ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#23

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Gosh, for all we know she might have been in Brissie much earlier than just the Thursday. Who knows - but atleast we know that she was in Brisbane when ABC was murdered. And, yes I do remember hearing/reading OW saying that she spoke to Allison the night before - so must be Wednesday night? ......... and all this talk about channel 7, 9, 10 tv guides from 4pm to 4am on that Wednesday night? Hmmmmmm?

I wonder about the hairdressing thing - don't they normally work late on Wednesdays in the suburbs? I think I the one that is being spoken about is the one I attend and they have late night Wednesdays. I wonder if the media have mixed up the situation and she had a hair app on the Wednesday and then if she wasn't at the X Country maybe the police are concerned no one actually has had contact with ABC since the Wednesday night???
Maybe it could also mean 'altering the body' i.e. causing extra damage to the corpse when /if she was thrown from the bridge. IMO

This link may help. It is Queensland law as at 2009 and unlikely to be changed, so would be applicable now. '2. indecently interferes with or offers any indignity to' - indignity would include moving a corpse form the place of death to another place.
Merely offering another perspective, but he could also be looking back, reflecting, beating himself up and kicking himself for what he has done. Knowing fully well that he can never change what happened no matter how much he thinks or mulls about it.

I am sure the majority of spousal murders are commited in a moment of complete insane outrage by both men and women. Doesn't make it any less awful if it's not premeditated, but would surely bring about much deeper feelings of regret and despair that ,that moment in time has taken away his life and family and nothing will ever be the same ...... and he has forever to think about it. They were in love once.He was probably at the birth of his three children.Remembering that would be enough to destroy him I would think.He will surely be suffering. IMO
Yes, that would be the bluffing possibility.

Have the QPS actually said no more arrests or is this speculation by us or the media? I haven't heard anything at all about it. If no more arrests then what about all the stuff regarding 2 cars being seen together etc etc? The information trail is getting out of control.
Can anyone see similarities between these two faces?



During uni, i undertook a psych/communication subject in which i learnt the basics of body language and facial expressions, and it piqued my interests so much, that i took a course based on the Paul Ekman micro-expression system.

Whilst i am certainly not a professional in this particular field (it takes many years of experience to get even close to the level of Paul Ekman), i feel i have a good grasp on reading facial expressions. However, this is still all IMO:

Anyway, i have analysed the initial interview with the main suspect et al. but i do not feel comfortable posting my opinion about it here, due to sub-judice, but i DO feel OK with analysing these photos, as they are fairly neutral.

In the top photo, can you see how his eyebrows are raised, but drawn in, in the middle? His upper eyelids are also raised, and his lower eyelids are tense. These are classic signs of fear. His mouth is fairly neutral, and i cannot make a determination on this, but i'm sure a more experienced 'expression-reader' would be able to see something here. Pure fear, IMO.

In the bottom pic, His eyebrows are raised, slightly drawn in to the middle. His eyes are wide, but his eyelids are more relaxed. These eyes definitely show surprise! His mouth, see how the corners are ever so slightly tense and pulled back? This is fear.
These expressions could be displayed by both the innocent or the guilty, but that is precisely why i feel comfortable posting this.

I wonder about the hairdressing thing - don't they normally work late on Wednesdays in the suburbs? I think I the one that is being spoken about is the one I attend and they have late night Wednesdays. I wonder if the media have mixed up the situation and she had a hair app on the Wednesday and then if she wasn't at the X Country maybe the police are concerned no one actually has had contact with ABC since the Wednesday night???

As far as I know it's always been late night shopping and hairdressing on Thursdays in Brisbane suburbs, and Friday night in the city.
Stunned locals? Really?

Can I tell you there is still a divided camp out here. Many many people either don't believe or don't want to believe this inevitability. People are in shock that this has happened in our community and that seemingly GBC has carried on for 8 weeks as though nothing has happened. I don't want to believe it but I don't see any other explanation of what's happened that is remotely plausible.
Maybe she told him that previous night that she was leaving...and the kids heard this while watching h.r.puffinstuff....and remember OW said she spoke to her that night and she was 'fine'.......

Maybe stories being told by different people just aren't adding up.......tick tick tick...

I think the police are trying to get as much detail as possible about the few days leading up to the disappearance of ABC, so they can trip someone up even if GBC isn't talking. They will ask the same questions over and over, but sometimes in a different order, or back to front chronologically, or leave something out, or rephrase it etc. It is almost impossible for people to consistently repeat a detailed sequence of events if they are lying without giving something away.

