ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#23

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Gerard will be right at home in prison.. the longer the better.. full of fantasists and scammers, it 's where he was intended to be, really.. All his life has been running on this track, he'll never be short of an audience, and he will be made to be part of the audience as well. He'll be fine. He won't rise to the top in there, and once the long panoply of the trial etc is all over, and it's down to the holding cell , its all over. He will be managed by people for whom Gerard is childs play, there isnt much call for real estate conversations in prison. Not a lot of chapliancy work for Gerard, and very little scout stuff either.. They dont have a Chamber of Commerce in there , so that will be a bit of a dud experience to work with in Cell block J.

A whole new world , a new theatre of aquaintances, new hours of business, and a whole new set of behaviour to be learned, and very quickly , too.

Look he will set a precedent and sell houses from prison. Online.:jail:
He will haVe prison clients . He will also rub shoulders with some other white collar poll lies sitting in there.
It will be "Business as usual" :jail:
I don't have the link, sorry, but as I recall, those drawings appeared after church one day. Would they have been done by the children at church (Sunday School)?

Maybe someone can confirm.


That sounds quite feasible. I know drawings by children are used to gauge children's psychological trauma ( by professionals in certain cases) too.I have been involved in this area for over 20 years. But I am now retired.
Yes, and I wonder who has access/manages his account?? You cannot have more friends unless someone is accepting the friend's requests .. and we know it is not GBC!

It looks like all his previous friends have been reinstated and the option to Add Friend is longer available, perhaps someone is reviewing his account IMO
Ohh Gawd - the things you gals and guys have endured. I am shocked, saddened but so impressed that you all can open your hearts to feel for Allison and her 3 gems. It just goes to show what love in life can actually do.

I am feeling the minority here - our home life is harmonius and pleasant. I feel completely gobsmacked that family discontent is so prevalent hugs to you all! I guess- you don't pick your family but you can pick your friends. So I am hoping that you all have the bestest ever friends that can lend an ear, a helping hand and most of all loads of love to help share the heartache!

Back on topic - OW do you think her small 4wd could have been the one at the Kholo Creek? It was kinda blue - I would have said more black-grey but at a stretch it could lookc dk blue at night maybe? Now she has been confirmed as being here on Thursday all day it seems she had the means to be at Kholo with GBC.

I am thinking GBC told OW that ABC was depressed and left for a walk and that she was totally unstable. I don't know if OW knew about TM perhaps EBC and NBC were close to TM because she was a work buddy at C21. So painting their house after the floods was not seen as something GBC and TM undertook together per se but something that TM volunteered to do to help her work colleagues. That way OW would not be sus at all about the relationship between Tm and GBC. And if GBC (the consumate liar) protrayed ABC as over the edge and being quite depressed, manic and paranoid then of course OW would make a plea for gorgeous ABC to be returned if someone came across her because she would be completely unaware of her environment had she indeed wandered off. Then OW is feeling GBC's pain, he is responsible for his wife and she has gone and left her 3 kids because of this depressive state - it would even anger OW that this is happening to GBC.

But then this doesn't fit with her being at the bridge - what could have GBC told her that would not make her run to the police with information.
Hi SpratsMum - I have emailed and asked WebSleuths to verify me as an insider. I am a Brookfield local Mum and my daughters attend the school with the B-C girls. Quite a few of my other Brookfield Mum friends read this forum and told me about it. I had not heard about it before (probably because none of us had been so close to such a horrific crime before). I did not know the B-Cs very well - I would classify them as acquaintances.

As for the school cross-country - as a mum I would have loved to have attended but as I work I was unable to attend - perhaps Allison also had something she had to do on that day? However she did pick the girls up on the Thursday from the school.
Hope this clarifies my statement somewhat

thank you XYzquestions and welcome. Between you and Ferris you put to rest a couple of questions that we had all been discussing over a number of weeks.

Are the girls and their friends alright? It must be very hard for the young children around them to understand what has happened, gosh most of us can't understand or believe it and that is why we are one here.

