ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#23

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I don't think that would happen - if GBC is suicidal they will watch him very very closely. The police would want a conviction, not a dead suspect.

I am no legal eagle, but I doubt he will get bail. Firstly what has he got as surety, secondly this is such a high profile case and he is the "face" of the crime, the prosecutors wouldn't want him in the community were he could hamper the case, there seems to be little precedent with accused murderers to be released on bail and the question of the girls would come into a bail consideration. There would be a public outcry if the girls returned to their dad.

It really doesn t matter one iota what everyone thinks, his Bail Application will be assessed on its merits according to Law and precedent, IMO it would not be the first time the QPS have jumped too quickly in a Murder Investigation
IMO only
Thanks for that info, CaseClosed. What I meant though (apologies for not being more clear) was, are conditions in the Medical Unit where GBC is reportedly staying, similar to those in a normal cell? Would he have more freedom in the medical sector? Does he share a ward with other men or would he have his own room in the Medical Unit?

I've never visited a prison (thankfully!!), but from the pics in the second link I guided you to, it appears that it's not isolation like in a a cell, but a shared ward with hospital beds.
Me either, he is starting to remind me of Josh Powell, creepy feeling....

If he is displaying suicidal behavior, then this would work against him, I think we believe what we are being told, if his Legal team were in charge of media, it would be a completely different persona quoted
If the evidence is ALL circumstantial and the second charge will only hold if GBC is found guilty of the first (this murder) I would say he has a good chance of bail given his pretty slick legal team. IMO

If he does get bail, then I have no confidence in getting a conviction at the trial!
. As time goes on, the only part I now see a BC member as playing in this situation... is the possibility that one of them tipped off police in regard to GBC's increasingly worrying behaviour...this could possibly have happened when they visited her recently. It would be horrible to think that this person was being vilified unfairly, especially if it turns out they actually helped QPS reach the point of laying charges.

This is possible as MSM informed that QPolice had been speaking with family members earlier in the week.
I hope his suicidal behaviour doesn't influence them to let him out on bail.

Because I think I wouldn't like him to be around his kids if he is like this. Possible murder suicide scenario.

If GBC is examined and assessed as being "suicidal" he would have to be admitted to a mental health facility. There would be a duty of care involved I would think.They could't just release him without treatment and follow up and/or supervision if this was the case. MOO
Yes, these facilities are quite modern compared to other places. But IMO they are too good for criminals!

Totally agree! Here they would probably go out of their way to stay in such a nice place, lol The govenor in Arizona should be an example for all )
MUM73: ...'As time goes on, the only part I now see a BC member as playing in this situation... is the possibility that one of them tipped off police in regard to GBC's increasingly worrying behaviour...this could possibly have happened when they visited her recently. It would be horrible to think that this person was being vilified unfairly, especially if it turns out they actually helped QPS reach the point of laying charges.'

This is possible as MSM informed Police had been speaking with family members earlier in the week.

this worrying behaviour you speak of, would play no part in what has transpired, eg if you were a suspect in a crime and you had a fight, would that be enough for your liberty to be taken away, I don t think so, nows its a game, what is the evidence, show me what u have
I am speaking now as a mother: I don't think the Dickies will allow the children to be interviewed. I think their foremost concern now is the wellbeing of the girls, and not what will happen to the murderer. They might decide to take the risk of certain potential evidence (any info the kids might have) never be known, for the sake of the sanity of the girls.

i disagree, if i was in their position i would allow the kids to be interviewed. my parents have also said they would allow them to be interviewed, and i told them that i would expect them too.

if they don't allow it, then they cannot complain if he is not convicted. that is their dilemma.

Totally agree! Here they would probably go out of their way to stay in such a nice place, lol The govenor in Arizona should be an example for all )

Treat people like animals they will behave like animals?
Gerard will be right at home in prison.. the longer the better.. full of fantasists and scammers, it 's where he was intended to be, really.. All his life has been running on this track, he'll never be short of an audience, and he will be made to be part of the audience as well. He'll be fine. He won't rise to the top in there, and once the long panoply of the trial etc is all over, and it's down to the holding cell , its all over. He will be managed by people for whom Gerard is childs play, there isnt much call for real estate conversations in prison. Not a lot of chapliancy work for Gerard, and very little scout stuff either.. They dont have a Chamber of Commerce in there , so that will be a bit of a dud experience to work with in Cell block J.

A whole new world , a new theatre of aquaintances, new hours of business, and a whole new set of behaviour to be learned, and very quickly , too.

I couldnt agree with you more Trooper.

(i have a pile of posts I want to reply to but dont know if I will get to them before this thread is closed. My husband worked 90 hours this week so I need to give him my time)
i disagree, if i was in their position i would allow the kids to be interviewed. my parents have also said they would allow them to be interviewed, and i told them that i would expect them too.

if they don't allow it, then they cannot complain if he is not convicted. that is their dilemma.


Their dilemmma is much much more complex, ultimately the Family Court will decide the childrens situation, not any media or social media or QPS, The Family ourt would examine all the evidence of where their best interests lay, not if anyone is convicted of a crime, I would never in a million years let my children give evidence in a murder trial
If he does get bail, then I have no confidence in getting a conviction at the trial!

I agree......I really believe the bail decision will come down to how incriminating the presented evidence is and whether it is deemed substantial enough for a conviction. IMO
If he is displaying suicidal behavior, then this would work against him, I think we believe what we are being told, if his Legal team were in charge of media, it would be a completely different persona quoted

I think once his lawyers spend some time with him and tell him the suicidal act prob wont do him any good with his bail prospects,I bet his mood improves.
Treat people like animals they will behave like animals?

Prison in Qld is a relatively comfortable enviroment physically, its the surrounding prisoners and moods that errupt that make it a harsh and tough place to endure
i disagree, if i was in their position i would allow the kids to be interviewed. my parents have also said they would allow them to be interviewed, and i told them that i would expect them too.

if they don't allow it, then they cannot complain if he is not convicted. that is their dilemma.


I would never allow my child (of the ages these 3 girls are) to be interviewed or similar.
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