I have a policeman friend who is an investigator and he tells me lots of stuff about how investigators catch people out by this method. He also says he can 'smell' a lie or a criminal without their having to say a thing.
People don't understand the many different forms of domestic violence.
Mothergoose , Your story is horrific and I am amazed that you got yourself and your children out alive.
You are so brave and such an inspiration to all of us. Thank you .
I expect it would be very hard to share your story with us , because opening up that box of memories takes guts.
You have taken another step forward by sharing here and that is a very good thing. Xx
You are precious to us , as we are all sisters affected by DV.
DV is such a false veil that covers the worst type of criminal violence.
You and your children have lived through such terrible trauma and survived.
Gosh , I am humbled by your story. I wish this had never happened to you.
The small amount you have shared here is absolutely horrific and you must carry Huge scars both physically and emotionally.
I can't imagine just how much you have suffered at the hands of such a sick individual .
I am so relieved that you are now safe from such a sick individual.
Hugs to you *advertiser censored*

You sound like a very nice person...thank you. XX
I am feeling the minority here - our home life is harmonius and pleasant. I feel completely gobsmacked that family discontent is so prevalent hugs to you all!

The point I am long-windedly trying to make is that I can imagine it would have been very very difficult for ABC to leave her husband, children aside. I have seen how a bright, intelligent, humorous and life-loving woman can be completely drained of her life energy by these NPD types, and I feel dreadfully for her and others who cannot escape these living hells. However, it is possible with support from loved ones and friends. Maybe ABC was trying to do this and precipitated a crisis who knows?
Blimey Spotted Reptile... it's good that your sister and family finally saw the truth about him. It's understandable that it takes time to figure out how some people are. I find some of these posts helpful, but for very different circumstances to the ones posted here.... so thank you. Like Liadan, I come from a harmonious secure homelife. I describe my family as somewhat airheaded and dysfunctional on the outside, but caring, highly function and supportive with each other and I love them all to pieces.

Having said that, I think at this stage it is only assumed by some that Gerard possibly has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. ? I've not so far come across any mainstream media reports which allude to that nor to any other medical afflictions he may have. Same like I have not read (mainstream) that there was domestic violence in their home. But then, who knows what lurks privately behind many a door?

I guess that time possibly will tell how true this is during the trial because I'm almost sure that if there was DV involved and if he truely is Narcissistic, those traits will come out by what he will say in self defence when in court.
I hope he isn't bailed, BreakingNews. Parasites, even alleged ones, should be kept away from the wider community IMO.

Not all alleged criminals are actually guilty. I think it is disgusting that people have to be on remand for up to 24 months. Imagine the ones placed in there that are actually innocent or guilty of much lesser crime? Something needs to be done quickly. Being on remand for more than a month or two is IMO not acceptable and even perhaps a violation of human rights.
Hello all, this is my first post on the forum so hope I don't muck it up! I've finally read through all the threads !!! Amazing how many dedicated and passionate people here who want to see the right thing done for the children's sake and ABC's memory. God bless you all.

I have a little story about Narcissistic Personality Disorders too -my sister recently escaped from hers and I am sorry to say we were all completely taken in by him - I, my dad, other siblings all thought he was the best thing that had happened to her. Turns out only she knew what she had gotten into after the first year and it got progressively worse. He was an emotional abuser and blackmailer, he made everything her fault, put her down at every opportunity, told her she was too fat, too hysterical, too emotional, too stupid, etc etc you all get the drift. Nothing was ever his fault, despite the fact that he hadn't made a go of his life at all, but just liked to sponge off whatever woman he could deceive and get under his thumb for as long as possible. He humiliated her in front of others to make him seem more of a macho man, (he was a little weed in appearance) and to validate himself in his own eyes I guess.

My sister tried to tell us how she had made a dreadful mistake, but to my shame we told her she should stick with him as he was such a great guy. Eventually the pennies started dropping and we found out the truth, then she left him and he started to blackmail her for money he said she owed him - all untrue. He told her he had cancer and was broke from treatment - also untrue. He harassed her at work - luckily she worked for a family court lawyer so she was in good hands!

He is despicable and totally calculating and nothing is ever his fault, he has such a high opinion of himself, yet underneath I think he is very insecure. NPD seem to be like that. They love themselves, but they hate themselves as well. Isn't that weird?

