ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#23

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I wonder how things are going with the cranky Pastor, Greg..

One can only hope the congregation is obedient in not reading the Courier Mail.
So from your experience, do you think that in his own mind he believes he is innocent (even if he isn't)? Do you think he has convinced himself it didn't happen, or has he convinced himself that somehow Allison deserved it?

Also, do you think he is genuinely surprised that the police and general public believe he did it? I have wondered if he seriously thought that, given his "standing" in the community etc, noone would ever in a million years suspect he would do something like this.

I'm putting him down for a yes on all of these...
BIKERCHIC: Good point. Who encouraged those 3 little girls to do those drawings? May be the Police might be interested in finding that out also. Not necessarily GBC, but someone close to him?

I hope so.

There's two scenarios here that I can think of:

a) GBC is completely innocent of this crime (and whilst releasing drawings to the media is bad taste IMO, it could be understandable)

b) GBC is not only guilty of murder, he's also a bent little p***k without any care and regard for three dear little girls - I'd liken this scenario to psychological child abuse.

I wonder how things are going with the cranky Pastor, Greg..

One can only hope the congregation is obedient in not reading the Courier Mail.

The hypocrite and others like him have a disconnect with reality Trooper, they answer to a higher authority and need not be bothered with earthly goings on......

Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your perspective the police don't have the same chain of command.

In the end they will be judged by their actions and words. Moo

I should have said that in the end they will be judged by both men and their creator..for their actions and words....moo
oh me too. a big fat yes...

He'll say he was provoked. I am pretty sure that the State Prosecutor will counter that with his provoking behaviour... on the record.. the fiscal idiocy, the sexual buffoonery, the dreadful driving.. his refusal to vary his shirts..

I find myself totally disinterested in whatever he has to say now. I want him to maintain his ridiculous silence forever.. nothing he says, not a single thing will have any bearing on reality , on actuality. I cannot think of an explanation that 12 reasonable people will consider as remotely possible, which makes life hard for his barrister, but thats what they get paid * hopefully * the big bucks for..

The only question I want answered is was Allison dead when you buried her, Mr Baden-Clay? and if he says yes, the Prosecutor will bring up his complete lack of qualification to judge death, to pronounce it, to act on it and to then continue to interfere with the remains of Allison. Why was that, Mr BC?
Thanks YoureNicked (love the name too :)) - this is very interesting and I'm sorry you had to deal with someone like this.

So from your experience, do you think that in his own mind he believes he is innocent (even if he isn't)? Do you think he has convinced himself it didn't happen, or has he convinced himself that somehow Allison deserved it?

Also, do you think he is genuinely surprised that the police and general public believe he did it? I have wondered if he seriously thought that, given his "standing" in the community etc, noone would ever in a million years suspect he would do something like this.

Hi Thinking. Thanks for the welcome! Seems like this GBC just rang alarm bells for many of us on here.

First of all, I'm not a trained psychologist but have (like many here who have been 'sucked in' by the baby-faced 'wolves in sheep's clothing' (mixing my metaphors lol) a perceptiveness and fascination with the human mind and how it affects behaviour.

I don't know Gerard personally so cannot make a diagnosis or even answer all of your questions! But, from the experience I had with my own narcissist and knowledge I have gained through lots of reading about this kind of character...They (the narcissist/sociopath) knows they have done wrong but just doesn't care.

An example - 'my' narc was able to admit verbally to people that he had committed adultery but it didn't stop him from continuing to philander and lie. He never told me that he thought I deserved his mistreatment but neither did he say he was sorry for what he had done.

He ('my' narc) knew he had done something that the majority wouldn't approve of (hence his admission of guilt I think...peer pressure and the weight of evidence against him) but he didn't personally feel bad about it (well, not for me, anyway.)

I think he ('my' narc) may have felt he was doing a noble thing by admitting his guilt...but he only admitted it when everyone knew he was a cheater.

The narcissist will say whatever he needs to in order to smooth the road ahead/make his life easier.

Not sure if Gerard admitting he's a murderer will make his life in gaol any better. The legal eagles and law enforcement experts here would be better able to answer that question. :)

As for whether Gerard was genuinely surprised that the community would think he killed Allison....I think if he's a narc (my shorthand for 'narcissist and I DO think he is one) then he would be surprised and more than that, disgusted, that people would think him guilty.

Sorry this was so long-winded. Just MOO of course!
A big hug for you Dark Shadow. :hug: What I'm noticing here with various members revealing their childhood and domestic experiences, is that with all of the negatives they've experienced in their lives, there has come to pass a whole lot more positives from their terrible experiences. I personally revel in the positives I've found.

Maybe one day when Allison's girls are older they may come across these posts and other similar posts and blogs which may be helpful towards a self healing. A gift.

