested in the letter to Jodi saying Travis abused women. Is it possible that Jodi forged the letter. She already was caught forging documents. The scope of her manipulation is vast.
I think looking at the actual autopsy photos is something everyone should do to really understand what she did to him. It's one thing hearing how bad it was. It's another actually seeing it. I became so passionate about this when I actually saw them. His back is all gashed up and the throat wound is the worst I have ever seen. I can't see how anyone can look at them and not want anything but justice for Travis afterwards.

The rage was due to the fact he rejected her. Same reason OJ rage killed Nicole.

I'm having trouble figuring out why I can't accept/feel completely sure as to how I feel about this crime. It's really bugging me. Some crimes I'm so clear about (but still don't like to lash out at all the players on either side) and sickened by what happened to the victim. I mean, I feel sorry for what happened to Travis but I can't completely find it in my heart to trust him. It must have something to do with him claiming to be a religious leader combined with the audio I heard and the fact he could be so naive (not!) about what constitutes as sex. Any man that calls a woman a three hole wonder and a *advertiser censored* kind of becomes dirt under my own feet. I don't care about men like that and I detest blatant hypocrisy. This is a true and the most real explanation I can come up with - something is blocking me from complete understanding of this case.
Am I the only one that sees the little brother as troubled and dark in that picture? Troublesome? jmoo

I've stopped trying to 'see' personalities in photos every since I joined facebook. I see some of my son's friends on there posing like they've just come from prison and then you meet them in real life and they are NOTHING like their photo. :what:

Hard to say.
I am very interested in the letter to Jodi saying Travis abused women. Is it possible that Jodi forged the letter. She already was caught forging documents. The scope of her manipulation is vast.

I think these were emails between the Hughes and TA. TA responded in an email to the Hughes entitled "You've crossed the line" because they had a conversation with JA about TA's background with women and his family. Plus the emails are being protected so that AL is only allowed to sum up what they said - not read them outloud to the jury. During trial today they were referred to as the series of emails between the Hughes and TA.
I'm having trouble figuring out why I can't accept/feel completely sure as to how I feel about this crime. It's really bugging me. Some crimes I'm so clear about (but still don't like to lash out at all the players on either side) and sickened by what happened to the victim. I mean, I feel sorry for what happened to Travis but I can't completely find it in my heart to trust him. It must have something to do with him claiming to be a religious leader combined with the audio I heard and the fact he could be so naive (not!) about what constitutes as sex. Any man that calls a woman a three hole wonder and a *advertiser censored* kind of becomes dirt under my own feet. I don't care about men like that and I detest blatant hypocrisy. This is a true and the most real explanation I can come up with - something is blocking me from complete understanding of this case.

He did not claim to be a religious leader. And yes, maybe he was a hypocrite. But you walk into a church and everyone you run to is a hypocrite. The only time I ever hear of Travis calling her names was when he was furious at her. Sometimes we say things that we don't mean when we're angry. Again, Lisa Daidone did the same thing in her email to Travis and she regrets even writing it. Were some of what he said mean? Sure. But I am quite sure Jodi is not totally innocent in her part in what he said to her. Again, it's been cherry picked.

I think you are not understanding because you are not trying. On the day Jodi says she caught him with child *advertiser censored*, it was proven it could not have happened. They never saw each other that day. The next day when Jodi says he beat her for not loaning him money, it was shown that he actually loaned her money that day. When she busted his BMW, he wasn't even made and was more concerned with her well being. The third gas can Jodi says she returned, she never actually did. It was with her the whole trip. I think you may be looking through a very narrow lens at this case and only seeing things that support the idea that Jodi was the true victim here. You aren't seeing the big picture. Jodi has sat on that stand and lied and lied. But you continue to give more weight to her words than to Travis'.

No matter what, Travis was the victim here. He was the one who was brutally slaughtered. He was the one who escaped with the worst injuries while Jodi escaped relatively unscathed.

Your post made me really sad.
If anyone is sensitive either visually or emotionally do not look st or for these photos. Trust the posts of others to testify to the brutal nature of this crime.
I have severe PTSD, so I can't look at the photos. They are horrific. I scanned through a couple of them not realizing they were going to post the ACTUAL photos of him dead.

I don't think anyone looking at this could disagree that the person who did this REALLY wanted this guy dead. The person responsible was certainly in over-kill mode.