A question though and I hope I am not being rude, do you know if the girls were at home on the Thursday night or did Allison take them to the GBC. Somebody told me that the girls had dancing lessons on the Thursday afternoon, and I have wondered whether that was what Allison meant by saying to the hairdresser "that she had the evening off"

Thank you and welcome again
It definitely could be possible for a narcissistic personality, or someone who has NFI, to be not expecting public opinion to be against him.

He would have been surrounded by his family who supported him, he would have only gone out in public with his girls (and people aren't going to say anything to him or be less than nice with his girls there), he might have thought people would be disgusted at the way the media were picking on him, he may never have had experiences where people were against him, he possibly thought he had done his networking and PR at the Brookfield show, he thought he did a good job at the funeral and he thought his longstanding respect in the community, and his long resume would make people think he was a fine upstanding man, not to mention the impeccable family connections.

He may only be able to see himself through his own eyes, and not the eyes of others.

And like a lot of seasoned liars, he has started to believe his own lies.

This is hypothetical, if he is guilty.
I don't believe he will be bailed. So there goes his phone company's revenue.
I wonder if he thinks about Allison at all? Or does he just think about himself and the awful situation he is in and how it is impacting on him and his future. Interesting from a psychological perspective - I do really wonder what he is thinking.

Maybe angrily blaming the victim for his situation.
Surely bail would not be granted on the charge of interfering with a corpse??

I can cope with a murderer walking around , yapping on his cell phone, but I draw the line at a corpse interferer strolling around. Beyond the Pale.

In my opinion (and I stress that), people may be misinterpreting the "interfering with a corpse" aspect. It can just mean touching, moving, perhaps even putting other clothes on the body.
So, could an accessory be charged with interfering with a corpse? For helping move a body?
I have found 7 news video that DNA was needed in relation to scratches on GBCs ( face and chest) no longer rumour and may have been mentioned already

Thanks for report - not seen this one before. Also mentions 'every' television station in the Brisbane area being asked for programme scheduling from 18th Aptil to 19th April. This could indicate that there was some sort of disruption at the Brookfield home on 18th April (Wednesday) from 4.00pm onwards. (Could also account for ABCs absence in not taking children to school that next day and not being at the cross country sports, although picking the children up at end of school on Thursday). Possible argument or violence the night preceding and she may have been unwell or suffering from lack of sleep earlier on the Thursday. Appears that the matter escalated on the Thursday night in the absence of the children, resulting in her death.
It looks like all his previous friends have been reinstated and the option to Add Friend is longer available, perhaps someone is reviewing his account IMO

GBC also still has his Twitter account.!/settlewestside

He has 40 something followers but is only following two people. A female financial advisor and ABC Radio Brisbane, which gives a talkback telephone number. Perhaps GBC should give them a call and tell them what he knows. :banghead:
Look he will set a precedent and sell houses from prison. Online.:jail:
He will haVe prison clients . He will also rub shoulders with some other white collar poll lies sitting in there.
It will be "Business as usual" :jail:

Aunty, from what I understand I don't believe that they have internet access in prison. If they do it would be very minimal and restricted....perhaps a limited time, and certainly not in their cell, maybe in a prison library. I don't believe that they could maintain a Facebook account or anything like that either.

Does anyone know how to make my THANKS button work consistently? There are many I would like to THANK but I am rarely able to. Dark Shadow thanks for your thanks.....:blushing:
In my opinion (and I stress that), people may be misinterpreting the "interfering with a corpse" aspect. It can just mean touching, moving, perhaps even putting other clothes on the body.

Maybe it could also mean 'altering the body' i.e. causing extra damage to the corpse when /if she was thrown from the bridge. IMO
Maybe angrily blaming the victim for his situation
Merely offering another perspective, but he could also be looking back, reflecting, beating himself up and kicking himself for what he has done. Knowing fully well that he can never change what happened no matter how much he thinks or mulls about it.
Thought I'd throw my experience into the mix....My ex held a gun to my head (only had to pull the trigger) and I was so worn down I wanted him to_On another occasion he poured petrol around our house and was going to light it with me and my four children in it, broke a bottle over my head and on another occasion a drawer over my head.The list goes on and on and on. One day I backed our truck up to the house loaded what I needed and left with the children in tow. I've never looked back but have forgiven him as he is one sick cookie.Swore I wouldn't tell my story on here but it seems to lend some credibility if you do somehow. My apologies for being off topic.