Probably getting a bit off topic now, but your story about your mum promts me to post this poem...<snipped>

Wow , I can see that you are a deeply beautiful person who has turned such a horrible situation around and made sure you and your family are protected and loved. I want to give you a hug you amazing sweet person . Your children are blessed to have such a protective parent xxxxoooo
You have done so well and I am so proud of you and your achievements. Xxoo

Thank you Dark Shadow for sharing your story. I am deeply sorry for these things that happened in your life.......but I am really glad to read about the positive ways that you have dealt with these painful things. It is an encouragement to us all. I also just wanted to add that I am not a "writer". Sorry this is brief.......on my IPhone. All the best as you make "new". In the next generation ...... Your children.......breaking the cycle.

Thank you Makara, Blue Bottle, Aunty and Seeking :grouphug::tyou:.
You have all pointed out the aspects i was attempting to get across with my post; that, despite going through the trauma of a destructive parent, it is possible to rise above it all - hopefully with minimal collateral damage- and become a better person because of it (need a phoenix bird emoticon here, lol)

Aunty, your post brought a tear to my eye :heart:. Thank you for such a heartfelt response - just beautiful.

Anyway, enough about me... this is about those beautiful girls, whose happiness and wellbeing are paramount.

It will definitely be heartbreaking for the darling little girls involved in this tragedy, and they will need to lean heavily on the people who love them, but they will be such strong little fighters eventually, and with the right guidance (which it looks like they have plenty of), they will evolve into well-adjusted, happy adults :)
How about if GBC did do the murder, and then called on his trusty army-trained sister OW. O, O, you have to come over straight away, something terrible has happened. O comes, not knowing what is the problem, then he convinces her to help him. My kids will have no parents if I give myself up, it would kill mum and dad etc etc. O says ok we need to make it look like A killed herself. She is a bit smarter than him, though extremely panicked, and comes up with the idea of changing her clothes etc. Extremely fuzzy on the details of cars, deciding on body disposal etc.

Anyway, it's possible that N and E didn't know what happened. O eventually decides to spill her guts in exchange for immunity from prosecution, and N and E are still none the wiser.

A possibility.

I wasn't aware OW was a POI in this case (re rules of discussion) Please correct me if I'm wrong and apologies if I am.
But, 8 days in isolation in a cell gives one plenty of time to think! I'm also hoping he will plead guilty, but I doubt he will.

I doubt he will too, I think he is a man with a plan.

I think he will play the boo hoo I am having suicidal thoughts card which will keep him in the hospital till his bail hearing. Then he would expect to get bail and get out and be back to business as usual.

Having been married to (and escaped) a psychopathic narcissist myself I have first-hand experience and you have described to a T just how they behave.

And just a note to everyone who thinks or says "How could he do this, especially to his own children?"...A Psychopath has absolutely NO ability to feel empathy for anyone, including his/her own children. Other people are merely something to be used or manipulated to advance their own cause.

Yes, and discarded when they are no longer of any use.

I have also been married to one. Had my day of vindication in the Family Court and watched all these behaviors play out.

Have also had one for a father - he discarded me in his latter years as my ex-husband was supplying him with the attention he craved - he gave my ex-husband power of attorney and put him in wills and so on.

Turned me into someone intrigued by the behavior of Psychopaths and the damage they do to so many people.
BIKERCHIC: Good point. Who encouraged those 3 little girls to do those drawings? May be the Police might be interested in finding that out also. Not necessarily GBC, but someone close to him?

I don't have the link, sorry, but as I recall, those drawings appeared after church one day. Would they have been done by the children at church (Sunday School)?

Maybe someone can confirm.

Thank you for sharing,I can so relate too your story,I have a story so similar too yours.Unfortunatley,for many here it opens up old wounds.We are still the broken child ,all grown up,still caring pain within.
Hey ,don't ever ,ever beat your self up..I use too ,all the time !I have my little funny ways, I'm OCD,I have had addictions,I over protect my four children,I smother them with love,oh I apparently over mother!!! My shrink says thats because ,I make up for my lack of mothering.
Would rather over mother,than never being there for them ,and always let them know they are ,what makes me be that better person.
It can be a times so painful,yet what I have found is ,once you grip the bull by the horns , acknowledge the terrible things that , you have indured as a child,life can be joyful.I no longer blame myself,thinking I was unlovable, and the reason my Mum was the way she was.
You know the other thing ,whats strange ,I married a man that was just like her.Stayed for 22yrs,then the penny dropped.I tried too take my life,him telling me it all your fault ,You turned me into this.Pigs arse I did.I left him ,of course.Since then I haven't looked back.
I still,have love,for my Mum,even though ,she has now passed,she took her life ,a month to the day after my darling father passed.I am still angry,that she did when myself and my children were with her,thats Mum,always had the final say...
I felt saddened after reading your post,just wanted too let you know ,your not alone,YOU TAKE CARE MY FRIEND

ellou, you and i are kindred spirits :hug:
Thank you for sharing this, it warms my heart to know that there are so many strong women out there, who are making the lives of their children so much better than their own. You are all the stars that light the way for your children - Thank you for making the world a better place :)