I don't want those images burned into my mind. I still have images in my mind of bloated dead people floating in the water in New Orleans that I saw on TV. Until now, I hadn't thought about them in awhile. An image is very powerful.

When the commercials about animal shelters come on, I have to turn the channel real fast as I can't bear to look into their faces and that they're without a home.
I'm having trouble figuring out why I can't accept/feel completely sure as to how I feel about this crime. It's really bugging me. Some crimes I'm so clear about (but still don't like to lash out at all the players on either side) and sickened by what happened to the victim. I mean, I feel sorry for what happened to Travis but I can't completely find it in my heart to trust him. It must have something to do with him claiming to be a religious leader combined with the audio I heard and the fact he could be so naive (not!) about what constitutes as sex. Any man that calls a woman a three hole wonder and a *advertiser censored* kind of becomes dirt under my own feet. I don't care about men like that and I detest blatant hypocrisy. This is a true and the most real explanation I can come up with - something is blocking me from complete understanding of this case.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Your view of this crime is being clouded by the very simple and very common act of seeing yourself in Jodi's place.

How would YOU feel if a man called you those things? (maybe one has). And in seeing yourself in her place you can sympathize with her plight and therefore POSSIBLY??? justify what she did.

Maybe not quite to the extent to which JA allegedly did this but certainly you can see how it may happen.

Also, you are falling prey to the way JA looks. Whether we like to admit it or not, she looks like a frail, innocent girl. The defense might dress her but that chick knows exactly how to play the part.

I will guarantee that if JA was a heavy set, dirty haired chick sitting up there with a tear drop tattooed at the corner of her eye and the grim reaper tattooed on her neck with her greasy hair slicked back in a pony tail and a tongue piercing, we would all immediately say 'GUILTY'.

But she simply doesn't look hard.

As I say, don't be so hard on yourself, you are viewing all of this remotely through the TV or computer and it's distant from us anyway.
He did not claim to be a religious leader. And yes, maybe he was a hypocrite. But you walk into a church and everyone you run to is a hypocrite. The only time I ever hear of Travis calling her names was when he was furious at her. Sometimes we say things that we don't mean when we're angry. Again, Lisa Daidone did the same thing in her email to Travis and she regrets even writing it. Were some of what he said mean? Sure. But I am quite sure Jodi is not totally innocent in her part in what he said to her. Again, it's been cherry picked.

I think you are not understanding because you are not trying. On the day Jodi says she caught him with child *advertiser censored*, it was proven it could not have happened. They never saw each other that day. The next day when Jodi says he beat her for not loaning him money, it was shown that he actually loaned her money that day. When she busted his BMW, he wasn't even made and was more concerned with her well being. The third gas can Jodi says she returned, she never actually did. It was with her the whole trip. I think you may be looking through a very narrow lens at this case and only seeing things that support the idea that Jodi was the true victim here. You aren't seeing the big picture. Jodi has sat on that stand and lied and lied. But you continue to give more weight to her words than to Travis'.

No matter what, Travis was the victim here. He was the one who was brutally slaughtered. He was the one who escaped with the worst injuries while Jodi escaped relatively unscathed.

Your post made me really sad.

Sorry I made you sad. I feel sad tonight.
Yes, I know I'm still giving weight to JA's words. Even though she's a liar. He's dead and was killed by her. I am trying to understand and know logically she killed him. Everyone isn't a dual person. Some people are, for the most part, honest and don't call their friends ugly names. To say everyone lives as a hypocrite or none of us is perfect doesn't answer whatever it is that I'm grappling with here.
If anyone is sensitive either visually or emotionally do not look st or for these photos. Trust the posts of others to testify to the brutal nature of this crime.

Where were you two days ago when I needed you???:what:
I am sorry I wasn't here 2 days ago to warn you of the sensitive nature of photos.
Sorry I made you sad. I feel sad tonight.
Yes, I know I'm still giving weight to JA's words. Even though she's a liar. He's dead and was killed by her. I am trying to understand and know logically she killed him. Everyone isn't a dual person. Some people are, for the most part, honest and don't call their friends ugly names. To say everyone lives as a hypocrite or none of us is perfect doesn't answer whatever it is that I'm grappling with here.

Trying to apply logic to the motives of a psychopath is no buèno.

On a lighter note mark I on dr.drew commented that jodi's memory makes the rain man envious. Night everyone.
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