The point I am long-windedly trying to make is that I can imagine it would have been very very difficult for ABC to leave her husband, children aside. I have seen how a bright, intelligent, humorous and life-loving woman can be completely drained of her life energy by these NPD types, and I feel dreadfully for her and others who cannot escape these living hells. However, it is possible with support from loved ones and friends. Maybe ABC was trying to do this and precipitated a crisis who knows? Justice needs to be done and seen to be done, I am so glad I have found this forum where people are doing the good things that need to be done to right this terrible wrong.

I would also like to ask a question - what is the significance of the sunflowers? You all seem to have these as avatars - were they a favourite of ABC's or is there another significance?
Hi and welcome. Glad to hear your sister is now safe and has escaped from her abusive ex partner.
Some of us have left sunflowers at the Kholo bridge and one poster has made a beautiful yellow sunflower laden cross as a more permanent reminder of where Allison was found. One of us recognized this as a suitable flower to represent Allison. The sunflower is such a lovely open bright bloom. Perhaps a symbol of unity in justice for Allison?
Blimey Spotted Reptile... it's good that your sister and family finally saw the truth about him. I find some of these posts helpful, but for very different circumstances to the ones posted here.... Like Liadan, I come from a harmonious secure homelife. I describe my family as somewhat airheaded and dysfunctional on the outside, but caring, highly function and supportive with each other and I love them all to pieces.

Having said that, I think at this stage it is only assumed by some that Gerard possibly has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. ? I've not so far come across any mainstream media reports which allude to that nor to any other medical afflictions he may have. Same like I have not read (mainstream) that there was domestic violence in their home. But then, who knows what lurks privately behind many a door?

I guess that time possibly will tell how true this is during the trial because I'm almost sure that if there was DV involved and if he truely is Narcissistic, those traits will come out by what he will say in self defence when in court.

I'm certain that his legal advice would be to never say anything in his own defence. His thought processes will not be represented in the defence his legal team gives him. It will all be tactical. In my opinion, from watching fictional law shows since the 80s, and following real court cases.
GBC also still has his Twitter account.!/settlewestside

He has 40 something followers but is only following two people. A female financial advisor and ABC Radio Brisbane, which gives a talkback telephone number. Perhaps GBC should give them a call and tell them what he knows. :banghead:

Perhaps he used the financial advisor to help him with his money woes and he listened to ABC Talkback radio to hear what people were saying about him?

But the talk of the female financial advisor rings a bell. I recall a member something a while back on this forum about GBC knowing a female financial advisor. Wouldn't know how to track it back though. Just thought it was interesting.
I wonder about the hairdressing thing - don't they normally work late on Wednesdays in the suburbs? I think I the one that is being spoken about is the one I attend and they have late night Wednesdays. I wonder if the media have mixed up the situation and she had a hair app on the Wednesday and then if she wasn't at the X Country maybe the police are concerned no one actually has had contact with ABC since the Wednesday night???

Allison picked up the girls from school on Thursday and later went to the hairdressers. It has been confirmed by several people who knew her and have clarified this for us here.
Wondering, what does "remand" mean? This word is not used in US courts...TIA
Perhaps he used the financial advisor to help him with his money woes and he listened to ABC Talkback radio to hear what people were saying about him?

But the talk of the female financial advisor rings a bell. I recall a member something a while back on this forum about GBC knowing a female financial advisor. Wouldn't know how to track it back though. Just thought it was interesting.

Hey YoureNicked :seeya: (that sounds funny. :floorlaugh: Wonder if QPS said that to GBC? :what:) There was mention of a female financial advisor being questioned by police and her home searched and computer etc. confiscated. As nothing about this has come out in mainstream media, I feel it will be relegated to the rumour basket. Also Websleuth's TOR do not allow us to sleuth her at this stage.
That sounds quite feasible. I know drawings by children are used to gauge children's psychological trauma ( by professionals in certain cases) too.I have been involved in this area for over 20 years. But I am now retired.

I question the appropriateness of anyone releasing the children's drawings of their missing mum. Drawings like these deserve the same respect as children's private conversations with adults they trust.
Glad you are here with us. Thanks for your post.
I hope your sister has been able to heal.
It is common for friends and relatives to believe the narcissist stories.
Don't feel bad. You were not to know.
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