PS. sorry for all the soppy, mushy stuff... i just feel very proud of you all, lol.
BIKERCHIC: Good point. Who encouraged those 3 little girls to do those drawings? May be the Police might be interested in finding that out also. Not necessarily GBC, but someone close to him?

Maybe the oldest child said to the younger two "Let's draw a message for mummy to come home". Sorry it's not full of intrigue but in MOO :shush:
I wasn't aware OW was a POI in this case (re rules of discussion) Please correct me if I'm wrong and apologies if I am.

As media spokesperson for the family she has put herself out there as much as or if not more so than NBC who you reference as a possible accomplice in your last post.
Gerard will be right at home in prison.. the longer the better.. full of fantasists and scammers, it 's where he was intended to be, really.. All his life has been running on this track, he'll never be short of an audience, and he will be made to be part of the audience as well. He'll be fine. He won't rise to the top in there, and once the long panoply of the trial etc is all over, and it's down to the holding cell , its all over. He will be managed by people for whom Gerard is childs play, there isnt much call for real estate conversations in prison. Not a lot of chapliancy work for Gerard, and very little scout stuff either.. They dont have a Chamber of Commerce in there , so that will be a bit of a dud experience to work with in Cell block J.

A whole new world , a new theatre of aquaintances, new hours of business, and a whole new set of behaviour to be learned, and very quickly , too.
How about if GBC did do the murder, and then called on his trusty army-trained sister OW. O, O, you have to come over straight away, something terrible has happened. O comes, not knowing what is the problem, then he convinces her to help him. My kids will have no parents if I give myself up, it would kill mum and dad etc etc. O says ok we need to make it look like A killed herself. She is a bit smarter than him, though extremely panicked, and comes up with the idea of changing her clothes etc. Extremely fuzzy on the details of cars, deciding on body disposal etc.

Anyway, it's possible that N and E didn't know what happened. O eventually decides to spill her guts in exchange for immunity from prosecution, and N and E are still none the wiser.

A possibility.
Yes I agree very well thought out! :what:

Having been married to (and escaped) a psychopathic narcissist myself I have first-hand experience and you have described to a T just how they behave.

And just a note to everyone who thinks or says "How could he do this, especially to his own children?"...A Psychopath has absolutely NO ability to feel empathy for anyone, including his/her own children. Other people are merely something to be used or manipulated to advance their own cause.

Thought I'd throw my experience into the mix....My ex held a gun to my head (only had to pull the trigger) and I was so worn down I wanted him to.On another occasion he poured petrol around our house and was going to light it with me and my four children in it, broke a bottle over my head and on another occasion a drawer over my head.The list goes on and on and on. One day I backed our truck up to the house loaded what I needed and left with the children in tow. I've never looked back but have forgiven him as he is one sick cookie.Swore I wouldn't tell my story on here but it seems to lend some credibility if you do somehow. My apologies for being off topic.
Thank you Makara, Blue Bottle, Aunty and Seeking :grouphug::tyou:.
You have all pointed out the aspects i was attempting to get across with my post; that, despite going through the trauma of a destructive parent, it is possible to rise above it all - hopefully with minimal collateral damage- and become a better person because of it (need a phoenix bird emoticon here, lol)

Aunty, your post brought a tear to my eye :heart:. Thank you for such a heartfelt response - just beautiful.

Anyway, enough about me... this is about those beautiful girls, whose happiness and wellbeing are paramount.

It will definitely be heartbreaking for the darling little girls involved in this tragedy, and they will need to lean heavily on the people who love them, but they will be such strong little fighters eventually, and with the right guidance (which it looks like they have plenty of), they will evolve into well-adjusted, happy adults :)

I feel such a warmth from you and bless your little cotton socks xxxx hugs
As media spokesperson for the family she has put herself out there as much as or if not more so than NBC who you reference as a possible accomplice in your last post.

Yes I knew that would be referred to but if you re-read I am not accusing him re ?.OW has not been stated as a POI, she has not been seen by a supposedly reputable local, at a bus shelter crying. As far as I can see she has done nothing but bite her lip when facing the media. I bite my lip all the time when I am upset.
I was told I should not discuss anyone but POI as described by the mods. If I am wrong please advise and I will apologise.
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