Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #10

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I never suggested it wasn't morally wrong, I just noted that it doesn't necessarily lead to murder. It's quite a leap IMO. I think we are wrong to make such judgements of people. I hope for the sake of the children that the affair was the worst thing their father did..

It's not a leap if you take into account the other facts and that it is now reported it is central to investigations. No, not a leap on it's own, but it's not on it's own, is it? I don't know if anyone here actually said that having an affair per se leads to murder. Maybe the police have a different way of looking at it - as they do look for motive, and would be irresponsible if they didnt take it into account along with the financial and business issues.
You guys are on fire tonight, I've got scrollers finger again, SLOW
Went to get a bowl of ice-cream and there were 2 new threads!!

Ps. This post is relevant because everyone likes ice-cream

And we must be behaving as no stern warnings from the mods, not like last night.
Just a thought as to whether the letterbox woman is TM or not - do we know if she (TM) is left or right handed? The letterbox woman is carrying her handbag over her left shoulder and is holding her keys in her left hand. I know I always hold my car keys in my dominant hand - it would feel bizarre (as would a handbag) if I held it in my other hand. Just a thought anyway!

If you Google TM there is a photo that gives the impression she is quite tall. its not full length but she is much taller than the woman standing next to her. The woman at the letterbox looks like she could be TM in the face and hair colouring, but she is quite short.
Its so hard to know....In her profile photo, she looks thinner and has lots of make up on. The letterbox shows the face a little more rounder and no makeup...Profile photo may be from 2008-2009....and letterbox shot we know as 2012....So it could be weight gain.....or we may be barking up the wrong tree.

Tried to post before so hopefully this is not a rePeat! Letterbox woman is carrying her handbag over her left shoulder and holding her car keys in her left hand. I'm right handed and always hold my keys in my dominant hand - doing otherwise would just feel bizarre! So maybe(I'm guessing) letterbox lady is left handed??? Do we know if TM was left or right handed?? Just an idea!
If you Google TM there is a photo that gives the impression she is quite tall. its not full length but she is much taller than the woman standing next to her. The woman at the letterbox looks like she could be TM in the face and hair colouring, but she is quite short.

I don't think she looks that short in the video she is about the same height at EBC and she is no petite little thing.
It's not a leap if you take into account the other facts and that it is now reported it is central to investigations. No, not a leap on it's own, but it's not on it's own, is it? I don't know if anyone here actually said that having an affair per se leads to murder. Maybe the police have a different way of looking at it - as they do look for motive, and would be irresponsible if they didnt take it into account along with the financial and business issues.

Money and passion two top motives for hundreds of years. Police always look for them as possible motive.
If you Google TM there is a photo that gives the impression she is quite tall. its not full length but she is much taller than the woman standing next to her. The woman at the letterbox looks like she could be TM in the face and hair colouring, but she is quite short.

Hee hee Hee and when you google the Tahitian Prince Joel you will see that Toni M was at his fake perfume launch.
If you Google TM there is a photo that gives the impression she is quite tall. its not full length but she is much taller than the woman standing next to her. The woman at the letterbox looks like she could be TM in the face and hair colouring, but she is quite short.

I know what you're saying but in the video do you think, as they approach the letterbox TM??? takes a step down?? Maybe onto the pavement or road?? Clutching at straws to find anything interesting to talk about now! ;-)
Arhh yes, blame the other woman, the evil one. The sneaky lady of the night who steals and leads the poor helpless married man astray.

So in reverse, does that make a man who has an affair with a married woman selfish and ruthless too, capable of anything? Two married people who have an affair.. what does it make them?

It takes two consenting adults to have an affair and people have all sorts of reasons why they have affairs, relationships as well as the dynamics in a marriage can change over time and I don't believe that all who cheat on their spouses are selfish or only think about themselves.

Strewth... The Moral Police... I better shut my gob before I say anything I may regret.

People who have affairs break their marriage vows of fidelity, and they constantly lie to hide it from their partners. When the partners find out, as they often do, they are usually devastated and feel very betrayed among other things. Thus, it can be said that people who have affairs are not above being dishonest on a regular basis, hurting others, and telling multiple lies. That doesn't make them murderers, but it does say a lot about their integrity. No one forces a person to stay in a marriage, and there is often one who has been deceived who is very much in love with their partner.
Its so hard to know....In her profile photo, she looks thinner and has lots of make up on. The letterbox shows the face a little more rounder and no makeup...Profile photo may be from 2008-2009....and letterbox shot we know as 2012....So it could be weight gain.....or we may be barking up the wrong tree.

I will try and post photo of person who I think is the same person as at the letterbox. May be able to gauge her height in the bottom left hand frame where she is almost fully upright at the car.


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And as an aside, right back in the early threads when you guys were talking Toni as a possible suspect in the affair I thought you didn't know her name and were just using the initials T.M. as an acronym to stand for "The Mistress"!

" The Sunday Mail was this week told police seized a third car relating to the murder of Mrs Baden-Clay.

It is understood the car was seized for mechanical examination by the Forensic Crash Unit after Mr Baden-Clay crashed it near the Indooroopilly Shopping Centre bus terminal on Sunday, April 22.

The car, a friend's vehicle, is believed to have been handed back to general duty police. "

feels like a climax! hopefully an arrest is next..
I will try and post photo of person who I think is the same person as at the letterbox. May be able to gauge her height in the bottom left hand frame where she is almost fully upright at the car.

I think it is TM as the hair is parted/falls to the same side as it does in the Courier-Mail pic.......and I think there is a reason why the pics and video of this particular visitor to the Baden-Clay House was/is so prominent throughout the media. They have had many other visitors but you won't find still images of them still all over the media image websites. I think they are holding the images for future reference.
" The Sunday Mail was this week told police seized a third car relating to the murder of Mrs Baden-Clay.

It is understood the car was seized for mechanical examination by the Forensic Crash Unit after Mr Baden-Clay crashed it near the Indooroopilly Shopping Centre bus terminal on Sunday, April 22.

The car, a friend's vehicle, is believed to have been handed back to general duty police. "

feels like a climax! hopefully an arrest is next..

There is no rush, better to collect all the evidence needed for a solid case.

A Conviction is more important than an arrest.
I will try and post photo of person who I think is the same person as at the letterbox. May be able to gauge her height in the bottom left hand frame where she is almost fully upright at the car.

That woman is about my height and I'm 5.5. Someone said TM was almost 6 feet tall. I also think TM looks better than the woman in the photo, but I might be totally wrong.
That woman is about my height and I'm 5.5. Someone said TM was almost 6 feet tall. I also think TM looks better than the woman in the photo, but I might be totally wrong.

We all look better with hair and makeup and photo editing lol.
That woman is about my height and I'm 5.5. Someone said TM was almost 6 feet tall. I also think TM looks better than the woman in the photo, but I might be totally wrong.

The person who said she was about 6ft saw her at Open Houses they didn't actually know her. So maybe she had very high heels on then as she was working, and now she is just in flats in that video.

I can't go past the resemblence in the face, yes she is make up free and her hair isn't done but to me in the face it looks like her
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