People don't understand the many different forms of domestic violence.
Mothergoose , Your story is horrific and I am amazed that you got yourself and your children out alive.
You are so brave and such an inspiration to all of us. Thank you .
I expect it would be very hard to share your story with us , because opening up that box of memories takes guts.
You have taken another step forward by sharing here and that is a very good thing. Xx
You are precious to us , as we are all sisters affected by DV.
DV is such a false veil that covers the worst type of criminal violence.
You and your children have lived through such terrible trauma and survived.
Gosh , I am humbled by your story. I wish this had never happened to you.
The small amount you have shared here is absolutely horrific and you must carry Huge scars both physically and emotionally.
I can't imagine just how much you have suffered at the hands of such a sick individual .
I am so relieved that you are now safe from such a sick individual.
Hugs to you *advertiser censored*
Hello all, this is my first post on the forum so hope I don't muck it up! I've finally read through all the threads !!! Amazing how many dedicated and passionate people here who want to see the right thing done for the children's sake and ABC's memory. God bless you all.

I have a little story about Narcissistic Personality Disorders too -my sister recently escaped from hers and I am sorry to say we were all completely taken in by him - I, my dad, other siblings all thought he was the best thing that had happened to her. Turns out only she knew what she had gotten into after the first year and it got progressively worse. He was an emotional abuser and blackmailer, he made everything her fault, put her down at every opportunity, told her she was too fat, too hysterical, too emotional, too stupid, etc etc you all get the drift. Nothing was ever his fault, despite the fact that he hadn't made a go of his life at all, but just liked to sponge off whatever woman he could deceive and get under his thumb for as long as possible. He humiliated her in front of others to make him seem more of a macho man, (he was a little weed in appearance) and to validate himself in his own eyes I guess.

My sister tried to tell us how she had made a dreadful mistake, but to my shame we told her she should stick with him as he was such a great guy. Eventually the pennies started dropping and we found out the truth, then she left him and he started to blackmail her for money he said she owed him - all untrue. He told her he had cancer and was broke from treatment - also untrue. He harassed her at work - luckily she worked for a family court lawyer so she was in good hands!

He is despicable and totally calculating and nothing is ever his fault, he has such a high opinion of himself, yet underneath I think he is very insecure. NPD seem to be like that. They love themselves, but they hate themselves as well. Isn't that weird?

The point I am long-windedly trying to make is that I can imagine it would have been very very difficult for ABC to leave her husband, children aside. I have seen how a bright, intelligent, humorous and life-loving woman can be completely drained of her life energy by these NPD types, and I feel dreadfully for her and others who cannot escape these living hells. However, it is possible with support from loved ones and friends. Maybe ABC was trying to do this and precipitated a crisis who knows? Justice needs to be done and seen to be done, I am so glad I have found this forum where people are doing the good things that need to be done to right this terrible wrong.

I would also like to ask a question - what is the significance of the sunflowers? You all seem to have these as avatars - were they a favourite of ABC's or is there another significance?
Thanks for report - not seen this one before. Also mentions 'every' television station in the Brisbane area being asked for programme scheduling from 18th Aptil to 19th April. This could indicate that there was some sort of disruption at the Brookfield home on 18th April (Wednesday) from 4.00pm onwards. (Could also account for ABCs absence in not taking children to school that next day and not being at the cross country sports, although picking the children up at end of school on Thursday). Possible argument or violence the night preceding and she may have been unwell or suffering from lack of sleep earlier on the Thursday. Appears that the matter escalated on the Thursday night in the absence of the children, resulting in her death.

Maybe she told him that previous night that she was leaving...and the kids heard this while watching h.r.puffinstuff....and remember OW said she spoke to her that night and she was 'fine'.......

Maybe stories being told by different people just aren't adding up.......tick tick tick...
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